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1、Ving详解V-ing-详解 必修四 Unit 2-Unit 4 语法详解 动名词和现在分词用法解析一、V-ing 形式概念(1) V-ing 形式包括两种: 动名词:具有名词特征,在句子中可作主语,宾语,表语,定语等。 现在分词: 具有形容词和副词特征,在句子中可作定语、状语、表语、宾补 Speaking in the public , he will surely be very cheerful . (现在分词短语,作状语)他在公众场所讲话时总是兴高采烈的。 She hates speaking in the public. (动名词短语,作宾语) 她不喜欢在公众场所讲话。Feeling

2、 the lesson boring, the students are sleepy.There are many sleeping students in class. Seeing is believing. I suggest going shopping tomorrow. The lesson is boring.(2) 动词ing时态及否定形式 时态态语态主动形式被动形式一般式 (not) doing(not) being done完成式(not)having done(not) having been done V-ing 一般式表示这个动作正在进行或与谓语表示的动作同时发生.

3、Eg: They went out of the classroom, talking and laughingThe large building being built is a library. Ving完成式: 强调这个的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前完成Eg: Having lived in this city for three years, she knows it very well. Eg: Having been shown the lab, we were taken to see the library. 动词ing的否定形式在ing的前面加not 或never的否定副

4、词 Not knowing how to find the subway, I asked a policeman for help.Never have been to Beijjing before, she felt at a loss where to go.2、动名词详解(1)动名词作主语Reading French is easier than speaking it. 阅读法文比讲法语容易。Talking to him is talking to a wall. 和他说话等于对牛弹琴。注意:1. 动名词作主语,有时用it作形式主语,把动名词主语放在句子后面Its nice see

5、ing you again. 再次见到你太好了。It was tiring driving from morning till night. 从早到晚开车很累人。用it作形式主语,动名词短语位于之后,常用于一些固定句型中,如:It +be +a waste of time doing 做是浪费时间的It is no good/use doing 做是没用处的It is hardly/scarcely worth doing 做不值得It is worth/worthwhile doing 做是值得的注意区别:在Its important / Its necessary / Its advisa

6、ble 这类句型中,只能用不定式,如:Its important to learn foreign languages. Its quite necessary to read it many times. 2.“There is + no”后可以用动名词作主语There was no knowing what he could do. 他能做什么很难说。There was no arguing with her. 没法和她争论。常见的固定句型如下:There is no doing 无法There is no sense in doing 做没有道理There is no use doing

7、 干无意义 There is nothing worse than doing 没有比更糟的There is no point doing 干无意义 注意:There is no need to do sth 没必要做. 没有必要告诉她。_3. 动名词作主语与不定式作主语的区别:动名词表示的动作通常是一个泛指的动作,不定式则通常表示具体的动作。As a child,she felt that _ was a duty and a pleasure还是个孩子的时侯,她就觉得探视病人是一种责任,也是一种愉悦。_ in an American home will be a good experien

8、ce for me.到美国人家里做客对我来说将是一个极好的经历。(2)动名词作宾语动名词作宾语有两种情况。一是动词后接动名词作宾语,二是介词后接动名词作宾语只能接动名词作宾语的动词,常见的有avoid,consider,enjoy,keep,finish,suggest,dislike,escape,cannot help,imagine,mind,miss,cannot stand等。如:1)我不能不去。I cant avoid going2)你是否考虑过找一位挚友? Have you considered _ one special friend3)我们必须设法避免犯(commit)同样的

9、错误。 We must try to _ the same mistake4)人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。People _ foolish man 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin,start,continue,like,love,prefer,by,mean,forget,remember,hate等。注意:1. 在like,love,hate,prefer等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不同,只是侧重点有些不同,动名词表示泛指的动作,不定式表示具体的一次性动作。2. 在动词forget,remember,regret之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。如:

10、remember to do 记得去做 remember doing 记得做过 Ill remember to post the letter我会记着去寄信的。I remember posting the letter我记得我已把信寄了。forget to do 忘了去做 forget doing 忘了做过Dont forget to write to your mother_ I shall never forget seeing the famous writer_try to do (设法做) try doing (试试做)1)我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。 We must try to

11、get everything done in time2)我们用别的方法做这工作试试。Lets try doing the working in some other waymean to do 打算做,有意要做 mean doing (意味着做)I didnt mean to make you angry_In Beijing, missing a bus means waiting for another hour. _go on to do (接着做另一件事) go on doing继续做一直在做的事1) 请接着做这同一个练习。_ the same exercise2) 请做另外一个练习

12、。_ the other exercisestop to do (停下正在干的事去干另一件事) stop doing(停止做)我们停止了交谈。_我们停了下来去谈话。_3. 在表需要类动词,如need, want, require, 可用动名词主动形式表被动形式Your hair wants cutting.你的头发该理了。(= want to be cut)The floor requires washing. 地板需要冲洗。 (= requires to be washed)My house needs painting. 我的房子需要油漆一下。 (=need to be painted)

13、作介词宾语.I insist on taking proper food fort his expedition我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。 Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits. 我们得想些法子改变人们的习惯。我向你道歉,刚才对你那样生气。 I apologize _ so angry with you.离开几年之后再回到你生长的地方,感觉有点怪。_ _ away for several years,it is a strange experience to return to the place you were bo

14、rn and brought up(3)动名词作表语Her hobby is painting. 她的爱好是绘画。Her job was tending the sheep. 她的工作是放羊。(4)动名词作定语动名词作定语,表示其所修饰名词的性质,或用途或功能,如: building materials = materials for building 建筑材料 a walking stick = a stick for walking 手杖 a reading room = a room for reading 阅览室 a writing desk = a desk for writing

