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1、Email商业实用英文转帖 E-mail商業實用英文 主旨說明,提供您簡化書信內容的解釋:1. Quotation報價2. Sample樣品3. Catalogue型錄4. Order/purchase order訂單5. Contract合約6. Shipment裝船(運)7. Damage損壞8. Shortage數量短缺9. Complaint抱怨10. Agency代理權11. Payment付款12. Inquiry詢問較長的主旨說明,以提醒收信者注意您的商用書信,但是以不超過五個單字的簡易句子為原則,以免過於冗長:1. Making an appointment安排會議2. Loo

2、king for Customers尋找客戶3. Extending Business拓展業務4. Trade Proposal商務計劃5. Agreement on Conditions of Business交易條件協議6. Trade Inquiry商務詢價7. Selling Offer賣方報價8. Buying Offer買方報價9. Placing an Order下訂單10. Follow-up進度查詢11. Sales Contract 買賣契約12. Claims and Adjustments索賠與調處13. Establishment of Agency Ship建立代理

3、關係稱謂 Dear Sir,:敬啟者,用在只知其人不知其名的狀況下。 My dear Sir,:敬啟者,用在只知其人不知其名的狀況下。 Dear Sirs,:敬啟者,用在只知為一群人中的某一人。 Dear Madam,:親愛的小姐,表示對不分已婚或未婚也不知其名女士的稱呼。 Dear Mr.Mrs. Wang,:親愛的王先生王太太,用在知道對方的姓氏。 Dear Miss Jones,:親愛的瓊斯小姐,表示對未婚女士的稱呼。 Dear Ms. Jones,:親愛的瓊斯小姐,表示無法確定對方是否已婚或未婚的女士稱呼。 Dear Doctor Wang,:親愛的王醫師,用在知道對方的職稱。 Gen

4、tlemen::敬啟者,用在只知為一群人中的某一人。 To whom it may concern,:貴寶號鈞鑒,用在不知道收件者是誰或寫給公司、部門時使用。 Dear Chris, :親愛的克里斯,用在熟悉對方的情況。 Hi Chris, :嗨,克里斯,用在與對方有一定的交情的情況。Opening開場白:1. 簡單打招呼,例如:Its been a long time since自從已經很久了2. 已知道對方的問題We are terribly sorry for關於我方很抱歉We hear from我方得知We regret to know很抱歉得知3. 已收到對方的來信Thank you

5、 very much for your letter dated感謝您日期的來信We are pleased to receive your letter很高興收到您的來信As requested in your letter 根據您來信要求4. 回覆對方的詢問In response to your letter回覆您的來信As regards to 事關事件In connection with 這是有關於事件。客套結束語1. 期待語句,例如“be looking forward to ”靜待得到:We look forward to receiving your reply.我方期望得到您的

6、回覆。I am looking forward to your comments.我將靜待您的建議。2. 感謝語句,“Thank you for”感謝您的:Thank you for your close cooperation with us in this matter.感謝您對於此一事件的協助。Thank you again for your attention.感謝您對於此事的注意。3. 要求語句,“Please tellinform us”請告訴通知我方:Please inform us your decision soon.請盡快通知我方您的決定。Please tell us wh

7、ether you may accept it.請告知我方您是否會接受。4. 詢問語句,“Will you please”能請您:Will you please reply us before this Wednesday?能請您盡快在這個星期三前回覆嗎?Will you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue?能請您寄給我方一份您的最新目錄嗎?5. 堅信語句,“We trust believe、await”我方相信堅信、等待:We trust you will now attend to this matter without furth

8、erdelay.我方相信貴公司會毫不延誤地關心此事件。We await your satisfactory to our quotation service、product.我們等待貴公司對我們的報價服務、商品感到滿意!6. 謙虛語句,“You are the welcome to ”,歡迎,例如:You are always the most welcome to contact us.歡迎您隨時與我方聯絡。You are welcome to ask us for any cooperation.歡迎您隨時要求協助。敬辭:Sincerely yours,Very sincerely you

9、rs,Faithfully yours,Yours very truly,Very respectfully yours,Regards, Best regards,Best wishes,Warmest regards,常用商業例句$自我介紹 $提議會面 $約定會面時間 $無法如期會面 $更改、延後會面時間 $提議 $代理權 $詢價 $報價$議價 $樣品、目錄 $回覆 $訂購前 $已訂購 $運送$出貨 $商品解釋 $付款 $協調 $爭執 $抱怨、賠償$道歉 $結語自我介紹Introduction實用例句We are desirous of extending our connections

