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1、新编剑桥商务英语中级01bListening 1Call 1Hello Frida.This is Margaret Brock here. Its 9.30 on Wednesday morning. Im ringing about the half-year sales report. Could you send me a copy of your departments figures, please? Im in Helsinki until Friday. Thanks very much .bye.Call 2This is Frank Larsen from Scandina

2、vian conference in Copenhagen. Im ringing to tell you that this years Danish telecommunications trade fairs taking place in the week of November 22.if youd like some complimentary tickets, please let me know how many youll need. Please call me on 0045 33 346 766.thank you .byeCall 3Hi Frida .it Sue

3、Mellor. How are you? I hope youre not too busy at the moment. I wanted to talk to you about my visit next month. You know wed talk about the 13th? Well, I m afraid its not going to work out because of deadlines here. I dont suppose we could put it back a week or so, could we? Give me a ring and let

4、me know. Thanks.Call 4 Hi Frida .its Colin. Im on my mobile because Im traveling to a meeting with a client but I need to talk to you urgently so could you call me on 0486 772 444? Its my mobile number. I need to talk to you about that contract were trying to get in Helsinki because the customer acc

5、epted our proposal and I need to know whether its all right if I just go ahead and sign the contracts or whether you want to get involved, as well. Could you get back to me ASAP? Thanks.Call 5Hello Frida.its Steve Montgomery here. I got your proposal for the product launch and Ive finally managed to

6、 get a look at it .it looks OK.but I think there could still be one or two minor problems with it. I think the time schedule looks a bit on the optimistic side, as well. Ive got a couple of suggestions, which Ill get off to you today. Let me know what you think, ok? Bye.Listening 2Conversation 1T =T

7、om F=FridaT Good afternoon. Scandinavian conference.F Good afternoon. Could I speak to Frank Larsen, please?T Im afraid hes not here today. Can I help you?F Im ringing about the Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair.Mr Larsen phoned to offer me some tickets and he asked me to let him know how many Id

8、 need.T well. I can send you the tickets. Thats no problem. Ill just need your name and address.F right. Its Fida Adersson from Sanderlin.the address is Torshamnsgatan.S-126 25 Stockholm.T so, thats frida andersson at Torshamnsgatan. S-126 25 many tickets do you need?F Three, please.T and wh

9、ich days would you like them for?F just for Tuesday 23 November, please.T and could I have the other names for the tickets?F Im afraid I can only confirm two names at the moment. Kati Gersel and myself.T Could you please spell Gersel.please?F yes. Thats G-E-R-S-E-L.T right .Ill put the tickets in th

10、e post day.F Thanks very much .bye.T thank you for calling .goodbye.Conversation 2R=Receptionist F=FridaR Good afternoon. Can I help you?F Good afternoon. Could I speak to Sue Mellor, please?R may I ask whos calling?F its frida Andersson from head office.R one moment, please.ill put you thought.F he

11、llo?R hello?F Im afraid shes not in her office at the moment. Can I take a message?R yes. Could you tell her that I got her message and Ive cancelled our meeting on the 13th.but Im not available the following week, so I suggest meeting on 27 November.F, thats frida andersson form head office.

12、The meeting on the 13th is cancelled and you suggest meeting on 27 November instead.R thats right. And could she call me to confirm the date?F ok.ill give the message and shell get back to you as soon as possible.R thanks you.F oh.does she have your number?R yes.she does.F ok.thanks for calling.R th

13、anks. Bye.02aUnit 2 entertaining a clientListening 11. Fine, thanks .Im glad you managed to find me somewhere so near the office. That makes things so much easier in the morning. But I have to say, the bed was so hard I didnt get to sleep till two this morning.2. Pretty awful, actually .there was on

14、e delay after another and then I got stopped at customers .and apparently. My luggage is somewhere between here and Cape Town.3. Wonderful. Im really enjoying it here and the people are so friendly .Ill definitely come back for a holiday. But Ill need a week at least next time.actually.I wouldnt min

15、d living here for a while.4. Well. I thought it was pretty good from our point of view, but I can see that some people might not be so happy .still; we got through quite a lot and made some progress. But I still think were a long way from a decision.Listening 2S1=Speaker 1 S2=Speaker 2S1 so. What di

16、d you think of the food?S2 ok.but it was a bit too heavy for me.acutally, given a choice, Id have preferred a salad.S1 salad?S2 oh.yes.i dont really eat meat.S1 what do you have at home? Youre not a vegetarian, are you?S2 well, Im not. But my wife is.S1 oh.really?S2 oh.yes.i havent had meat at home

17、for years.S1 dont you miss it?S2 sometimes .but then I go and have a secret steak.03aUnit 3a :ordering goods:A:Pronto,zanettiK:hello,antonellaA:yesK:hello?its korinna Kramer from otto in hamburg.A:oh,hi are you?K:fine,thanks .im ringing about the skirts for the summer catalogue.A:oh yes.

