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1、浙江省届高考英语复习完形填空提升练六说明文74完形填空提升练(六)说明文ADo you know that body language accounts for over 90% of a convention?Thats why communicating face to face is always better than a telephone conversation1 if you are trying to sell something!Your body language will give others a general2 of you and it will also sh

2、ow your emotions.Its very difficult to make your body 3.Its easy to tell the difference between a 4 smile of pleasure and a false smile.So if you understand body language codes (密码),it is usually possible to know what someone really 5,whatever they may be saying with 6.Although much of our body lang

3、uage is universal,a lot is also7.Culture codes vary from one country to another and they can 8misunderstandings.Even simple gestures may have a completely different meaning in other parts of the world.For example,the circle 9 made with three raised fingers means “OK” in the United States.But it is n

4、ot universal.In Brazil,Greece and Germany it is a 10gesture showing disrespect and in Japan it means “money”!In many Asian cultures,it is not appropriate for men and women to touch in public.Therefore,displays of affection such as11 hands or kissing are not 12.In some parts of Asia,13,it is common f

5、or people of the same sex to hold hands as a sign of14.Greetings vary according to the country and the sex of the people involved.In the west,it is appropriate to shake hands when you15 someone for the first time and both men and women can 16a handshake.In Indonesia,for example,a man will not offer

6、a handshake to an Indonesian woman 17 they are in a business situation.If you want to avoid making 18 mistakes when you travel to other countries,you should 19their basic cultures before you leave.If you do this,you are less likely to 20 people.1.A.namelyB.particularlyC.importantly D.practically2.A.

7、imagination B.descriptionC.expression D.impression3.A.lie B.talkC.act D.conduct4.A.polite B.shyC.sincere D.ready5.A.cares B.meansC.shows D.considers6.A.words B.examplesC.feelings D.movements7.A.exact B.foreignC.cultural D.similar8.A.clear up B.cut downC.refer to D.lead to9.A.sign B.markC.shape D.fig

8、ure10.A.helpless B.rudeC.dangerous D.casual11.A.shaking B.touchingC.raising D.holding12.A.comfortable B.suitableC.acceptable D.reasonable13A.therefore B.otherwiseC.however D.besides14.A.friendship B.loveC.admiration D.concern15.A.know B.introduceC.approach D.meet16.A.suggest B.startC.demand D.follow

9、17.A.unless B.untilC.if D.while18.A.surprising B.disappointingC.embarrassing D.interesting19.A.experience B.developC.respect D.understand20.A.worry B.hurtC.affect D.disturb导学号44994066BBody language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks 1 than words.According to specialists,

10、our bodies send out more 2 than we realize.In fact,non-verbal(非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really 3.And body language is particularly 4 when we attempt to communicate across cultures.Indeed,what is called body language is so 5 a part of us that its actually often unnoticed.And mi

11、sunderstandings occur as a result of it.6,different societies treat the 7 between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having 8 contact(接触) even with friends,and certainly not with 9.People from Latin American countries,10,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,its possible that

12、 in 11,it may look like a Latino is 12 a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving 13.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep 14which the Latino will in return regard as 15.Clearly,a great deal is going on when people 16.And only a pa

13、rt of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from 17 cultures,theres a strong possibility of 18.But whatever the situation,the best 19 is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be 20.1.A.straighter B.louderC.harder D.further2.A.sounds B.invitationsC.feelings D.messages

14、3.A.hope D.mean4.A.immediate B.misleadingC.important D.difficult5.A.well B.farC.much D.long6.A.For example B.ThusC.However D.In B.distanceC.connections D.greetings8.A.eye B.verbalC.bodily D.telephone9.A.strangers B.relativesC.neighbours other words

15、 B.on the other a similar way all means11.A.trouble B.conversationC.silence D.experiment12.A.disturbing B.helpingC.guiding D.following13.A.closer D.away14.A.stepping forward B.going onC.backing away D.coming out15.A.weakness B.carelessnessC.friendliness

16、 B.travelC.laugh D.think17.A.different B.EuropeanC.Latino D.rich18.A.curiosity B.excitementC.misunderstanding D.nervousness19.A.chance B.timeC.result D.advice20.A.noticed B.treatedC.respected D.pleased导学号44994067CEveryone has done experiments in high school laboratories,but have you ever thought abo

17、ut designing a satellite to explore space?On Nov 19,a team of 1 from Thomas Jefferson high School for Science and Technology in the US 2 peers and even scientists by successfully launching a satellite.The first satellite designed and built by high school students was 3 into space along with a record

18、-setting 28 other small ones on a rocket sent from a NASA facility in Virginia,CNN reported.It 4 the students seven years to build.The students call their tiny satellite TJ3Sat,5 is named after their school.A company developed the rocket and 6the students project.It can be 7 with a smartphone.8 most

19、 satellites,TJ3Sat can send and receive data.The small spacecraft can convert(转换) text to 9 and transmit those sounds back to Earth over radio frequencies,said Orbital officials.In this case,10 can give it a shot via the projects school website by submitting a text.The texts 11to sound and then broa

