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1、英语国家社会与文化学习重点Key points: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom II. Name and constituents1. Full name2. ConstituentsII. Effects of its imperial past1. Establishment of the commonwealth2. A multiracial nationIII. Differences in societ

2、y1. Race difference2. Class difference3. Region differenceIV. Introduction to England1. Physical features2. History of invasionsV. Introduction to Scotland1. Physical features2. History3. Retaining strong Scottish identityVI. Introduction to Wales1. Physical features2. A history features campaighs f

3、or independence of UKUnit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom III. Features of Northern Ireland1. Population2. Geographical features3. Capital4. Often Called “Ulster”5. Social order6. EconomyII. Pursuits of Irish independence1. Background2. Home Rule Bill3. The Easter Rising of 19164. Impor

4、tant Figures5. ResultIII. Conflicts within Northern Ireland1. Reasons2. The troubles3. Attempts to dissolve conflictsUnit 3 The Government of the United KingdomI. Monarchy in history1. Origin2. Divine right of the King3. One short ousted period4. Magna CartaII. The history of Parliament1. Origin2. H

5、istory3. Acquisition of powerIII. The birth of the Prime Minister and Cabinet1. Birth of Cabinet2. Birth of Prime MinisterIV. The British government and Constitution1. Government system2. The ConstitutionV. Parliament Today1. Functions2. Status3. InstitutionsUnit 4 Politics, Class and RaceI. General

6、 elections1. Why are they important?2. When do elections occur?3. Who can stand for election as an MP?4. What happens in an election?5. Formation of governmentII. The political Parties1. The Labour party2. The Conservative Party3. The Liberal DemocratsIII. Class1. Class-divisions2. Cultural differen

7、ces3. A distinctive features of British class-systemIV. Race1. A multiracial nation2. Influences of immigrationUnit 5 The UK EconomyI. Events in History1. Dominant in the 1880s2. Overtaken in 19003. Declince since 19454. Privatization in the 1980sII. The current UK economy1. Primary industry2. Secon

8、dary industries3. Tertiary industriesIII. Case study: the aerospace industry1. Status2. Major achievements3. Recent changesUnit 6 British LiteratureI. Early Writing1. Theme2. Beowulf3. Canterbury Tales4. The legend of King ArthurII. The 15th and 16th centuries1. Elizabethan Drama2. Christopher Marlo

9、we3. William ShakespeareIII. The 17th century1. King James Bible2. Francis Bacon3. John MiltonIV. The 18th century1. Features2. Johnathan Swift3. Robert Burns4. Daniel DefoeV. The 19th century1. Romanticism2. Poetry3. NovelVI. The 20th century1. Modernism2. Postmodernism3. Joseph Conrad4. Virginia W

10、oolf5. D.H. Lawrence6. E.M.FosterUnit 7 English Education SystemI. Purpose of Education1. To teach “the three Rs”2. To socialize childrenII. The relationship between education and social class1. Inequality in British education2. Good Education Guarantees a careerIII. The influence of the Church on s

11、chooling1. In the past2. At present3. ChangesIV. Major changes to British education system1. Involvement of government2. The 1994 Education Act3. Introduction of comprehensive schools4. “The Great Education Debate”5. National Curriculum in 1989V. The present education system1. Education in the UK is

12、 compulsory2. State sector and private sector schools3. Schooling stages and examsVI. Higher education1. Fund2. Founding Time3. Open university4. Degree titlesUnit 8 British Foreign RelationsI. Britain then and now1. The end of British Empire2. Britain todayII. The foundations of Britains Foreign Po

13、licy1. Imperial history2. Geoplitical traitsIII. How foreign policy is made?1. The Prime Minister and Cabinet2. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)3. The Ministry of Defense4. The Department of Trade and Industry5. The treasury6. Electorate7. Foreign relationsIV. Britain and international inst

14、itutions1.A member of UN Security Council (UNSE)2. A member of European Union (EU)3. A member of CommonwealthV. Britain and the United States1. Special Relationship2. Ups and downsVI. Britain security and defense1. Britains defense power2. Britains defense policyUnit 9 The British MediaI. Popularity

15、1. TV2. Newspapers3. RadioII. FunctionsIII. Newspapers1. Long history2. The role of newspapers3. Freedom of press4. National papersIV. The broadcast media (TV and Radio)1. Why is TV popular?2. British IV culture3. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)Unit 10 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Br

16、itainI. Sports1. Football2. Tennis3. Cricket4. Golf5. Horsy sportsII. Religious holidays1. Christmas2. Easter3. RamadanIII. National holidays1. The Queens birthdayIV. Holidays in England1. Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night)V. Holidays in Northern Ireland1. The Orange March2. St Patricks DayVI. Holiday

