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七上unit 8 when is your birthday知识归纳.docx

1、七上unit 8 when is your birthday知识归纳Unit 8 when is your birthday?知识归纳总结一 短语 Birthday party!生日聚会 Birthday present生日礼物 Davids birthday party 大卫的生日宴会 your mothers birthday 你妈妈的生日 Happy birthday to you! When is ones birthday? ( one 代指人) October tenth十月十号 date of birth出生日期,生日 how old +be 动词 多少岁? How old is

2、 she? years old 某某多少岁 She is 20 (years old). spring festival 春节 Music Festival音乐节 Art festival 艺术节 Chinese Contest中文比赛 Chinese test 语文测试 English test 英语测试 School trip 学校郊游 school day 学校庆祝晚会 English party 英语派对 speech contest演讲比赛 book sale 图书展销 go to school 上学 volleyball game排球比赛8. basketball game篮球比赛

3、 go there 去那里 come here 来这里 there 和 here是副词2知识点 old对年龄提问,回答时常用句型“Im+数词”或 “Imyears old”. -How old are you? 你多大了? -Im fifteen. 我十五岁了。2.Do you have a School Day at your school? 你们学校有校庆日吗? Do you have an Art Festival? 你们举行艺术节吗?3.当别人问When is your birthday时,我们可以回答My birthday is 也可以用Its on June fourt

4、h.如: When is your birthday?何时是你生日My birthday is on December first/in December. When is the Teachers Day? 何时是教师节? When is the Childrens Day? 何时是儿童节 When is the Christmas Day? 何时是圣诞节 When is the school trip? 学校郊游在什么时候? It is in+月份 、 年份,早上,下午。 It is in 2012 It is on +日期 /特定的早上,下午 It is on May first. It

5、 is on the morning of December 1st/ November 5th. It is at+时刻。 It is at three this afternoon.(It代指日期)4. 某年或某月前用 in。早上晚下午,用in. 中午,午夜,时刻用at。具体的年月日前用onAt noon. At night. At eight in the morningAt 5 in the afternoon. At 8 in the evening. 5.年月日的表达美式英语是要以月/日/年;英式英语是要以 日/月/年;中国是以年/月/日6.月份的书写及简写January (Jan

6、.) 一月;February (Feb.) 二月;March (Mar.) 三月; April (Apr.) 四月;May (may.)五月;June(Jun.)六月;July(Jul.)七月;August(Aug.)八月;September(Sept.)九月;October(Oct.)十月;November(Nov.)十一月;December(Dec.)十二月7.that this these those 的用法强调Is that boy your brother?Are these girls your cousins?8.再见See you there!在那见!See you then

7、! 呆会见!See you later!等会见! See you next time! 下次见!See you!再见! Goodbye!再见 Bye bye!再见9.on the tree 与in the tree区别这两个短语都有在树上之意,但用法不同。表示树上长出的东西,如果实、枝叶等,要用on the tree;当不属于树上生长的东西,如人或其它物在树上时,应用in the tree。例如: There are some birds in the tree. 在树上有几只鸟There are lots of apples on that tree. 在树上长了很多苹果。 10.have

8、a/an +活动 举办活动 11.surprise常用搭配: to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是 in surprise 吃惊地;惊异地 如:“You are a student?” he said in surprise. “你是学生?”他吃惊地说。 三.语法 1.序数词是表示数目顺序的词,一般翻译为“第几”,其构成如下: 第1至第3独立成词:第1first,第2second,第三 third.(第一第二第三比较 特殊,用的最多,考的也最多)它们都有缩写形式,1st,2nd, 3rd 第4到第19是在基数词的基础上加后缀-th.(注意一些特殊的情况) 如:第4 fourth,

9、第5 fifth, 第6 sixth,第11 eleventh,第18 eighth 它们的缩写形式一般在阿拉伯数字后加后缀-th构成。需要注意的是第5,第8,第9,第 12,第15的拼写:fifth -fifth eight-eighth nine-ninth twelve-twelfth fifteen-fifteenth整十的序数词由基数词将y变为ie再加后缀-th构成。第20 twentieth(20th) 第30thirtieth(30th) 第40 fortieth(40th)第50 fiftieth(50th) 第60sixtieth(60th) 第70 seventieth(7

10、0th)第80 eightieth(80th) 第90ninetieth(90th)两位数的序数词只需把个位数变为序数词就可以了,十位数不做改变。第21twenty-first(21st) 第42 forty-second(42nd)第55fifty-fifth(55th) 第98 ninety-eighth(98th)规律口诀:基变序有规律,词尾加上-th一二三特殊记,单词结尾t d d八减t,九减e,f 要把be替Ty把y改为i,记住前面还有e。若遇到几十几只把个位变序。归类表格基数词(数目/数量的多少)序数词(顺序和等级)1one1-12单独记忆first1-12单独记忆2twoseco


12、twentieth以ty结尾的数词,改y为i,+eth30thirtythritieth40fortyforieth50fiftyfiftieth60sixtysixtieth70seventyseventieth80eightyeightieth90ninetyninetieth100hundredhundredth21twenty-one依此类推twenty-first基数-序数36thirty-sixthirty-sixth2.名词所有格When is your mothers birthday? 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?mothers 叫做“名词所有格”,意思是“妈妈的”.在前面我们学

