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1、初中宾语从句练习题附答案和详细解析初中宾语从句练习一.选择题(共40小题)1I seem to be lost. Could you tell me ?Sure. You can take bus No.5to get there ( )A.where is Ge GardenB . how long it will take me to the Yangzhou Taizhou I can get to the Slender West far is my trip to the museum in Yangzhou2. Hi, Amy , yo

2、u live on Center Street. Can you tell me ?Sure. There is one called Grandmas Home.( )A. where it isB . how I can get thereC. if there is a restaurant on it3Do you know ?Oh , she lives in London .( )A. where does Jane live B. where Jane livesC. where Jane lived4. Could you tell me ? Yes, she to the r

3、eading room.( )A. where is Jane, has beenB. where Jane is, has goneC. where was Jane, has been D. where Jane was has gone5. Excuse me, I want to go to the 21st National Book Expo (世博会).Could you tell me ?Sure. It is at No.3Changjiang Road in Harbin .( )A. where it is B . where it was C . where is it

4、6 . Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her ?Because she wondered .( )A. where did the other students goB . what her students have done during the tripC . when would the students comeD . whether her students had won the match7. Tom!Look at the man in black over there . Can you tell me ?Oh!

5、He is my friend , Jim.( )A. what he is B . who he is C . how he is8 . rm going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students . Great!But dont forget to tell themwhat should they eat at the festivalwhy people enjoy the full moonwhat kind of race is often heldHow do people celebr

6、ate it11. Do you knowthe iPad last week ?what wrong is D . what is thisSorry, I have no idea .( )how much did she pay forhow much she paid forhow much will she pay forhow much she will pay for12.Could you please tell meYes, sure .( )A . if there is a bookshop near hereB . where can I buy a stampC .

7、when will the next bus arriveD . you like to eat what13 . Could you please tell me ?( )A . what time you usually get upB . what time do you usually get upC. what time did you get upD. what time will you get up14. . - What did she say just now?-She asked .( )A. that I liked English bestB . what is wr

8、ong with meC. where was the nearest hospitalD . if I would go shopping with her15. The exchange students will leave soon . We had better ask our monitor a farewell party .( )A . when will we have B . when we will haveC . when we would have D . when would we have16. - Could you please teach me to giv

9、e outRed enve/ope(红包) on WeChat?Sure . Let me show you .( )A . how B . why C . when D . where17. Granny the school trip was very exciting but a little tiring .Oh could you tell me ?( )A . how did you go to the parkB . what you did during the tripC . that you saw something beautifulD . if your friend

10、s had played with you18. rd like to know Maybe in the forest .( )A . whether we will go campingB . where we will go campingC . whether will we go campingD . where will we go camping19. - Could you please tell me ?Sure . It means face to face .( )A . if F2F stands for in a text messageB . what did F2

11、F stand for in a text messageC.whether F2F stood for in a text messageD.what F2F stands for in a text message20.- Could you tell me ?-At 9 : 40this Sunday.( )A. what I should takeB . who you are coming withC.where you are waitingD.what time you are arriving21.- Could you please tell me ?-Sure. There

12、 is a supermarket down the street.( )A. where will I buy some medicineB . where did I buy some medicineC. where I can buy some medicine22.- Excuse me, could you tell me ?-Yes, I bought them in Xinhua Bookshop .( )A. where you bought the booksB . where did you buy the booksC . how you bought the book

13、sD . how did you buy the books23 . - Could you tell me ?-He is very tall and strong .( )A . what does Mr . White look likeB . what Mr . White looks likeC . what did Mr . White look likeD . what Mr . White looked like24 . - Could you tell me ?-At the end of July .( )A . how often he heard from his pe

14、n palB . how soon he will be hereC . that he went on vacationD. when you will start your vacation25. Do you know tomorrow ?A. whether will it rainB. if it will rainSorry, I dont know . You may surf the internet.( )C. whether does it rain26.The teacher asked me .( )A. why do I come late B . why I com

15、e lateC . why I came late D . why did I come late27. We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet . Really ? Will you please show me ?( )A . how can I use B . how I can useC . how can I use it D . how I can use it28. Excuse me, could you tell me ?Sure, Bus No.9will take you right there .(

16、)A . where is Nanjing MuseumB . how can I get to Nanjing MuseumC . which bus I shall take to Nanjing MuseumD . how far it is from here to Nanjing Museum29. I dont remember the book yesterday .( )A . where I bought B . where I did I buyC . where will I buy D . where I will buy30. Could you please tel

17、l me you will go to HongKong on business ? Sure . I prefer to take a plane .( )A . whether B . why C . when D . How31. The policeman asked the lost girl so that he could take her home .( )A . where did she live B . where she livedC . where is she living D . where she lives32. Read!Books will show yo

18、u .( )A . what is the outside world likeB . how beautiful is the worldC.what creates real do you like beauty33. Could you tell me ? - Its next to the post office .( )A. where was the bank B. where the bank wasC. where is the bank D. where the bank is My cousin . He works as a policeman i

19、n the police station .( )A . who the man in white is B . who is the man in whiteC . what the man in white is D . what is the man in white36. Dad , do you know now ? In Fort Middle School .( )A . where Betty is studying B . where did Betty studyC . where is Betty studying D . where Betty studied37. C

20、ould you please tell me ?( )A . when will they arrive tomorrowB . when they arrive tomorrowC . when they will arrive tomorrowD . when do they arrive tomorrow38. So, can you tell me here today ?Well, I was walking down the street when the accident happened .( )A . what did you see B . what you sawC .

