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1、高中英语教学设计范例 英语学科教学设计课题Unit 2 Health eating(Come and eat here(1)课型Reading教材分析Analysis of Teaching Material Healthy eating is a heated issue nowadays. Many brands were reported to have added food additives in their products and made foods poisonous. Thus it is very important for students to learn about

2、 healthy eating. This unit is close to our real life and its materials are quite interesting, making students enjoy their learning.教学目标The Main Task:The students will be helped to improve their reading ability through scanning and skimming, and obtain more information about the development of comput

3、ers.Language Focus:In this period, the students will learn and master the following words and phrases: calculator, technology, intelligence, applications, over time, at that time, from then on, as time goes by, as a result, and etc., and comprehend the using of the Present Perfect Passive Voice.Lang

4、uage Skills:In this period, the students will be guided to use skimming and scanning skills to obtain and analyze the needed information.Learning Strategies:1. Cognitive Strategy: In this period, with the help of timeline and chart, the students will be able to find out the topic sentences and the s

5、upporting details.2. Communication Strategy: In this period, the students will be organized to cooperate with others to express their own opinions about computers in English.3. Adjusting and Controlling Strategy: The students will have a chance to make self-assessment by understanding the progress o

6、f computers development. Affection:In this period, the students will be cultivated to hold a positive attitude towards using computers.Culture:In this period, the students will be inspired to appreciate the advanced science and technology in the world, and learn the relationship between human and co

7、mputers.教学重难点1. The students should have a clear picture of the development of computers in the order of time.2. The students should find out the supporting details of each topic of computers.教具准备The blackboard, the multi-media and a tape recorder教学活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming Up1.A guessing game

8、-“Who Am I ”Present a following English riddle, and ask the students to guess it out.“Hello, I am your friend. I can help you to learn English, invite you to play games, and find information for you. Moreover, I can allow you to listen to music and see films, take you outside and see the world. But

9、I never feel tired. Who am I?”(supported by the multi-media)2. Task I: visiting an IT museum in the World Exposition Imagine an IT museum is open in the World Exposition. The students are visiting it. (supported by the multi-media) Show some pictures of calculation tools, and ask a students to act a

10、s a guide, introducing them. The guide may start like this: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our museum” Offer some pictures of hardware, and ask another student to play as a guide to introduce them. The last question is “How do computers develop over the time?”. Encourage the students to discuss i

11、n pairs.Step 2 A Resume of ComputersDraw a timeline on the blackboard. Ask the students to skim the first paragraph, and find out: Who is the speaker? How do computers develop according to the timeline?After completing the timeline, ask the students to compare it with their previous answers. TimeWha

12、t happened to computers?16421822The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.1940The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970NowStep 3 Listening and ScanningPlay the tape, ask the students to scan the text and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Step 4 Careful Reading1.

13、Draw a chart on the blackboard titled The Structure of the Text, ask the students to read the text carefully, and find out the supporting details of each paragraph.Para 1Para 2Para 3Topic sentenceSupporting Details1.calculating machine1.tubes1. communication2. Encourage a

14、nd instruct the students if they meet difficulties. Pay attention to the new words and phrases: calculate, intelligence, over time, at that time, from then on, as time goes by, and etc. Ask the students to underline the Present Perfect Tense & its Passive Voice.Step 5 Task II: Interviewing Bill Gate

15、s1. Show a picture of Bill Gates, and ask the students who he is.(supported by the multimedia)2. Imagine the students meet Bill Gates when going out of the museum. Invite a student to act as Bill Gates, the others may ask him the questions like these: “Mr. Bill Gates, could you tell us in what ways

16、computers are used now?” “Mr. Bill Gates, what do you think the future computers will be like?” Inspire them to be creative.Step 6 Task III: A Mini-debateHold a debate “Is it good for students like us to surf the internet?”Divide the class into two groups. One is for the idea, and the other is again

17、st it. Each reason makes one score. The group which gets more scores will win.When the debate begins, write down their opinions.Step 7 A ConclusionPresent the two groups of supporting details of the debate.Emphasis on the idea that not everything is perfect and a computer is no exception. Remind the

