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1、泛读教程教案unit1Unit 1 University Student LifeObjectivesStudents will be able to :Get to know university lifeLearn to analyse the textMaster the reading skill and improve reading speedGrasp some key words, useful expressions main idea and structure of the textDifficult Points and Focus1.Comprehension and

2、 Appreciation of the Text; 2. key words, useful expressions3. Reading skill4. Fast reading and exercises.Teaching Approacheslecturing, presentation, question and answer, group discussion Time AllotmentTeaching ProceduresPre-reading tasks1. Greeting (20m)2. Warm-up activities (m)T: Now, you are not a

3、 senior middle school student but a university student. Maybe you are not very familiar with university student life. So I have some questions for you to discuss.(1)Whats the image of a university student in your mind?(2)Whats the university should be like in your opinion?(3)Is your university life

4、different from your high school days? In what ways? (4) In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good student?responsible, hard-working, obidient, attentive, organized, goal oriented, not afraid to ask question 3. Background Information/lead in(5 m)By your discussion, we know the Life in the uni

5、versity is both challenging and colorful. The students devote most of their weekdays to courses, both compulsory and optional. As academic requirements demand that they must spend all spare time reading reference books and drafting the papers. Anyway they think it is worthwhile.University life is ex

6、tremely important in a students life. Through a few years learning, students acquire lots of knowledge and experience from their professors. Their attendance at various lectures, their activities in clubs or other social organization and their exchange of ideas with the fellows -all these open up a

7、new vista for them, foster their ability to work independently and help them to intellectual maturity. University life will pave the way to their successful career. However, in university, not everyone can become excellent student. Just now, you discussed many qualities of a good student that should

8、 possess. In this unit, text I introduces what makes a good student.While-reading1. word pretest before going to text On Being a Student. Check the meaning of eight new words: academic, accomplishment, demonstrate, dedicated, diverse, fad, validity, humility (m)academic: scholarly year/researchaccom

9、plishment: accomplish(verb)+ ment(suffix)= accomplishment(noun)-ment achievementdemonstrate: display, operate, and explain the workings of (a machine, product, etc) other synonyms: show, display, present, manifestdedicated: dedicate v. ed added after a noun to constitute an adjective.表示有的,具有特征 be de

10、dicated todevoteddiverse: different, various, variedfad: an intense but short-lived fashion; crazevalidity vliditi: base, foundation valid ty 用以构成名词,表示性质状态程度humility: modesty humiliate2. First reading and rough understanding of the text (15m)give students five minutes to skim the text and discuss th

11、e following questions: (1) What is the definition of “student”?(2) What are the qualities of a good university student according to the text?(3) Do you think it is necessary for the students to carry out many extra-curricular activities besides classroom learning? Why?3. Observe Students bad reading

12、 habitsJust now I find many of have some bad reading habits when you skim the text. These bad reading habits will slow your reading speed.A. Moving your lips when you read B. reading with your forefinger pointing the wordsC. Regressing /skip back Read back from time to time;Regressing means rereadin

13、g a word, phrase, or sentence out of habit. habitual, unnecessary regressing really slows you down. D. check the new words when you readYou should guess the meaning of the new words acooding to the context.E. Reading one word at a time Slow readers tend to see only one word at a time. Good readers w

14、ill see several words at a time and their eyes will stop only three or four times as they move across a page. 4. Second reading and clear understanding of the main idea and structure(15m)read the text again and give a divison of the text.This text is an essay on the characteristics which make a good

15、 student.This text can be divided into three parts.Part 1 (para.1) : the meaning of a “student” is serious.Part 2 (para. 2-3) : the qualities of being of “good student” includes four As-attitude, academic skills, awareness and accomplishment. All these added up to a fifth A: ability.Part 3 (para.4)

16、: Other qualities are: self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical habit of mind, objectivity and humility. 4. detailed explanation of the text/language pionts (30m)Now, first look at the topic On being a Student, on here about lunji,such as maozedongs On Practice实践论,

