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中考英语考前冲刺系列专题 词汇运用.docx

1、中考英语考前冲刺系列专题 词汇运用专题14 词汇运用一、根据汉语提示完成句子(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)(一)单词拼写。1. Tonys mum looks young and beautiful. Its hard to imagine she is already in her _ (五十). 2. Thank you for giving me some useful _ (建议). Its of great value to me. 3. Though money isnt everything, it still _ (要紧) a lot to the poor. 4. _

2、(以、凭借)his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions. 5. I _(相信)that a better environment can be created in Binzhou and we should worktogether to make itcome true. (二)根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。6. 近几年来,我们的城市发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have _ in our city in the last few years. 7. 现在用手机发红包越来越流行。

3、Now sending red envelopes with phones is _. 8. 他总是利用他的空闲时间照顾那位老人。He always spends his free time _ that old man. 9. 这首歌使我想起了我的好朋友。This song _ my best friend. 10. 许多人在那场地震中丧生了。Many people _ in that earthquake.(三)完成句子。11. 当你需要力量时,红色对你有一些帮助,并且使你更容易采取行动。When you require strength, red will be _to you and

4、_foryou to take action. 12. 我告诉她不要那个在意总嘲笑她的同学。I tell her to _the student who always _her. 13. 妈妈告诉我这个周末除了在家复习所学知识,别无选择。Mum told me that I would _but _what Ive learned this weekend. 14. 他参加了大学选拔,并且成功进入了他理想中的大学。He _the university and _going to his ideal university. 15. 人们高度赞扬了谭盾的音乐,认为它具有持久的价值。People _

5、Tans music and think it has _. (四)按要求完成句子。16. The T-shirt cost me five dollars. (改为一般疑问句)_the T-shirt _you five dollars?17. Linda usually learns English by studying with a group. (对划线部分提问)_ _Linda usually learn English?18. Jack wonders where he can get some magazines.(改为同义句)Jack wonders _ _get some

6、magazines.19. 这个女孩年龄太小不能自己穿衣。 (完成译句)The girl is _young _dress herself.20. 王老师在课堂上大声讲话是为了让她自己被学生们听见。(完成译句)Mrs. Wang speaks in class in order to _herself _by the students.(五)填单词。21. A lot of people have been _(死) for years, but they are remembered forever.22. Japan is made up of several _(岛屿).23. You

7、can go there in any season _(除了) winter.24. He got used to _(收到)letters from his relatives.25. Finally he _(意识到) that he failed in the exam.二、用所给词的适当形式填空(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)(一)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。1. Dont touch the _(break)glasses. It may hurt your hand. 2. More action must be taken to stop _(p

8、ollute). 3.We hope that more _(China)will win honour for our country. 4. _(luck), he got better before the important competition. 5.I didnt know how _(teach)children when I started to work in a primary school. (二)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. Smoking is _( harm) to our health. 7. The Smiths live on the _(

9、nine) floor of the apartment. 8. The keeper tells the visitors _(not touch) the tigers. Its very dangerous. 9. The woman looked at the young man _(angry) and didnt say a word. 10. Its still raining. Wed better keep _(wait) for a while. (三)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。11. The boys uncle is good at _(tra

10、in) dogs. His dogs can do wonderful tricks. 12. Some citizens waited for the workers to repair their broken water pipes quite long, and they became _(patient). 13. TFBOYS _(sing) several songs at the concert last night. Their fans screamed excitedly. 14. How _(heavy) it rained in Europe! Some museum

11、s along the River Seine had to be closed. 15. Xijin Ferry(西津渡) is one of new _(couple)favourite places to take their wedding photos. (四)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。16. Why not _(join) an English club to practice your English?Good idea!17. This success marked the new _(begin) in his career. 18. Why are yo

12、u in such a hurry?My cousin _(wait) for me outside. We are going to see a film together. 19. Every year, tourists from home and abroad visit places of interest, taste delicious food and enjoy _(they) in Taizhou. 20. Im sorry I _(complete) forgot that it was your birthday yesterday. Never mind. (五)选择

13、括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。21. _(What/How)a heavy stone!22. February is the _(two/second)month of a year. 23.Whose home is _(far/farther)from school, Alices or Daisys?24. We must try _(our/ours)best to protect plants. Theyre important to human beings. 25.Why didnt you come to open the door for me?I _(wa

