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1、大学英语六级能力突破答案大学英语六级考试能力突破试题答案Appendix II KeyKey to Listening ComprehensionShort Conversation1-5:CACCC 6-10:CADBC 11-15:CCBCA 16-20:AADCB 21-25:AABAD 26-30:BABDA31-35:AAABD 36-40:BDADB 41-45:ACDDB46-50:ACCDDLong Conversion1-5:DAACC 6-10:ADCCB 11-15:DBCAA 16-20:DACAB21-25:CCABA 26-30:DDCBC 31-35:DBCDB

2、36-40:DBBCC41-43:AADShort Passages1-5:CDDCD 6-10:AABBA 11-15:DAACD 16-20:BBBDC21-25:BCCDB 26-30:ABDCB 31-35:ACBDB 36-40:DBCDACompound Dictation1.prominent 2.reap 3.domain 4.transformed5.nonprofit 6.disseminate 7.subscription 8.friction9. For most scientists,who typically assign their copyright to th

3、e journals for no compensation,the main goal is to distribute their work as widely as possible.10. But they say that at a time when the Internet has reduced distribution costs to almost zero,a system that grants journals exclusive rights over distribution is no longer necessary11. In a profession wh

4、ere publishing in a top journal is often crucial to success and grant money,that may be a difficult task.Passage 21. scarce2. finite3. economists4. quality5. manufacturing6. construction7. refrigerators8. In deciding how to use resources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community,this op

5、portunity cost must ultimately be taken into account.9In a market economy the price of a good and the quantity supplied depends on the cost of making it,and that cost ,ultimately, is the cost ofnot making other goods.10The cost of,say,a pair of shoes is the price of the leather,the labor,the fuel,an

6、d other elements used up in producing themPassage 3 1dominate 2motion 3atomic 4electronic 5revolution 6command 7distributed 8It will no longer be necessary to concentrate industry where either coal or oil is plentiful.9If energy is cheap,it is possible to make a substitute for any material we need,f

7、rom industrial diamonds to vitamins.10In one sense,an automatic machine is still a machine,and automation is no more than the logical use of machines.Passage 4 1。granted 2relationships 3beyond 4shared 5account 6economic 7position 8Although these factors are not of primary importance,it is more diffi

8、cult to get on with people when there is an obvious difference in age and background. 9Equally,friends have to learn to be patient with annoying habits and to tolerate differences of opinion.10But the supporting and understanding of each other that result from shared experiences and emotions do seem

9、 to create a powerful bond between them.Passage 51. noticed2. century3. experiments4. constant5. predict6would7normal8This suggests that they have some mysterious way of keeping time and that they have,in other words,a kind of biological clock 9According to this theory,the flowers in the laboratory

10、open because their “internal clock” tells them to do so.10it was discovered that animals cycles of activities were controlled by changes in the atmosphere and other environmental factors.Passage 61. recovering 2. means 3. restricted4. interfere5. lack6. spirit7. essential8. The person needs to see t

11、hat his or her past way of eating and living created the cancer and that he is fortunate to have the opportunity to change his regular food and lifestyle. 9Such persons think that cancer happened to them by accident and that they have done nothing to deserve it.10The doctor will say they die of canc

12、er,heart disease or high fever,but the real cause is their rude pride.Passage 71. fascinating2. climb3. civilization4. unknown5. invented6. ceased7. composed8. Within a language family,languages may differ from each other but they are sufficiently similar so that they may be recognized as belonging

13、to the same large group.9Likewise,words can be traced and identified because of certain characteristics.10New words are continually being added while some die of disuse and can be found only in older writingsPassage 81. along2. instruct3. apart4. sections5. entertainment6. classified7. opposite8. So

14、me newspaper editorials have the authors name,but many newspapers have unsigned editorials. 9For example,you can expect headlines to omit-unnecessary words.10Important stories are generally presented one day and followed up on following daysPassage 91. pieces2. mean3. second-hand4. margins5. underli

15、ned6. determined7. attempt8. The need to turn to a dictionary,perhaps ten or even twenty times a page,tires him out. 9Therefore dont start reading a book unless you see,from the first few pages,that its one you can read with ease and understanding.10Quite often youll find the unknown word comes agai

16、n,perhaps several times,and by the end of the chapter you11 have guessed its meaning.Passage 101instance2fare3attend4demonstration5anxiety6cater7registration8With such a loose check,you can easily use any old card to take a couple of friends to wine and dine free of charge.9. If you work in Finland,

17、you11 be very much on your own as soon as you have agreed with the boss on the hourly rate.10 In a society of such high moral practice,what need is there for people to take precautions against others.Key to Reading ComprehensionSkimming and ScanningPassage 11N 2Y 3. NG 4.Y5the first section 6. have

