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1、学年高二英语下册课时作业题35课时作业(十一)Unit 23Conflict.单词拼写(根据汉语提示写出单词)1. The little boy was_(欺负) by the older boys at school.答案:bullied2During the Expo,I saw many people from _ (不同的) cultures.答案:diverse3I found it hard to _(认同) with any of the characters in the film.答案:identify4Their main _ (忧虑) is that they are n

2、ot receiving enough money.答案:concern.单句语法填空1To travel to the United States,you must first apply_the American Embassy _your visa.答案:to;for2He didnt make_ clear when and where the meeting would be held.答案:it3(上海高考改编)I had great difficulty_(find) the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.答案:find

3、ing4She will have to adjust _to the new condition.答案:herself5They are subjects as_(diversity) as pop music and archeology.答案:diverse6(天津高考改编) On her next birthday,Ann_(be) married for twenty years.答案:will have been7(新课标全国卷改编) They_ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.答案:should 8Th

4、e boss told his secretary_for making private telephone calls from the office.答案:off.完成句子1我觉得旅行时弄一张地图很有必要。(find宾语宾补)I_get a map when travelling.答案:found it necessary to2我费了好大的劲才找到他的家。(have difficulty (in) doing sth.)I_his home.答案:had much difficulty in finding3到明天这个时候,你将已经到上海了 。(will have done)You_Sh

5、anghai by this time tomorrow.答案:will have reached4吉姆又一次上班迟到了,受到了主任的训斥。(tell director_for his being late for work again.答案:told Jim off5对大学生来说,掌握几门外语是很重要的。(be of名词)It_for college students to master seveal foreign languages.答案:is of great importance.完形填空Two men on a touring holiday were inj

6、ured by an explosion in their motor van (面包车) yesterday.Shoppers,traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were_1_by a loud bang,and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van,which had stopped outside Barclays Bank.Several people rushed to give_2_and helped to put out the fire_3_the van.A

7、light American truck changed the_4_to provide living accommodation room (躺的地方),_5_firemen arrived.The men,Mr Cary House,who was driving,and his_6_Mr Charlie Lynnwere taken to hospital with slight_7_.They were allowed to leave after_8_.“I heard this explosion.It was_9_loud.I thought it could have bee

8、n a(n)_10_.”said Mr Leslie Webster,manager of the market,who was working in his office in Red Lion Street.“I looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and_11_on the ground.Then another lad came out of the van.He seemed to be in a_12_stateparts of his trousers were hanging below his

9、 knees.”“I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器),but_13_the time I got outside someone from the bank was in the_14_with an extinguisher.”Mr Webster said both men were shocked.One was taken into the markets office to wait for a(n)_15_.“The second man_16_going back into the van to see if ev

10、erything was_17_,and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing (burning)” he added._18_inside the van was mainly superficial (表面的),_19_a plastic window was blown out.The two men have spent the last six months_20_.At the time of the incident their wives were shopping in the city.语

11、篇解读文章讲述了两个人在旅行中,车子发生了事故,引起了火灾。具体描述了救人救火的场面。1A.disappointed BexcitedCfrightened Dshocked解析:因为巨大的爆炸声是突如其来的,所以街上的人感到“震惊”。答案 BwarningCreport Dassistance解析:give assistance意思是offer help,根据空格后的help不难选定。答案:D3A.inside Boutside Caround Dtowards解析:火应该是车内的爆炸产生的,所以用inside。答案:A4A.plan Bmind Cdirection Dn

12、ature解析:上面提到了众人的帮助,所以此刻一辆卡车也改变了“方向”,以便为他们提供一些方便。卡车是无生命的事物,故不能选用另三个选项。答案:C5A.after Bbefore Cwhen Duntil解析:卡车加入救助时,消防队员显然还没有到。答案:B6A.wife Bpassenger Cvisitor Dguest解析:passenger是“乘客”,而guest是“客人”在车上的人应是乘客。答案:B7A.wounds Bsickness Cburns Dhurts解析:因为火引起的,所以是灼伤“burn”。答案:C8A.operation BtreatmentCrecovery Dex

13、amination解析:因为伤比较轻微,所以经简单“治疗”后可以离开医院。答案:B9A.much Bpretty Cusually Dactually解析:pretty在此处为副词,相当于very。从前面的a loud bang和人们纷纷循声涌向面包车来看,爆炸声“很”大。答案:B10A.bomb Bfire Ctruck Daccident解析:事故是肯定的,不必猜测,根据巨大的响声,猜测发生了爆炸应是合理的。答案:A11A.lie Bdie Croll Dfall解析:在地上“滚”是为了扑灭身上的火。答案:C12A.good Bpoor Ceasier Dworse解析:下面提到裤子烧掉了

