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高一英语必修4 Unit2达标训练.docx

1、高一英语必修4 Unit2达标训练我夯基 我达标.据句意及单词的首字母或汉语释义,写出空白处单词的正确形式。1.In some poor African areas,many children died of h. 解析:题意“许多孩子死于饥饿”,“饥饿”用名词形式hunger。 答案:hunger 2.The prisoner s against the guard,but couldnt escape. 解析:struggle与with,against连用表示“挣扎,搏斗”。 答案:struggled 3.The news of her death (传播)quickly. 解析:circ

2、ulate 指在人们或地区之间广泛传播;散布。如:Gossip tends to circulate quickly.流言传播迅速。此处也可用spread。 答案:circulated 4.“I am quite s with your homework,”said the teacher with a smile. 解析:be satisfied with “对感到满意”。 答案:satisfied 5.The soldiers were well (装备)with weapons(武器)and ready to start. 解析:be equipped with “以/用装备”。注意双写

3、字母p。 答案:equipped 6.The wine is not s for drinking with a meal. 解析:be suitable for “适合”,如:This toy is not suitable for young children.这个玩具不适合小孩玩。 答案:suitable 7.The instructions on the box are very (令人迷惑的). 解析:confusing 分词形容词意为“令人迷惑的”。 答案:confusing 8.When I said some people are stupid,I wasnt r to you

4、. 解析:refer to 是固定词组,意为“提到,谈到,指的是”。 答案:referring 9.Would you please give me a (摘要)of your speech? 解析:summary“概要、摘要”的意思,就是用简明的形式,并通过减少或保留其要点来对资料内容进行的描述。 答案:summary 10.Shall I e seats with you?解析:exchange“交换,互换”之意,常与介词with/for 连用。 答案:exchange.同步语法: 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.All the boys are looking forward to (go

5、)forward (feel)the animals. 解析:look forward to doing (sth.),表示“盼望着做某事”,下一空是不定式作目的状语。 答案:going;to feel 2.The bird was lucky and it just missed (catch). 解析:miss后接动名词,不接动词不定式,being caught 与主语the bird 是被动关系。 答案:being caught 3.I always prefer (start)early rather than _ _(leave)everything to the last minu

6、te. 解析:prefer doing sth.rather than doing sth.意为“宁愿不愿”。 答案:starting;leaving 4. (walk)is a good form of exercise for both men and women. 解析:动名词作主语,“步行是一种男女适宜的良好运动方式”。 答案:Walking 5.While shopping women sometimes cant help (persuade)into buying more clothes than necessary. 解析:cant help作“禁不住”讲时,后跟动名词。 答

7、案:being persuaded 6.What made Jane so upset? (lose)the ring her husband bought her for her birthday. 解析:动名词作主语,后面省略了谓语部分made Jane so upset。 答案:Losing 7.Once your business becomes international, (fly)constantly will be part of your life. 解析:动名词作主语,“经常坐飞机”。 答案:flying 8.Do you think it of any use (argu

8、e)with him any more? We are wasting our time_(try)to persuade him to give up the idea. 解析:it作形式主语,动名词作真正的主语,注意在no use,useless,no good后多接动名词,后一空为waste time doing sth.。 答案:arguing;trying 9. (find)a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wildest dream. 解析:动名词作主语,“在这样一个大公司找份工作”。 答案:Finding

9、 10.Maybe youve forgotten (post)my letter. How could I? I remember (put)the letter into the letter box. 解析:在动词forget后跟不定式,表示“忘记了做”,跟动名词表示“忘记了做过”;remember后跟不定式表示“记住去做”,跟动名词表示“记得做过”。 答案:to post;putting.完形填空Hidden passengers traveling in ships,trams,or even cars can be a terrible trouble-especially whe

10、n they are insects.As for this,there is a great 1 between human beings and insects.The former 2 every possible effort to avoid being discovered,while the latter quickly 3 attention to themselves. We can only show mercy to the 4 man who had to slop his car soon after 5 from a country village to drive

