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4、人要求我们代办事项时怎么办?33客人要求我们加急洗客衣时怎么办?34开洗衣单时发现客衣有否破烂、油污或掉失钮扣时怎么办?35开洗衣单时发现衣袋有钱物时怎么办?36客人反映客衣搞错了时怎么办?37当客人交给的代办事项,我们经过努力仍无法完成时怎么办?38来访者不乐意办理来访登记手续时怎么办?39客人不在,而来访者要求进入客人房间时怎么办?40来访者探访的是首长或重点外宾时怎么办?41客人外出时吩咐,可以让来访者进入房间时怎么办?42来访者要留口信时怎么办?43. 来访客人要在房间留宿时怎么办?44来访者离开房间带了物品,而没有主人相送时怎么办?45探访时间已过,而来访者尚未离开房间时怎么办?46

5、在楼层发现可疑人怎么办?47当发现房间钥匙丢失时怎么办?48发现客人喝醉了酒回房间时怎么办?49因我们的设备问题,致使客人受伤时怎么办?50当发现客人一夜未归时怎么办?51客人反映在客房失窃时怎么办?52客人反映在外遗失物品时怎么办?53发现客人损坏房内设备时怎么办?54当发现有房间失火时怎么办?55当发现宾客得了传染病时怎么办?56客人提出购买房间用品纪念时该怎么办?57客人前来领回遗留物品时怎么办?58检查走房时发现客人有遗留物品时怎么办?59检查走房时发现客人带走房间物品怎么办?60客人离店时留下物品委托我们转交亲友怎么办?客房服务英语50句(复赛用)1.Welcome to our h

6、otel.欢迎您来我们饭店。2.How are you . Im glad to meet you .您好,我见到您非常高兴。3. Thank you for your compliment.感谢您的赞扬。4. Wish you good luck!祝您好运!5. .Have a good journey!祝您旅途愉快!6. Wish you a happy festival!祝您节日愉快。7.We havent seen you for a long time.How are you getting along?我们好久没有见面了,你好吗?8. Did you have a nice tri

7、p?旅途愉快吗?9.How long will you stay here?您在这里住多久?10.Ill stay here three days.我要住三天。11.May I show you to your room, sir?先生,我可以领您到房间吗?12.After you please, sir.先生,请您先走。13.Ill bring in some fresh towels.我去拿干净的毛巾。14.Take a rest, please.请休息。15.Have some Chinese tea, please.请用茶。16.We hope you have a pleasant

8、stay in our hotel.希望您在我们饭店生活得愉快。17.If you want an attendant, Please push the bell.您有事唤服务员,请按电铃。18.Im glad to serve you.我非常高兴为您服务。19.Wish you success in your work!祝您工作顺利。20.Wish you a successful visit !祝您访问成功。 21.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!圣诞快乐并祝新年快乐!22.If you need anything, dont hesitate to

9、call.如有任何需要,请随时叫我。23.Im an attendant on this floor, what can I do for you?我是楼层服务员,我能为您做事吗?24.Would you please give me some envelopes and writing-paper?您能给我一些信封和信纸吗?25.I felt a bit cold when I slept, please get me a blanket.当我入睡时感觉有些冷,请给我一条毛毯。26.The soap in the toilet is used up. Can you please give

10、me a new one?卫生间的香皂用完了,请给我再添一块新的好吗?27.Ill send them up to your room, just one moment.请稍等,我马上把香皂送到您的房间。28.There is something wrong with the shower nozzle.喷头坏了29.There is no water in the water closet.Would you please have it repaired?马桶无水,请修理一下好吗?30.The heat is off.暖气停了。31.The light has gone out, plea

11、se change a new one.灯泡坏了,请换一个新的。32.Wait a moment, please. Ill inform the Engineering Department to send for someone to repair it.请稍等,我马上通知工程部来人修理。33.Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.对不起,让您久等了。34.Is there anything I can do for you?需要我帮您做些什么吗?35.Is there anything else I can do for you? I must be

