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1、航海英语考试内容总结航海英语考试内容总结ISM 规则属于 SOLAS 公约的 chapter IX “InternationalSafety Management (ISM) Code” ISM 宗旨 The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.” Company means the owner of the ship or any other organiz

2、ation or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all duties and responsibility imposed by the Code.船件长 Masters responsibility and authority

3、.1 implementing the safety andenvironmental-protection policy of the Company;.2 motivating the crew in the observation of that policy; .3 issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner;.4 verifying that specified requirements are observed; 5 reviewing the safety management

4、system and reporting its deficiencies to the shore-based management.the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety 1 properly qualified for command;.2 fully conversant with the Company s safety management system;and pollution prevention and to

5、 request the Company s assistance as may be necessary and the master duties can be safely performed 相关证书 DOC “ Documentof Compliance ” means a document issued to a Company which complies with the requirements of this Code.SMC “Safety Management Certificate ” means a document issued to a ship which s

6、ignifies that the Company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety management systemSMM “Safety Management Menue ”(Safe Operation of Ships and Marine Environmental Protection)安全管理系统SMS “Safety management system ” means a structured and documented system enabling Co

7、mpany personnel to implement effectively the Company safety and environmental protection policy. NC 不合格项 Non-conformity 纠正措施 means anobserved situationwhere objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement. Emergency Response Fire, explosion, flooding, grounding, stranding,

8、 sinking, foundering, listing, capsizing, robbery, piracy, injury, man overboard, collision, contact, wave damage, short landed, over landed, disable and adrift, breaking apart, pollution应急种类 Plans and manualsPlans SOPEP(Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan),SAPEP,Fire control plan,Muster list, co

9、ntingency planManuals How to operate machines, etc. Procedures on Arrival or Departure from a Foreign Ports.海事公约 Introduction to the Maritime LawsSOLAS Convention (The international Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea )范围 The regulations relating to life saving appliances and arrangements 作用 ar

10、e intended to ensure that in the event of a catastrophe(disaster) at sea, passengers and crew have the greatest chances of survival.Improved design and equipment, better fire protection, satellite communications, rescue planes and helicopters and trained personnel also contribute to improved safetya

11、t sea.MARPOL 73/78 (The protocol of 1978 to the international convention the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973 经 19xx年议定书修订的19xx年国际防止船舶造成污染公约)STCW Convention (It stands for the International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in

12、 1995 19xx年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约 19xx年修正案)MLC06 ( Maritime Labour Convention 20xx )及各大公章 节Titanic In April 12th, 1912 Titanic allided with ice-mountains and founderde at Cape Race, Newfoundland. 1503 people lost their lives in this disaster.原因 Titanic did not have enough lifeboats for all passengers. 2.

13、passengers were lacking of basic lifesaving knowledge in this disaster. 3. the radio officer had gone off duty when the Titanic distressmessages were sent. sea temperature when Titanic sank was below freezing point and many people died in the water from hypothermia (lost body temperature).五险一金 five

14、major premiums and A Rewarding Fund养老保险, endowment insurance. Pension. To deposit money in a special account which we will be able to use those periodically after retirement.-医疗保险, hospitalization insurance. To deposit moneyin a special account which we will be able to use those when we are hosptial

15、ized. -失业保险,insurance for unemployment. To deposit money in a special account which we will be able to use those periodically after retirement and we are able to use it under unemployment.-工伤保险,insurance for occupational injury. To get premiums after injuries from the job.-生育保险,insurance for bearing

16、 children.Accumulation Fund for HousingShipowners 船东 or bareboat charterers光租船东 Persons who owns ships or are sublet the ship(s) by actual shipowner(s). Functions for Seafarers Pay all wages and other incomes for shipmasters and seafarers on board the ships in accordance with the legal documents voy

17、age contracts. ManagementCompanies Persons who own companies with resources of seafarers. Functions for Seafarers -Assist the seafarers for job hunting. (Interview by the shipowner, employment)-Claim for any damages from injuries.(From shipowners, insurance companies, P&l clubs, etc.) -Employ lawyer

18、s or attorney.(Hearing in a court, or arbitrations)-Counterclaim for seafarers. (unemployed, illtreated,dis-promoted,)-Promotions and renewals of certificates for seafarers.-Pension (death, injury, robbery)大型船舶有限公司:中国远洋运输公司 COSCO,中国海运集团公司 Chinashipping第二篇:英语考试技巧总结 4200字听力第一、二部分:1、 做听力之前,短、长对话都先浏览一半题

19、目,以免 后面来不及看,抓关键词(V、adj),速度要快!2、 看主语是谁(HeShe),就注意听哪一个说的话。3、 句式相差太大的那一项,一般不选。4、 短对话一般听到什么选什么, 长对话需要注意一下。 尤其是有转折、递进、因果、让步(thoughalthough )、举例、逻辑(eg: it is said reported that 这些词后面,都是重要信息!5、 听力一般考时间、地点、人物、事件、态度。6、 最关键也是最直接的就是听清问题。第三部分:1、 提前浏览下填词的部分,看看需要什么性质的词, 单复数与时态常考。2、 写句子时听到什么都写下来,尤其是谓语动词、词组、短语、形容词,