11、 to London. Hearing a strange noise from the 6 of the car,he naturally got out to 7 the wheels carefully,but he found nothing wrong,so he 8 his way. Again the noise began,9 and became even louder.Quickly 10 his head,the man saw what appeared to be a great 11 cloud following the car.When he stopped a

12、t a village further on,he was told that a queen bee must be hidden in his car as there were thousands of bees 12 . On learning this,the man drove away as quickly as possible.After an hours 13 driving,he arrived safely in London,where he parked his car outside a14 and went inIt was not long 15 a cust

13、omer who had seen him arrive 16 in to inform him that his car was 17 with bees.The poor driver was 18 that the best way should be to call a 19.In a short time the man arrived.He found the unwelcome passenger hidden near the wheels at the back of the car.Very thankful to the driver for this 20 gift,t

14、he bee keeper took the queen and her thousand of followers home in a large box. 1.A.connection B.difference Cmunication D.similarity B.take C.make D.try 3.A.give B.keep D.draw 4.A.unfortunate B.careless C.unpleasant D.hopeless 5.A.passing by B.leaving out C.setting out D.getting up 6.A.

15、front B.back C.left D.right 7.A.clean B.change C.test D.examine 8.A.drove B.continued C.pushed D.forced 9.A.normally B.gently C.actually D.immediately 10.A.hiding B.turning C.shaking D.raising B.beautiful C.white D.colorful 12.A.below B.ahead C.nearby D.behind 13.A.boring B.careful C.exci

16、ting D.hard 14.A.hotel 15.A.when B.after C.until D.before 16.A.broke B.moved C.hurried D.dropped 17.A.crowded B.covered C.filled D.equipped 18.A.advised B.required C.ordered D.requested 19.A.bee-keeper B.policeman C.waiter D.repairman20.A.unfamiliar B.unknown C.unexpecte

17、d D.uncertain 1.解析:由第一段最后一句可知,人与昆虫有极大“不同”。 答案:B2.解析:“make every possible efforts”为固定短语。 答案:C3.解析:由后文蜂后引来大批蜜蜂可知,后者自己常引起别人的注意。 答案:D4.解析:由后文驾车者出现的麻烦事可知,此处形容词应填“unfortunate”。 unpleasant 意为“不高兴的”,hopeless意为“无希望的”,均不符合上文意思。 答案:A 5.解析:leaving out“为忽略、遗漏”,如望文生义,则可能选择B项。 答案:C6.解析:四个选项均为方位,前、后、左、右。由11题“follow

18、ing the car”可知,“a strange noise”是由后面传来。 答案:B7.解析:驾车人走出驾驶室来检查车轮。易错点:C项“test”强调测试。 答案:D8.解析:驾车人停车检查后,没发现异样情况,故继续向伦敦驶去。 答案:B9.解析:由“Again”可知,“the noise”在他重新驾驶后再次发生。此题可用排除法。A项为“通常的”,B项为“温柔的、轻轻的”与“became even louder”不符,C项为“实际的、实在的”均不符合上下文。 答案:D10.解析:奇怪的声音再次从后面传来,驾驶人“转过头”才能发现到底发生了什么,故选B项。注意:D项“raising his

19、head”是抬头,由蜂群从后传来,驾车者抬头是发现不了情况的。 答案:B11.解析:由本段最后“thousands of bees.”可知,发出声音的是蜂群。根据生活常识,成千上万的蜜蜂在后面,是黑压压的一片像云团一样。 答案:A12.解析:前文提及蜂后藏在车中,是因为有成千上万的蜜蜂在附近。易错项: D项 ,如果未注意到“when he stopped.”这句,会以为蜜蜂在车后盘旋。实际上车停下后,蜜蜂应前后左右围着车子飞。 答案:C13.解析:前文提及驾车人尽可能快的开车,是惧怕紧随其后的蜂群,所以这一小时的驾驶是非常艰辛的。易错项:A项,“boring”不能体现驾车者为逃避或甩开蜂群的担

