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1、小学英语教师招聘考试写作指导作文1.审题A.标题,所给材料中找主题B.一篇文章只有一个思想主题C.扩充内容一般为三段论第一段可以以下几个方式开始A.开门见山Perhaps it is time to have a fresh .Look at the attitude/idea thatB.名人名言 具有说服力,展现考生只是丰富的一面A proverb says You are only young onceIt goes without saying that we cannot be young forever.适用于自编的名言“。”such is the opinion of a gre

2、at philosopher. Now, more and more people share his opinionC.数据统计According to a recent survey, about 78.9%of college students wanted to further their stduy after their graduationA recent statistics shows that.D.自问自答What is a good student ?Different people may have different answer to this question.

3、But I think.Should/what.?Opinions of .very greatly.Some.,others. But in my opinion.E.讲故事文章的中间段:A.一定要有中心词,简单漂亮,而且为首句每个段落必须为主题服务,每段必须有一个主题句B.段落分明,围绕中心句展开Topic sentence中心句Development sentence 拓展句Concluding sentence 结论句C.注意为文章布局的连贯A. To begin with, then , further more. FinallyB. To start with, next, in

4、addition to , Finally.C. Most important of all, moreover, finallyD. On the one hand, on the another handE. For one thing, for another thing中间段的展开方法:对比法,因果法,举例法,概述法文章结尾:结论式Obviously, we can draw conclusion that.Thus, It can be concluded thatTherefore, we can find that.To sum up. In conclusion, in bri

5、ef, 建议式结尾Obviously, it is high time that we took some measure to solve the problem.Accordingly, I recommend some measures be takenConsequently, To solve the problem, some measure should be taken.首位呼应,画龙点晴对比观点题目第一段:提出观点A. The topic of 主题句 is becoming more and more popular recently.B. There is a wides

6、pread concern over the issue that.C. .has attracted extensive attention of the society.社会观点D. There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the view of.第二段:对比观点展开:Firstly, secondly, thirdly/finallyFor one thing, for another, whats moreOn one hand, on the other hand, moreover,转折:on the contrary

7、, However, a coin has two sides.You cant take your cake and eat it 鱼和熊掌不可兼得第三段:自己的看法As far as i am concernedFrom my point of viewWith reference of my standpointI firmly support第四段:结语 only through. Can we.模板: There is a widespread concern over the issue that 作文题目. But it is well known that the opinio

8、n concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.A majority of people think that 观点一, in their views there are2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place 原因。,Furthermore, in the second place,原因二,So it goes without saying that (不言而喻)观点一。People. However, differ in th

9、eir opinions on this matter. Some people hold the ideal that 观点二, In their point of view, on the one hand,原因一,on the other hand,原因二,therefore,there is no doubt that.观点二As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或观点二。 It is not only because ,but also because. The more .the more.Sampl

10、e: News on Internet.1.一些人认为因特网上的新闻没有价值2.另一些人认为因特网上的新闻是最即使最有效的新闻3.我的看法Different people will offer quite different ideas about the news on Internet,Many people assert that Internet news is valuable for the timely report. However, others believe that news on Internet is valueless.Some may proclaim that

11、 news on Internet can be read by millions of viewers at the same time. In the other view, web-page viewers can also give comments on net. In contrast, others thinks that Internet news is not as objective as newspapers. They argue that much news on Internet is not true at all.As far as I am concerned

12、, I agree to the former opinion. First, Internet news represents the trend of development in journalism, Second, the news of Internet is interactive. Last but not least, 最后但是不是最重要的.much news in newspapers is not very objective., either. Therefore, I believe that Internet news will become the most im

13、portant courses of information in the near future.第二说明利弊题目第一段:说明事物现状Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over(作文题目)In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in .第二段:事物本身的优缺点Its advantages can be seen as follows.Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspect

14、s as. Follows.The negative aspects are also apparent.如何展开:Firstly.优点一。 And secondly, 优点二To begin with.缺点一, In addition(缺点二)To make matters worse.第三段:你对现状或前景的看法Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones, Therefore, I would like to.From the comparison betwe

15、en. We should do it according to the circumstances we are in.第四段:结语Only, through. Can we have a bright future.模板:Nowadays many people prefer A. Because it has a significant role in our daily life, Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First,(A的优点之一)Besides,(A的优点之二0But every coin has two