10、in your country.我們擬拓展本公司在貴國的業務。We have been having a good sale of umbrellas and aredesirous of expanding our market to your country. 我們的雨傘一直很暢銷,而我們想要在貴國擴展敝公司的經營市場。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you asone of the most reputable exporters.我們有這個榮幸向您介紹敝公司是一家信譽優良的出口商。BCQ is an ISO, UL an

11、d NSF certified company. BCQ是一家ISO、UL和NSF合格認證的公司。We shall be much obliged if you will give us a list of somereliable business houses in Japan.如果您能提供敝公司一些在日本具有可靠信譽的公司名單,敝公司將感激不盡。We would appreciate it if you could kindly introduce us inyour publication as follows:如果您能在您的出版品上刊登敝公司以下說明,敝公司將感激不盡:We spec

12、ialize in this line of business.我們專門經營此項服務。We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years.敝公司從事這個業務已經有廿年的經驗。Because of our past years experience, we are well qualifiedto take care of your interests.因為我們過去的經驗,我們具有極佳的勝任能力來照顧您的權益。Our company is well-established and reliable.我們公司有口皆碑且信用可靠。W

13、e have close business relations with the domestic privateenterprises.敝公司與國內私人企業有非常密切的商務關係。We have four manufacturing plants in different countries:China, Japan, Spain and Philippine.我們在不同的國家共有四個製造工廠:中國大陸、日本、西班牙及菲律賓。We have full confidence that we will meet all your requirements.我們有信心可以滿足您的所有需求。提議會面A

14、ppointment實用例句Id like to make an appointment to see you.我想要跟您約個時間見面。Would it be possible for us to talk to Mr. Black in personabout that?我們可否親自跟布來克先生談此事?Mr. White would like to come and see you.懷特先生想登門拜訪。Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?我們可以見面再詳細討論一下這件事嗎?Could we get toge

15、ther and discuss it a little more?我們可否見面時再多討論一下?I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet you at youroffice.能不能在你辦公室見個面?Could I see Miss Jones sometime next week?下個星期我能找個時間跟瓊斯小姐見個面嗎?Id like to meet Mr. Cruise at four oclock in the afternoon.下午四點我想跟克魯斯先生見個面。Id like to see you tomorrow if you ha

16、ve time.如果您有空我想明天跟您見個面。 Should I visit you, or would you like to come over hereand talk about it?我能去拜訪您或是您要過來討論呢?How about come to my office?你覺得來我的辦公室如何?I would like to talk about it more often if you have timetomorrow.假使你明天有空,我想要多討論一下 What do you say if we talk about it at your office?你覺得我們在你的辦公室討論

17、如何?I will have Debbie and Martin visit you and talk about itformally.我會請黛比和馬丁拜訪你並正式地討論這件事。Would you arrange a formal appointment for us?您能為我們安排一個正式的會議嗎?約定會面Arrange for an appointment實用例句What do you think?你覺得呢?What do you say five oclock?你覺得五點如何?When can we meet to talk? 什麼時候我們能見面談談?When is it conven

18、ient for you?您何時方便呢?What time would be convenient for both of you?您們兩個人什麼時候方便呢?How about the day after tomorrow at five oclock p.m.?後天下午五點如何?How about tomorrow night at seven oclock? Is it OK with you?明天晚上七點如何?你可以嗎? How about four oclock in my office?四點在我的辦公室如何?How about next Monday or the day after

19、 tomorrow?下星期一或是後天如何?Are you free next Tuesday at two oclock p.m.?下個星期二下午兩點您有空嗎?Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday?我們能暫時先約在星期五嗎? Lets tentatively say next Wednesday at four oclock p.m.我們暫時約定下星期三下午四點。 How about ten a.m. in my office? I will arrange this meeting.早上十點在我辦公室如何?我會安排這次會議。 Are

20、 you free right now? I really need to talk about it with you.你現在有空嗎?我真的必須和你討論一下。確定會面時間Make sure for the appointment實用例句See you soon. 不久之後見。Ill see you at eleven.那就十一點見。 Anytime you say.什麼時候都可以。Anytime between three and five.三點到五點都可以。Im free after three oclock. 三點以後我有空。Which one do you prefer? Two or

