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2、,详细分析他的代表作品每况愈下中的现实主义特征,并结合戴维洛奇的钟摆理论,阐释该小说五十年代英国文坛现实主义复兴的意义。论文主体由四部分组成。第一部分分析了英国五十年代现实主义文学复兴的现象和原因,分别从社会、文学背景和“愤怒的青年”的现实主义创作理念进行阐述,并对每况愈下做了简单介绍。第二部分探讨了每况愈下的现实主义创作手法,分析作品中传统的流浪小说方式、颠倒的“高攀婚姻”模式和讽刺、滑稽形象描写等现实主义写作技巧。第三部分重点论述作品的主题。 每况愈下是对五十年代英国社会的真实反映。本章分别从当代英国社会阶层的流动性、髙等教育的作用和青年寻找身份三个方面展开讨论。第四部分结合戴维洛奇关于当

3、代英国文坛现实主义和现代主义交替出现的钟摆理论,分析五十年代英国文坛的现实主义复兴现象和每况愈下的时代意义。关键词:现实主义;约翰韦恩 每况愈下“愤怒的青年”; ;AbstractAbstractIn the 1950s there emerged the revival of traditional realism in the Britishliterature, especially in the genres of fiction and drama. British writers adopted thetraditional realistic writings of the ei

4、ghteenth and nineteenth century to depict thepursuit and life of the young men in postwar Britain. They wrote about typical scenesand common people with simple style and plain language. The Angry Young Menwriters have contributed a lot to the realism revival of the 1950s. John Wain is theforerunner

5、and one of tiie most important figures of tiie Angry Young Men group.Wains novel Hurry on Down is a typical realistic novel of the 1950s which presentsus a typical postwar young man from the lower-middle class perspective. This thesisis to give a detailed analysis of Hurry on Down, analyzing its rea

6、listic techniques,itsreflections of society and its relationship with David Lodges Pendulum Theory whichconcerns the development of postwar realism.This thesis is mainly composed of four chapters.The first chapter discusses the phenomenon and causes of the realism revival inthe 1950s,including socia

7、l and literary background and the realistic literary theoriesof the Angry Young Men”. It also gives a brief introduction to Hurry on Down.The second chapter analyzes the realistic characteristics of Hurry on Down,including the traditional picaresque style of Hurry on Down, its reversed hypergamypatt

8、ern and its realistic writing techniques such as satire and comic images.The third chapter tries to analyze the theme of Hurry on Down, which is areliable social reflection of the 1950s. This part focuses on the contemporary Britishclass mobility, the role of higher education and the young looking f

9、or identity in the1950s.David Lodge,s Pendulum Theory is about the alternate appearance betweenmodernism and anti-modernism on the state of the development of English literature.The fourth chapter uses this Pendulum Theory to analyze the resurgence of realism inthe 1950s and the significance of Hurr

10、y on Down, AbstractKey words: realism; John Wain; Hurry on Down; Angry Young Men.学位论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:1、坚持以“求实、创新”的科学精神从事研究工作。2、本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成果。3、本论文中除引文外,所有实验、数据和有关材料均是真实的。4、本论文中除引文和致谢的内容外,不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。5、其他同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中作了声明并表示了谢意。作者签名:日 期:啊,学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解南京师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的

11、规定,学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版;有权将学位论文用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文进入学校图书馆被查阅;有权将学位论文的内容编入有关数据库进行检索;有权将学位论文的标题和摘要汇编出版。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。作者签名:日 期:斗。、_Acknowledgements_AcknowledgementsFor the completion of this Master Degree thesis, my first expression of thanksmust go to my supervisor,Professor Ding Jian

12、ning. She care&lly read and reread theentire manuscript and made many detailed, constructive comments concerning style,organization and content. Without her constant encouragement, unstinting support,inspiring ideas and sagacious guidance, my thesis could not have accomplishedsmoothly.I am also inde

13、bted to all the professors and teachers at School of ForeignLanguages and Cultures in Nanjing Normal University, whose lectures have benefitedme a lot during the course of my graduate study.Besides, 1 must record my deep gratitude for many stuff members of the NationalLibrary, whose sincere and unfa

14、iling service during my visit in Beijing has helped mea lot in gathering reference material. Without their assistance, my thesis could not bethus richly referenced.Other friends on whose indulgence, hospitality, and criticism I depended areZhang Ya, Wu Weiyang, Zhang Yan and Deng Lan. Thank them for

