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1、新世纪大学英语系列教材Unit 3many a正式许多He has gone through many a severe test during his lifetime. 他一生中经受过多次严峻的考验。famen.声誉,名声,名气Im glad to see that fame hasnt spoilt him and made him abandon his old friends. 我很高兴看到他没有被自己的名气冲昏头脑,也没有因此而背弃老朋友。privatea.私人的,个人的I caught him looking through my private papers. 我撞见他在翻阅我

2、的私人文件。rewardvt.酬报,酬谢,报答,奖赏He was rewarded for his years of service to the pany with a grand farewell party and several presents. 为了酬谢他对公司多年的服务,(公司为他)举办了一场盛大的告别聚会,并赠送了他几件礼物。neglectn.忽视,忽略;被忽略的状况His poetry had finally broken through a long period of neglect and prejudice. 他的诗歌终于冲破了长期的冷落与偏见。freelancen.

3、自由作家,自由撰稿人;自由职业者I prefer to work at home as a freelance, doing jobs for several people at the same time. 我喜欢做一个在家里工作的自由职业者,同时为数人工作。prospectn. 常与of连用(有根据的)指望,期望,展望Theres a reasonable prospect of reaching the trapped child before it gets dark. 在天黑前救出那个被困的孩子应该是可能的。storagen.贮藏,存储,保管Wed have to build som

4、e cupboards to give us more storage space. 我们得做些壁橱来增加储藏空间。superintendentn.(某项活动或某一地区的)主管人;监督人He was soon promoted to the post of superintendent of Foreign Trade. 他很快就被提升为对外贸易主管人。manuala.手动的The latest post office machines can sort letters at 30,000 items an hour, which is much faster than manual sort

5、ing. 邮局的最新机器每小时可以分拣3万份,大大快于手工分拣。genuinea.真正的;真诚的Do you think you can ever trust a salesperson to be genuine? 你觉得自己能相信一个推销员是很真诚的吗?put to the test使经受考验The crisis put his courage and skills to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。uncertaintyn.不确定,不可靠,半信半疑The only thing Im certain about is that life is full of un

6、certainties. 我唯一确定的是生活充满了不确定。agentn.经纪人Please contact our agent in Spain for further information. 请与我们在西班牙的经纪人联系,以便得到更多信息。editorn.编辑,编者;(报纸、杂志等的)主编,主笔Shes a senior editor in the reference department of a publishing pany. 她是一家出版公司参考书籍部的高级编辑。contractn.契约;合同They might try to take legal action against y

7、ou if you break the terms of the contract. 如果你违反合同条款,他们可能会对你采取法律行动。sirenn.妖妇;塞壬In Greek mythology, a siren is a woman-like creature whose sweet songs lured sailors to their destruction. 在希腊神话中,塞壬是个像女人的怪物,常用美妙的歌声引诱航海者毁灭。temptvt. 常与into或to连用引诱(某人)去做,诱使;怂恿They tempted him to join the pany by offering h

8、im a large salary and a pany car. 他们提出给他优厚的薪水和一辆公司汽车,诱使他加入公司。acquaintancen.相识(但不很熟)的人,泛泛之交He has a lot of business acquaintances but very few real friends. 他有许多商业上的熟人,但真正的朋友却很少。stationvt.常用被动语态使驻扎,安置,设置During most of my time in the army, I was stationed in Germany. 在军队服役期间,我大部分时间驻扎在德国。buckn.非正式,尤美一美

9、元He left home with a couple of bucks in his pocket and the shirt on his back. 他离开家时,口袋里只装着几美元,背上搭着一件衬衫。teasevi. & vt.取笑,戏弄,拿开玩笑I used to hate being teased about my red hair when I was at school. 我读书时总是讨厌别人取笑我的红头发。on the side作为兼职;暗地里Forbes, though having a decent ine, could not resist the temptation

10、to make money on the side. 福布斯尽管有着体面的收入,却抵挡不住暗中谋利的诱惑。resolutionn.决心(要做的事)The resolution that he pletes work has been expressed in his speech. 他在讲话中表达了他完成工作的决心。wellvi. 常与up或out连用(液体)流,涌As she read the letter, tears welled up in her eyes. 她读信的时候,泪水充满了眼眶。stick it out把(难事)坚持到底,忍耐到底I know things are diff

