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1、商英语翻译测验商英语翻译测验福建商业高等专科学校20142015学年度第二学期单元测验商务英语翻译(3)班级: 座号: 姓名: 成绩: 一、请找出与下列词组相匹配的英文说法。10%( )1. 个人所有 a. attractive and durable( )2. 质量认证 b. popular both at home and abroad( )3. 合资企业 c. class A enterprise( )4. 一级企业 d. executive standard ( )5. 制作精巧 e. perfect in craftsmanship( )6. 驰名中外 f. fragrant fla

2、vor( )7. 执行标准 g. applicable people ( )8. 香味浓郁 h. quality certificate( )9. 适宜人群 i. individual-owned( )10. 美观耐用 j. joint venture二、根据提示试翻译下列各句。30%1Japans bubble bursts, a downsizing of expectations is taking place for the worlds third-largest capitalist economy.(增译法) 2The salesman was so successful tha

3、t in the end he hived off from the firm into his own business.(减译法) 3Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (Baosteel), the largest steel producer in China, sets foot in diversified industries such as trade, finance, equipment manufacturing, information, chemical industry and etc.(增译法) 4If the Buyer fa

4、ils to open the Letter of Credit in time, the Seller shall have the right to rescind, without further notice, the whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation.(正说反译) 5Law is no respecter of persons.(反说正译) 6He never spared himself and so he made me work hard.(反说正译) 7来信获悉。甚为欣慰。(增译法) 8由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏

5、漏在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正。(减译法) 9开车时,越小心越好。(正说反译) 10要是他没发脾气,谈判很可能就已经成功。(反说正译) 三、段落翻译:60% 1.Changshen Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise engaged in the researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing of bioengineering products. The registered capital is 10 million RMB. There are more than

6、120 employees, in which there are 25 senior and secondary professional technicians. The company established high standard labs for R & D and application. 2It moisturizes your skin in hot, cold and dry climate conditions, taking extra care of your skin against the drying effect of the sun, helping pr

7、event dry skin and protecting your skin from additional loss of skin moisture.Wash the face with lukewarm water and evenly rub a little amount all over, twice daily, one in the morning and the other in the evening, and the satisfactory effect will soon be obtained. Do not spray over food or tablewar

8、e. Do not use or store near fire. Do not strike. It should be kept in cool place and kept away from the children. 3 TIGER BALM(虎标万金油)The fame of TIGER BALM belies its humble origins. TIGER BALM is made from a secret herbal formulation that dates back to the times of the Chinese emperors. The Aw brot

9、hers, Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par(胡文虎及胡文豹)inherited the formulation from their herbalist father who left China.TIGER BALM is a remarkable ointment that truly works. It is a fast acting remedy that soothes many bodily discomforts, aches and pains. TIGER BALM is made from the finest ingredients under

10、strictest quality control. INDICATIONS: Effective in relieving headaches, stuffy nose, insect bites, itchiness, muscular aches and pains, sprains and flatulence.DIRECTIONS: Apply TIGER BALM gently on the affected areas.CAUTIONS: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Keep out of reach of children. Use only as direc

11、ted. STORAGE: store in a cool dry place. 。GOOD LUCK。Key to Quiz 3一、1. i 2. h 3. j 4. c 5. e 6. b 7. d 8. f 9.g 10.a二、根据提示试翻译下列各句。30%1Japans bubble bursts, a downsizing of expectations is taking place for the worlds third-largest capitalist economy.(增译法)译文:随着日本泡沫经济的破灭,对这个位居世界第三的资本主义经济大国的期望值也在下降。 在该句的

12、翻译中,我们把“bubble bursts”直接翻译成“泡沫经济的破灭”,会使意思更清楚。2The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived off from the firm into his own business.(减译法)译文:这个推销员干的很成功,最后他脱离公司自立门户。(省译sothat结构) 3Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (Baosteel), the largest steel producer in China, sets foot in diversified ind

13、ustries such as trade, finance, equipment manufacturing, information, chemical industry and etc.(增译法)译文:上海宝钢集团公司(宝钢)是中国最大的钢铁公司。宝钢发展了多元产业,包括贸易、金融、设备制造、信息和化工等。4If the Buyer fails to open the Letter of Credit in time, the Seller shall have the right to rescind, without further notice, the whole or any

14、part of this Sales Confirmation. 译文:若买方未能按时开立信用证,卖方有权全部或部分撤销售货确认书,不再另行通知。(正说反译)5Law is no respecter of persons.(反说正译) 译文:法律面前人人平等。6He never spared himself and so he made me work hard. 译文:他总是拼命干,也让我拼命干。(反说正译)7来信获悉。甚为欣慰。(增译法)译文:I am very pleased to have received your letter.(增补代词I和your)8由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,

15、书中疏漏在所难免,欢迎广大读者批评指正。(减译法)译文:Any advice and criticism is warmly welcome about this book. (省译“由于时间仓促,作者水平有限,书中疏漏在所难免”,这些话对于中国读者来说,是谦辞,而欧美读者则信以为真,反而会损坏该书的声誉。)9开车时,越小心越好。You cant be too careful when you drive a car.(正说反译)10要是他没发脾气,谈判很可能就已经成功。If he had kept his temper, the negotiation would probably have