12、 leaving now.如果您没有别的事情需要我做,我得马上离开这里。36. We apologize to you for having troubled you so much.抱歉,我们给您添了许多麻烦。37.Thank you for your kind understanding.谢谢您的谅解。38. Sorry I still dont understand what you said.对不起,我没有听懂你所讲的。39.Please repeat what you said.请您重复一遍您所说的。40.Thanks for your reminding.感谢您的提醒。41.Don

13、t worry about it.不必介意。42.Inset the key card for electricity.插入钥匙板,房间就有电了。43.Im sorry to disturb you, May I make up your room now?对不起,打扰您了,我现在可以清洁你的房间吗?44.Would you like to see a doctor?需要看医生吗?45.Please take a good rest and I hope youll get well soon.希望您好好休息,早日恢复健康。46.Its my pleasure, Im always at yo

14、ur service.我很愿意这样做,我随时都愿意为您服务。47.Will you please speak slowlier.请您讲慢一点好吗?48.Here is your bill.这是您的帐单。49.You can pay in the lobby on the ground floor. Welcome to come here again,Good-bye!您到大厅一楼付账,欢迎您下次再来,再见! 50. Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill?您想付现金还是在帐单上签字?客房服务英语100句(决赛用)1.May I have your r

15、oom card? 请把您的房卡给我好吗?2.Your room number, please? 请问您的房间号码是?3.Please watch your steps. 请您小心走好。4.We have both sauna and massage service in our hotel. 我们酒店有桑拿和按摩服务。5.It is open from 6 pm to 2 am. 它的营业时间是下午6点到凌晨2点。6. Please use the remote control for TV programs.选电视节目时,请用遥控器。7. Mr. Smith. welcome back t

16、o our hotel, how are you? 史密斯先生,欢迎您又下榻我们饭店,您近来好吗?8. Do you need hot water and cold water now?您需要热开水和冷水吗?9. There are laundry bags with laundy lists in the wardrobe. 衣橱里有洗衣袋和洗衣单。10.There are stationery folder and Hotel Directory in the drawer.抽屉里有文件夹和酒店指南。11.When you leave the room, please take the k

17、ey card with you.离开房间时,请记得带着钥匙。12.There is a socket beside the desk. 书桌旁有插座。13.Here is the switch. 开关在这儿。14.The voltage in the room is 220 volts. 房间的电压是220伏。15.The shaver socket in the bathroom is 110 volts.洗手间里剃须刀专用的插座是110伏的。16.Turn-down service.May I come in? 开床服务。我可以进来吗?17.What time would be bett

18、er for you?您什么时候更合适呢?18.Then Ill come back in an hour. 那么我一个小时以后再过来。19.Please call the Front Desk when you want your room done. 当您需要清理房间时,请给前台打电话。20.May I vacuum the room now? 我可以吸尘吗?21.May I tidy up these things on your bed? 我可以给您收拾床上的东西吗?22.Can I have more hangers? 我能多要些衣架吗?23.I need one more hand

19、 towel. 我还得多要一条擦手巾。24.Can you bring me more tea bags? 你能给我多拿些袋泡茶吗?25.Our hotel offers free shoe-shining service. 我们酒店提供免费的擦鞋服务。26.Im out of toilet paper. 我的厕纸用完了。27.Id like to have an extra blanket and an ironing board. 我想多要一张毯子和熨衣板。28.Let me show you how to use it. 让我为您示范一下如何使用它。29.We offer only on

20、e copy of newspapers free of charge to each staying guest. 每位住客我们只提供一份报纸。30.Can you change for a soft pillow for me? 你们能帮我换一个软一些的枕头吗?31.I cant understand.Could you write it down? 我听不明白。能否麻烦您写下来?32.I have some laundry to wash, where is the laundry bag?我的一些衣服要洗,洗衣袋在哪儿?33.For express service,you may ge

21、t them in 2 hours. 快洗服务的话,可以2小时之内取回。34. Im in a hurry. I have to wear it tomorrow evening.这件衣服要快件,明天晚上我要穿。35.You can get your laundry back earlier, but there is an extra charge for express service.衣服可以早些时间送回,但您要付额外的加急费。36.Would you like the express service or the regular service? 您是要快洗服务,还是要普通服务呢?37