18、 students to make full use of the computer so that it can really be a good help in our job and life.Step 8 Homework: Ask the students to write a composition titled Is it good for students to surf the internet, based on the debate above. The students will be interested to guess out the answer: comput

19、er.The students will try to be volunteers to say out the tools names such as “abacus”, “calculator”, “huge computer”,“PC”, “laptop”, “PDA” and etc. The students will try to be volunteers and say out such words as “monitor”, “printer”, “keyboard”, “mouse”, “USB” and etc.The students will discuss in p

20、airs, write down some information and express themselves freely. The students are motivated to skim the first paragraph, find out the needed information, and complete the timeline. Meantime, the students will check their previous answers.The students are required to listen to the tape, scan the text

21、 and find out the topic sentences.The students will read in silence carefully, underline the details and complete the chart.The students will try to understand the new words used in the context.The students will comprehend the Present Perfect Passive Voice used in the text.The students will prepare

22、the first question with the help of the last paragraph. As to the second question, they will be inspired to be creative. And then, they will try to be volunteers.The students will first discuss it in groups, and write down their own opinions. Then, they will try to be volunteers and give their ideas

23、.They may start like these: “I believe it is good for us to surf the internet. Because surfing the internet is helpful to”“I dont think it a good idea to get on line. Because” “In my opinion, wed better”To attract the students attention quickly, and in coordination with the title of the text. To sho

24、w a rough idea of the history of computers. To stimulate the students learning interest and motivation. To bring out the topic of this class. To enlarge the students vocabulary. To practice the students oral English.To encourage the students to use the cooperative learning method. To lead into the r

25、eading text.答:尽可能地不使用一次性用品;延长物品的使用寿命;包装盒纸在垃圾中比例很大,购物时减少对它们的使用。Here comes the teaching importance of this period. 答:如水资源缺乏,全球气候变暖,生物品种咖快灭绝,地球臭氧层受到破坏,土地荒漠化等世界性的环境问题。 The timeline is used to illuminate the teaching importance. It will help the students have a clear picture of the progress of computers

26、development. The students can make self-assessment through checking their previous answers.13、清洁的自来水被用来洗脸、刷牙、洗衣、拖地后就成了污水。To focus on the students reading ability to discover the topic sentences.二、问答:25、意大利的科学家伽利略发明了望远镜,天文学家的“第三只眼”是天文望远镜,可以分为光学望远镜和射电望远镜两种。一、填空:Here comes the difficult point in this p

27、eriod.答:烧饭时米变成了饭;写字时纸上留下了字迹;下雨后路上的积水慢慢地变成水蒸气消失在空中;岩石风化变成沙子等。 Using a chart can help to break through the difficult point. The students will find it easier to do the task.22、光的传播速度是每秒钟30万千米,光年就是光在一年中所走过的距离,它是用来计量恒星间距离的单位。 To enhance the students independent learning skills. The students will find it

28、easier to learn new words and phrases in the context.6、蚜虫是黄色的,在植物的嫩枝上吸食汁液,每个蚜虫只有针眼般大小,在10倍放大镜下我们可以看清它们的肢体。答:火柴燃烧、铁钉生锈、白糖加热等。 To make the students interested and creative. To inspire the students appreciate the advanced science and technology. To offer the students a chance to consolidate the text. T

29、o develop the students communication skills. To encourage the students to use the cooperative learning method. To make the class lively again. To cultivate the students to hold a positive attitude towards surfing the internet.To improve the students writing skills of writing an argumentative composi

30、tion.板书设计Unit3 Who Am IThe Development of ComputersTimeWhat happened to computers?16421822The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.1940The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970NowThe Structure of the TextParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Topic sentenceSupporting Details

31、1.calculating machine1.tubesmunications2.作业设计Homework: Write a composition titled Is it good for students to surf the internet, based on the debate in class.(Purpose: To improve the students writing skills of writing an argumentative composition, with the help of the debate in class )教学反思A Reflection on TeachingIn the course of the New Curriculum Reform, an eff

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