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1、翻译三级口译综合能力5翻译三级口译综合能力-5(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、BPart /B(总题数:1,分数:10.00)(分数:10.00)(1).My husband and I bought a camcorder when we had our first kid.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:听力原文1-10 The reason my husband Bill and I bought a video camera eight years ago when our first daughter Jane was born was that we coul

2、d relive every moment of our kids lives. Until Annies first dance recital when the camcorder had a sudden breakdown, I never realized how little of their lives I was experiencing when I had a camcorder in front of my face. So I decided to try life without one. At first, I felt neglectful not filming

3、 birthdays or the first day of school. But when soccer season started, instead of directing my kids so I could get good video, I cheered when Jane, the goalie, made a save or when Annie charged ahead with the ball. Dont get me wrong - we want to document the girls childhoods. I write in memory books

4、, save drawings and take plenty of still photos. With video, youre a passive viewer, and events are recorded as is, with no room to embellish. But leafing through albums together and asking my kids Remember when.9 triggers a dynamic collaboration. I ask them, then offer my own recollections, and bef

5、ore we know it, weve turned an event thats ho-hum on video, like a trip to the zoo, into something spectacular. 分析 词义理解题。 根据原文The reason my husband Bill and I bought a video camera eight years ago when our first daughter Jane was born可知八年前这对夫妇第一个孩子出生时,他们买了一台摄像机。由此可见,题干的说法与原文相符,是正确的。 解题关键 掌握同义词替换是解题关

6、键。原文中video camera意思是“摄像机”,与题干中camcorder意思相符。(2).My elder daughter Jane is nine years old.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 数字信息的找寻和判断。根据The reason my husband Bill and I bought a video camera eight years ago when our first daughter Jane was born可知现在他们的女儿已经八岁了。由此可见题干的说法是错误的。 解题关键 掌握when引导的定语从句的修饰作用。(3).I filmed

7、a lot of precious moments including Annies first dance performance.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 词义理解题。 根据原文Until Annies first dance recital when the camcorder had a sudden breakdown可知 Annie第一次独舞演出时这台摄像机突然坏了。由此可见题干说“我在Annie第一次舞蹈表演时摄下许多精彩瞬间”与原文不符,是错误的。 解题关键 理解词组breakdown的含义。该词组意思为“坏了;出故障”。(4).I gave up my c

8、amcorder because it had prevented me from fully enjoying the precious moments in my daughters life.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 语义理解题。 根据原文Until Annies first dance recital when the camcorder had a sudden breakdown,I never realized how little of their lives I was experiencing when I had a camcorder in fron

9、t of my faceSo I decided to try life without one,可知直到Annie第一次独舞演出时这台摄像机突然坏掉时,我才意识到摄像机挡在我面前使我无法几乎体验孩子们的生活。所以我决定过没有摄像机的生活。由此可见题干“我放弃摄像机因为它使我无法尽情享受女儿们生活中的精彩瞬间”的说法与原文意思相符,是正确的。 解题关键 1)理解until与否定表达连用表示“直到才”;2)理解题干中gave up与原文without意思相当。(5).Both my daughters Jane and Annie played soccer.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解

10、析:分析 词义理解题。 根据原文But when soccer season startedI cheered when Jane,the goalie,made a save or when Annie charged ahead with the ball可知足球赛季开始,守门员Jane的救球、Annie的带球冲锋使我为她们喝彩欢呼。由此可判断,讲话者的两个女儿都踢足球。因此题干的说法与原文相符,是正确答案。 解题关键 能够将关键词归类并做简单推断。原文soccer season,the goalie,made a save和charged ahead with the ball全都与足球

11、运动有关。(6).I used to cheer for my daughters at soccer matches.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 推理判断题。 根据原文But when soccer season started,instead of“directing”my kids so I could get good video,I cheered when可知足球赛季开始后,我没有指导孩子们的动作以便更好地拍摄,相反,我为守门员Jane的救球、Anne的带球冲锋喝彩欢呼。由此可推断讲话者以前忙于拍摄而没有为女儿们在球场上的表现喝彩过。因此题干的说法与原文不符,是错