17、s in Scotland1. Hogmanay2. The Burns Night3. HalloweenVII. Holidays in WalesVIII. 1.EistenddfodIrelandUnit 11 Land, People and HistoryI. The island of Ireland1.Location2.ConstituentsII. Geography1. Land2. Climate3. EnvironmentIII. Population1. Features2. The Great Famine3. EmigrationsIV. History1. T

18、he Celts2. The coming of Christianity3. Viking invasion4. English invasion5. Irish independenceUnit 12 Politics and EconomyI. Political system1.A representative democracy2.A RepublicII. Structure of Irish government1. President2. The Government3. ParliamentIII.The electoral system1. Voting in electi

19、ons and referenda2. Electorate3. Proportional representationIV. The Civil service1. Neutrality2. Structure3. SelectionV. The Irish legal system1.The hierarchy of the Irish legal system2. Judges3. Check and balanceVI. Transformation of Irish economy1. In the past2. At present3. ReasonsVII. Irelands a

20、ccession to the EU1. Economic benefits2. Social changesVIII. Ireland today1. Home-ownership2. Transportation3. Living standardsUnit 13 Irish Culture: How the Irish Live NowI. Rapid social change1. Abolition of primogeniture2. Change of womens lifestyle3. Dislocations of social wealthII. Differnces b

21、etween Ireland and English1. Religion2. Language3. Economy4. OpennessIII. Attitudes towards English1. Ambivalence2. Stereotypes from the EnglishIV. The Roman Catholic Church1. The Roman Catholic values2. The power of Roman Catholic Church 3. Lose of power4. The difference between Catholics and Prote

22、stantsV. The Family1. Changes in family life2. Reason for the changes3. Objectives of womens movementVI. Pub culture1. What is a “pub”?2. Negative EffectVII. Work culture1. Work practices2. Trade UnionsVIII. Education1. First-level schools2. Second-level schools3. Vocational schools4. Third-level ed

23、ucationUnit 14 Irish Culture: Language, Literature and ArtsI. Language1. Irish under political unrests2. Hiberno-EnglishII. Oral culture1. Features2. Origin3. Positive effectsIII. Literature1. The first Irish poem2. Nobel Prize winners for Literature3. Other important figuresIV. Music and Dance1. Th

24、e Irish pipe2. Riverdance3. Irish harpV. Sports culture1. Soccer (football)2. Rugby football3. Cricket and tennis4. Hurling5. Golf6. Horse-racingVI. Science and Technology1. Distinguished figures2. Important societiesVII. The Irish identity in the world1. The Irish diaspora2. Attitudes towards other

25、 countriesAustraliaUnit 15 The Land and the People of the DreamingI. Natural of Features of the land1. Location2. Size3. Constituents4. Distinctive fauna5. Landscape6. Distinctive physical featuresII. The people1. The indigenous people2. The later settlersIII. Dreamtime and Dreaming1. What is “Dream

26、time”?2. What is “the Dreaming”? IV. British colonization1. Terra Nullius2. Exploitation of the land3. The impact of colonization4. The policies of segregation and exclusion5. The policy of AssimilationUnit 16 Australia Culture LifeI. Protestantism1. Status2. Values3. Protestantism and CapitalismII.

27、 Anglicanism1. Status2. DeclineIII. Catholicism1. Status2. Reasons for its dominance3. Social rolesIV. Religion and rapid social change1. A consumerist society2. Fundamentalism3. SecularismV. Non-Christian religions1. Buddhism2. Islam3. Hinduism4.JudaismVI. Sport-an Australia religion1. Variants2. S

28、port figuresUnit 17 Work and Family LifeI. Australia as a penal colony1. Establishment of colonies2. Convict colonies3. “Free” coloniesII. Forms of families1. Formation of new families2. Convict partnerships3. Currency children4. “Free” familiesIII. Work in the penal colony1. Convict labour2. Emanci

29、pists3. Important figuresIV. From Convict Transportation to “Free” Migration1. Suspension of convict transportation2. “Free” Migration3. Government-assisted migrationUnit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic SocietyI. Central value of the countryII. Political system1. The Washminster form of polity2

30、. Three- tier system of government3. Two houses of the federal parliament4. The Governor-General5. The Prime Minister6. The pluralist form of governmentIII. Economy and politics1. What is Australias economy like?2. Government involovement3. Dismantling of government involvementIV. Three political economic programmes1. Concept of the programmes2. Shift of focus in AustraliaUnit 19 Australia in the World TodayUnit 20 From Racism to MulticulturalismI. Immigration in history

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