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1、签证108问修订版含答案目录签证108问 2Part 1 Visa for What 2Part 2 Why this program(换专业的同学更应该好好准备这个问题) 3Part 3 Why this university 4Part 4 Why choose USA 6Part 5 Study plan(非常重要,这是判断是否有移民倾向的关键) 6Part 6 Education Experience 8Part 7 Work Experience 8Part 8 Immigration Decline 9Part 9 Costs 10Part 10 T/G Test 11Part 1

2、1 Chat 12Part 12 Hobby 13签证108问说明:1、该答案经本人及几位生活在美国的朋友反复修改,既要考虑答案的合理性,又要考虑语言的口语体,可谓呕心沥血,易稿无数,希望能对诸位有所帮助。2、从网上下的108问顺序比较杂乱,本人删减了个别重复的和意思不明的问题,新添了一些问题,并做了大致归类。分类有不当之处,见谅!可能问题已经超出108个,但考虑到大家已经习惯这个称谓,故未改名称。3、签证时要尽量简洁明了地回答问题,但又忌讳沉默、无话可说的情景,所以本人的宗旨是尽量把答案写长,但要明确哪些该说,哪些可说可不说。文中凡是蓝色字体的句子,均属于“打破沉默句”。:)4、提问频率最高

3、的还是why this program, why this university, why choose America, 以及financial support,career plan 等问题。所以应该把重点放在对这些问题的准备上。5、刷黄色的部分为新添加的问题。6、镇定和微笑是最重要的。Part 1 Visa for What1) What will you study in the United States? 2) What will you do in USA?3) What do you want to study in USA?I will study Accounting at

4、 * University. Its located in *州名*.4) Are you going to study in USA?Yes, I will study Accounting at * University. Its located in *州名*.5) What is your purpose for the visa?I want to pursue a Master Degree in Accounting at * University. Its located in *州名*.6) What will you do if you dont get this visa

5、?Well, I think you are so kind and you will give me the visa. But if you fail me, Im sure I will try for another time. I really want to be educated there and one time failure wont make me give up.(黑体部分为回答时应加重音以示强调的单词)7) How long will you study in USA?It will take around two years.Why does the I-20 s

6、ay the program is around 36 months?Thats the duration of my program. It can be finished in 24 months if I take courses in the summer semester. Actually, most students can make it within 2 years. 8) What will you study in this major? What courses? I will take courses like Corporate Accounting, Cost A

7、ccounting, Auditing, Income taxation, Accounting Information System, and other related courses. I will also take some business related courses, such as financial management, and marketing, Which course do you think is the most difficult one?I think Accounting Information System is the most difficult

8、 one, according to those who have taken it. But I will work hard on it, no matter how difficult it is.横线部分随便填个课名就行了,因为这个原因可以以不变应万变。举一反三,问题也可能被换成the most interest one 之类的。9) Who is your advisor?My advisor is Dr. *. Shes the chair of the Accounting department.(这里稍微介绍一下是应该的,不能光说个名字就完了。)Part 2 Why this

9、program(换专业的同学更应该好好准备这个问题)1) Why do you like your major?2) Why do you change your major?Well, there are several reasons.(回答时条理一定要清晰,一二三四说清楚。)Firstly, it has something to do with my current job. I am a * project manager, Im responsible for developing budgets and performing cost benefit analysis on *

10、projects. In my work, I found its really amazing(这个单词只有重读才能有效果) to understand the big financial picture of a company by simply knowing a few numbers. Secondly, its because of my husband(你可以换成别人嘛,亲戚、朋友) Hes a certified public valuer, and he often says that: “Accounting is the language of the business

11、 world”. After he found out my interest in Accounting, he took me to seminars and encouraged me to read some books. And then, my interest in accounting grows stronger. Thats why I want to pursue a master degree in Accounting and become a professional. (其实一般不用回答这么长,签证官也等不了那么久。:)4) Why do you want to

12、pursue a masters degree?5) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master degree now? (工作后再上学的人更应该准备这个问题)After eight years work, I feel that my life is filled with routines: same work, same subway, and same faces. I want new things to refresh myself. Besides, a Master Degree of America will ma

13、ke me more competitive. 横线部分的答案很充分,最好接着谈自己的职业规划,毕业后想从事什么工作等等。Its never too old to learn.(必要时可以把这句名言用上)6) Whats the difference between your major now and the major in USA? My bachelor major was *. It focuses on *. I took courses like *, *, and *, etc. These courses are helpful for my study in the fut

14、ure because *.The major in USA is accounting. It deals with numbers and calculations. 7) How do you understand accounting?(任何一个专业都有可能问到这个问题。如果你对所学专业研究的并不深,没关系,只要在维基百科中搜索一下专业名称,立刻会有满满一大篇的介绍,学科分支、流派、发展、研究方向、相关书籍等一清二楚,稍微整理一下答案就出来了。)Briefly, its a science of dealing with numbers. The purpose of accounti