21、 when did you see it D . when you saw39. rm new here . Could you tell me ?Sure . Its over there behind that tower.( )A . where the youth center isB . when the library far is the can I get to the railway station40. Could you please tell me ? Its next to the hotel .( )A. where is

22、the museum B. the museum is whereC. where the museum is初中宾语从句练习参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共40小题)1I seem to be lost. Could you tell me ?Sure. You can take bus No.5to get there ( )A. where is Ge GardenB . how long it will take me to the Yangzhou Taizhou I can get to the Slender West far is

23、my trip to the museum in Yangzhou【分析】-我好像迷路了 你能告诉我我怎么能去瘦西湖吗?-当然,你可以搭 5路公交车去那儿.【解答】答案:C .根据Could you tell me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项AD是疑问句语序,排除掉.再根据 You can take bus No.5to get there,可知这里表示乘坐某种交通工 具,提问方式的话应该用 how .故选C .【点评】宾语从句是中考英语常考的语法点, 特别是宾语从句中要用陈述语序, 这一点是每年必考的内容.除了要注意宾语从句要用陈述句语序外,

24、还要注意时态的问题,主句谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,宾语 从句的时态可以是任何所需要的时态;主句中的谓语动词若是过去时,宾语从句也要用过去时态中的某一种.2. Hi,Amy,you live on Center Street . Can you tell me ?Sure . There is one called Grandmas Home .( )A . where it isB . how I can get thereC . if there is a restaurant on it【分析】-你好,艾米,你住在中心大街,你能告诉我在这条街上是否有餐馆.-当然可以,有一个餐馆叫祖母的

25、家.【解答】答案:C.根据Can you tell me ?再结合选项,可知Can you tell me后面是跟一个宾语从句, 宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语.再根据you live on Center Street .是说要问的地方在这条街上, 再根据There is onecalled Grandmas Home,可知这里是指的是否有一家餐馆的事情.故选: C.【点评】主要考查宾语从句,一定要注意宾语从句的引导词,以及宾语从句的时态和语序问题把握好这几点,是做好此类题目的关键!3Do you know ?Oh,she lives in London .( )A. where do

26、es Jane live B. where Jane livesC. where Jane lived【分析】-你知道Hane在哪里住的吗?-哦,他住在伦敦.【解答】答案:B.根据Do you know,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选 项A是疑问句语序,排除掉.根据 she lives in London,可知这里用的是一般现在时,所以上面的问句也应该是一般现在时.故选 B.【点评】本题考查宾语从句,做题时注意三要素时态、语序和引导词本题先考虑语序问题,再根据句子的上下文的意思,做岀选择.4.Could you tell me ? Yes,she to

27、 the reading room.( )A. where is Jane, has beenB. where Jane is, has goneC. where was Jane, has been D . where Jane was has gone【分析】-你能告诉我Jane在哪儿吗?-是的,她去阅览室了.【解答】 答案:B .根据Could you tell me ?你能告诉我Jane在哪儿吗? Yes, she to thereading room是的,她去阅览室了 .可知句子是对现在情况的提问,应用现在时;前个问句是宾语从句,在 宾语从句里有特殊疑问词引导时,其语序用陈述句语序;

28、第二句是 她去阅览室了 ”,可知她不再说话者这儿,用现在完成时has gone to+地点;故选B .【点评】在做题时首先找岀考点(宾语从句),然后再掌握用法(语序用陈述句语序) ;再结合题干做岀正 确的选择.5. Excuse me, I want to go to the 21st National Book Expo (世博会).Could you tell me ?Sure. It is at No.3Changjiang Road in Harbin .( )A. where it is B . where it was C . where is it【分析】-打扰一下,我想去第 2

29、1届世博会,请你告诉我它在哪里举行好吗?-当然可以它在哈尔滨长江路 3号.【解答】答案:A.本题考查宾语从句.宾语从句需用陈述语序, 排除C;又根据It is at No.3Changjiang Roadin Harbin是一般现在时,所以问句和答句时态要一致, B选项是一般过去时态,故排除,故选 A .【点评】本题考查宾语从句,做此类题时,本题先考虑语序问题,再根据时态问题.6. Why did Miss Wang look so worried when we saw her ?Because she wondered .( )A. where did the other students

30、 goB . what her students have done during the tripC.when would the students comeD.whether her students had won the match【分析】-为什么我们看到王小姐时她那么的担忧?-因为她想知道她的学生是否赢得了比赛.【解答】答案:D .根据Because she wonderec,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语 序,选项AC是疑问句语序,排除掉.再根据 Because she wondered,可知这里句子使用的时态是一般过去 时,那么宾语从句就要相

31、应的用过去时的某种时态,选项 B是have done为现在完成时,不符合时态要求,排除掉故选D .【点评】此题考查宾语从句考生在答题时要注意 宾语从句必须采用陈述语序 ”,根据上下文语境确定合适的选项.7. Tom!Look at the man in black over there . Can you tell me ?Oh!He is my friend, Jim.( )A. what he is B . who he is C . how he is【分析】-Tom!看那边那个穿黑色衣服的人你能告诉我他是谁吗?哦!他是我的朋友,Jim .【解答】答案:B .根据Can you tell me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法. 在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序. 再根据He is my friend ,

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