14、一截,所以情况好像比前一位更糟糕一些。答案 Bfor Cafter Dby解析:by the time意为“到时候为止”。从后面已有人携带灭火器到了车上,可以得出该答案。答案:D14A.van Boffice Cmarket Droom解析:火主要在车内燃烧,故救火人到了“车”内。答案:A15A.rescue BdoctorCfirefighter Dambulance解析:受伤的人等“救护车”救护,合乎常情。答案:D16A.kept on Binsisted onCcared for Dgave up解析:A、D不符合事实,C不合乎词的用法。答案 order

15、Bin allCall right Dall over解析:all right相当与OK。进入车内的目的应该是为了看看物品是否损坏。答案:C18A.Equipment BSufferingCDamage DCondition解析:由superficial和plastic window可以想到此处指车子部件的“损坏”情况。答案:C19A.although BsinceCbecause Dso that解析:前后意义相反。答案:A20A.touring BrepairingCmoving Dcleaning解析:与文章首句相呼应。答案:A.阅读理解Many teachers often have

16、worries about a school trip,because they have never organized such trips before and they dont know there are huge benefits for the pupils.Studies have shown that pupils achievements can benefit greatly from activities away from the classroom.Whether its a school ski trip or a tour of historical attr

17、actions in another country,each time away from classrooms students are helped to bring the lessons learned in the classroom to life.In this way,those who learn German can promote their language skills while they enjoy the Austrian mountains,or go over their history knowledge as they explore a new ci

18、ty.In terms of the role that is expected of the teachers on a school trip abroad,they will act as group leaders,who organize each aspect of the trip.This should come easy to most teachers,as their profession itself requires them to balance different kinds of problems every day.Whatever theyre planni

19、ng,it is important to have a very clear approach to arranging the trip and keep an eye on the entire process.In terms of choosing a destination,its necessary that teachers do the necessary research and gather the required information,so that when the time comes,they will be able to provide their stu

20、dents as well as the students parents with this information.In addition to this,everything that is learned about the destination will help the teacher to make a better plan.Parents and students should be told about every detail of the trip before the final bookings are made.They include the specific

21、 location,the accommodation,what health and safety measures will be taken to keep the students safe,what insurance will be used,the transport and flights.The students parents will need to be provided with contact telephone numbers and a copy of the daytoday schle for the trip,so that they have an id

22、ea of where their children are throughout their time away.语篇解读组织学生走出课堂,外出游学对于学生是非常有利的。作者就组织学生外出游学提出了一些建议。1Why did the author mention “the Austrian mountains” in the first paragraph?ATo inform us of the beautiful sights in the Austrian mountains.BTo set one example of a school trip out of classroom t

23、eaching.CTo tell us some knowledge about travelling around Germany.DTo show us where German is spoken on earth.解析:推理判断题。在第一段中,作者提出游学活动有许多的好处。接着,在后半部分,作者就提到Austrian mountains可以练习在课堂上所学到的德语。 因此,作者之所以提及去Austrian mountains的目的就是举例说明游学的好处。答案:B2In a school trip,the teacher is considered to act as_.Aa schoo

24、l master Ba tour guideCa team leader Da team member解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句,我们可以看出,在组织学生外出游学的时候,老师被当作team leadergroup leader。答案:C3In order to pick out a proper destination,the teacher is advised to_.Apay a visit to the place in personBdo necessary research about the destinationCwork out a better plan abou

25、t the tripDinform the parents about the school trip解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的首句,我们可以知道,作者建议如果老师不清楚旅游目的地,可以先对其进行一些必要的调查。由此,我们可以确定本题的答案。答案:B4Why should parents be told about every detail of the trip?ATo learn more about the benefit of the school trip.BTo attract more children to join in the school trip.CTo encou

26、rage parents to send their children to the trips.DTo drive away their worries about their childrens safety.解析:推理判断题。根据本文的最后一段,我们可以知道,作者要求组织旅游的老师将所有的旅游细节告知学生家长,其目的就是为了消除家长的担忧。答案:D.语法填空Have you ever wondered whether there is life on Mars?The big Red Planet is a mystery to us but 1._ (hope) not for muc

27、h longer.On November 11,the Mars rover (漫游者) 2._(name) Curiosity started its journey into space.After eight months flying in a rocket,Curiosity covered more than 566 million kilometers and finally landed on Marsaccording to BBC reports.The rover is there to find out 3._there is,or ever was,life on t

28、he cold,desertlike planet.The place where Curiosity landed is called Gale Crater,a huge hole on Mars.Scientists believe that there 4._(be) once water and even life there.In order to do its job,Curiosity is packed with many useful tools,5._ it is only three meters long,about the size of a small car.I

29、t has a robot arm that can collect soil and drill into rock.It also carries 6._ own laser gun.The gun can turn 7._ small amount of rock into gas,so that Curiosity can study what the rock 8._ (make) up of.9_the help of these tools,Curiosity will act as a robot geologist.For the next two years,it will stay and travel inside Gale Crater,10._(collect) and studying rock and soil.1hopefully2.named3.if/whether4.was5.although/though made9.With10.collecting

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