20、惊受怕的心情。答案:D14.解析:由15空后“a customer”可知,驾车者进入的不是博物馆、医院或学校。 答案:A15.解析:“it was not long before.”此处表明蜂群随后飞来,速度极快。 答案:D16.解析:由常识判断,他的车上有无数的蜜蜂在飞、停歇。故告知他这情况的人应该是很急切的。选项A、D意思不符合上下文,B项虽意思正确,但不能表现当时情况的紧急性。 答案:C17.解析:驾车人下车进入宾馆,应是车窗关闭,故蜂群只可能密密麻麻的爬在车的表面上。选项A、C均表示某物体的内部“挤满”或“充满”,与常识不符。 答案:B18.解析:此时此情,其他人“建议”车主请人帮助。

21、B项为“要求”,C项为“命令”,D项为“请求”,均不符合题意。 答案:A19.解析:读完全篇,文中最后一句的the bee keeper已提示了答案。 答案:A20.解析:蜂王为“不速之客”,意料之外的礼物。 答案:C我综合 我发展(一)基础部分 .听力训练(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节 A.听下面一段材料,完成句子。 1.Jane is ringing on . 2.The train gets to Guangzhou at . 3.Janes telephone number is . 听力原文: 1.Hello! Kate.Its Jane here and Im ri

22、nging on Monday evening at 8:45.Im catching a train to Guangzhou on Saturday evening.It gets to Guangzhou at 10:30 on Monday morning.I dont know where you live.Can you come and meet me at the station? Ill ring you again tomorrow evening.Oh,yes,my telephone number is 8724951.Bye. 答案: 1.Monday evening

23、 at 8:45 2.10:30 on Monday evening3.8724951B.听下面5段对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 4.Where does the woman have to get off? A.At the Bank of China. B.At the post office. C.At the next shop. 5.Whats the time now? A.10:40.B.10:20.C.10:30. 6.What color does the man like? A.White.B.Green.C.Blue. 7.Whats mad

24、e the farming easy? A.The farmers.B.The science.C.The animals. 8.What can the computer control? A.The growing of little plants. B.The temperature and the amount of water of it. C.Both A and B. 听力原文: 2.W:Does this bus go to the Bank of China? M:Yes,get off at the post office and walk straight ahead f

25、or about two minutes.3.W:When does the bus leave for Tianjin? M:Buses leave for Tianjin every thirty minutes.You just missed the ten thirty bus by ten minutes.4.W:Jim,this white shirt is good. M:But I prefer a blue one.5.M:With the development of science,the work in the fields is becoming easier and

26、 easier. W:I agree with what you said.6.W:The computer can control the temperature,the amount of water growing of little plants. M:Can it? W:Very well.答案:4.B5.A6.C7.B8.C第二节 听下面4段对话或独白,并完成后面的问题。 听第7段材料,回答第911题。 9.Whats the weather like? A.Cloudy and warm. B.Lovely and warm. C.Fine but cold. 10.Where

27、are the speakers? A.At the station. B.In a flat. C.In a park. 11.1What is the man doing in England? A.Spending his holiday. B.Practicing his English. C.Visiting a Greek family.听力原文:7.W:Lovely weather! M:Yes,its really warm. W:Ive seen you before,havent I? M:Well,you may have done before.Ive been her

28、e once or twice for a walk in this quiet park.Do you live near here? W:Yes,I live in one of those flats over there.What about you? M:Oh,Im staying with a family down near the station. W:Are you on holiday? M:Well,.er.Im here to improve my English.Im from Greece,you see. W:I didnt think you were Engl

29、ish,but your English is very good. M:Thank you very much.答案:9. B10.C11.B听第8段材料,回答第1215题。 12.What happened to a bag of corn? A.The bag was torn open. B.It was stolen. C.It was sent to the poor. 13.Why did the judge give each man a stick? A.To change for the farmers corn. B.To beat the thief. C.To fin

30、d out the thief. 14.What happened to the thief when he cut his stick short? A.He was found out. B.The judge couldnt catch him. C.His stick had an equal length with the others. 15.What was the purpose of the judge? A.To make the thief add an inch to his stick. B.To make the thief cut an inch off his stick. C.To make the stick grow an inch longer.听力原文: 8. According to an old story,a farmer once found that a bag of corn had been stolen from his house.He went to the judge and told him about the loss.The ju

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