22、. When can I get the laundry back? 这些衣服何时可以送回?38.They dont match up with the laundry list? 它们与洗衣单不符。39.May I have the mis-delivered laundry,please? 我能把送错的衣服拿回去吗?40.The collars of these woolen sweaters arent clean, Please ask them to re-wash it.这件羊毛衫领口没洗干净,请再洗一遍。41. We apologize to you for having tro

23、ubled you so much.抱歉,我们给您添了许多麻烦。42.Please sign your name and room number on the bill.请您把您的名字和房间号码签在帐单上。43. There is a hole in this coat, please mend it for me. 衣服上有一个洞,请代为织补一下。44. This coat is not mine. There is one shirt missing. 这件衣服不是我的,我缺一件衬衫。45. There is a button missing on my coat, can you sew

24、 on a button for me ? 我掉了一个扣子,你能帮我配一个吗?46.Your coat has been mended ,is it all right? 您的衣服织补好了,您看是否满意?47. Can you press this suit for me?您能帮我烫一下这套衣服吗?48.Im coming to change the sheets and pillow cases.我现在撤换一下床单和枕袋。49.This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster, sir.先生,这是电灯开关,那是温度调节

25、器。50.The light of this room is dim, please get me a brighter one.房间灯光太暗,可否调一个亮灯泡?51.If someone asks for me. Please tell him that Ill be back after 10 oclock.如果有人来找我,请告诉他我在10点钟以后回来。52.Ill leave a note for him, Please give it to him.我留下一张纸条,请转交给他。53.Im sorry,but we have to charge you for the damage. 很

26、抱歉,我们得向您收取物品受损的费用。54.I would like to keep this cup as a souvenir.我想要这个杯子留作纪念。55. Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon. Will you please bring me some more tea cups and chairs?中午,有朋友来看我,您能给我送来一些茶杯和椅子吗?56. We will send the tea to the room when the visitors come. 您的客人来访时,我们会送茶水进房间的。57.

27、 Any comments and suggestions are welcome.请你多提宝贵意见。58. I have a problem with my toilet. It doesnt flush. 我房间恭桶有些毛病,不能冲水。59. May I come in and have a look at the toilet? 我可以进卫生间看看吗?60. Ill send someone to fix it for you right away. 我马上派人来修理。61. I have a hair dryer, but I cant plug it into the wall so

28、cket. 我有一个吹风机,但插座不好用。62. Would you please show me your hair dryer? 让我看看你的吹风机好吗?63. Excuse me , but something is wrong with this socket. 对不起,这个插座坏了。64. Your hair dryer is 110V which is different from Shenzhens .Let me bring atransformer to you.您的吹风机是用110V电压,与深圳的不匹配,我为您拿一个转换器吧。65. Let me tell you some

29、thing about the services in our hotel. 我简单向您介绍一下饭店情况。66. Can you tell me something about the climate here? 你能给我讲一些此地的气候吗?67. If you want to have your shoes polished, please put them outside the door. 如果您希望我们帮您擦皮鞋,请将鞋放在门外。68. We would like to go shopping . But my baby is just asleep now, Can you look

30、 after my baby for me? 我们想出去购物,现在我们的孩子睡觉了,你能代我们照看吗?69. You call 8 for the housekeeping Department, they will arrange a baby-sister for you. 您可以拨电话“8”与客房部联系,他们会为您安排的。70. Do you know how much it will cost? 你能告诉我如何收费吗?71. Excuse me, Sir. But I havent finished. Shall I continue? 对不起,先生,我可以继续清扫吗?72. Is there anything I can do for you before you leave?在您离开之前有什么事需要我做吗?73.Please wake me up at 5:30A.M.请明天早上5:30叫醒我。74.Please leave your key at the service desk when you leave.当您离开房间时,请把房门钥匙放在服务台。75.Please give me the name and telephone number

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