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本文(05 读后续写成长型故事构造三部曲高考英语读后续写技巧与训练新高考专用.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

05 读后续写成长型故事构造三部曲高考英语读后续写技巧与训练新高考专用.docx

1、05 读后续写成长型故事构造三部曲高考英语读后续写技巧与训练新高考专用读后续写:成长类Part1:经典例文(街边按铃)阅读下面材料。根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Ring a BellMs. Tracy looked up from her yellow notebook and cleared her throat. The noise in the class died down as we turned toward her. Were going to help a charity to collect money by ringing a bell. E

2、ach of you will ring it for four hours, she announced. As the words left her lips, complaints could be heard around the room. Unwillingly, I dug for my planner and look notes. Four hours of ringing a stupid bell. Four hours that I could be studying for the SAT. Was this supposed to be a joke? I join

3、ed the students around the table and signed up for 1he first day of break-to get it over with.A few weeks later, I was standing next to the big blue-and-white Walmart. There was another guy holding a jar across from me. Great, I was going to be stuck here ringing a bell with a guy who was trying to

4、get donations for another charity. To top it off, it was only about 4.4.Slowly, I put on the red dress bearing the symbol of ow charity. I hoped that I already spent two minutes doing that, Ring! Ring! A group of older women came up with their walking sticks to drop in some change. man with broad-ci

5、mmd bat came by and put some coins in. I checked my phone. Just 10 minutes had passed.A strong bitterly-cold wind blew against my freezing face. I was starting to regret ignoring my moms advice to wear a scarf. I looked up, wishing that time would pass more quickly. A few birds swept around the pole

6、s. The sky was gently blue. Palm trees waved in the cold wind. How comfortable it might be to curl(蜷缩)up with a hot cup of tea and a book on the cozy sofa. Then another ring brought me back to reality.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;From the parking lot stepped out a poorly-dressed man, walking with difficulty tow

7、ard me._Inspired by his generosity, I continued to ring my bell happily._【答案】From the parking lot stepped out a poorly-dressed man, walking with difficulty toward me. I saw his unbalanced shoulders and awkward figure. His hair was a mess and his shirt was dirty. I stopped ringing the bell, wondering

8、 what he was going to do. He pulled some change out of his worn pocket and reached towards the bucket. I couldnt help but say, Thank you, sir. He turned to smile. The money he donated was not a lot, but it was clearly a lot to him. This act of charity, though not much, was worth so much more than do

9、nations given by those who were better off.从停车场从一个衣着不好的男人走出来,艰难地朝我走去。我看到了他那不平衡的肩膀和尴尬的身材。他的头发很乱,衬衫也很脏。我不再按铃了,不知道他要做什么。他从破旧的口袋里掏出一些零钱,伸手向水桶走去。我忍不住要说,“谢谢你,先生。”他转身微笑起来。他捐的钱并不多,但显然对他来说是很多的。这项慈善行为虽然不多,但比那些富裕的捐款价值得多。Inspired by his generosity, I continued to ring my bell happily. The bell rang so merrily t

10、hat it attracted more people. I broadly smiled at everyone who approached me, feeling me shameful inside about my unwillingness and resistance when given the task. It was still chilly but I was bathed in the sunshine of kindness. Many say that these days people are becoming more and more selfish. I

11、say that whoever believes that needs to go and ring a bell for a charity as I did受他慷慨的启发,我继续高兴地按铃。钟响得很愉快,所以它吸引了更多的人。我对所有走近我的人哈哈一笑,当我接受任务时,我的不情愿和抵抗感到可耻。天气仍然很冷,但我却沐浴在善良的阳光下。许多人说,现在人们已经变得越来越自私了。我说,那些认为需要这样做的人都会像我一样去为慈善机构打电话【解析】本文以态度变化为线索展开,讲述了作者一开始对于摇铃的任务很抗拒,在执行过程中感受到了人性的温暖与伟大,慢慢的开始接受并积极起来的故事。1.段落续写:由第

