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1、浅谈化妆品商标的翻译策略分类号 密级 U D C 编号 汉 口 学 院本科毕业论文解读中盖茨比悲剧的原因 院 (系) 外 国 语 学 院 专 业 英 语 年 级 2010 级 学生姓名 方 颖 慧 学 号 2010932067 指导教师 陆 凤 珍 2014 年 3 月 Interpretation of the causes of Gatsbys Tragedy in The Great GatsbyA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the B.A. Degree in English Langua

2、ge and LiteratureByFang YinghuiUndergraduate ProgramSchool of Foreign Languages of Hankou UniversityUnder the Supervision ofLecturer Lu Fengzhen Signature:ApprovedMay 2014AcknowledgementsI would like to give my heartfelt thanks to many people for help in my academic studies over the past years.First

3、 of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor, for her kindness, patience, encouragement and excellent guidance in my studies at the school that has been so invaluable. Without her inspiration, sharp comments, criticism and great help in various ways, this dissertation would have never been po

4、ssible. Then, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my teachers, whose help and advice have contributed a lot to my intellectual and personal growth. In the process of writing this thesis, I benefited a lot from their encouragement and instruction. I also owe a special debt of gratit

5、ude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through the

6、se years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. AbstractThe Great Gatsby is a novel written by the famous writer F. Scott. Fitzgerald in

7、the1920s which is about disillusionment of American Dream, and it is still a piece of language endowed with deep connotations and full of metaphors and mottoes. This paper analyzes Gatsbys tragedy by examining the essence of Gatsbys dream, the potential destructiveness in Gatsbys characters and the

8、social-historical backgrounds leading to Gatsbys destruction. Fitzgerald once summarized peoples characters at that time as all Gods have died, all the wars have been over, and all the faiths have faded away. American people living in Jazz Age looked down on the traditional faiths and betrayed moral

9、ities and customs that their ancestors used to abide by. At the end of the novel, Gatsbys lonely funeral ceremony and peoples indifference completely reflected humanities coolness and ugliness in the society of U.S.A in 1920s.At the very beginning, Gatsby was destined to be isolated helpless and to

10、fail in the end in this society.Key words: Gatsby; the American dream; tragedy中文摘要了不起的盖茨是著名小说家菲茨杰拉德在二十世纪二十年代写的关于美国梦的幻灭的小说,并且这还是一部语言充满了深刻的内涵和隐喻与格言的小说。本文通过分析盖茨比梦想的本质以及盖茨比性格潜在的缺陷,社会历史背景等方面的原因探讨导致盖茨比的悲剧的原因。菲茨杰拉德曾这样总结那个时代的特点:一切神明都统统死光,所有战争都已经统统打完,所有信念都已经统统完蛋。爵士乐时代的人蔑视一切传统的价值观念,反叛老一辈人所遵从的道德风范。小说结尾,作者更是以人们

11、的冷漠和盖茨比葬礼的冷冷清清彻底反映了二十世纪二十年代美国社会人性的冷酷与丑恶。在这样的社会,盖茨比从一开始就注定是孤立无助,注定是要失败的。关键词:盖茨比,美国梦,悲剧ContentsAcknowledgments . iAbstract . ii中文摘要 iiiContents . ivIntroduction . 1I. Fitzgerald and the Great Gatsby 2 1.1A brief introduction of F. Scott Fitzgerald .2 1.2 A brief summary of the story. 3 1.3 The similar

12、ities between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gatsby 4. The embodiment of Gatsby tragedy 4 2.1Gatsby character tragedy. 4 2.2 Gatsby love tragedy . 5 2.3 Gatsby fate tragedy.6Interpretation of the cause of Gatsby tragedy.6 3.1 Social factors.7 3.1.1 jazz age and Gatsby tragedy.7 3.1.2 the American dream and

13、 Gatsby tragedy.83.2 Personal factors.10 3.2.1 Gatsby stubbornness and blindness.10 3.2.2 Gatsby corrupted value in love, life and success 11V. Conclusion .13Bibliography 14 Introduction As a masterpiece, The Great Gatsby did not bring Fitzgerald the expected glory in Fitzgeralds age, but today near

14、ly all critics regard it as a great one. The Great Gatsby tells a story about a young man who pursues his love dream. The poor young, Gatsby, fell in love with a rich girl, Daisy. With the lack of money, they broke up. Daisy married a rich person, Tom. Daisy did not live a happy life, because Tom di

