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1、北大夏令营自荐信精选多篇北大夏令营自荐信(精选多篇)关于举办2014年全国优秀大学生夏令营”活动的通知发布时间:2014-04-28 阅读次数:4292为了促进我国高校优秀大学生之间的交流,增进青年学生对化学学科学习和研究的兴趣,北京大学化学与分子工程学院(以下简称北大化学学院)从2014年开始举办每年一度的“全国优秀大学生夏令营”活动。几年来,这项活动逐步成为全国高校优秀大学生了解北大化学院的重要途径,受到各地大学生的广泛关注。作为北大化学学院在“2014国际化学年”组织的一项重要活动,北大化学学院2014年“全国优秀大学生夏令营”活动将于2014年7月7日到7月9日在北京大学举行。本次夏令

2、营活动拟招收营员230人,北大化学学院自即日起受理营员报名申请。2014年夏令营的主要活动包括:1) 北大化学学院各二级学科(研究所、研究中心)负责人向营员介绍本学科的历史、现状与发展趋势并回答营员提出的相关问题;2) 组织营员参观重点实验室并与在学本科生、研究生座谈、交流;3) 北大化学学院在营员中进行本院2014年免试研究生选拔工作(具体的笔试、面试安排等信息以及北京大学化学院2014年研究生招生信息随后发布)。除来自北京地区高校的营员需自行解决住宿问题外,北大化学学院为所有营员免费提供夏令营期间在京的食宿,并为来自外地学校的学生凭票报销往返硬座火车票。为方便同学们报名申请,现将本次夏令营


4、印件,英语四、六级证书复印件等)。三、申请材料的寄送、审核及营员的录取申请材料要统一使用a4纸;要把申请材料装入a4大信封;信封正面写清申请者姓名、所在学校及院系。所有申请材料应于2014年6月10日前寄到(建议使用有寄达通知的邮寄方式)或送达北京大学化学学院研究生教务办公室。申请材料的审核及营员的录取工作由北大化学院夏令营委员会负责。营员录取名单将于2014年6月20日前在北大化学院的主页上公布。营员录取通知以e-mail形式直接发给申请者本人。届时未接到录取通知的同学皆为未入选者。未入选者不再另行通知。欢迎踊跃报名申请,欢迎来电来函咨询!咨询电话:010-6275-1713 李老师夏令营信

5、箱:chemjw2材料邮寄地址:北京大学化学学院研究生教务办公室李娜老师收邮编100871特此通知。北京大学化学学院2014年4月28日附件1: 申请表.doc附件2:个人陈述表.doc附件3:专家推荐信.doc第二篇:北大夏令营导师推荐推荐信尊敬的北京大学信息科学院领导:你们好!在这里我将我最优秀的学生侯道海同学推荐给贵校。侯道海同学知识技能过硬,有着较高的科学文化及道德品行素质。我希望这封信可以让贵校更好地了解学生的实际情况,并能够让侯道海同学进入北京大学信息科学院夏令营得到锻炼,让其得到更高一层的发展,进一步走向社会,建设社会。最早接触侯道海同学时,他留给我的最大印象就是他敢说敢做的自信


7、高的一次他一个人便揽下了四个项目,而且全部获奖,在校园展出,被班里的同学亲切地称为“才神爷”。不得不说,这个学生的身上真的有许多一般人所不具备的品质。我相信,如果得到更好的栽培,这个学生的才能必将更好的施展。我衷心的祝愿他可以通过贵校的选拔,也希望贵校能给他一次机会。此致敬礼2014级11班班主任:年月日第三篇:北大保研夏令营申请表health care financing and managementsyllabus, spring 2014, yan feng-health care financing and managementhsbc business school peking u

8、niversity instructor: feng, yanroom407, building c, hsbc business schoolfengyanclass hours: april 25th to june 24thtuesdays and fridays3:30pm-5:20pmclassroom: c102office hours: wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm, or by appointment.teaching assistant: tbd1. course overview arrow highlighted the prevalence of u

9、ncertainty in health care markets: physicians areuncertain about how to treat patients, especially when medical technology is changing so rapidly; patients are uncertain about the effectiveness of medical treatment; and consumers and health plans are uncertain about the appropriateness and quality o

10、f providers services.economic models explain some but by no means all consumer and producer behaviors in the medical services sector, and as for making health care policies, the economic concept of efficiency is a helpful criterion but not the only criterion for judging the desirability of alternati

11、ve arrangement (e.g., distributions and redistributions). given the uneasy balance of efficiency and equality/equity, there is by no means a best health care system suitable for every society, which is especially true for a developing economy like china. in this class we will discuss why standard ec

12、onomic models of behavior and efficiency sometimes work and matter and sometimes do not in this industry. we are going to discuss the available information related but not limited to the following questions: do people behave in ways that are or could be made to be efficient (and equitable)? how much

