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1、湖南刘绍龙专八p35人文知识MODEL TEST 2 GENERAL DNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.Mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.1._is known as “the father of the British navy”.A. King Alfred B. King CanuteC. King Edward D. King Ethelred6.

2、Which one of the Great Lakes is entirely in the U.S?A. Lake Erie B. Lake Huron.C. Lake Michigan. D. Lake Ontario. 3. As the first colony established by Britain in 1788,_is the oldest of the Australian states.A. New South Wales B. QueenslandC. Lade Michigan D. Lake Ontario4.Which of the following cit

3、ies is NOT a major port of Britain?A. Manchester. B. Liverpool.C. Southampton. D.Glasgow.5.Essays were written by _,one of the greatest essayists in the seventeenth century.A. John Bunyan B.James ShirleyC.Philip Sidney D.Francis Bacon6.Which of the following is written by Emily Dickinson?A. Because

4、I could Not Stop for Death B. The Love Song of J.Alfred PrufrockC. I Hear America SingingD. London7.Which of the following is an American woman poet?A. Sister Carrie. B.E.E. Cummings.C. Sylya Plath. D.George Eliot.8.The description of a language at some point of time in history is a _study.A. prescr

5、iptive B.synchronicC. descriptive D. diachronic9.In sociolinguistic studies, speakers are regarded as members of social groups; the social group that is singled out for any special study is called_.A. the speech variety B. the linguistic communityC. the linguistic group D. the speech community10.Err

6、or analysis makes comparisons between_.A.interlanguage and target languageB. native language and targe languageC. native language and interlanguageD. first language and second language TRANSLATIONSECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER

7、SHEET THREE.新西兰所有种族的总人口现在已超过330万,主要是欧洲人和波利西尼亚人的后裔。其中毛利人占全部人口的16%。异族之间的通婚使许多新西兰人有着毛利和欧洲祖先的双重血统。新西兰人口密度较低,大约为每平方公里16人,6/3以上的新西兰人居住在北岛,全国3/4的人居住在沿海地区和低地平原的城镇里。奥克兰地区和首都惠灵顿地区的人口占全国人口的41.7%。SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.

8、 There is an old myth which instructs us to be aware of our circumstances and accept our circumstances no matter how difficult. It is this awareness that allows us to navigate the shoals of our lives, but to achieve this awareness we must first understand who we are and where we come from. History t

9、eaches us this. Those of us who view history as dry facts upon a page forget that we are history, and that our lives are to be studied by future generations. Our thoughts, feelings, and experiences are the raw materials for future historians. The facts of our lives are important, but they are not th

10、e sum of history. History offers us an awareness of the present through an understanding of the past. It is a guidepost to the future, uncovering the facts behind our existence while providing us with an understanding of the present.答案:GENERAL KNOWLEDGE15 ACAAD 610 ACBDATRANSLATIONCHINESE TO ENGLISH

11、参考译文:There are currently over 3,300,000 New Zealanders, predominantly of European and Polynesian origin. The Maori population is around 16% of the total. As the result of intermarriage, many NewZealanders have both Maori and European Ancestors. This country has a low population density, with approxi

12、mately 16 people in every square kilometer. More than two-thirds of New Zealanders live in the North Island and three quarters of the people live in the cities and towns along the coastal areas and lowland plains. People in Auckland and Wellington (capital of New Zealand) comprise 41.7% of the total

13、 population. ENGLISH TO CHINESE参考译文:有个古老的神话,它教导我们要清醒地认识我们所处的环境,不管有多大的困难都要正视现实。正是具备了这种意识,我们才能够避开生活中的暗礁。而要获取这种意识,匀们首先必须清楚我们是谁,来自何方.历史为我们做出了回答。我们中的一些人视历史为枯燥无味的纸上记录,忘却了我们自身就是历史,我们的后代将研究我们的生活。我们的思想、情感和经历都是未来的史学家们的原始材料。我们生活的事实是重要的,但它们并非历史的全部。历史使我们通过对过去的理解,更清楚地意识到当今的时代。它是通向未来的路标,揭示了我们生存背后的事实,同时使我们对现在有所了解。M

14、ODEL TEST 3 GENERAL KNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.Mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.1. Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet. His best known work is_.A. Murder in the Cathedral B. Domesday BookC. The Canterbury

15、Tales D. Book of Doom6. The first English colony in the Americas was founded at _,Virginia, in _.A. Plymouth / 1607 B. Jamestown / 1607C. Plymouth / 1660 D. Jamestown / 16603. Canada is made up of _provinces and _territories.A. six / two B. nine / threeC. ten / three D. eleven / three4. The four cap

16、ital cities in the United Kingdom are _.A. London, Glasgow, Cardiff, Dublin B. London, Edinburgh, Swansea, BelfastC. London, Glasgow, Swansea, DublinD. London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast5.Which of the following was written by John Dryden?A. Antony and Cleopatra B. Auren ZebeC. Pamela D. A Tale of a

