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1、高一英语下学期第12周教学设计必修3语法动词不定式四川省宜宾市一中高2015级20152016学年下期英语必修三 语法 动词不定式 教学设计课题动词不定式课时4授课班级考点、知识点动词不定式学习目标掌握动词不定式的基本用法重、难点动词不定式的基本用法学习内容学生活动动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式,在句中不能单独作谓语。动词不定式具有动词的性质,它可以有自己的宾语和状语,从而构成动词不定式短语。它还可以有形式的变化,即一般式、进行式、完成式和被动式。同时,动词不定式也具有非动词的性质,相当于一个名词、形容词或副词,可以在句中担任主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语和状语。一.动词不定式的形式1.

2、不定式的一般式 不定式的一般式表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。 被动形式为to be done He appears to be very happy. 他看起来好像很高兴。(同时发生) To catch the train, wed better hurry to the station by taxi. 为了赶上火车,我们最好赶紧乘出租车去车站。(to catch the train发生在hurry to the station之后) We decided not to go out because of the bad weather. 由于天气不好,

3、我们决定不出去。 These are the books to be given out to the students. 这些是要发给学生的书。2.不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的或与谓语动词同时发生的动作。 It happened to be raining when I got there. 我到达那里的时候,天碰巧在下雨。 Im glad to be traveling with you. 我很高兴和你一起旅游。 3.不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式表示的动作在谓语表示的动作之前发生。被动形式为to have been done Im sorry to have lost y

4、our key. 我很抱歉把你的钥匙弄丢了。 I meant to have finished my work last night, but I didnt feel very well. 我本来想昨晚完成工作的,但是我感觉身体不舒服。The novel is said to have been translated into many languages.据说这部小说已被译成多种语言。4.不定式的完成进行式 不定式的完成进行式表示的动作在谓语之前发生并且一直进行着。 He was said to have been living in London for twenty years据说他在

5、伦敦一直住了20年。 Im sorry to have been interrupting you. 很抱歉,我一直打扰你。归纳不定式: 时态主动态被动态一般式to doto be done进行式完成式to have been done完成进行式不定式的否定形式: _ 二.动词不定式在句子中充当的成分动词不定式除了不能单独作谓语外,几乎能担任句子中所有的句子成分。1.动词不定式作主语 (1)不定式短语在句首作主语 To know oneself is difficult. 人贵有自知之明。 To say is one thing and to do is another. 说是一回事,做又是另

6、一回事。(2)用it作形式主语 在很多情况下,人们通常用it作为形式上的主语,而把不定式移到谓语之后使句子结构显得平稳一些。 It is impossible to learn a foreign language without making painstaking effort. 想不下苦功就能学会外语是不可能的。 It seemed a pity to have wasted so much time. 浪费了这么多时间,真是遗憾。2.动词不定式作表语 (不定式作表语可以说明主语的具体内容或表示目的)。 His wish is to become an astronaut. 他的愿望是成

7、为一名宇航员。 What he hoped was to be admitted into the university. 他希望能被大学录取。 注意: 有些作表语的不定式,在结构上是主动的,但在意义上却是被动的。 She is to blame. 她应该受到责备。 The house is to let. 此房出租。 The result is not long to see. 结果不久就会看到。3.动词不定式作宾语 (1)作动词的宾语 不定式可以充当部分及物动词的宾语。 Father likes to listen to music in silence. 父亲喜欢静静地听音乐。 He p

8、refers to be starved to death rather than beg. 他宁愿饿死也不愿乞讨。 可接不定式作宾语的动词有:afford, agree ,aim, ask ,attempt, begin , care, choose, continue, decide ,desire , determine, expect ,fail, forget , hate, hope ,intend, manage, mean ,offer, plan ,prefer ,pretend ,promise, refuse, remember, try, want ,wish等 在fe

9、el, find, make, think, consider等动词后,如果宾语带有宾语补足语时,人们常常用it作形式宾语,而把真实宾语放在宾语补足语之后。 I found it possible to work out the problem without a computer. 我发现有可能不用计算机而解出这道题目。 She made it a rule to get up at five. 她养成了五点起床的习惯。 I feel it a great honor to be invited to speak at the meeting before so many students.