13、 inefficiency is there in this industry and what are the causes? how is health care usually financed in a society? and how might a country better manage its resources dedicated to improving the health of its population?the main context of this course is: (1) to consider the economic analysis of the

14、medical care sector, namely how medical care is provided and financed; (2) to explore the implication of market failures in health care market such as moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality; and (3) to help you get informed with the making of health policies and how different health system

15、 evolved and developed, and also to discuss various reform ments and questions in class are strongly encouraged. things that seem confusing or controversial are usually that way for many students; everyone will benefit if you ask questions. and because the class will deal with policy, there is a lot

16、 of room for honest feedback and constructive disagreement. no one knows the complete answer, or even the right answer, to many of the questions that will be raised in the classes. we do not set out to find the perfect answers, in different context, a solution may have quite ambiguous delivery and e

17、ffect. however, if you do not think you can tolerate the fact that most of the discussion will be from the point of view of economists and will seem to be somewhat detached (that is, not from the point of view of a beneficiary or a kind-hearted philanthropist), then you probably shouldnt be taking t

18、his class. 2. course requirements requirements ? students are suggested and expected to read all assigned readings or notes before each class; ?any submitted work should be typed, using 12-pitch font size and times new roman or arial type (no fancy fonts, please), double-spaced, and with no more tha

19、n one-inch margins; submitted work can be hard copies (dropped in my mailbox before deadlime) or electronic versions, attention to english grammar and clarity of writingare expected;?assignments, if any, are expected to be turned in before deadline. late submission will be graded as “0” unless permi

20、ssion from the professor is granted in advanceunder special circumstances.courseworkthere is no regular homework for this class, but you will be requested to write a term paper on a health topic that is of interest to you, it does not have to be an academic research paper. the paper should be at lea

21、st 8 pages long (single-sided), but not exceeding 12 pages. youmay use materials from the class, journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles, and the internet to support your argument in your paper, but there should be no copying and pasting from the original materials. the format should be co

22、nsistent with the course requirement. the deadline for turning in the paper is june 28th, 5:30pm sharp.grading(tentative)class participationterm papermidterm exam (closed book)final exam (closed book)3. course materials 10% 30% 30% 30%students are not required to buy books for this class. however, i

23、 do recommend 2 books as reference. coming to the classes prepared and taking necessary notes will be the most efficient and beneficial way of acquiring a broad and systematic understanding of the topics. 2recommended books? charles e. phelps, health economics, addison-wesley series in economics, 4t

24、h edition, 2014?sherman folland, allen goodman, and miron stano, the economics of health and health care, prentice hall, 6th edition, 2014in addition, “handbook of health economics”, edited by a.j. culyer and joseph pnewhouse (volume a and b, elsevier science, 2014, will be a great reference if you

25、are seriously interested in research in health care related issues.additional readingsreadings are listed for each topic, all of which are strongly recommended for the students to master the comprehensive original discussion.4. class scheduledue to the scheduled amount of teaching hours, in this cla

26、ss, we will be covering the most basic and most important topics, which include several subtopics. there may be certain topics not covered during this time period that you are interested to know, i suggest the students to find the answers in the reading materials and the books, and to utilize other

27、public sources for updated debates regarding health care issues.topic 1 introduction: whats different about medical care? overview of thehealth care marketreadingsarrow, kenneth, 1963, uncertainty and the welfare economics ofmedical care, the american economic review 53(5): 941-973.the demand for me

28、dical care and health topic 2readingsgrossman, michael, 1972, on the concept of health capital and thedemand for health, the journal of political economy 80(2): 223-255.dardanoni, valentino and adam wagstaff, 1987, uncertainty,inequalities in health and the demand for health, journal of healtheconom

29、ics 6: 283-290. (a simpler version of the grossman model ispresented in this article. you may want to read this article first).porter, michael e. 2014, “what is value in health care?” new englandjournal of medicine 363:2477-2481.3topic 3topic 4 mushkin, selma, 1962, health as an investment, the jour

30、nal of political economy 70(5):129-157. ellen obrien, 2014, employers benefits from workers health insurance, the milbank quarterly 81(1):5-43.financing health care: health insurance, risk pooling and moral hazardreadings pauly, mark, 1968, the economics of moral hazard, the american economic review

31、 58(3): 531-537.manning, willard et a1. 1987, health insurance and the demand for medical care, the american economic review 77(3): 251-277.zeckhauser, richard, 1970, medical insurance: a case study of trade- off between risk spreading and appropriate incentives, journal of economic theory 2(1): 10-

32、26.rosett, richard n. and lien-fu huang, 1973, the effect of health insurance on the demand for medical care, the journal of political economy 81(2): 281- 305.gaynor, martin et al., 2014, are invisible hands good hands? moral hazard, competition, and the second-best in health care markets, the journal of politic

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