15、d not love Daisy, he often dated with a married woman. On the other side, in order to win his lover, Gatsby made his decision to be rich. He earns money including illegal ways so that he can realize his dream quickly. He simply thought that money could make Daisy return. Daisy has become his mental

16、support and energy of his life. He imaged her as an ideal lover. In fact, Daisy was selfish and vanity. She regarded Gatsby as a tool of revenge and amusement in her life. At last, Gatsby died of his unrealistic dream. The real criminal Daisy was still out of law and lived a happy life on abroad. Ga

17、tsbys love dream is one form of American Dream. He paid too much attention to an illusory dream and ignored the social reality and peoples changes. By describing the ruined dream of the protagonist Gatsby in the novel, Fitzgerald reveals readers the social reality in the 1920s clearly and criticizes

18、 the ethics and values of postwar America sharply. The thesis is made up of four parts. The first chapter gives a brief introduction of Fitzgerald and the Great Gatsby. The second chapter represents the embodiment of Gatsbytragedy. Chapter three is the analysis of the causes of Gatsby tragedy. Final

19、ly, a conclusion is given to summarize the important meaning of the interpretation of the causes of Gatsby tragedy. It points out the related problems and influence in modern society, which warn people today and guide people to walk on a right way by the experience and reflection. I. Fitzgerald and

20、The Great Gatsby1.1 A Brief Introduction to FitzgeraldFrancis Scott Fitzgerald , the famous American writer in the first half of the twentieth century, is regarded as the spokesman for “the Lost Generation” in American literature. Francis Scott Fitzgerald was a Jazz Age novelist and short story writ

21、er who left behind him 5 novels, 178 short stories, numerous essays and plays. French critic Jacques Vallette thinks highly of Fitzgerald, calling him “the soul of America.” Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in an Irish family in St. Paul, Minnesota. He grew up in the staid American middle

22、west, but his life and writings are related with the fashionable East Coast. In 1913, he went to Princeton University. Because of academic difficulties he left college in 1917, and then enlisted in the army as a lieutenant at a staff headquarters. In 1920, he finished and published his first novel,

23、This side of Paradise, which was a tremendous and commercial success. In April 1921 Fitzgerald and Zelda were married and settled on Long Island in 1922. He supported their life by doing the job as a hack writer, contributing short stories frequently to the journals, such as the popular Saturday Eve

24、ning Post and the critical Scribners. During these years, Fitzgerald published his second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned (1922) and some short stories. However, Fitzgerald felt that there was little progress since then. Some people criticized that his works were lack of intellectual sophisticat

25、ion and immaturity, especially in relation to ideas. He wanted to write “something newsomething extraordinary and beautiful and simple and intricately patterned.” (Bruccoli, 1991: 170) Thanks to Joseph Conrad, it was his writing that greatly encouraged Fitzgerald in the way of creation. It made Fitz

26、gerald clear that, as an artist, his power had nothing to do with how brilliant a mind he had and how deep he thought. For Conrad the sources of aesthetic power rooted in the individual self. The charm of artist is not to our wisdom or ideas, but to our enduring “capacity for delight and wonder, to

27、the sense of mystery surrounding our lives; to our sense of pity, beauty, and pain” (Andrew Hook, 1992: 3) Inspired by Conrad, Fitzgerald published some works in the following years, such as The Great Gatsby in 1925, Tender is the Night in 1934. His last work, the Hollywood novel The Last Tycoon (19

28、41), was left unfinished at his death. The Great Gatsby was written in the year 1925, when it was the highly flourishing time of America after the World War I. In the book, the author F. Scott Fitzgerald creates the main character Jay Gatsby, a young man around thirty years old who rose from an impo

29、verished childhood to become remarkably wealthy. It tells a story of the love between Gatsby and a woman, Daisy. However, the main theme of the novel is surely not just about romance. It encompasses a much larger, less romantic scope. Though all of its action takes place over a mere few months durin

30、g the summer of 1922 and is set in a limited area in the neighborhood of Long Island, New York, The Great Gatsby is a highly symbolic concentration of the 1920s American society as a whole, in particular the disintegration of the American dream in an era of unprecedented prosperity and material excess. 1.2 A brief summary of the story When the American economy was in a period of great prosperity in 1920s, along with many changes in spiritual and values were taking place, younger gener

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