20、dcast back to Earth via radio waves.“I can say Go Colonials on our ground station and when it is on the12 side of the world.”The satellite will13 in space for at least three months.School principal told The Washington Post the14 started in 2006 as an extracurricular(课外的) club.Later it became a 15 pr

21、oject for a select group of seniors.The launch of the satellite shows what bright-minded teenagers can16 when allowed to pursue their own 17,Glazer said.“It used to be that kids growing up wanted to be an18,” Andrew Petro,program executive(主管)for small spacecraft technology at NASA,said in a stateme

22、nt.“I think we might be seeing kids saying,19 they want to do is build a spacecraft.The idea here is that they 20 can do that.”1.A.teachers B.researchersC.students D.scientists2.A.delighted B.disappointedC.boomed D.upset3.A.looked up B.held upC.made up D.sent up4.A.spent B.tookC.cost D.paid5.A.that

23、B.thisC.which D.it6.A.supported B.createdC.built D.reformed7.A.bothered B.indicatedC.functioned D.controlled8.A.Unlike B.LikeC.For D.With9.A.ability B.meansC.voice D.noise10.A.anyone B.someoneC.nobody D.everybody11.A.applied B.owedC.converted D.contributed12.A.another B.otherC.others

24、ay B.retireC.cast D.slip14.A.satellite B.projectC.plan D.aircraft15.A.assumption B.regulationC.popularity D.research16.A.achieve B.receiveC.accept D.distinguish17.A.desires B.kindnessesC.hopes B.astronautC.teacher D.assistant19.A.where B.whoC.what D.why20.A.quickly B.fairlyC

25、.mercifully D.really导学号44994068参考答案完形填空提升练(六)说明文A【语篇导读】肢体语言会给他人留下对你的总体印象,也会显示出你的情绪。让你的身体撒谎很难。但辨别真诚的快乐微笑和假笑很容易。文章主要讲述了身势语在不同国家的变化。1.Bnamely“也就是,换句话说”;particularly“特别地,尤其”;importantly“重要地”;practically“实际地”。句意:那就是为什么面对面的交谈总是比电话交谈要好的原因尤其是当你尽力出售东西时!故选B项。2.Dimagination“想象”;description“描述”;expression“表达”;i


27、”。句意:无论他们可能说出什么样的话。7.Cexact“准确的,精确的”;foreign“国外的”;cultural “文化的”;similar“相似的”。句意:虽然大多数肢体语言具有普遍性,但很多也具有文化性。故选C项。8.Dclear up“清理”;cut down“砍倒”;refer to“参考”;lead to“导致”。句意:文化密码各国不同,甚至会导致误解。这里说的是结果,故选D项。9.Asign“姿势,手势”;mark“标记,分数”;shape“形状”;figure“数字”。句意:例如三根举起的手指加上一个圆圈组成的手势在美国是OK的意思,但这个手势不是通用的。这里指的是三只手指的

28、手势,故选A项。10.Bhelpless“无助的”;rude“粗鲁的”;dangerous“危险的”;casual“随意的”。由后面的“showing disrespect”可知应选B项。句意:在巴西、希腊和德国,这是粗鲁的手势,在日本这是“钱”的意思。11.Dtouch hands“触手”;raise hands“举手”;hold hands “牵手”。句意:因此,表示爱慕,比如,在公共场合牵手或亲吻都是不可接受的。这里注意“shake hands 握手(社交场合礼貌性的)”,而文章中指的是男女朋友间的“牵手”。12.Ccomfortable“舒服的”;suitable“合适的”;accep

29、table “可接受的”;reasonable“合理的”。句意:比如,牵手或亲吻都是不可接受的。13.Ctherefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”;however“然而”;besides“除外,还”。该句和上文是转折关系,因此选C项。句意:然而,在亚洲的一些地方,人们普遍与同性握手以表示友谊。14.Afriendship“友谊”;love“爱”;admiration“羡慕”;concern“关心”。人们普遍与同性握手以表示友谊。15.Dknow“知道”;introduce“介绍”;approach“接近”;meet“遇见”。句意:在西方,在你初次和某人见面时握手是合适的。16.Bs


31、nd“理解,懂”。句意:你应该在离开前弄清楚这些国家的基本文化密码。故选D项。20.Bworry“担心”;hurt“伤害”;affect“影响”;disturb “打断,打扰”。句意:如果你这样做,你就不太可能冒犯别人了。B1.Bspeak指说话的方式,根据第一句判断此处说明身势语的作用之大,所以应选B项,表示“身势语比语言更响亮,身势语胜于言辞”。2.Dsend out意为“发出,放出”,身势语发出的不是“声音”“邀请”或“感情”,而是“信息”,所以选用messages。3.Dhope意为“希望”;receive意为“收到”;discover意为“发现”;mean意为“意指,表示的意思”。根据句意判断应选D项,此处句意为“非言语交际实际上占了我们表达的意思的50%”。4.C根据连词And可知该句继续说明身势语的作用,所以应选C项,此处句意为“当我们试图进行跨文化交际的时候,身势语尤为重要”。5.C该句仍然说明身势语的重要性,所以选用much强调程度,此处句意为“身势语是我们生

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