17、besides, this text is very clear, the words about qualities are emphasized by bold.Part 1(1) This modern definition does not suggest that the person does anything other than “attend”.other than : exceptaccording to the modern definition, the person does nothing except attend a school, collegeor univ

18、ersity.Part 2(2) stand out: to be distinctive or conspicuous, be excellent, extraordinarystand out from sb./sth.: be much better than sb./sth.远远超过某人e.g. Her work stands out from the reat as easily the best.(3) four As Acoording to reading skill- context clue to word meaning, we can easily know the m

19、eanings of attitude, academic skills, awareness and accomplishment.Attitude: a good student possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even the subjects are not interesting.Academic skills are the skills necessary to do well in an educational setting. They include reading, writing,

20、math, research, computer, and study skills. Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events(4) to ones liking: giving sb. satisfaction, pleasing sb, suit ones style/tasteI trust the meal was to your liking.(5) add up to: amount to sth. , indicate sth. A good stud

21、ent has the ability to apply the results of his or her learning in to a creative way and achieve the goals. Ability is not inborn. You can achieve it through your dedicated efforts.Part 3(6) seek out: find out(7) see through: perceive, be aware of (8) false claims: deception, cheat(9) turn out to be

22、: prove to beThe job turned out to be harder than we thought.Post-reading1. Reading skill: Context Clues to Word Meaning ( 10) Reading skill: Context Clue to Word Meaning (30 )Before we come to Section A, lets see reading skill- Context Clue to Word Meaning first. Context means the words or sentence

23、s before or after the item you do not know. Context clues are the hints provided in text, which lead the reader to meanings of words. When readers come across an unfamiliar word, they often look in different places in the text for clues to the meaning. These clues can be found before, within, or aft

24、er the sentence with the unfamiliar word. Also, there are signal words associated with the context clues. These signal words will point out the type of context clue being used. Once the reader is able to identify the type of context clue being used, then the meanings of unfamiliar words become clear

25、. There are several TYPES OF CONTEXT CLUES: 1. synonyms and definitions 2. examples3. class relationship4. antonyms and contrasts5. experience or sense of the sentenceContext sometimes provides definition clues. The author includes a definition to help the reader understand the meaning of a word. Co

26、nsider: Linguistics, the scientific study of language, is very important for language students. Notice the italicized word is clearly defined. In the following example, “tainted” is defined as having a disease. The people of the town were warned not to eat the tainted fish. The local newspaper publi

27、shed a bulletin in which readers were clearly told that eating fish that had a disease could be very dangerous. This was especially true for fish caught in Lake Jean. Besides the formal definition, the writer may also give explanation after such punctuation marks as comma, dash or within parentheses

28、. Besides,The verb to be is a signal indicating that the definition of the word may be in the sentence. A form of the verb to be is located between the unfamiliar word and its meaning.A carnivore is an animal that feeds only on meat.The word or is a signal word indicating that the definition is in t

29、he sentence.A biographer, or one who writes about peoples lives, is an example of an author.Context sometimes gives example clues. Consider: like horses, human beings have a variety of gaits, they amble, stride, jog and sprint. Notice several examples are given to shed light on the meaning of the it

30、alicized word “gait”, a way of way of walking. In the sentences with example clues, the examples are usually signaled by certain words or phrases like such as, including, for example, for instance or to illustrate. The student was suffering from anxiety. For example, when he first saw the test, he b

31、egan to tremble.Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are governed by predictable laws.Although context clues are useful in discovering the meaning of an unknown word, there are some limitations to this approach. The meaning you get from the context may be vague or general. Sometimes t

32、here is too much unfamiliar language to allow you to use the context. While you dont interrupt your reading to look up new words in a dictionary, you may still want to check your guess if you find that some word is used often, and seems to be an important one in your field. In such cases, mark the unknown words when you are reading, and look them up later2. reading comprehension (5)3. Vocabulary building (15m)established:

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