18、the cristi and faci skirts.did you speak to MR Hubner?K:yes,I did.we definitely want only the standard length thats crist and faci in standard length only.rihgt.K: and have you spoken to the vendors about quantity yet?A:no,not yet.i thought Id wait until we knew what was happening

19、about the lengths.K:do you think you could speak to them soon,though?we dont have much time left before the deadline.A:no problem .ill call them this morning.and is it still only 400 pieces of each?K:yes,thats right.A:OK.Ill fax you as soon as Ive spoken to them .K:thats great.antonella.thanks for y

20、our help.A:thats ok.ill speak to you later.K:great.ill expect your call then.bye.03bUnit 3b:cash flow B:so,steve,how s the cash flow situation ?any better?St:not really,no.the more we sell ,the less cash we seem to have.B:yes,I know.its called over-trading.youre going to have to figure our a quicker

21、 way of turning those sales into cash.St:but now ,Barbara?thats the question.B:well,did you think any more about offering early settlement discountSt:oh,yeah,we talked to most of our customers about it.they sounded quite seems that if we offered a 1%dicount .about half our customers wo

22、uld pay in ten days.B:well,that would make a big difference to cash flow.St:but if we offer 2%,three quarters of our customers will pay within ten daysB:thats why dont you do it?St:oh come on,Barbara.our margins are small enough already.i dont see how we can afford to offer discounts.if we

23、gave a 2%discount ,wed lose thousands of dollars every year.B:do you know how much exactly?St:well ,on average monthly sales of $25,000,itd cost us over four and a half thousand a year.B:what if you offered 1% and half your customers used it?St:well.thatd cost us about 1,500 a year.thats a lot of mo

24、ney.barbara.B:but dont forget your fianancing costs.steve.financing your cash flow gap means youre paying the bank almost $3000 a year in interests.i worked out that if you offered the 1%discount ,youd save almost a thousand on financing costs.St:so that youre saying is the real cost of the discount

25、 would only be $500 more?B:thats right.and your cashi flow for the month would increase by over $8000.and with the 2%discount ,youd have an extra 16000 a month.St:wow.that much?we could really use that extra cash.steve.B:hmm.i still think 2% is too much.St:then why dont we offer 1%?B:mmm Barbara?St:

26、well,its not my decision.but if I were you really think very seriously about offering an early settlement discount.B:ok.ok .i get the point.if it really can make that big difference .well give it a try.04aUnit 4a. Brand power 1 the thing is, when you buy a car, youre spending a lot of money

27、 so you want to get excited about what youre buying .reliability and after-sales service are all very important ,but theyre not exactly exciting ,are they? I want my car to say something about me. I want something which looks sporty and attracts attention. I dont mind paying that bit extra for somet

28、hing that makes me look good.2 a lot of my friends have got e-mail so I wanted to buy a computer, I just didnt know much about them, and I found that all that information you get about performance and so on is tally confusing. And then I saw that advert on TV with those new computers .it went to a c

29、omputer superstore .had a look at one and bought it straightway.3. I thought buying a mobile phone would be easy. But it wasnt .you ask how much they cost and you get all this stuff about monthly service contracts and different tariffs at different times of day. Its almost impossible to work out how

30、 much they actually cost! Anyway, I worked out that the best deal for me was a one-year all-inclusive package. So thats what I bought.4. I used to think that one refrigerator was pretty much like any other. But then I saw this TV program about how much energy kitchen appliances use. Fridges are the

31、worst, apparently. Thats because theyre on all the time so theyre really bad for the ozone layer-all those CFC gases or whatever they call them. So, I decided to get a fridge that doesnt give off lots of harmful gases. And its cheaper to run as well.5 its not even a particularly well known make of v

32、ideo recorder but I had one of them before which I was really happy with. I didnt have much money when I bought the first one so I just get the cheapest one I could find. But it was great. It lasted years and I never had any problems with it .so, of course, I decided to buy the same brand again. I mean, a friend of mine recently bought a really well

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