12、一段首句内容“一个衣衫褴褛的男人从停车场出来,艰难地向我走来。”可知,第一段可描写作者通过这个男人的捐赠态度发生改变。由第二段首句内容“受他慷慨大方的鼓舞,我继续愉快地按门铃。”可知,第二段可描写作者感受到人性的温暖,反思自己。2.续写线索:不情愿后悔感动积极感悟3.词汇激活行为类向某人走过来:walk toward/up to掏出:pull out of/take/pick out情绪类感谢:thank sb for/show ones appreciation/gratitude/be grateful感到羞耻:be ashamed of/feel ashamed【点睛】高分句型1: I

13、stopped ringing the bell, wondering what he was going to do.这句话运用了what引导的宾语从句。高分句型2:The money he donated was not a lot, but it was clearly a lot to him.这句话运用了省略关系代词的定语从句。高分句型3:This act of charity, though not much, was worth so much more than donations given by those who were better off.这句话运用了who引导的定

14、语从句。Part2:成长类故事构造“三部曲”第一步:成长前的苦恼(负面情绪塑造)1、孤独I never made friends easily(从不容易交朋友), and for a time I did little more than get on speaking terms with some boys. (2021年4月宁波二模)2、伤心1. 我在口袋里什么也没发现,这个事实就像一把长矛刺进我的心脏,立刻开始流血。I found nothing in my pocket, a fact that seemed like a spear piercing into my heart w

15、hich started to bleed immediately. (2021年4月宁波二模)2. 看了看周围,我焦急地几乎哭了起来。(2021年4月宁波二模) Looking around anxiously, I almost burst into crying. 3. 就在我崩溃的时候,克劳利带领的一群男孩从我身边走过(2021年4月宁波二模)Just at the time I broke down, a group of boys led by Crawley passed me.3、惭愧1. She was overwhelmed / overcome/ consumed wit

16、h guilt and shame (被内疚和羞愧淹没). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)2. Suddenly she came alive(精神就为之一振),waving her arthritic(关节炎的) hands.(2021广二模)3. A wave of guilt swept over me(一阵恐惧向我袭来) and I had to admit the fact that I had gone to the movies and that was the real reason why I was late.(2020届山东省滨州市高三第二次模拟英语试题)4、嘲

17、笑他们大声地笑着,像是在尖叫“多漂亮的破表啊!”(2021年4月宁波二模)They laughed loudly with Crawley screaming words like “What a finest broken watch!”5、绝望我妈妈不让我带,”我撒谎,绝望在我心中沸腾。(2021年4月宁波二模)“My mother wouldnt let me bring it,” I lied, desperation boiling inside me.6、紧张1. Meanwhile, Karie sat restlessly in her seat with her finger

18、s crossed (她的手指交叉着). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)2. She told the teacher the truth , with her heart thumping / pounding/ pumping like a drum(她的心跳得像打鼓一样). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)3. Having paced up and down restlessly(不安地来回走动) in front of the the teachers office, she finally gathered courage and plodded in.(2020

19、.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)7、害怕 I unknowingly (不知不觉地) avoided interacting (interact) with anyone because I was afraid theyd laugh in my face(我很害怕他们会当面取笑我) . (2021沈阳市一模)第二步:成长中(蜕变塑造)1、惊讶Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Mrs Rossi froze, as if rooted on the ground(仿佛定格在那里).(2021广二模)2、希望Jayce looked up to him, his

20、 eyes sparkling with hope and determination(闪烁着希望和决心).(2021年汕头一模)3、教育与成长1. “Thats not the right way. Patience, Will. Patience,” a voice echoed in my ears (一个声音在我耳边回响)after the boys left.(2021年4月宁波二模)2. “What was done was done,” thought I to myself. “What is important now is to do correct things next