21、 four oclock?兩點或四點你比較喜歡哪一個? I think three oclock is much better.我覺得三點比較好。Ill be out of town next Wednesday, but anytime after thatwould be fine with me.下星期三我會出城去,在這之後我任何時間都可以。Please call on me anytime when it is convenient for you.歡迎來訪,只要任何時候您方便時。Please call on me it suits you.你方便時都隨時歡迎光臨。Ten oclock

22、 is fine with me.我十點可以。Just give me a call before you come over.你來之前打個電話給我就可以了。Im looking forward to meeting Mr. Jackson.我期待和傑克森先生見面。We are really looking forward to this appoinment.我們真的很期待這次的會面。Well be expecting you all.我們期待您們的光臨。 Well be waiting for Henry and Eileen. 我們恭候亨利和愛琳的光臨。 無法如期會面Cancel the

23、 appointment實用例句Im sorry, I have an appointment with one of my clients tomorrow.抱歉,我和我的一個客戶明天有約會。Im afraid Im busy all day tomorrow.恐怕明天我會忙一整天。I am afraid I couldnt make it.我恐怕無法到達。I am afraid it is a little late for me.我覺得對我而言恐怕有一點晚。Im expecting some visitors tomorrow morning.明天早上我要接待一些客人。Carl said

24、 he is unable to be there.卡爾說他無法到達那裡了。Something urgent has happened. We wont be able to makeit tomorrow.有急事發生。明天我們去不成了。 Im afraid Mr. Jones has to cancel your appointment.恐怕瓊斯先生必須取消和你(們)的約會。 I am not sure. I have to check my schedule.我不確定,我要查看我的行程。I dont know. I am afraid I will be busy all day long

25、 tomorrow.我不知道。我擔心我明天一整天都會很忙。I am not sure about it. Can I inform you later this week?這件事我不確定,我可以本週晚一點通知你嗎?Would you like to decide on another time?您要不要選定別的時間?Louise and I have to cancel tomorrows appointment. 路易斯和我必須取消明天的約會了。Neil asked me to inform you that he is not going to visityou tomorrow. Som

26、ething happened, so he has to fly toHong Kong this afternoon.尼爾要我通知你,他明天無法去拜訪你了。發生一些事,所以他今天下午要飛去香港。更改、延後會面reschedule、postpone實用例句I dont think its a good idea. I couldnt make it.我覺得這不是一個好點子。我可能辦不到。Im afraid Ill have to postpone the appointment.恐怕我必須把約會延期。 Can we make our appointment a little later?我們

27、的約會可以往後延些時間嗎? Could you change the schedule for me?你能幫我更改時程嗎?You did change the appointment, didnt you?你有更改約會的時間吧?沒有嗎?I ask you to postpone tomorrows appointment.我要求你把明天的約會延期。I have to go to Hong Kong this afternoon.我今天下午必須去香港。 We may be a little late but please wait for us.我們可能會晚一點到,但是請等我們。 Would y

28、ou like to reschedule the appointment?您要重訂會面時間嗎? How about Thursday at the same time?星期四同一個時間好嗎? How does Friday at the same time sound to you?您覺得星期五同一個時間如何?Would you please tell Andrew I have to postpone our meeting?能請你告訴安德魯我必須將會面延後嗎?I prefer not to postpone the schedule.我比較傾向不要延後行程。I would rather

29、not change the time.我倒寧願不要更改時間。提議Proposal實用例句My proposal is that我的提議是Here is what I propose以下是我的提議 My proposal has two parts. They are我的提議分為兩個部分,也就是We should be glad if you would help us with your suggestions.如果您能提供我們您的建議,我們將會非常高興。There are a few points which Id like to bring up concerningthe contra

30、ct.關於合約,我想提出幾點看法。We are confident that if you give us any opportunity to dealin your products, the result will be entirely satisfactory to you.假使您能給敝公司這個機會銷售貴公司的商品,我們有信心結果將令您非常滿意。We feel you will be interested in our new prouducts whichare shortly to introduce to the trade.我方認為貴公司會對我方甫上市的新產品感到興趣。According to my proposal, dont you think about it?根據我的計畫,你不仔細考慮一下嗎?代理權Agency實用例句We are very interested in acting as your agent.敝公司對擔任貴公司代理一事非常感興趣。We are sure t

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