14、sh)dishes in the kitchen and didnt hear the doorbell.三、按照首字母提示完成句子(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)(一)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1. Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to n_(自然).2. Frank, take off your w_(湿的)jacket so you dont catch a cold. 3. This Chinese painting is the greatest work of a_

15、(艺术)I have ever seen. 4. The little girl k_(亲吻)her mum good night before she goes to bed. 5. Im s_(确信的)that out dream will come true through our efforts. (二)根据句意和首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词。6. The weather was terrible, but the bus they took arrived s_ at last. 7. W_ the help of my friend, I wont be able

16、 to do the job well. 8. A Chinese scientist called YouyouTu won the Nobel Prize in 2015 and she is the p_ of all Chinese people. 9. Nobody is a_ to smoke in the park because there is a sign No smoking here. 10. The t_ number of the students in our class is 45, twenty girls and twenty-five boys. (三)根

17、据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。11. As we know, the m_ goes round the earth. 12. Bill u_ gets home at 6:00, but today he didnt get home until 7:00. 13. After working for several hours, he was t_ and fell asleep soon. 14. The students are having a_ (化学) class in the lab. 15. We shouldnt waste water. Instead, w

18、e should _ (节约) it. (四)根据句意和首字母提示,补全各小题单词。每空只填一词。16. If you are interested in something, it will be easy for you to pay a_ to it for a long time. 17. In Hubei Province, the temperature changes g_, so the clothes people wear in each season are very different. 18. Pets like dogs and cats are very cute

19、. They can p_ their owners with love and comfort in their lives. 19. If people follow the traffic rules, there will be f_ accidents on the road. 20. In the boys relay race, Michael r_ very fast and our class won first place. (五)根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。 21. There is a famous saying, Eas

20、t or w_, home is the best. 22. You can lose w_ by eating less and keeping exercise more. 23. Please keep _(安静)when you are in a library. 24. Do you need to _(讨论)the problem in groups? 25. Students should answer questions loudly and _(清楚)in class. 四、选词填空(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)(一)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次,每空限

21、用一词。at the top of continue plenty high invention1. Miss Li _ to check students papers, though she was very tired. 2. In my opinion, mobile phone is one of the most important _ in modern life.3. My grandparents didnt have _ to eat when they were young. 4. The boy only wrote his name _ the paper, then

22、 he slept and did nothing else.5. Do you know which mountain is the _ in the world?(二)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。away from be careful traffic accidents nothing exciting around the world6. Everyone agrees we must_about the environment. 7. Nick Vujicic has a strong mind. He proves that if one tries his b

23、est,_can prevent him. 8. Sometimes Mr. Green would like to get into the countryside and get_the noise, the dirt and people in the city. 9. People_love peace and hate wars. 10. New rules are made in China to reduce_. (三)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。hang wealthy hundred they hear from11. I was very surprised

24、 when I _a stranger from a village far away. 12. What do you think of the sweater which he is _ over there?It looks so smart . 13. Everyone should take care of_because health is the most important in life. 14. Last year _of people died in the air crash. 15. Knowledge makes one laugh, but_ makes one

25、dance. (四)用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。wear wealthy thousand they surprise 16. I was very _when I heard from a stranger from a village far away.17. What do you think of the sweater which the boy is _ over there? It looks so smart.18. Everyone should take care of_because health is the most important in

26、life. 19. Last year _of people died in the car accidents. 20. Knowledge makes one laugh, but_makes one dance. (五)选出方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。reminded wonders carry on aloud opposite against21. Its important for students to read English_every day. 22. The post office is just_ my home. 23. Im glad yo

27、u_ me of the meeting. I had completely forgotten it. 24. The Great Wall of China was first built over 2,000 years ago. It is one of the _ of the world.25. Lets donate money to ORBIS for doctors to _ with their work. 参考答案一、根据汉语提示完成句子(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)(一)单词拼写。【答案】1. fifties【解析】托尼的妈妈看起来年轻美丽。很难想象她已经五十多岁

28、了。in ones +几十的复数,在某人几十多岁时,故填fifties。5. believe 【解析】根据题干I_(相信)that a better environment can be created in Binzhou and we should work together to make it come true. 可知句意为:我相信滨州可以创建一个更好的环境,我们应该共同努力,让它成为现实。根据句意,可知说的是现在的想法,应该用一般现在时态。believe动词,相信,主语是I,故填:believe。(二)根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。【答案】6. taken place【解析】短语take place是发生的意思,in the last few years通常和现在完成时态连用,taken是take的过去分词。故填taken place。9. reminds/reminded

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