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1、中医英语笔记精品文档28页中医英语笔记中基中医英语翻译特点:1借用英语中已有单词的重新排列组合向英语语言输入中医特有的概念和表达法肝血 Liver blood血虚 Blood deficiency活血化瘀 Activating blood to resolve stasis恶风 aversion to wind倦怠 fatigue and lack of strength肝气犯胃 Liver-Qi invading the stomach2定义化:用英语给予中医概念下定义辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome, or syndrome differentiation

2、and treatment奔豚 a syndrome characterized by a feeling of gas rushing up through the throat to throat from the lower abdomen虚胀 deficiency flatulence3。多样化:虚:Deficiency, asthenia, insufficiency, weakness, debility, hypofunction4拼音化:Tuina中医英语翻译原则由于素体脾胃虚弱,或久病失血伤阴,致阴血不足,胞脉失养。The disease results from chron

3、ic splenogastric asthenia, or yin-consumption by bleeding with chronic illness, leading to hemopenia and failure to nourish the uterine collaterals.如果气化功能失常,就会影响到气、血、津液的新陈代谢,影响饮食物的消化吸收,影响汗液、尿液和粪便的排泄,从而形成各种各样代谢异常的疾病。The disorder of Qi activity can affect the metabolism of Qi, blood and body fluid, im

4、pair the digestion and absorption of food, and inhibit sweating, urination and defecation, resulting in various metabolic diseases.三焦 , 现统一 为triple energizerTranslation of TCM terminology补:tonify, invigorate, strengthen, supplement实火:Excessive fire, Solid fire温病:Seasonal febrile disease哮喘: Dyspnea a

5、nd asthmatic breathing引火归原: conduct the fire returning to the original place肺痨: consumptive disease of the lung黄帝内经:yellow emperors canon of internal medicineThe theory of Yinyang and Five-elementsPlain questions素问 Miraculous Pivot 灵枢经Classic on Medical Problems 难经 Shen Nongs Herbal神农本草经 Treatise on

6、 Febrile Diseases伤寒论Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Cabinet 金匮要略 A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion针灸甲乙经General Treatise on the Etiology and Symptomsology诸病源候论Theory of TCMMaterialism 唯物主义疾病可知又可防治The diseases are cognizable and curableDialectics 辩证法正气存内,邪不可干When there is sufficient healt

7、hy qi inside, pathogenic factors have no way to invade the bodyBasic characteristics of TCM整体观念 The holistic concept ;the concept of the organism as a wholeThe concept of organic whole refers to the integral unity of the human body and its close relationship with the outer world.从阳引阴,从阴引阳,以左治右,以右治左

8、Drawing yin from yang and drawing yang from yin; treating the right for curing disease on the left and treating the left for curing disease on the right.辨证论治Syndrome differentiation and treatment同病异治Treating the same disease with different therapies异病同治Treating different disease with the same therap

9、y 阴阳五行学说部分阴阳学说Theory of yin and yang or doctrine of yin and yang 阴中之阴与阳中之阳Yin within yin and yang within yang 阴阳互根Yin and yang are rooted in each other 阴阳转化Yin-yang conversion 阴阳自和Natural harmony of yin and yang; spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang 阴阳消长Growth and decline between yin and yang 阴

10、平阳秘Yang steadies while yin calms ;calm yin and sound yang 阴阳两虚Simultaneous asthenia of yin and yang,国外译作dual vacuity of yin and yang 阴阳离绝Dissociation or separation of yin and yang阴胜则寒Excessive of yin causing cold or predominance of yin leads to cold syndrome阴损及阳Impairment of yin affecting yang or co

11、nsumption of yin involving yang阴阳俱损Simultaneous impairment of yin and yang 阴胜格阳Predominant yin rejecting yang or excessive yin repelling yang Yin and Yang-the law of natureThings or phenomena which are dynamic, bright, hot, functional, etc, pertain to yang, while those that are static, dark, cold, s

12、ubstantial, etc, pertain to yinYin and yang are the law of heaven and earth, the principles of all things, the parents of all changes, the origin of life and deathThe content of the theory of Yin and YangOpposition n.反对, 敌对, 相反Interdependence n.互相依赖Relative waxing and waning 【医】消长变化Transformation 转化

13、All things and phenomena in the natural world contain the two opposite components阴盛则阳病,。Yin in excess causing yang disease, while yang in excess leading to yin disease在中医里,常见“x则y”的结构,x为因,y为果,可将则译为Causing Inducing Leading to Bring on Give rise to Produce Make阳虚则外寒Yang deficiency causing external cold

14、阳盛则热Excessive yang leading to heat在很多术语里没“则”字,但因果关系存在,译法相同热极生风Over-heat generating wind阴虚阳亢Deficiency of yin inducing hyperactivity of yang独阴不生,独阳不长 Neither can exist in isolation without its opponents existence阴在内,阳之守也;阳在外,阴之使也 “Yin remains inside to act as a guard for yang; while yang stays outsid

15、e to serve as an actor of yin”. Yin refers to the material basis of functional activity of yang while yang to functional activity Yin and Yang opposing each other and depending on each other for existence are not static but in a dynamic state, i.e., yin wanes(消减), yang waxes(增多), and vice versa 一定条件

16、下,阴阳可互化In given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its opposite阴盛则阳,阳盛则阴“Extreme yin gives rise to yang, while extreme yang gives rise to yin”寒极生热,热极生寒“Extreme cold brings on heat, while extreme heat brings on cold”物极则反 Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become ex