18、an interest in /are interested in7informative and helpful8. a regular feature in The New York Times9give their point of view 10. the Op-Ed pagePassage 21N 2Y 3. Y 4. NG5. spirituals6stringed instruments7. ragtime8not written in advanceimprovised9. a broadening experience10Dixieland jazzPassage 3 1.Y

19、 2. Y 3NG 4. N5. transportation and storage 6. very little is knows on its use7. desired foreign exchange8. development9. level off10. enhance world tradePassage 41. N 2.Y 3Y 4. Y5. rely on themselves/depend on themselves 6rank and hierarchy7. rude/insulting8. full verbal participation9. successful

20、in life10.American materialismPassage 51. Y 2. N 3Y 4N5. employees surveyed6. fatigue, impatience and bad mood/moodiness7. personal purposes than for business purposes8. the supportiveness of a supervisor.9. friends, acquaintances, and co-workers10. change jobsPassage 61 . Y 2. Y 3.NG 4. N5.actors a

21、nd actresses6. basic science7.far less astonishing8. the United States9. “renewable” energy sources10. fear of the unknownPassage 71. N 2. NG 3.Y 4.Y5. common sense6. self-education7. specialized knowledge8. set goals9. the usual methods10good work habitsPassage 81N 2NG 3Y 4NG5the one-building schoo

22、lthe traditional one-building school6real teachers7charter schools increase8foreign language9P一1610more federal moneyPassage 91Y 2N 3.Y 4.Y5a resta timeout6. know and remember well7a frantic student8. our behavior and self-concept9Group study10.negative point of viewPassage 101Y 2N 3.Y 4. NG5type an

23、d stuff envelopes6he prefers to spend more time with family7. entrepreneurial parents81ife lessons9. common10the flexibilityReading in DepthSection A Short Answer QuestionsPassage 11. promise useful advice to those looking for employment2. there are so many people out of work3. hold back detailed in

24、formation until they obtained an interview4. something that would attract attention to ones application5. the number of candidates with a degree has been growingPassage 21the nature of nuclear wastes together with their lengthy life span2. its mining produces dangerous byproducts3. discover a safe s

25、olution to radioactive waste disposal4. melt the ice and sink down about a mile5. The Unsafe Ways of Disposing of Radioactive WastesPassage 31. a dependent,lifeless componentpart2their individuality and independence3the competitive world4fully develop their potentialities5dissatisfactiondisappointme

26、ntPassage 41. They could find alternatives to animal experiments2. Animals can neither reason nor think3. The suggestion of experimenting on human beings4. It is unjustified5. It remains unsettledcontroversialPassage 51extremely severe patients2GraveSerious negative consequences in its application3T

27、hey are treated with extreme indifference4People used to die in human warmth and comfort5The improvement in the aspect of humanizationPassage 61Because loneliness is mental,rather than physical2People are not lonely when they are working3finding new values in one another4We have less respect for eac

28、h other5discovered without physical contactPassage 7 1Because there is more scientific research2soldiers,prisoners,and volunteers3The religious beliefs or strong ideas of devotion to science4The psychiatrists5The Motives of Human VolunteersPassage 81It is done chiefly by machine2Blanching3Fruit,fish

29、 and meat4about half that of the outside air5It depends on the kind of foodPassage 91People have to pay more pensions2It is no longer in keeping with todays life expectancy3takes time and effort4retirement age51et people retire when they likePassage 101In warm seas2In its head3you touch only one pla

30、ce4Knocking a man over or running a small motor5Because their electric organs are apt to tireSection B Choices and TranslationPassage 11C 2B 3D 4A5掌握有效的语言技能和学习技能是一种过程,这过程会贯穿整个大学(本科)生活,而其本身就是大学教育的一个基本组成部分。Passage 21A 2B 3B 4A5而且公司所作的大多数改革旨在保持公司盈利,这并不总是意味着要提高生产率:转向新的市场或提高质量能起到同样的作用。Passage 31B 2D 3A 4D5这种墙壁会出现在炎热的地区,它们由砖或石块砌成,有隔热作用。Passage 41A 2B 3C 4D5一些专家认为更大的障碍是医生们不主动要求器官捐献。这或许是因为他们不愿意冒犯悲痛欲绝的幸存者,或许是因为他们认为器官移植仍处于试验性阶段。Passage 51B 2C 3D 4C5人们还注意到一点:该组中习惯于从左侧抱婴儿的母亲,都曾有过一个孩子,而且自这个孩子出生起不曾与其分开过。Passage 61D 2B 3

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