11、icult at the moment, but if we just stick it out, Im sure everything will be fine in the end. 我知道现在事情很困难,但如果我们坚持到底的话,我肯定最后一切都会好的。afterwardad.以后,后来They separated, and soon afterward Jane left the country. 他们分开后不久,简离开了这个国家。pacevi.踱步(于),慢步走(于)He paced in the room nervously, waiting for the results of t

12、he interview. 他不安地在房间里踱来踱去,等待着面试的结果。cupboardn.橱柜,衣柜;食品橱,碗橱Is there enough cupboard space in your new house? 你的新居里有足够的壁橱空间吗?craten.板条箱,柳条箱;装货箱We suggest you have the outer packing changed, using wooden crate instead of cardboard boxes. 我们建议你们把外包装改一下,用木板条箱代替硬纸箱。plungevt.使(某物)突然而猛力投入、穿入、进入等If you burn

13、your hand, you should plunge it into cold water. 手烧伤后,应把手伸入冷水中。plunge in / into; plunge in / into(使某物)突然而猛力投入、穿入、进入等;跳入;冲进;(使)投入(某种活动)We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea. 我们跑向海滩,跳入海中。e up with非正式找到;拿出;提出;想出(计划、答复等)Shes e up with some brilliant scheme to double her ine. 她想出了一个绝妙的计划来使收入增

14、加一倍。crumplevt.弄皱,压皱;扭弯Youll crumple that suit if you dont pack it properly. 那套衣服不好好放,会被你弄皱的。goodnessn.(表示惊讶或恼怒)哎呀!Thank goodness. We finally got it done at the last minute. 谢天谢地,我们终于在最后一分钟完成了!veterana. & n.老资格的(人),经验丰富的(人)Francis is a veteran athlete of 15 international matches. 弗兰西斯是个有15场国际比赛经验的老运动

15、员。grocern.食品杂货商;杂货铺的售货员I asked the grocer if he could order that brand of ketchup for me. 我问杂货店老板他是否能为我进那个牌子的番茄酱。withervt.使(植物等)枯萎,使干枯,使凋谢The continuous drought withered the plants. 持续的干旱使植物都枯萎了。rumorn.AmE美流言,谣言,谣传Rumors are going around about why the teacher left her previous school. 这位老师为什么离开她以前学校

16、的流言正在传播。rumor has it (that)传说Rumor has it that youre going to be the next managing director. Is it true? 据传闻,你将是下一任总经理,是真的吗?steakn.(牛或其他动物或鱼的)肉排;牛排,牛扒How would you like your steak, madam? Medium, please. “夫人,您的牛排要几分熟?”“五分熟,谢谢。”dashvi.冲,猛冲We dashed along the platform and just managed to catch the tra

17、in. 我们沿着月台猛冲,勉强赶上了火车。role model榜样,楷模This attitude toward hard work is one of the reasons he is such a good role model for young people. 他之所以成为青年人的楷模,一个原因是他的敬业精神。sacrificen.牺牲They cared for their handicapped son for 27 years, at great personal sacrifice. 他们27年来一直照料着残疾的儿子,作出了巨大的牺牲。make sacrifices作出牺牲W

18、e had to make sacrifices and go without things in order to pay for our childrens education. 为了支付孩子们的教育费用,我们得作出牺牲节衣缩食。graduallyad.逐渐地The countrys eating habits are gradually shifting towards a healthier diet. 这个国家的饮食习惯正逐步转向吃健康食物。slaveryn.奴隶制度;奴隶身份Millions of Africans were sold into slavery between th

19、e 17th and 19th centuries. 从17到19世纪,数百万的非洲人被贩卖成为奴隶。tracevt. 常与to连用追溯;追查The police are trying to trace the mother of a new-born baby found abandoned outside a hospital. 警察正试图追查出被遗弃在医院外的新生婴儿的母亲。dazzlevt.使眼花,使目眩;耀眼Bright sunlight is thought to have dazzled a woman who drove into a train at a railway cr

