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1、五年级下册英语Unit1 34课时教案 湖源中小教学设计表 第 一 单元第 三 节_年级_备课教学设计 备课人 教学设计个性化补充教学内容Read and write make a survey教学目标1. Enable the students to be able to master the dialogue in this lesson. 2. Help the students to interview some one just as the dialogue in the book.教学重难点 1. four-skill sentence patterns: When do you

2、 ? I usually 2. New sentence patterns: Can I ask you some questions? What do you do? I am a. What does your father/motherdo? She/Hes a. Thank you for telling me about your day.教、学具准备1. The recorder together with its tape. 2. The overhead projector.教学过程设计一、Warm-up and revision 1. Listen to a song: We

3、ekend 2. Free-talkWhen do you go to school? I usually go to school at. When do you do morning exercises? I do morning exercises at. 通过歌曲和谈话开始英语教学,既有效又可活跃课堂气氛。 3. Time-show 课件出示很多时间,并有意识的排放成morningnoonafternoonevening, 让学生读出这些时间,为本节课的语篇阅读打下基础。然后让学生观察,并为这些时间分段:in the morningafternoonevening, at noon.这

4、里可以很直观的让学生理解 at noon 就是中午12点。接着在这些时间的前面出现动词短语,让学生说句子: I usually get up at 6:30. 并不是所有的动词短语都给出,其余的可以让学生自由谈论。二、Presentation 1. Present a new timetable-Miss Huangs timetable: 课件出示一张老师的时间表,学生可以根据自己想了解的情况提问老师教学过程设计个性化补充Miss Huang, when do you get up? Miss Huang, when do you go to work? Miss Huang, when d

5、o you play sports? 老师的信息学生是很感兴趣的,这样就可以激发学生提问的兴趣,达到语言运用的目的。 2. OK. This is my timetable. I have a friend; he usually gets up at noon. He goes to work at 9:00 pm. 教师一边描述,课件一边呈现这个奇怪的朋友的信息,让学生觉得很好奇。最后老师提问; What does he do? 他是做什么的? 让学生带着好奇和疑问来进行今天的学习。三、Read and write 1. Play the tape and let the students

6、 to listen to the dialogue. Listen and try to answer: When does he go to work? When does he go home? Check the answers. 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs. 3. Ask some pairs to act it out. 学生通过听-读, 知道这个朋友是一名警察,然后根据对话内容完成一张表格。这可以有效的帮助学生掌握对话的主要内容。然后进行对话的转述: Im a_. I usually go to work at_ in the evenin

7、g. So I _ at 7:00 in the evening. And I go home at 5:00 _. I _ at 6:00 and get up at_. I usually_ at 3:00_. This is my timetable! 学生可以根据对话完成填空。填空式的练习可以降低难度,让学生对长对话和语篇不再感到害怕。四、Consolidation Get the students to write something about their days.课后反思 湖源中小教学设计表 第 一 单元第 四 节_年级_备课教学设计 备课人 教学设计个性化补充教学内容Lets

8、 learn Good to know教学目标1. 知识目标:(1) 听、说、读、写动词短语:climb mountain, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking。(2) 学会运用句子What do you do on the weekend?及回答I often2. 能力目标:(1) 能听说读写要求掌握的短语。(2) 能使用句型What do you do on the weekend?及回答I often来问答周末活动。(3) 能听懂、说、做Lets chant中的句子和动作。3.情感策略、文化等有关目标:(1

9、) 注重培养学生学习的愿望,鼓励学生参与实践活动。(2) 鼓励学生积极做有意义的活动。教学重难点1. 教学重点:掌握四会动词短语climb mountain, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking。2. 教学难点:句子What do you do on the weekend?及回答I often 。教、学具准备单词卡片、录音机、磁带、教学课件。教学过程设计Step 1 Warm-up and revision1. Free talk: T: Can I ask you some questions? S: Sur

10、e. T: What day is it today? S: Its . T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its . T: When do you have breakfast?2. Students say their timetable.3. Do a chant.Saturday, Saturday, What do you do on Saturdays? I often paint or watch TV. Saturday is fun for me! Sunday, Sunday, What do you do on Sundays? I

11、read books or play computer games. Sunday is sweet for me!教学过程设计个性化补充4. Missing game. At last, teacher asks: What do you do in English class? Help students to say: I usually .设计说明:通过Free talk,自然引入学生的作息时间表,接着通过Do a chant进行热身活动,活跃英语课堂气氛,又能使学生回忆起单词、词组paint, watch TV, read books和play computer games,为本堂课

12、的学习做好铺垫。通过missing game,让学生再一次重现What do you do.句型以及回答方式I usuallyStep 2 Presentation1. T: I like English. And I like music, too. What do I usually do on the weekend? Can you guess?S: You usually.T: I usually play the piano.Teach: Play the pianoLet the students attention: the distinction about play and

13、 play the2. I usually play the piano and I also go shopping on the weekendTeach: go shopping.设计说明:学生通过猜老师周末的活动,自然引出play the piano和go shopping3. Why I usually go shopping on the weekend? Because I often go hiking with my family.Teach: go hiking4. Where do I go? I often go to Longshan Park. Sometimes

14、I go to Xianshan Park. Because my grandparents lives there.Teach: grandparentsCan you guess: What can I do there?I often read some books in Longshan park.I climb mountains and visit grandparents in Xianshan.Teach: climb moutains, visit grandparents设计说明:通过说明老师go shopping的原因以及去哪里远足,又很自然的引出了新短语go hikin

15、g和visit grandparents而且又区别了often和sometimes的用法。Step 3 Practice1. Review the phrases.2. Lets chant.设计说明:通过chant,及时巩固了所学的新短语和What do you do?这个句型。为学生自由谈论打下铺垫。3. Get the students to talk about their weekend in groups.S1: What do you do on the weekend?S2: I oftenS1: What about you?S3: I usually.S1: How abo

16、ut you?S4: I often.设计说明:学生四人小组谈论周末活动,既检验了学生掌握新知的情况,又培养了学生合作能力及语言组织能力。Step 4 Consolidation Write something about the weekend.设计说明:通过写一写自己的周末活动,学生能灵活运用所学到的语言,从而提高语言运用能力。Step 5 HomeworkLevel 1 Read the phrases twice after school.Level 2 Say your activities on the weekend.Level 3 write down the activities about your weekend.课后反思

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