15、写字台3、现在分词详解(1)现在分词作定语现在分词作定语表示其所修饰的名词的动作,即: 现在分词与其所修饰的名词在逻辑上具有主谓关系。通常能改为一个定语从句。如:developing countries 发展中国家 a falling star 流星主要报纸 a running manThe man running in the picture is Liu Xiang.= The man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.注意:1. 单个现在分词作定语修饰名词一般置于名词之前,现在分词词组修饰名词则置于名词之后此时相当于一个定语从句2. 动

16、名词和现在分词都可以用作定语来修饰名词,两者的区别在于: 动名词修饰名词时主要表示该名词的用途,而现在分词修饰名词时性质状态或动作等 试比较: a swimming boy“一个正在游泳的男孩”,即a boy who is swimming a swimming suit “游泳衣”,即a suit for swimming a sleeping child “一个正在睡觉的孩子” ,即a child who is sleeping a sleeping car “卧车(被用来睡觉的车厢)”, 即 a car which is used for sleeping (2)现在分词作表语现在分词作

17、表语通常表示主语的属性和特征,相当于形容词,含有“令人.,其主语通常是物.The news is encouraging. 这消息令人鼓舞。This story is very interesting. 这个故事很有趣。Your journey in Kenya is really exciting.What you did was disappointing.The nightmare I had last night was very frightening.注意:动名词和现在分词都可以用于系动词之后作表语,区别方法是: 作表语的动名词与主语指的是同一件事,此时系动词相当于“是”,通常把主

18、语和表语的位置互换,语法和意思不变,例如: My hobby is swimming.可改为Swimming is my hobby.(可将原句中的主语与表语位置互换) 现在分词作表语主要用以说明主语的性质,不能与主语互换位置,例如: The story is interesting .不可改为:Interesting is the story.(3)现在分词作状语。 现在分词及其短语可以用作状语,表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。其动作可能发生在谓语之前或之后,也可能与谓语动词的动作同时发生。Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw

19、a magnificent view.我们爬到塔顶后,看到了一片壮丽的景象。(表时间)Living in the country, we had few social engagements.我们住在乡下,交际的机会很少。(表原因)Having money, he will buy a bigger car.(表条件)Knowing the secret, she would not tell me about it.(表让步)The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it.那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了.(表

20、结果)He stood leaning against the wall. 他靠墙站着.(表方式或伴随情况)(4)现在分词用作宾语补语常见的带现在分词作补语的动词有:表示感觉的动词,如:smell, observe, watch, notice, look at, listen to 等。I heard the girl singing in the classroom.I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open.The baby watched his dad shaving his face with gre

21、at interest.某些使役动词,如have, set, get, catch, keep, leave等We found him waiting to receive us. 我们发现他等着欢迎我们。We kept the fire burning all the time. 我们使火一直燃烧着。注意:现在分词作宾补与不定式做宾补的区别。现在分词:动作正在进行; 不定式: 动作的全过程。I heard her singing a song just now. (正在进行的动作)I heard her sing a song just now. (听见全过程)4、现在分词使用的特殊情况(1

22、)做独立成分情况 有些分词可以独立存在,在句中没有逻辑上的主语,作为习惯用法。这些短语有:generally/frankly speaking 一般来说/坦白来说judging from/by 由.来判断taking all things into consideration从各方面来说eg: Generally speaking,girls are more interested in literature than boys.Judging from his accent, he is a new comer.(2)被用作介词或连词的分词:supposing providing/provi

23、ded 假设,假如,设想 considering认为 concerning/regarding 关于according to 按照 talking of 谈到 speaking of 说到 Eg: Supposing he wont pass the exam, what should he do ?According to his report, the situation is getting serious.五、动名词和现在分词练习(1)动名词1. No one enjoys_at.A. laughing B. to laugh C. being laughed D. to be lau

24、ghed 2. You must do something to prevent your house_ .A. to be broken in B. from being broken in C. to break in D. from breaking in 3. They insisted on_another chance to try.A. given B. givingC. being givenD. to be given4. Where is my passport? I remember_it here.You shouldnt have left it here. Reme

25、mber_it with you all the time.A. to put; to take B. putting ;taking C. putting ;to take D. to put ;taking 5. His room needs_, so he must have it .A. painting; paintedB. painted; painting C. painting; painting D. painted; painted 6. After finishing his homework he went on_a letter to his parents.A.wr

26、iteB.writingC.wrote write 7. The young trees we planted last week require_with great care.A. looking after B. to look after C. to be looked after D. taken good care of 8. Only_English doesnt mean_the learn; to learn B.learning; learning C.learning about; learn D.learning about; le

27、arning 9. She returned home only to find the door open and something_.A.missed be missing C.missing be missed 10. She decided to devote herself_the problem of old study B.studying studying 11. Remember_the newspaper when you have finished it. A.putting back B.put back

28、 put back put back 12. As she is looking forward to_from me, please remember_this letter on your way to school. A.hear; post B.hearing; to post heard; posting hearing; to posting 13. Grandma said that she had a lot of trouble_your see seein

29、g 14. Writing stories and articles_what I enjoy B.are C.was D.were 15. We appreciate_us to the ball.A. them to invite B. to invite C. their inviting D. being invited 16. Would you mind_quiet for a moment? Im trying_a form.A. keeping; filling out B. to keep; to fill out C. keeping; to fill out D. to keep; filling out 17. He was afraid_for being late.A.of seeing B.of being seen be seen have seen 18. Id like to suggest_the meeting till next week.A. to put off B. putting off C. put off D. to be put off 19. I don

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