17、 Tub6.Which of the following is NOT a character in Mark Twains The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn?A. Finn. B. Jim. C. Ada. D. Tom.7. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is written by the poet who also writes_.A. Death of a Salesman B. Ode to the Confederate DeadC. The Road Not Taken D. The Fall of t

18、he House Usher8. The_ is the most flexible, and is responsible for more varieties of articulation than any other.A. oral cavity B. tongue C. lips D. nasal cavity9. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis deals with the relationship between _ .A. meaning and culture B. culture and thoughtC. language and thought D. la

19、nguage and meaning10. Psycholinguistics is the study of _.A. the relationship between brain and languageB. processing of language comprehension and linguisticsC. the relationship between psychology and linguisticsD. linguistic processing and psychological processingTRANSLATIONSECTION A CHINESE TO EN

20、GLISHTranslate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE. 书籍具有不朽的精神,它们是迄今为止人类所创造持续最久的产品。庙宇会损坏,塑像会颓废,但是书籍却能长存人间。对于思想而言,时间并不重要,它们今天仍然能同多年前第一次在作者的头脑中刚刚产生时那样鲜活。当年的话语和思想如今依然通过书本在向我们生动地诉说。时光的惟一作用就在于它筛出了糟粕,因为只有真正优秀的文学作品才能存留下来。SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESETranslate the fol

21、lowing text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.An aspiration is a joy for ever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity. To have many of these is to be spiritually rich. L

22、ife is only a very dull and ill-directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece; and to those who have neither art nor science, the world is a mere arrangement of colors, or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins. It is in virtue of his own desires and curiosities tha

23、t any man continues to exist with even patience, that he is charmed by the look of things and people, and that he wakens every morning with a renewed appetite for work and pleasure. Desire and curiosity are the two eyes through which he sees the world in the most enchanted colors: it is they that ma

24、ke women beautiful or fossils interesting, and the man may squander his estate and come to beggary, but if he keeps these two amulets he is still rich in the possibilities of pleasure.答案:GENERAL KNOWLEDGE15 CBCDB 610 CCBCBTRANSLATIONCHINESE TO ENGLISH参考译文:Books possess an essence of immortality. The

25、y are by far the most lasting product of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts,which are fresh today as when they first passed through their author minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us vividly as ever from

26、the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.ENGLISH TO CHINESE参考译文:一个人如有很多希望,就是精神的富豪。人生只是一出枯燥的戏文,编导得又十分拙劣,要想主要人生不乏味,我们就得对这出戏文兴致勃勃。一个若无艺术爱好,又缺科学头脑,世界便只是五颜六色的凑合,或可比之为崎岖的旅程,让人历尽坎坷。但正是因为有了欲望和好奇,人才能永远耐

27、心地活下去,才能见物而喜,遇人而乐,才能在晨起时重新激起想工作、要欢乐的冲动。欲望和好奇是两只眼睛,人通过它们观看世界,世界于是也色彩纷呈。希望和好奇心是人用来看这极其绚丽迷人之世界的一双眼睛:正是这双眼睛使女人美丽可爱,又使顽石妙趣横生。一个人可以倾家荡产,沦乞丐,可是只要他有这两样财宝,他就依然富有快乐的机会。MODEL TEST 4 GENERAL KNOWLEDGEThere are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.Mark your answe

28、rs on your coloured answer sheet.1 In _, some feudal barons and the Church forced King _to sign Magna Carta to place some limits on the Kings power.A. 1615 / John B.1516 / Henry C.1413 / Henry D. 1603 / James6. “God helps those who help themselves” is a very famous saying in _s Poor Richards Almanac

29、.A. Abraham Lincoln B. john Hamilton C. Benjamin Franklin D. Ernest Hemingway3. Canadas main trading partner is _.A. Britain B. Japan C. Germany D. the United States4.The Church of England is _.A. Catholic B. Protestant C. Presbyterian D. Jewish5. Paradise Lost was written by _.A. Ben Jonson B. John

30、 MiltonC. Samuel Johnson D. Thomas Gray 6. Sister Carrie is written by _.A. Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Nathaniel HawthornC. Theodore Dreiser D. Emily Dickinson7. Which of the following is NOT written by Ernest Hemingway?A. The Old Man and the Sea B. For Whom the Bell TollsC. Because I Could Not Stop for

31、 Death D. A Farewell to Arms8. The phonetic symbol for “voiced, labiodental, fricative” is _.A. v B. m C. f D. d 9. Most of the violations of the maxims of the CP give rise to _.A. speech act theory B. conversational implicationsC. utterance meaning D. all of the above10. Child language development includes the following stages except_.A. phonological development B. lexical developmentC. pragmatic development D. cognitive developmentTRANSLATIONSECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following text into English. Write your

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