16、 been a success.(反说正译)三、段落翻译:60%1. Changshen Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise engaged in the researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing of bioengineering products. The registered capital is 10 million RMB. There are more than 120 employees, in which there are 25 senior and

17、 secondary professional technicians. The company established high standard labs for R & D and application.译文:长胜生物工程有限公司是一家集生物工程产品的研发、生产和销售为一体的现代高科技企业,公司注册资本1000万元。现有职工126人,其中各类高、中级技术专业人员25人。公司建有标准化的产品开发、应用实验室,具有较强的自主研发能力。2It moisturizes your skin in hot, cold and dry climate conditions, taking extra

18、 care of your skin against the drying effect of the sun, helping prevent dry skin and protecting your skin from additional loss of skin moisture. Wash the face with lukewarm water and evenly rub a little amount all over, twice daily, one in the morning and the other in the evening, and the satisfact

19、ory effect will soon be obtained.译文:无论是酷热、寒冷或是干燥的气候,本产品都能滋润您的皮肤,具有防晒,预防皮肤干燥、锁水保湿等功效。早晚两次,用温开水洗脸后取本品少许,均匀搽遍面部即可收到满意效果。 勿向食物和食具喷洒。勿在近火源处存放或使用。勿敲撬。宜放在阴凉、儿童不易碰到的地方。3TIGER BALM(虎标万金油)The fame of TIGER BALM belies its humble origins. TIGER BALM is made from a secret herbal formulation that dates back to t

20、he times of the Chinese emperors. The Aw brothers, Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par(胡文虎及胡文豹)inherited the formulation from their herbalist father who left China.TIGER BALM is a remarkable ointment that truly works. It is a fast acting remedy that soothes many bodily discomforts, aches and pains. TIGER BA

21、LM is made from the finest ingredients under strictest quality control. INDICATIONS: Effective in relieving headaches, stuffy nose, insect bites, itchiness, muscular aches and pains, sprains and flatulence.DIRECTIONS: Apply TIGER BALM gently on the affected areas.CAUTIONS: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Kee

22、p out of reach of children. Use only as directed. STORAGE: store in a cool dry place.译文:虎标万金油虎标万金油的药方是起源于古中国宫廷的草药秘方,之后由胡文虎及胡文豹的父亲传授给兄弟两人。虎标万金油是依照特别配方和精选的原料精心配制,它符合严格的制药及质量标准。主治:能有效地解除头疼、鼻塞、肚痛等不适症状。注意:只限外用,并远离儿童。用法:将本品搓在患处。储藏:密闭,置阴凉处。补充:(删减)试比较以下两种语言的公司简介:EPG公司是一家专业从事户外休闲用品生产及销售的中外合资公司。我公司主要生产各种型号的各式

23、帐篷以及睡袋、旅行包、休闲手提袋等户外休闲用品。公司产品以中、高档为主,低档为辅。我公司产品以出口为主,在国内也有广泛的客户群。 公司座落于美丽的长江边,与新建成的润扬长江大桥毗邻,交通极为便利。公司距扬州市区仅十公里,又外连多条主干道,物流发达。我公司现有员工三百余名,拥有雄厚的技术力量和一流的管理人员,我们还高薪聘请了专业技术骨干。 我们的宗旨是“顾客至上,广交天下朋友”。我们可承接定单、加工等多项业务,并可根据客户需求研发新产品。随着生产规模的不断扩大,我公司现诚挚欢迎各界人士前来洽谈业务。 EPG is a professional joint venture company spec

24、ializing in production and sale of outdoor & casual products. The company mainly produces all kinds of tents of various types, and other leisure products such as sleeping bags, traveling bags and casual handbags, etc. Our goods have a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes. we en

25、joy a good reputation both at home and abroad. The company is located at the bank of Yangtze River, the most beautiful and famous river in China. Transportation here is very convenient. Our company boasts tremendous technological strength with a well-qualified management and staff. The company is co

26、mmitted to its motto: “customer primary, goodwill first”. The company is able to research and develop new tailor-made products according to specific requirements of different customers as well as receiving processing orders. Best service to all our guests! 在这篇公司简介中,介绍了公司的基本情况,诸如:公司经营范围、地理位置、公司宗旨等。为达

27、到使消费者对该公司所生产的产品和提供的服务印象深刻的目的,译文应注意英文表达习惯。 第一段中,“公司产品以中、高档为主,低档为辅。”其实就是告诉消费者产品种类齐全,能满足不同消费层次和口味的需要,若直译为Our goods are mainly at high & middle levels. Inferior products are also available,显得呆板,其中“inferior”给人一种不好的感觉。 第二段中,“公司座落于美丽的长江边,与新建成的润扬长江大桥毗邻,交通极为便利。公司距扬州市区仅十公里,又外连多条主干道,物流发达。”只是传达一个信息,即公司地理位置优越,交通便利。因此在翻译是可适当删减,突出重要信息。同样在这段中,“公司现有员工三百余名,拥有雄厚的技术力量和一流的管理人员,我们还高薪聘请了专业技术骨干。”可以概括性地译为Our company boasts tremendous technological strength with a well-qualified management and staff。 第三段,“我公司现诚挚欢迎各界人士前来洽谈业务”属于汉语语篇的“口号式”表达,没有实质意义,在考虑英文表达习惯的基础上,简单地译为Best service to all our guests!就可以了。

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