20、ossing. 人们认为是耀眼的阳光使那个妇女感到目眩,以致在铁道路口开车撞上了火车。pack up收拾行李Will you pack up your things and we will send you a porter in a few minutes? 请你收拾好行李,我们很快会派一位搬运员给你。in a / one sense在某种意义上;在一定程度上One is, in a sense, lucky if he is faced with a crisis early on; it enables him to strengthen his will. 在某种意义上说,一个人能早点

21、遇到危机是件幸运的事,因为这能让他磨练意志。e across(尤指偶然)遇见,碰上;发现If you e across my glasses can you let me have them, please? 如果你碰巧看见我的眼镜,请把它给我,好吗?corrodevt.使腐蚀;侵蚀Rain water had corroded the metal pipes. 雨水侵蚀了金属管道。dimen.(指美国,加拿大的钱币)十分铸币,一角硬币I want some dimes and nickels for a telephone call. 我需要一些十美分和五美分的硬币打。flood in(大量

22、地)涌入Refugees have been flooding in from the war-torn neighboring country. 难民们不断从那饱受战争蹂躏的邻国蜂拥而入。tiden.潮;潮汐;潮水The ebb and flow of the tide leaves many strange things on the beach. 潮落和潮涨在海滩上留下了许多稀奇古怪的东西。bleaka.阴冷的;阴郁的,凄凉的It is a bleak tale, set against a bleak East Anglian landscape. 这是个凄凉的传说,发生的背景是一片荒

23、凉的东盎格鲁原野。portraitn.肖像画,照片Her portrait appears on the front cover of that magazine. 她的肖像刊在那份杂志的封面上。medaln.奖章;勋章He was awarded the gold medal for being the fastest runner. 他跑得最快,因而获得了金牌。pressvt.(强烈地)劝说;敦促;催促The police officer pressed the witness to identify the man she had seen. 警官敦促目击者去辨认她看到的那个男人。be

24、(hard) pressed to do sth.非正式处境为难,做某事有困难We are hard pressed to appear at the meeting on timewere stuck in a traffic jam on a highway. 我们很难及时出现在会场我们被堵在公路上了。persistencen.坚持,持续Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its status as an international agency. 她的坚持和热情帮助了该组织获得一个国际机构的地位。

25、stay the course坚持到底That new laborer is not very strong and I doubt if hell stay the course. 那位新工人不太强壮,因而我怀疑他是否能坚持到底。Explanation:I still had not had my work accepted for publicationI was determined not to follow the example of those people who, even at their death, are still bothered with the questio

26、n What would have happened if I had tried?The Shadowland of hope is a state of poverty, neglect, and fear of failure that anyone who dreams to acplish great things will experience, and should learn to endure before he or she succeeds.a call that is like the singing of siren tempting me to give up wr

27、iting. (siren voices / song / call: literary the temptation to do something that seems very attractive but that will have bad results)He had once lent me several dollars and often reminded me of the matter. Note that to egg sb. about sth. is a slangy expression, meaning to annoyingly remind sb. of s

28、th.As I was being tempted by the good pay offered by my old acquaintance, I suddenly remembered my purpose of giving up the post as a Coast Guard my dream was to be a writer.Deep in my heart, the determination of going my own way became stronger and stronger.It was a long and hard process before I s

29、truggled out of the Shadowland.I obtained success and became the centre of public attention.I would find it difficult to tell which item is the most important one for me.But only one (the brown paper bag and its contents) reminds me of the courage and persistence it takes to hang in there or to stick it out until success.Translation:亚历克斯哈利1 很多年轻人告诉我,他们想当作家。我总是鼓励这些人,但我也会解释,“当作家”和写作是有区别的。在多数情况下,这些人是在梦想名利,而不是在打字机前独自度过漫长的时间。我对他们说,“你得渴望写作,而不是渴望当作家。”2 孤独、冷清、低薪,这就是写作的现实写照。幸运之神会眷顾一些作家,但数以千计的人心中的渴望永远无法满足。就算是成功者,大多也曾长期无人问津、穷困潦倒,包括我。3 我离开工作了20年的美国海岸警备队成为一名自由作家时,前途

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