17、tremeUses of theory of Yin and Yang in TCMTo explain the tissues and structures of the human body“Man, having a form, can not deviate from yin and yang”To explain the physiological function of the human body阴平阳密,精神乃至;阴阳绝离,精气乃绝 “the equilibrium of yin and yang makes the vitality well-conserved; the d

18、ivorce (departure) of yin and yang essence-qi exhausted”To explain the pathological change阳盛则热,阴盛则寒;阳虚则寒,阴虚则热 “Excessive yang leads to heat syndromes and excessive yin causes cold syndrome; deficiency yang results in cold syndrome and deficiency yin causes heat syndrome”阴损及阳,阳损及阴Yin deficiency invol

19、ving yang, deficiency impairment involving yinTo diagnose and treat disease实者泄之Treating excess syndrome with purgation中医的“者之”可采取“treating with”, “治法+证名”虚者补之Treating deficiency syndrome with invigoration (or invigorating deficiency)寒者热之Treating cold syndrome with hot-natured drugs (or heating the col

20、d)热者寒之Treating heat syndrome with cold-natured drugs (or cooling the heat) 益火之源,以消阴翳Restraining predominant yin by reinforcing yangTreating yang for yin disease壮水之主,以制阳光Restraining predominant yang by strengthening yinTreating yin for yang diseaseTheory of five elementsThe formation of the theory of

21、 five elements:Wood Fire Earth Metal Water相生 Inter-generation or mutual promotion, or inter-promotionInter-generation means one kind of object generates, strengthens or brings forth another one五行的任何一行都有“生我”和“我生”的双重性,生我者为“母”,我生者为“子”.Each of the five elements contains the dual nature- “being-generated

22、” and “generating”. The element that generate is called “the mother”, whlie the element that is generated is called “the child”.相克 Mutual restriction (inhibition)Restriction connotes(意味着) bringing under control or restraintEach of the five elements is marked by “being restricted” and “restricting”相乘

23、 Over- restriction or subjugationOne element subdues the other when the latter is weak相侮 Reverse restriction or counter-restrictionThe strong one bullies the weak oneBoth are the abnormal inter-restrictionThe application of the theory of five elementsExplaining the correlations between the five visc

24、eraExpounding(阐述) pathological influences between the five viscera母病及子,子病及母mother-organs disorder affecting its child organ, child-organs disorder involving mother organDiagnosing and treating diseases知肝之病,当先实脾 When liver diseases occurs, it will spread to the spleen, so the qi of the spleen should

25、be reinforced before it is affected 子虚补母,母实泄子If hypofunction is found in the son-organ, the mother-organ should be tonified; if hyperfunction is found in the mother-organ, the son-organ should be treated with purgation 脏腑部分藏象学说的翻译问题:有人译作viscera and their manifestation or state of viscera脏腑: zangfu-o

26、rgans or solid and hollow organs or zang-viscera and fu-viscera五脏five-zang organs or five-zang viscera; 五脏作为一个统一的概念来使用可译作viscera奇恒之府:extraordinary fu-organs or peculiar hollow organs精气: vital essence, essence of life先天之精prenatal or congenital essence后天之精Postnatal or acquired essence神: spirit, mind,

27、vitality 精、气、神中译为spirit;在安神中译作mind;指人的精神状态译作vitality中医的“官”是对某器官功能的比喻。译作organ传导之官An organ in charge of transmission决渎之官An organ in charge of water circulation州都之官An organ likened to a reservoir开窍于:Open into, as the window of, as the orifice of or specific body opening to 心开窍于舌The heart opens into the

28、 tongue开窍疗法Opening orifice or resuscitation therapy其华在:outward manifestation在志为:Correspond toin the emotions心在志为喜The heart corresponds to joy in the emotion合Associate with or connect with肝合胆Liver associate with the gallbladder functionally 主Control, govern, dominate or be in charge of五脏的共同生理特点是化生和贮藏

29、精气;六腑的共同生理特点是受盛和传化水谷The common physiological functions of the five zang-organs are to produce and store essence; the common physiological functions of the six fu-organs are to receive, transport water and food.有诸内,必形诸外Viscera inside the body must manifest themselves externally.Heart 心为五脏之主 The heart

30、 is the monarch of all the organsIts physiological functions:Controlling blood and vessels;Governing the mind心藏神 The heart is the residence of the mind 心开窍于舌The heart opens into the tongue心在液为汗Sweat as the fluid of the heart 心其华在面The heart has its outward manifestation in the face or complexion心包 :P

31、ericardium, the peripheral tissue surrounding the heart, serve to protect the heart.Invasion of pathogenic heat into the pericardiumCord心Accord 一致 Discordance 不一致 Cordate 心脏形的 Concord 和睦、一致Cardi 心Cardiac心脏的;强心剂 Carditis 心肌炎 Bradycardia 心动过缓Tachycardia 心悸亢进 Electrocardiogram 心电图 Lung肺主气 Taking charge

32、 of the qi 肺为华盖 Canopy 宣发肃降 Activating the flow of qi , food essence and body fluid, clearing the inspired air and keeping it flowing downward and helping maintain normal water metabolism主治节 Dominate qi, control respiration, govern dispersing and descending activities and regulate the water passage 肺其华在毛,开窍于鼻Being as

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