12、误的。 解题关键 理解in stead of的含义。该词组意思为“代替了”,由其后内容可推断出讲话者以前通常的做法。(7).Now I am upset if I cant record my daughters soccer match with the camcorder.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 语义理解题。 根据原文At first I felt neglectful not filming birthdays or the first day of schoolBut when soccer season started,instead of“directing”

13、 my kids so I could get good video,I cheered可知起先刚放弃录像机时,讲话者在孩子们的生日或第一天上学时,感到对他们的关心不足,但后来足球赛季开始,讲话者专心于孩子们的比赛时,感到兴高采烈,由此可推断现在讲话者那种认为忽视了孩子的感觉已不存在。因此题干“现在我因不能给孩子们比赛录像而感到沮丧”的说法与原文不符,是错误的。 解题关键 掌握关键词语的含义。注意这里at first指以前,与题干中Now相对立;文中neglectful与题干中upset意思相近。(8).I feel the video films made by the camcorder

14、too matter-of-fact.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 语义理解题。 根据原文With video,youre a passive viewer,and events are recorded as is,with no room to embellish可知用录像机时,你成为被动的观看者,被录的事件死板客观,没有一点想象余地。由此可见题干含义与原文相符,是正确的。 解题关键 理解as引导的从句含义。这里该词意思是“如,像”,因此文中as is与题干matter-of-fact意思相同。(9).Now I still keep records, of my kids

15、 growth.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 词义理解题。 根据原文we want to document the girls childhoodsI write in memory books,save drawings and take plenty of still photos可知我们还是要记录下孩子们童年的,我们将他们的生活写下来,收集他们的图画并拍了大量照片。 解题关键 理解document的含义。这里document“记录”与题干中keep records of意思相同。(10).I think photos are even better means to re

16、member my kids growth.(分数:1.00)A.正确B.错误解析:分析 观点态度题。 原文说者认为使用照片triggers a dynamic collaboration即激发孩子们的合作,而且weve turned an event thats ho-hum on video,like a trip to the zoo,into something spectacular即以去动物园的游玩以例,我们把刻板的录像改为照相后,这次活动变得非常生动有趣。 由此可见“与录像相比,照片在记录孩子们的成长方面更胜一筹”与原文意思相符,是正确的。 解题关键 理解dynamic及spec

17、tacular的内涵。这两个都表积极态度,说明拍照片确实是更好的方式。二、BB/B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Which of the following can best describe her personality?(分数:1.00)A.Volatile.B.Sensitive.C.Resolute.D.Good for nothing.解析:听力原文 She would be nothing if not determined. 分析 语义理解题。 原句意思是“是意志坚定造就了她。”由此可见,选项C“坚决的,坚定的”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。解

18、题关键 1)理解双重否定的用法。双重否定表肯定,而且具有强调作用;2)理解原文虚拟语气的运用。(2).Which of the following is true?(分数:1.00)A.The judge will commit bribery if his fellow colleagues agree.B.Several of the judges colleagues have taken bribes before he did.C.Nobody is going to get what he wants from the judge with bribery.D.Somebody s

19、aw the judge take the bribes.解析:听力原文 The judge is the last person to take bribes. 分析 词义理解题。 原句意思是“这位法官决不可能收取贿赂。”由此可见,选项C“谁也无法行贿这位法官从他那里得到自己想要的”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解短语the last person的含义。该词语意思是“最不可能料到的”。(3).How many New Year cards did the little girl receive last year?(分数:1.00)A.48.B.16.C.24.D.12

20、.解析:听力原文 The little girl is overjoyed having received 48 New Year cards, 3 times more than last year. 分析 语义理解题。 原句意思是“今年小女孩收到的新年贺卡比去年多三倍,共四十八张,她因此感到特别开心。”由此可见,选项D“十二张”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解倍数表达。原文中3 times more than last year意思是“比去年多三倍”,即是去年的四倍。(4).Which of the following best describes the relati

21、onship between the two men?(分数:1.00)A.Smith gives Brown money.B.Smith is faithful to Brown.C.Browns noble character makes him faithful to Smith.D.Brown is faithful to Smith because the latter often praises him.解析:听力原文 Of course, Browns allegiance to Smith probably owes more to funds than to complime

