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1、总理记者招待会答中外记者问2005总理记者招待会答中外记者问(中英对照全文)温家宝: 我曾经在多个场合说过今年是改革年,理由有三个:消除经济运行中不健康不稳定的因素,巩固宏观调控成果,要靠改革;解决经济生活中的深层次矛盾和问题,调整经济结构,转变经济增长方式,要靠改革;实现社会公平与正义,构建和谐社会,也要靠改革。改革不是一年的事情,而是长期的任务。有些问题早改比晚改好,否则积重难返。对于今年的改革,主要有五项任务:第一,推进政府自身的建设与改革,转变政府职能。第二,推进国有企业改革,主要是健全公司法人治理结构,加快股份制改革。第三,推进金融改革。这是十分重要的任务,要下大力气。第四,推进以税

2、费改革为核心的农村改革,主要是解决农村上层建筑不适应经济基础的某些环节。第五,推进社会保障制度改革,加快建立适合中国国情的社会保障体系。确切说,今年是改革攻坚年。 Wen: Right, I have said on many occasions that this year is a year of reform. I said so for three reasons: First, to eliminate the destabilizing and unhealthy factors in the economy and to solidify the achievements of

3、macro regulations will have to rely on reform. Second, to address the deeply rooted problems in the economy and achieve a restructured transformation of the economic growth pattern will rely on reform. Third, to realize social fairness and justice and build a harmonious society will also have to rel

4、y on reform. Reform is not a task for any single year. It is going to be a long-term task. And, in many cases with regard to reform, sooner is better than later. Otherwise the problems will become too entrenched to unravel. For this year, there are five priorities in our reform. First, to restructur

5、e government bodies and to transform the functions of the government. Second, to promote State-owned enterprise reform, focusing on corporate governance and share-holding systems. Third, to promote financial reform, which is a critical and often problematic aspect of our economy and requires great e

6、fforts from us. Fourth, rural reform. Centring on reform of the rural taxes and administrative fees, the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are no longer consistent with the economic phase. And fifth, social security reform. We must step up the developme

7、nt of a social security system that is suitable for Chinas reality. This is a year of reform, but it is not only so. It is a year we are going to fight the toughest battle in the reform process. 相关回复:作者: liu1698 发布日期: 2005-07-30香港明报记者: 中央一直希望香港稳定、繁荣,当前香港的经济已经转好了,社会已经稳定了,为什么中央现在会接受董建华先生的辞职呢?你对代理行政长官曾

8、荫权有什么期望? Ming Pao: The central government has all along hoped for stability and prosperity in Hong Kong. Now that the economy has picked up, society has been stabilized in Hong Kong. Why, at this moment, has the central government accepted the resignation of Mr Tung Chee-hwa? What are your expectati

9、ons of the Acting Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang? 温家宝: 董建华先生辞职是香港同胞十分关注的一件事情。正如你所说的,香港回归7年多,“一国两制”的方针在香港得到了切实贯彻。香港的资本主义制度没有改变,香港原有的法律基本没变,香港人的生活方式也没有改变。特别是香港克服了亚洲金融风波带来的困难,经济复苏,民生得到改善。在这种情况下,董先生出于健康的原因提出辞职,我认为是诚心诚意的,会得到香港同胞的理解和中央政府的尊重。董先生担任香港特别行政区行政长官7年多来,为贯彻“一国两制”方针和香港特别行政区基本法,保持香港的繁荣稳定,做了大量的、开创性的

10、工作。董先生勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、敢于承担,表现出对国家、对香港高度负责的精神。他所做出的努力和贡献,香港特别行政区同胞是不会忘记的。至于董先生辞职以后,新的行政长官的产生,那将完全按照香港特别行政区基本法和有关法律办事。我相信,香港人是有能力治理好香港的。中央对香港的“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针是坚定不移的,是会严格按照香港特别行政区基本法的规定办事的。在这个时候,我希望香港同胞和衷共济、共谋发展,把香港的各项工作做好,使香港更加繁荣和稳定。Wen: I would like to thank you for your question. The resignation of M

11、r Tung Chee-hwa has been the focus of attention among compatriots in Hong Kong. As you said, in the past more than seven years since China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, the principle of one country, two systems has been implemented in real earnest. The capitalist system in Hong

12、 Kong has not changed, the law in Hong Kong has basically been intact, and the way of life there has been the same. In particular, I wish to point out that Hong Kong has overcome the difficulties brought about by the financial crisis and achieved economic recovery and a higher living standard for it

13、s people. Mr Tung has resigned for health reasons. I believe he has been sincere and he will win the understanding of people in Hong Kong and respect of the central government. In the past seven years, Mr Tung has done tremendous and creative work for the implementation of the principle of one count

14、ry, two systems, the Basic Law and for continuing the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. He is hard-working, he has few complaints and he has the courage to take responsibility. He has demonstrated in his work a strong sense of responsibility to compatriots in Hong Kong and to the country. I bel

15、ieve history will treat him fairly for his efforts and contributions. I believe compatriots in Hong Kong shall never forget what he has done. After his resignation, the election of the new chief executive will proceed in strict accordance with the Basic Law and other laws in Hong Kong. I believe peo