20、能写都写下来,不写就一分都得不到。遇到不会写的单词,可以用你熟 悉的代替,意思表达出来也会给分的。(二)、阅读一、 快速阅读:只有15分钟时间,所以平时就要练速度,先读一两个 问题,通过人名、地点等大写词进去找,或者数字、符号这 些,一般有那个关键词在的地方就能找到答案,如果不是原 句,可能就只是换了个动词或形容词,答案一样!二、 深入阅读25分钟3篇阅读,如果做不完就只有从翻译、完型那挤 点时间,不过要保证另外 2个的质量。最多也就 5分钟,所 以做阅读时,要注意几点:1、 带问题找,有快有慢,到了问题中的关键词那时, 放慢速度理解意思,尤其是对某句话的理解这类题,前后句都会有所帮助。2、

21、文中频繁出现的词,一般就是中心事物,选答案时多数找含有这个词的。3、 有些路标词(因果、转折、递进、强调。 。)的词 后,大多为重要内容。4、 举3种常见的类型:A信息传播型:主要看时间、地点、人物、情节、特点。B分析论说型:作者观点(as I see it I believepreferam sure)、主要针对哪方面。 C事实证明型:结论-在开头 结尾 余下为数据、科学观察、实验结果、引用权威等事实。5、 一般考主旨、目的、原因,细节,要注意像ExceptNot true这些词。(三) 完型15分钟。若阅读一直提不起速度, 就把完型的时间控制在12分钟以内。1、 花2、3分钟浏览一下全文,

22、时间太急就看一半, 知道讲什么就行。2、 完型一般考词汇的意思、固定搭配、连词(常用于 开头或句子之间的副词)、形式相似单词的意义区别。一般选常用的词。(四) 翻译5分钟,写完作文后就可先看看翻译,需要哪些句型、 固定搭配,听听力前,该看的看完后有时间可先写上自己会 的,节约时间。不会的做阅读时在里面看看有不,不管肯定 写还是否定写,只要写出关键词就行,一定不能空。(五)写作1、 最基础的就是句子通畅,开头结尾不要出错,单复 数、时态要注意,单词不要写错。2、 得高分的关键要有闪光点,适当的正确使用几个高级词汇、句型(倒装、虚拟、强调等) 。同样意思的词可以换着使用,不要一直用一个。Eg: g

23、ood可用excellent代替。 lmportant-essential(有必要的)。分几类,不过有固定模式:一、 社会类:社会现象: 1、Recently, there has been a growing concern about * among the pubilc.2、Along with the advance of society ,*has become a worse problem we have to be confronted with.原因:开头句 -What has possibly contributed to the problem? Maybe the re

24、asons can be listed as follows.或者 Generally speaking, there are a variety of reasons accounting for this phenomenon.1、 First .second third v2on one hand .on the other hand 厶、to begin with* 措施: 开头-1、a dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent from doing more harm .2、 However grave the current

25、 situation may be, we still have confidence in our government to do something.3、 Serious as the problem appears, we can still come up with some practicial measures to cope with it. For example 结尾-Only in this way, can we 二、 图表类描述图表,得出结论:As is shownillustrated by the figurepercentage(百分比)in the table

26、chart (曲线),* has been on risedecrease dramatically, riseingdecreasing from 100 in 1990 to 1000 in 20xx.(对图标进行具体描述)Judging from the shape(居V烈的)declinerise in the chart, we can draw a conclusing:原因-同上措施-同上三、 利弊型Chinas Entry Into WTONowadays,therehas beenawidespreadconcernoverChinasEntryIntoWTO,whichis

27、 widelyseen tobringusablessingandpromisingfuture.It seems tobesoat firstsight.However, on reflection, we are convinced(使信服。)thatitsjustanother double-edgedsword.Ononehand, China istoenjoy the benefitsthattheorganization provideus.(优点陈述)Ontheotherhand, the entry willimpose some negativeeffects on Chi

28、na (缺点 .)Whateverthe reason,theearly entryintoWTO is beneficial tocountryandour life. Weshould make good useof thechancesandmeanwhilesuitablydealwiththe outsidecompetition. Allour efforts are toupgrade ourbusiness scalesand getmoreintegrated (使完善)into the international business community.以下为阅读和写作可能用

29、到的句型:1、 递进: moreover in addition to whats morebesides furthermore more than that equally2、 因果: therefore as a result(of) due to on account oh in consequence of result in(导致) result from (起因于)-常在完型里考owing to(归因于) have an effect on3、 总结:generally speaking on a large scale as for me as far as I am conc

30、erned obviouselyinterms of (从。方面来说;按照)。4、 结论: in conclusion in short on the whole finally in brief to sum upin summary5、 转折: anyhow nevertheless however6、 条件:in that casein this circumstance unless otherwise7、 比较:similarly likewisein the same way compared with.8、 对照:on the contrary(正相反) by contrast (对比 之下) rather than in comparision9、 定义:to be defined as it states that in other words .10、 目的:for this purpose so that in order to 11、 强调:indeed in fact surely certainly to be sure.12、 举例: for instance specifically take as anexample

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