22、nts. 分析 语义理解题。 原句意思是“Brown对Smith的效忠更是受资金的驱动而非出于对他的敬意。”由此可见,选项A“Smith给Brown金钱”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解句中比较级的用法。(5).What do we know about the two communities?(分数:1.00)A.Both are native residents.B.Both are immigrants.C.Both love hunting.D.Both believe in the church of St. Paul.解析:听力原文 For all their

23、differences, the native Wisconsin residents and the Asian immigrants from St. Paul share a love of hunting. 分析 词义理解题。 原句意思是“尽管Wisconsin土著与StPaul来的移民有诸多不同,但他们都喜欢打猎。”由此可见,选项C“他们都爱打猎”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解share的含义。该词意为“分享”,与各选项C中both对应,share后的内容即为答案。另外,注意词组for all意思为“尽管,虽然”。(分数:5.00)(1).Which of th

24、e following is true about the ambassador?(分数:1.00)A.He accepted an interview from the only group of the press.B.He accepted an interview from our correspondent among other journalists at the embassy.C.He accepted an interview from our journalist alone at the embassy.D.He accepts interviews only at t

25、he embassy.解析:听力原文 The ambassador accepted an exclusive interview of our correspondent at the embassy on bilateral relations. 分析 词义理解题。 原句意思是“大使在使馆就两国双边关系接受了我们记者的独家专访。”由此可见,选项C“在大使馆他只接受了我们记者的访问”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解exclusive的含义。该词意为“专用的,独家的”与选项C中alone意思相当。(2).Which of the following best describ

26、ed my feeling then?(分数:1.00)A.My heart ached when I saw him standing in the courtroom.B.I felt sad at seeing him standing alone in the courtroom.C.I felt sympathy for him when I saw him standing in the courtroom.D.I felt depressed at seeing him standing in the courtroom.解析:听力原文 My heart went out to

27、him as he stood forlornly in the courtroom. 分析 词义理解题。 原句意思是“他在法庭里凄凉地站着,我对他的同情油然而生。”由此可见,选项C与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解词组go out to的含义。在不同上下文中该词组有不同含义。这里其意为“同情”,与选项C中sympathy意思相同。(3).Which of the following most probably means what you hear?(分数:1.00)A.Everybody has opportunities if he is ready for them.

28、B.Some people have opportunities and are ready for them.C.All people have opportunities, but only some people seize them.D.Opportunities come to people when they are not ready.解析:听力原文 Opportunities come to all, but all are not ready for them when they come. 分析 语义理解题。 原文意思是“机会光顾每个人,但并非所有人都在机会来临时已作好准备

29、。”由此可见,选项C“所有人都有机会,但只有一部分人能够抓住它”与原文意思相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解all与否定词连用表示部分。这里all are not与C项中some意思相当。(4).What does the visitor feel about the kindness in the country?(分数:1.00)A.Overdone.B.Excessive.C.Impressive.D.Massive.解析:听力原文 Every visitor to the country is overwhelmed by the kindness and charm of i

30、ts people. 分析 词义理解题。 原文意思是“所有来访者都强烈感到该国人民的友好和魅力。”由此可见C项含义与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解overwhelm的含义。原文中该词意为“使产生强烈感情”,与选项C中impressive“印象深刻的”意思相对应。(5).What is true of his new book?(分数:1.00)A.Mediocre.B.Bad.C.Not as good as was expected by the publishing house.D.A success.解析:听力原文 His new book turned out to b

31、e the one of the greatest hits by the publishing house. 分析 词义理解题。 原文意思是“他的新书是出版社最热门的书之一。”由此可见C项与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解the great hit的含义。该短语意为“巨大成功”,与D项success意思相同。三、BPart /B(总题数:3,分数:30.00)BPassage One/BBPassage One/B(分数:10.00)(1).Which of the following seems an unlikely topic over dinner?(分数:2.00)A.The weather is going to be stormy.B.A child was abused to death by his stepfather.C.Oscar ceremony.D.Family reunion at Christmas.解析:听力原文

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