13、习了人称代词,如:你的your,我的my,他的his,她的her.现在,我们学习一下属格的另一种形式:名词所有格,它是由名词+ s构成的,翻译为“的”.名词单数+sThis is my uncles bedroom. 这是我叔叔的卧室。以s或es结尾的名词复数只加 These are students textbooks.这些是学生的课本。如果事物是或人是两个名词共同所有,则在后一个名词上加sThis is Lucy and Lilys room.这是Lucy和Lily的房间。如果事物或人是两个名词分别所有,则在每一个名词后加sThese are Lucys and Lilys desks.这

14、是Lucy和Lily的书桌。注:以上标黑体的部分就是大家要重点掌握的内容,这些内容会经常考到。Unit 8 When is your birthday? 习题练习词汇A、根据所给汉语或首字母,完成单词。1. J_ is the first month of the year.2. When is the school _?(郊游)3. Well have an English p_.4. I like _(音乐) very much.5. His birthday is on June _.(23)B、词类转换 根据所给单词在空格填入正确的单词形式。6. My birthday is Octo

15、ber _.(two)7. _(Jack) birthday is in November.8. This is the _(twelve) apple.9. My number is _(nine).10. -How much _(be) the shoes? -25 dollars.句型Part One 节日与日期配伍。 A B( )11. Childrens Day(儿童节) A. March 12( )12. Christmas Day(圣诞节) B. January 1( )13. Womens Day (妇女节) C. June 1( )14. New Years Day(元旦)

16、D. December 25( )15. National Day(国庆节) E. July 1( )16. Teachers Day(教师节) F. March 8( )17. Labor Day (劳动节) G. April 7( )18. Planting Tree Day (植树节) H. October 1( )19.World Health Day(世界卫生节) I. September 10( )20. Partys(党的) birthday J. May 1Part Two句式转换21. My birthday is October 11th. (提问) _ _ your bi

17、rthday?22. Peter is 18 this year. (提问) _ _ is Peter this year?23. Tom likes baseball. (否定句) Tom _ _ baseball?24. Jacks birthday is April 6th .(一般疑问句) _ Jacks birthday April 6th?25. The store sells many nice clothes. (提问) _ _ the store _ ?单项选择( )26When is your birthday? Its _.AFebruary BsecondCFebrua

18、ry second D1990( )27_ shirt is white.AMy brother BMy brothers CMy brothers DMy brothers( )28Do you have a pop concert? Yes, _.Awe have Bwe do Cwe are DI am( )29Wheres _?AToms pants BToms pens CToms pen Dpen of Tom( )30_ is your mother? Shes fortyAHow old BHow CHow age DWhat age( )31Whats the month b

19、etween July and September? _.AJune BAugust COctober DNovember( )32_ is very difficult. ALesson fifth BThe lesson fifthCFire lesson DThe fifth lesson( )33Our school has a sports meeting _ October 15th. Aat Bon Cin Dfor( )34There are _ months in a year. The _ month is December. Atwelve, twelve Btwelft

20、h, twelfthCtwelve, twelfth Dtwelfth, twelve( )35Whats the _ today? Its October twelfth. What _ is it today? Its Sunday. Adate, day Bday, date Cdate, date Dday, day( )36_ Day is on June first and _ Day is on September tenth. AChildrens, Teachers BChildrens, TeachersCChildrens, Teacher DChildren, Teac

21、hers( )37Mrs Green is _ mother. AJim and Kate BJims and KatesCJim and Kates DJims and Kate( )38The baby is only _.Aten months old Bten monthes oldCten month old Dten old months( )39Where _ you born? I _ born in Wuhan.Awas, were Bwere, was Cwere, were Dwas, was( )40When _ you have a school trip? Sorr

22、y, I _ know.Aare, dont Bdo, arent Care, arent Ddo, dont根据答语写出问句。41_? Shes thirteen years old.42_? His birthday is November eleventh.43_? She is fine.44_? Your football is under the bed.45_? Its $ 20.连词成句46party, birthday, a, for, we, him, have, (.)_47do, have, when, contest, English, you, an, (?)_48

23、month, year, the, the, of, third, March, is, (.) _49has, he, a, bag, white, (.) _50is, day, womens, eighth, March. (.)_能力训练根据对话内容选项恰当的句子,有两项为多余的。A: Excuse me. 51 ?B: Sorry, I dont have one.A: So I must go to the shop near our school.B: I think the shop is closed at this time of day.A: 52 .B: Its Fri

24、day. On Friday the shop closes early.A: 53 ?B: Look, it says “closed”.A: Oh, dear! youre right. It is closed. 54 ?B: 55 . Its open 24 hours.A: OK, Lets go.51_ 52_ 53_ 54_ 55_ 完形填空AIt is 56 day of school. Li Ping wants to 57 . He wants to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teachers. He 58 earl

25、y in the morning. He washes and eats his breakfast. Then he 59 his bike to school. He sees his friends in school. He 60 them happily. Then the bell rings(铃声响了). Everyone 61 the classroom. Li Ping meets his new teacher. 62 is Zhao Ling. She teaches 63 this term. Li Ping likes Miss Zhao. He thinks she

26、 is a nice teacher. ( )56Aone Bfirst Cthe first Dthe one( )57Ago to the school Bgo back to the school Cgo back school Dgo back to school( )58Agets up Bget up Cgoes up Dgo up( )59Ahas Brides Csits Dride( )60Aplays with Bplays Csays with Dtalks( )61Agoes Bgo to Crun Druns to( )62AHis name BHer name CHe DHer( )63Atheir Chinese Btheir China Cthem Chinese Dthem ChinaBThe Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years D 64 . It usually comes in F 65 . Everyone in China l 66 the Spring Festival. When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually h 67 his parents clean their h 68 and do some shopping a

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