16、ple in Hong Kong are fully capable of running Hong Kong well. The central government is steadfast on the principle of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administrating Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy. We will strictly follow the Basic Law. At this moment I hope our compatriots in Hon

17、g Kong will work together with one accord for better development and I hope they will do an even better job for continuing the prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.作者: liu1698 发布日期: 2005-07-30俄通社塔斯社记者: 听说今年下半年你要和俄罗斯总理会晤。中俄经贸合作,特别是能源合作前景如何? ITAR-TASS: In the latter half of this year you are going to

18、 meet the Russian prime minister. Could you brief us on the latest development in economic co-operation and trade between China and Russia, especially in the energy sector? Any programmes? 温家宝: 中俄两国是有4000多公里共同边境线的友好邻邦。这些年来,中俄两国的关系处在历史上最好的时期。去年,我们确立了中俄战略协作伙伴关系的基本原则,制定了中俄睦邻友好条约的实施规划,提出了中俄贸易额2004年突破200


20、勘探与开发上加强合作。除此之外,我们还要在其他方面加强经济贸易合作。 Wen: China and Russia are friendly countries toward each other, sharing a border of 4,000 kilometres long. Over the years, the relationship between the two countries has grown better than ever before. Last year, the two countries identified principles for developin

21、g a strategic partnership of co-ordination. We worked out programmes on the implementation of the Sino-Russian Treaty on Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Co-operation, and set a goal for US$20 billion in trade by the end of this year. And this volume is to be further increased to between US$60-8

22、0 billion by 2010. China and Russia have solved a historical legacy on the boundary issue, laying a solid foundation for greater development of bilateral ties in the future. In the latter half of this year, I am going to meet the Russian prime minister for a 10th regular meeting. We are going to dis

23、cuss further issues related to economic development and trade between the two countries, in particular energy co-operation. With regard to energy co-operation, I wish to make three points. First, energy co-operation between China and Russia is an important component to the overall friendly relations

24、hip between the two countries. Second, energy co-operation between our two countries is based on equality and mutual benefit. Third, there are already important agreements concerning energy co-operation. We have agreed to increase Russian oil exports to China through use of railways. The targets are

25、 9 million tons for 2004, 10 million tons for 2005 and 15 million tons for next year. The Russian Government and President Putin have made it very clear that preference will be given to China when they build the Siberian oil gas pipeline. We have also targeted the possibility of co-operation in oil

26、and gas development. In addition, efforts have been made in other areas of economic co-operation and trade.作者: liu1698 发布日期: 2005-07-30日本朝日新闻记者: 虽然中日两国之间人员交流、贸易量不断扩大,但有人说,中日关系先是“政治冷,经济热”,现在是“政治冷,经济也凉”,温总理怎么看?中方对日方有什么期待? Asahi Shimbun: I have two questions. The first is about relations between China

27、and Japan. When you answered the question asked by the Russian reporter, you described the relationship between China and Russia as better than ever in history. But talking about relations between China and Japan, despite the ever-expanding personnel exchanges and trade, people usually characterize

28、our political relationship as cold, while the economic relationship is seen as hot. But recently the situation has changed to one where the political relationship is cold and even economic ties have cooled. What is your comment on such a situation?Moreover, what does China expect from Japan in order

29、 to solve these problems? My second question is about energy and the environment. The rapid development of China has brought about good opportunities to other countries, especially the neighbours. We are glad about it. However, there is also the question of sustainability of energy supplies and the

30、environment. This is a particular concern for Chinas neighbours. What measures are you going to adopt to solve these problems? 温家宝: 中日关系是重要的双边关系。我们高兴地看到,中日邦交正常化以来,两国关系有了很大的发展,去年双边贸易额接近1700亿美元,双方人员往来超过400万人。中日关系也存在着障碍,这种障碍主要是在政治方面,其根本是日本如何正确对待历史问题。加强和改善中日关系,要在恪守中日间三个政治文件的基础上,遵循以下三个原则: 第一,以史为鉴,面向未来。今年

31、是中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年。纪念这段历史,可以使我们回忆起战争给中国人民、亚洲人民以至日本人民带来的苦难,让历史的悲剧永远不再发生。我们希望日本方面也要把握这个机遇,促进中日友好。 第二,坚持一个中国原则。日美安全同盟是日美双方的事情,中国之所以关心是因为它涉及了台湾问题。台湾问题是中国的内政,不允许任何国家直接地或间接地干预。 第三,加强合作,共同发展。中日友好合作有很大的潜力,特别是在经贸方面,我们的目标是实现两国的共同发展。 我还想提出三点建议:一是积极创造条件,促进中日高层的互访。二是由双方的外交部门共同着手对加强中日友好进行战略性研究。三是妥善处理历史遗留问题。 Wen: The

32、 relationship with Japan is one of the most important bilateral relationships for China. We are pleased to see that after normalization of ties, the relationship between China and Japan has enjoyed tremendous development. Last year, our trade approached US$170 billion. People travelling back and forth between the two countries exceeded 4 million. But as you said, there are obstacles to this relationship, especially in the political field. The fundamental problem is that Japan should correctly view history. I would like to use this opportunity

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