15、 their good humor,exciting talks and encouragements,Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude tomy parents and other family members for their love,care and support through all theyears of my graduate study.IntroductionIntroductionIn literature, realism is a loose

16、 term which often refers to the trend towardsdepictions of contemporary life and society as they were. Realism was and remainsa central impulse in British literature. Though realism was cast into the shadow byBritish modernist literature during the first two decades of the 20 century, in the1950s,th

17、ere emerged the revival of realism and the vitality of realism was representedby a group of writers called the Angry Young Men,John Wain, a prestigious writer of contemporary English literature, wrote his firstand most well-known novel Hurry on Down in 1953, which was a pioneering andrepresentative

18、work of Angry Young Men writers. Hurry on Down depicts a younggraduate Charles Lumley, who comes from working-class, cannot find his identity anddrifts in the society after graduation, doing successive working-class jobs until hefinally finds his position in the middle-class. Hurry on Down presents

19、the new socialalternations and general moods of postwar Britain from 設 lower-middle-classperspective. John Wain, as well as other Angry Young Men writers, rejects theexperimental innovations made by the previous modernist writers and adopts thetraditional realistic forms. Hurry on Down is written in

20、 the traditional form of realism,and it shares a commonality of theme and style with other works of the Angry YoungMen writers. Hurry on Down forever links its author in the public mind as animportant figure of the Angry Young Men writers.Ever since the appearance of the Angry Young Men in the 1950s

21、, the criticshave going to great length to explore both the main characters of the Angry YoungMen and their major works from varying perspectives. The evaluations are mainlycentered on two parts: the theme and the artistic techniques of the Angry YoungMen works. John Russell Taylor identified that I

22、n the Angry Young Men, one isconfronted with men whose anger undoubtedly start in human idealism, and the desirethat man should be more honest, more alive, more human than they normally are(Taylor,1968: 177). In Modernism, Antimodernism and Postmodernism David Lodgethought their originality was larg

23、ely a matter of tone and attitude and subject matter. IntroductionNorman Macleod in The Language of Kingsley Amis studied the language of Amis:to the social culture and moral concerns of the central stream of the English fictionaltradition brought, a contemporary tone, expressed in that strongly voi

24、ced, vernacularway of writing, which has let him turn particular resentments into comic good sense.Amis was voicing a virtuous provincialism, expressing a plain-spoken commonsensethrough the sound of 狂 lower-middle class voice against upper-middle class language(Macleod, 1998: 81).As for the evaluat

25、ions of John Wain and his Hurry on Down, A. T. Tolleysuggested that Wains novels and stories make up one of the more substantial bodiesof contemporary fiction in English (Tolley,1984; 356). Augustus M. Kolich calledWain an iconoclast who is uncompromising in his dedication to the belief that in awor

26、ld where destruction and disintegration are the norm, only the artists creativelanguage can clear the ruins and establish a foundation for heroicindividualisni(Kolicli, 1983: 542). Blake Morrison suggested that Lumley could beseen as representative of a less deceived postwar generation hostile to ol

27、d values andintent upon radical political change. He and other new heroes in fiction were thesubject of much journalistic discussion - discussion which ensured Hurry on Downssuccess (Morrison, 1994: 23). Walter Allen concluded that Hurry on Down madeWain the satirist of this period of social change

28、(Allen: 1964: 52).The status quo of the Chinese study on John Wain and his works can begeneralized as occasional acknowledgements of his position in literary history basedon general introduction of the Angry Young Men”,which is more a tagging job thandetailed study. Wang Changrong questioned the lab

29、el of Angry Young Men; hethought they were not angry at all and just were dissatisfied about the society. GaoZhaocheng and Fen Haiyan compared the Angry Young Men with the BeatGeneration,they concluded that although the novels of the Angry Young Menwere reflections of the contemporary British societ

30、y and were in a more readable way,they were limited as the documentary novels, and they had not achieved a widerreputation as the Beat Generation. Ju Yumei analyzed the realistic characters of theAngry Young Men novels,for example,the description of the common citizens, theIntroductionplain language

31、, the wide use of satire and the vivid dialogues. The mostcomprehensive study of Angry Young Men was made by Wu Qiyao in his doctorialdissertation. He studied the social and cultural scenes of the postwar Britain, thegeneration of anti-heroes, the inadequacies and limitation of the Angry Young Mensanger and the realistic techniques in their novels.This situation reflects exactly the lack of proper introductions to and study onJohn Wain and his

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