10、我觉得被邀请在会上面对这么多学生发言是一件很光荣的事情。(2)作介词的宾语 不定式可以作介词but和except的宾语。except, but 之前有动词do作实义动词,则except, but 后一般接不带to的动词不定式,反之则接带to 的动词不定式。 The teacher made no comments except to tell him to work hard. 老师除了叫他努力学习外,未做任何评价。 He had no choice but to sit there as usual. 他没有什么选择,只好像往常一样坐在那儿。 There is nothing we can

11、do but wait patiently. 我们只能耐心等待。(3)作形容词的宾语 不定式作形容词的宾语有两种句型,一个是句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语,另一个是句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语。句子的主语是不定式的逻辑主语。这类形容词有able, afraid, angry, anxious, careful, clever, content, cruel, determined, disappointed, eager, foolish, fortunate, frightened, happy, impatient, glad, lucky, naughty, prepared, proud

12、, ready, slow, shocked, sorry, surprised, willing等。 I am sorry to say that he is going from bad to worse. 很遗憾,他的情况每况愈下 She was not content to live a quiet life in a small town. 她不满足在一个小镇里过默默无闻的生活。 John was happy to be given the job. 约翰得到这份工作很高兴。 句子的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语。这类形容词有easy, hard, cheap, expensive, dan

13、gerous, difficult, funny, fit, impossible, interesting, nice, pleasant, simple, strange, useful等。 This problem is easy to solve. 这个问题很容易解决。 The water is not fit to drink. 这水不适于饮用。 She is hard to get along with. 她这个人很难相处。 注意:在这种结构中,如果不定式是不及物动词,则必须加上结构或含义所需的介词。 The river is dangerous to swim in. 在这条河里

14、游泳很危险。 A spring mattress is comfortable to sleep on. 席梦思床垫睡上去很舒服。4.动词不定式作宾语补足语 不定式可以在“主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”句型中充当宾语补足语。在这一句型中,宾语是动词不定式的逻辑主语。(1)在表示感觉的以及使役动词后作宾语补足语,并且不定式都不带to。这类动词有:一感:feel二听:hear, listen to 三让make, let, have 四观看:see, observe, watch, look at,,等。 I heard them sing yesterday. 昨天我听见他们唱歌了。 I fel

15、t something crawl up my leg. 我感到有什么东西爬到我腿上了。 What would you have me do 你要我做什么? She made him give up smoking. 她让他戒了烟。注意:转为被动语态时,原不带to的不定式要变成带to的不定式The car was seen to stop. 我们看见这辆车停了下来。 Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister. 虽然经常是他弄哭小妹妹,但今天他却被小妹

16、妹弄哭了。(2)在表示心理状态的动词后作宾语补足语。这类动词有:consider, think, believe, discover, find, imagine, judge, suppose, prove等。这类动词后的不定式通常是“to be+形容词或名词”结构,think, consider, find后的to be常可省略。 We consider him (to be) a good teacher. 我们认为他是一个好老师。 He proved that theory (to be) very important. 他证明那个理论是很重要的。 I thought her (to

17、be) nice and honest the first time I met her. 我第一次见到她的时候就认为她人很好,很诚实。 动词advise, allow, ask, beg, command, tell, invite, force, oblige, get, help, encourage, persuade, permit, remind, request, order, warn, cause等后面,多接不定式短语作宾语补足语。 We dont allow such things to happen again. 我们不容许这种事情再发生。 She asked me to

18、 answer the phone in her absence. 她请我在她不在的时候接电话。 Please remind me to leave her this note. 请提醒我留给她这张纸条。 She requested him to go with her. 她邀请他一同去。 注意:hope, demand, suggest等动词后面不能接不定式作宾语补足语。 【误】I hope you to give me a hand. 【正】I hope you can give me a hand. 我希望你能帮我一把。 【正】I wish you to give me a hand.

