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Language Point89.docx

1、Language Point89Language Point:1. Seen from the space. = When our plane is seen from space,.Note: This is an ed participle phrase as an adverbial of time.Par. When the fertile fields are seen from the plane, they look like chess boards.When water is put in a freezer, it quickly becomes ice.See note

2、1. 1) on P121.2. The nine planets of the solar system are, in order of distance from the sun: Mercury (水)Venus(金)Earth(地球)Mars(火)Jupiter(木)Saturn(土)Uranus (天王星)Neptune(海王)Pluto(冥王)3. average v.have an ofHe s 100 yuan a month this term.My family s 60 yuan a month for gas. n. The of my marks of this t

3、erm is 80.The ice sheet is more than 7000 feet thick on .on average/on an = on the adj.What is the annual rainfall in the Arctic?The cars speed today is 50 miles an hour.4. .every other person. one in every twomore examples: We have English parties every other week.Par. We are asked to write on ever

4、y two lines. every other line. I go home once every two years.5. spectacular (adj.)making a fine spectacle; attracting public attention 可 公开展示的;景象可观的,壮观的,引人入胜的A display of fireworks (烟花之奇观)spectacle (n.)sth seen; sth taking place before the eyes, esp. sth. fine and remarkable 景 象,光景e.g. The sunrise

5、as seen from the top of the mountain was a fine .6. set eyes onlay eyes on; seee.g. It was the most extraordinary thing I had ever set eyes on.Par. I have never seen a book with such magnificent binding.He said he had never seen such a creature.7. let aloneeven less, certainly not; not to mentionNot

6、e: This is a conjunction used after a negative clause.e.g. My brother cant do fractions, let alone work out this complicated geometry problem. He is very busy, he cant find time to have a meal, let alone go outing.8. set foot on/in etc. go in; visit set foot out of.e.g. Peter got measles, so his mot

7、her didnt let him set foot out of the house.Par: The invention of spaceships has made it possible for man to go to the moon.set foot onMy mother doesnt let me go into her room. set foot in9. tenure right of holding land 占有权,占有期e.g. during his of office (任职期) military (由于服兵役获得的土地所有权)10. appreciate st

8、h. doing sth.11. outweigh (vt.)be greater in weight, value or importance than. 比更重,更有价值, 更重要This desk s that one.Advantages disadvantages.My love for our country s everything else.The good points the bad points.The good in him s the bad.The boxer ed his opponent by ten pounds.out + v vt outweigh 比更重

9、/重要 outact 行动上胜过outbrave 在勇气上超过outbreed 比繁殖得快outclass 比高一档outcry 比叫喊更响outdare 胆量上胜过outdo 胜过,超越outeat 比吃得多outfight 战胜outfly 在飞行速度上超过outfoot (在奔跑、航行等)速度超过 outgeneral 在领导才能上超过(在将才上超过)outgo 走得比远outgrow 长得比快outguess 猜透;智胜outlast 比经久,比活得长outlive 在(某人)死时尚未死,比(某物)经久outmarch 在行军速度和耐力上胜过outmatch 胜过outnumber 在

10、数量上超过outpace 在速度上超过outplay 胜过、击败outpoint 得分超过outpoll 得票超过 outrange 射得比远,超过,胜过outride 骑得比快/远outshine 比更亮outsit 比坐得久outsmart 智胜outspeak 讲话上胜过outstay 比住得久outtalk 比讲得响亮12. think + adj. / n. but: be.13. contrast in contrastin comparisonMy brother is clever at maths

11、, in contrast, my sister is stupid. in to./with 与构成对比His white hair is in sharp to/with his dark skin.e.g. In living standard, Hong Kong is in sharp contrast to/with. The West End of London is in sharp to/with the East End. In to/with his brother, he is more considerate. contrast (n.)comparison; dif

12、ference 比较,对照The between the two brothers is remarkable.U Contrast may make something appear more beautiful.The artists use skilfully.C He is an amusing to John.His school record was a decided to his brothers.Phrase:by in comparisonBy , Mrs Young is more out-spoken.By , I like flowers more than danc

13、ing. contrast (v.)a) compare (one thing with another) so that differences are made clear 比较,对比 sth with sth. = compare.with.In this book, the writer s good with evil.Contrast our climate with that of the tropics.He ed Britain with America.b) show a difference when compared. (vi.) 比较显出差异;成对照(形成对照)His

14、 actions badly with his promises.The hot weather s with last weeks chill.His brothers hard work s with his laziness.14. isolation isolation (n.)separation 分离,隔绝 an hospital one for patients with infectious diseasesin isolationin separationlive in Robinson Crusoe lived in for many years.Do you like t