16、sides, The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that(A的第一个缺点)。To make matters worse, (A的第二个缺点)Through above analyses, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to (我的看法)(From the comparison between these positive and

17、 negative effects of A. We should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in.Only by this way(对前景的预测)Sample Credit Cards1.越来越多的人使用信用卡,信用卡有哪些好处2.信用卡的弊端3.你自己的观点Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging the

18、ir customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money, are begin offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to buy now, pay later, and many see this as an advantage.But people need to be careful. There are danger associated wi

19、th credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget.They are tempted to purchase good that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest. Which exacerbates the problems for these people.However, using cre

20、dit cards wisely can improve the quality of peoples slives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled. They can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statement provide a record of where their money has gone第三图表题:第一段:描写图标变化趋势上升:increase/ri

21、se/go up/ rocket下降:decrease/reduce/come down/decline快:quickly/rapidly/sharply/dramatically慢:slowly/gradually第二段:分析原因Several factors contribute to such changes:Reasons: lead to /result in /cause/ be responsible for /account for展开论述变化的原因第三段:谈看法、对策 自己的观点第四段:最后喊口号:Its high time that + 一般过去式As is shown/i

22、ndicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table/graph/picture/chart.作文题目的议题。Has been on rise/goes up/ increase/drops/decreases/ significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from % in 年。To %年。From the sharp/marked decline/rise in the chart. It goes without saying that.现象总结There ar

23、e at least two good reasons accounting for. On the one hand, .On the other hand, . Is due to the fact that. In addition, is responsible for .Maybe there are some other reasons to show. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing.As far as i am concerned, i h

24、old the point of view that.再加上对策、口号。四,解决方法第一段:说明问题,现状In recent days, we have to face 1 problem.which is becoming more and more serious.说明A的现状第二段:解决的方法,按点说Confronted with A. We should take a series of effective measure to cope with the situation. For one thing,.解决方法一, For another thing,解决方法二,Whats mo

25、re.解决方法三第三段:我的观点和解决方法从政府、自身,社会Personally, I believe that.我的解决方法是。Consequently, I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us because.Sample; My view on Spam Message目前垃圾短信给人们的生活带来了许多麻烦和困扰,这种现象产生的原因:如何解决这个问题With the increasing use of cell phones , spam message has become a heated problem. A piece

26、 of spam message can disturb, confuse or threaten people at any time.There are several reasons for it. For senders,they can advertise their products in such a cheap way. Whats more, some even make money by cheating receivers.For those in charge of personal information of cell phone users, some of th

27、em cannot resist the temptation to make profit simply by disclosing information to those law breakers.To solve this problem, people should act together. Firstly, the government should set up laws to punish both senders and those who disclose information. Secondly, cell phone users should never make

28、response to spam message. Finally, researchers should develop software to help delete that rubbish automatically. With the joint efforts, the problem of spam message will definitely be solved some day.五,引用文写作书信、便条、通知、海报、招领书信常识英文格式1.信头heading 2.称呼 salutation3.正文 bodyThank you for your letter of Augus

29、t 7,2012I was glad to receive your letter of April 4,2012I have just received your letterI am glad to tell you that. We are pleased to inform you thatI am sorry to tell you that.I learned that.Sorry to reply to your letter so late4.结束语 complimentary close5.Best wishes/regards Wishing you good luck/S

30、uccess/Good healthGood luck to you. Give my love.regards to. Remember me to your family. Say hello to everybody Looking forward to hearing from you.6.签名 signature机关不太熟悉的人:Yours truly. Yours faithfully. Yours sincerely.亲属之间,Yours sincerely, very sincerely yours.挚友之间,Yours lovingly, yours loving fathe

31、r/ mother. Yours, Yours affectionately.上级或长辈,Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours.1.便条 June 5 th, 2000Dear Mr Zhao, I am sorry that i am unable to attend school during the following week because of the sports Meet, The school expects me to play an important part in it. And i will be back to class in a week. I hope you will excuse my absence. Yours respectfully CharlesEncl: The PE Teachers certification.2.通知、通告Ladies and Gentleman, May I have you attention please ?/I have something

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