15、ng is to provide the financial information for economic decision making. Accountancy is a branch of mathematical science, and its widely used in business. Today accounting is called “the language of business”. It has two classifications: management accounting and financial accounting. The former is

16、used to provide financial information to interior persons like employees, managers, and owner-managers. The latter is used to provide financial information to external parties, such as shareholders, and creditors.Accounting, the easy way is a popular book for beginners. It has been published the 4th

17、 edition. Im interested in the case study part of the book. I really learned a lot from this book. The public accountant, usually an employee of a CPA firm, is employed as an independent contractor by a business to perform an auditing function: to review the accounting system used by the business, c

18、heck the correctness of financial statements, and give an opinion. The private accountant, usually employed by a business, records business activities and prepares periodic financial statements.8) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? My major is accounting. I will focus o

19、n Financial Accounting.Why?The main purpose of financial accounting is to prepare financial reports regarding the performance of a firm for external persons, such as investors, creditors, and tax authorities. Im interested in it.(简单介绍一下专业方向后再以横线上的答案结尾就行了,interest简直是个万能理由。)Part 3 Why this university1

20、) How do you know this Univ.? A friend of mine graduated from there 2 years ago. She strongly recommended * University to me. She told me that its a big public university with excellent resources and diversified student groups. Its full of great opportunities for students to learn and to grow. (这些溢美

21、之词可以适用于任何学校。) Besides, its located in a quiet small town. People there are really nice. (如果你的学校在大城市,你就说那里交通便利、设施先进之类的。)So what does your friend do now?(这就是有朋友在美国的弊端了。本来不想这么回答,可是我在申请学校的时候提过朋友推荐,担心签证官会看到这些信息,只好实话实说。)Shes nursing her baby in California, because her husband works in the Silicon Valley.

22、She follows her husband.(硅谷当然是华人多了,妇从夫也是很充分的理由,避免签证官认为你会像你的朋友一样留北京。不过我说的这些都是事实,千万别撒谎,后果太严重。) 2) Why do you choose this Univ.? A friend of mine graduated from there 2 years ago. She strongly recommended it to me. So I checked its website and found their master of accounting program fits me well. Its

23、designed for students interested in accounting, auditing and taxation, even if one doesnt have any related bachelor degree, like me. Moreover, its a big public university with excellent resources and diversified student groups. Its full of great opportunities for students to learn and to grow. Besid

24、es, its located in a quiet small town. People there are really nice. So I applied for this Univ. and got admission.3)How much do you know about the university?Its a large public university with * years of history. Its located in *, near *. (把你所知道的学校的情况全说出来,尽量有条理一些。)Therefore, I believe I will enjoy

25、studying at * in the future.4) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else? The University of Texas in Austin is the top one in accounting program. The Accounting program in Warton Business College and UIUC are among the top too. So why didnt you apply these schools? (绝不能是因为不自信、竞争太

26、激烈、学费太贵等原因,虽然可能这是事实)I dont think ranking is themostimportantfactor to consider when applying universities. I just want to join a university that fits me most. I believe * is such a university.5) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I have applied

27、2 universities: * and *. Both of them admit me. Would you like to see the admission letters?Why just applied two universities?(申请的太少会被这么问,申请的太多可能会被问为什么申请那么多)I was working full time and didnt have time to apply more universities. Besides, no matter how many universities you have applied, you can only

28、 choose one to go to.(我很喜欢这个答案:)6) Is * the first university to give you the offer? Yes.Part 4 Why choose USA1) Why do you want to study in USA? 2) Why do you want go to the United States for further study? 3) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?4) Many universities in the China offer first-rate

29、graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?I think that the best education is in America. Although some Chinese students go to Canada, Australia, or UK for further study, but the universities of America remains the first choice for Chinese students to join in. Mean

30、while, I can improve my English skills, broaden my horizon, and enrich myself. I believe I can benefit a lot from this valuable experience. (只能谈美国的教育多么多么好,自己多么渴望接受这样的教育,能获得什么样的收益。不要说美国的其他方面多么好,或者中国的教育多么不好,会被怀疑移民倾向的。)Part 5 Study plan(非常重要,这是判断是否有移民倾向的关键)1) Do you want to get CPA in America? No, I wi

31、ll get CPA in China. Because I want to develop my career in China, so the CPA of China will be more helpful. Besides, it normally takes 1 year to pass the CPA exams in the US, which means in addition to the 2 years of graduate study, I will have to stay in the US for one more year if I wanna get CPA there. I dont want to be separated with my husband for too long. Then why do you want to get a Master of Accounting in America?I think the best education is in America. Although some Chinese students go to Canada, Australia, or UK for further study, but the universities of America remains the f

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