21、(现在重要的是下一步要做正确的事情).” (2021年4月宁波二模)3. 尽管愤怒、尴尬和悲伤重重地笼罩在空气中,但这个声音还是让我意识到我在试图给同学留下深刻印象时犯下的错误。(2021年4月宁波二模)Though anger, embarrassment and sadness hung heavily in the air, the voice drew me to the awareness of the mistakes I had made when I attempted to impress the boys.第三步:成长后的升华(喜悦+感激+升华)1、喜悦1. Karie g

22、rinned(grin) as she read the label on the box.(2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)2. Dad looked at the paper, with his lips curving into a smile(他的嘴唇弯成了微笑). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)3. Hearing that, Karie grinned from ear to ear, a wave of happiness flooding over her(幸福的浪潮涌上她的心头). (2020.11月潍坊高三英语期中考试)2、感激I looked at her

23、, tears of love and gratitude(感动和爱的泪水)welling up in my eyes.(2021沈阳市一模)3、升华句1. 我确信,将来每当我失去耐心时,我都会记住祖父的话。(2021年4月宁波二模)I knew for sure that every time I lost patience in the future I would remember my grandfathers words.2. 这是我第一次真正体会到这份礼物的意义耐心。(2021年4月宁波二模)It was the first time that I had truly realiz

24、ed the meaning of the gift - patience. 然而,从那时起,我保证这只破表会一直提醒我耐心等待,直到真相出现。(2021年4月宁波二模)3、Aram said, “Thanks, Mrs Rossi, for teaching me how to make a cake to realize my dream(实现我的梦想).” Mrs Rossi held his hands, saying, “ It is you who teach me how to stick to my dream(坚持我的梦想).”(2021广二模)4、It dawned on

25、Aram that(Aram突然想到) “One should stick to his/her dream no matter what happens.”(2021广二模)Part3:成长类场景描写一、学习知识而成长知识就是力量!在改变的过程中,学习不同的知识,然后才能面对各种困难和挑战。比如屏幕前的你,不就是在学习读后续写的技巧吗?请看下面的例句,也是我送给正在学习的你。Its never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenges and make moreattempts.学习永

26、远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。【分析】individual这里表示“个人,个体”。make moreattempts 做更多尝试。二、发挥天赋促成长认识自身天赋,并且发挥天赋,这是改变我们的现状的一个重要条件。请看下面的例句。Actually, every individual possesses talent. Be brave when you find it and also make efforts. You can create miracles in the end.事实上,每个人都有天赋,发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力,最终你会创造奇迹。【分

27、析】possess 拥有。create miracles表示创造奇迹。三、追逐梦想而成长永远不要忽视了梦想的力量!“做人如果没有理想,跟咸鱼有什么区别呢”。请看下面两个例句。Its never too late to go for your dream. As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。As long as we dare to d

28、ream and dont let difficulties get in our way, anything is possible.只要我们敢于梦想,不被困难所阻挡,一切皆有可能。【分析】take full advantage of 充分利用, realize your dreams表示“实现梦想”四、克服困难促而成长只有克服各种苦难,才能改变现状。请看下面的例句。The journey to success is not smooth. It is full of challenges and difficulties. We should be brave to face them.

29、As long as we dont give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goal (success) finally.通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对。只要不放弃希望并竭尽全力克服所有困难,我们最终会实现我们的目标(成功)。【分析】smooth 表示“平坦的”overcome all the difficulties 表示“克服困难”;make every effort 表示“做出努力”;as long as,表示“只

30、要”,引导条件状语从句。Part4:灵活应用例1:一首歌改变了我阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。Where were you when you first heard My Heart Will Go On? You know that love song that took over the world in the late 1990s, the one that ruled radios and television screens, that trilled through the air when you ran

31、g your neighbours doorbell, or rang out of a Valentines Day musical cardthe song we love to hate now because it is almost shameful to admit how much we listened to it in 1998. Im no fan of the song, but Ill tell you one thingit saved my life.I remember where I was when I heard the song, 13 years old, only a few weeks away from receiving my class eight report card. When my mother and I went to collect it from school, the skies were grey. On t

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