19、我希望你能帮我一把。 【误】He demanded me to be present at the meeting. 【正】He demanded that we should be present at the meeting. 他要求我们出席会议。 【正】He required us to be present at the meeting. 他要求我们出席会议。 【误】Mr Li suggested her not to go there alone. 【正】Mr Li suggested that she should not go there alone. 李先生建议她不要独自去那里

20、。5.动词不定式作定语 不定式作定语通常放在其修饰的名词或代词之后,和被修饰的名词或代词之间是主谓关系、动宾关系、同位关系和修饰关系。 He is always the first person to come and the last one to leave他总是第一个来最后一个离开。 She has a child to take care of. 她有一个孩子要照看。 He broke his promise to write to his parents regularly. 他没有遵守诺言定期给他父母亲写信。 Now it is time to begin our class. 现

21、在是上课的时间了。6.动词不定式作状语 不定式作状语可以表示行为的目的、结果、原因、条件等。 (1)表示目的 Im saving up to buy a computer. 我在存钱买电脑。 注意:有时为了强调或突出这种目的,也可以用in order (not) to do,和so as (not) to do结构(so as to do不可以置于句首)。 He shouted and waved in order to be noticed. 为了吸引注意,他又嚷嚷又挥手。 (2)表示结果 He got to the station only to find the train had go

22、ne 他赶到车站发现火车已经开走了。 What have I said to make you so angry 我说了什么话使你气成这样? After the meeting, they parted, never to see each other again. 散会后,他们分手了,从此再也没有见面。 不定式表示结果常见于下列句型。 so . as to do Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle 把你的自行车借给我好吗? such . as to do We are not such fools as to believe him

23、. 我们还没蠢到竟会相信他。 enough to do He didnt run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快, 没赶上火车。 only to do He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头砸自己的脚。 too . to do His eyesight is too poor to read such small letters. 她的视力太差了不能看这么小的字。 注意结构中的形容词如果是eager, pleased, happy, ready等,动词不定式不表

24、示结果,也没有否定的意思。 The boy was too eager to get a geography book. 那个男孩非常急切地想要得到一本地理书。 He is too anxious to know the examination results. 他很急切地想知道考试结果。 (3)表示原因 I was a fool not to listen to you at that time. 我当时不听你的话,真是傻瓜。 She wept to find him in such a difficult situation.看到他处于这么困难的情形,她哭了。 (4)表示条件 A man

25、would be blind not to see that. 一个人如果看不到这点,那他就是瞎子。 How can you catch the train to start so late 这么晚才动身,你怎么能赶上火车?三动词不定式的其他几种常见用法1.用作独立成分的不定式 有一些不定式短语可以作状语修饰整个句子,也可被称为插入语。 To be honest, we are not sure to find the girl in the forest. 说老实话,我们不能确保在森林里能找到那个女孩。 To be frank, I dont agree with what you said

26、. 坦率地说,我不同意你说的话。用作独立成分的不定式 to tell you the truth,to be frank,to begin with, to be brief, to make a long story short, to be exact, to conclude, to be sure ,so to speak 2.在had better, had best, would rather, would rather.than, would sooner, would sooner.than, cannot but, cannot choose but, cannot help

27、 but, do nothing but等结构后直接跟动词原形或not +动词原形。 Youd better listen to your teachers opinion. 你最好听一听老师的意见。 We had best call for the doctor at once. 我们最好马上就请医生来。 She cant do anything but ask silly questions. 她一直在问一些愚蠢的问题。 Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle. 他宁愿骑自行车,也不愿挤公

28、共汽车。 He cannot but move to another street, because his building has to be pulled down soon. 他不得不搬到另一条街上去,因为他住的大楼很快就要被推倒。 We cannot help but admire his courage. 我们情不自禁地钦佩他的勇气。3.与疑问词连用。疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how等后加动词不定式,构成不定式短语,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。When to start has not been decided.什么时候出发

29、还没有定。The problem is how to get there on time.问题是怎样才能准时到达哪儿。He didnt know what to do next. 他不知道接下来要做什么。I havent decided whether to go to Japan.我没有决定是否到日本去。4在why引起的一些问句中,疑问词直接跟动词原形或not+动词原形。 Why make so much noise 为什么发出这么大的噪音? Why not join us 为什么不加入我们?练习:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. So she developed her love of (re

30、ad).2.(bury) in heavy schoolwork, most senior three students have no free time to do what they want.3.(compete) more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with higher education.4.(ask) why he studied the language, Mr.Zuckerberg said his wife Priscilla Chans family members sp

31、eak Chinese.5.(encourage),the team conducted another experiment.6. Good news! Theres a supermarket (build) in this area next month!Cool! It will be convenient for us when its open.7. (determine) to make his fortune in South America, Mark Twain set off from his home for New Orleans in his teens.8. I knew she needed my help, and her smile was enough(make) my day.9. People tend to love agricultural products (grow) without the use o

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