15、o live in ? Be in isolate (v.)separate, put or keep apart from others. 使隔离,使孤立,使隔绝 sbWhen a person has an infectious disease, he is usually d.Doctors the patients with infectious diseases.Several villages have been d by heavy snowfalls.An d patient is a person who is kept in an isolation ward.15. te

16、mpestuous (adj.) violent, stormy 剧烈的,骚乱的,有暴风雨的(多指天气) weather. (f.g.) in a mood (excited) a political meeting 骚乱的政治集会tempest (n.)C violent stormThere was a last week. beaten; -swept; -tossed 被暴风打击的 (f.g.) A of laughter swept through the crowd.16. incline be inclined to do sthbe likely to, tend to. 倾向

17、于,感到想With his poor health, he is d to get tired.He is d to be lazy.I am d to agree with you.Im d to think he is right.Many language teachers are d to talk too ed for sth.Do you feel ed for a cup of tea? 你想喝茶吗? incline (v.)tend; be disposed 倾向, 愿意. to do sth.I to believe his innocence.Ol

18、der people to slow down.The whole family s to rise early. sb to do sth. 使倾向于His letter d me to believe that he doesnt want to come.The argument s me to agree. to sth. 倾向于,偏于I to your opinion on that matter.I to tiredness in summer. inclination (n.)U mental leaning, liking or desire, disposition,意向,爱

19、好,倾向People who go on courses develop an inclination to try and go on. (n.v.) are inclineddevelop show an to do sth to do sthshow no She showed no to leave.follow ones She is not free to follow her own . incline (n.) C 钭面 inclination17. tens of thousands hundreds of thousands thousands of millions18.

20、 a handful of an amount which is as much as can be held in the hand; a small number of; a small amount ofSimilar examples: a mouthful of fooda spoonful of soupa bucketful of muda roomful of peoplea cupful of watera pocketful of sweets19. as regardsregarding, concerning, about, as far as.e.g. As rega

21、rds his private life, he would not tell anybody about it. You can rest assured as regards the quality of the refrigerator.20. precipitation (n.)fall of rain, sleet, snow or hail; amount of this 雨,霙,雪或雹的下降; 其降量the annual in the country 降雨量21. by far. a large amount or degree 显得;得多(经常和比较级或最高级连用) 和最高级连

22、用:e.g. The new brand of chocolate is by far the best of its kind. (显然) The new seaport will by far be the most advanced coal wharf in this area. : 码头He is by far the best player in our team.That is by far the best choice.It is by far the best way to learn English. 和比较级连用: 远比,得多,His work is better by

23、 far than that of any other.This is better by far.The old road is prettier, but it is by far the longer way.She is by far the better actress. the better actress by far.This is (by) far the better of the two.22. -88minus 88 degree centigrade c.f. 8888 degrees Fahrenheitboiling point 212freezing point

24、 3223. integrate (vt.)combine parts into a whole; disintegrate (vt.)break into pieces24. injurious adj.causing injury; hurtfulbe to.Smoking is to health. injure (v.)hurt, damage. get d.She said to her mother in an injured voice. injury (n.)25. a knot of windknot: a measure of the speed of a ship or

25、winda knot = 1853 metres per hour26. have an effect onaffectPollution will have a direct effect on the rise and drop in temperature.27. small wonder that. no wonder not surprisingYoung people like to follow the fashion; Small wonder (that) my son asks me to buy some new clothes for him.He got up ver

26、y late. Small wonder he was late for class.Complete the following sentences, using small wonderHe is ill, .It is raining, .The shop has closed, .He failed in the exam, .28. inviolate kept sacred; not violated. 神圣的,不可侵犯的an promisean oath (誓言)29. drawback (n.) sth which makes progress less easy; disad

27、vantage 障碍,不利 to sth.His laziness is the to his study. progress.His being on his high horse is the to his progress. 趾高气扬2 shortcoming 缺点The of this plan is that it costs too much.It is a good car. The only is that it uses a lot of petrol.倒装句He not only studies hard, but also helps others.Not only do

28、es he.调换主语The news surprised him. (subject)He was . by .Language Points:1. And a town has a whole emotion.This is an example of metaphor. A town is compared to a living being with feelings of all kinds love, joy, hate, fear, grief, etc.2. scramble (v.)a) climb or crawl over steep or rough ground 快速攀

29、爬The boys d up the steep rocky hill.They d up the side of a cliff.He d over a rocky hillside.I d up the rock for a better look at the sea.b) struggle with others to get sth 争抢,争夺 compete for.The three of us d for the loose ball. (抢球)The players were scrambling for possession of the ball.Many countries are scrambling for the control of energy.The children d for the coins that were thrown to them. to do sthThe players were scrambling to get possession of the ball.c) hurry to do sth 匆忙做某事She d into her clothes.He d out of his clothes and jumped into river.He scrambled to his feet.We d for co

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