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七年级英语复习教案unit 8 summer holiday is coming lesson 47《summer plans》新冀教版.docx

1、七年级英语复习教案unit 8 summer holiday is coming lesson 47summer plans新冀教版Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming Lesson 47 Summer PlansLesson47 参考教案Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇及短语 Germany universityhave plan for be excited about read story books to children go back to keep doingb. 句型 1) Im r

2、eally excited about summerplans.2) Its going to be a fun summer.3) I am going back to school!4) I want to keep learning.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to talk about summer plan3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help students o talk about summer planTeaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 To

3、 grasp how to talk about their planTeaching methods教学方法 Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备 Audiotape. Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式 Step I Greeting and lead-in Review lesson 46 and lead in new lesson.T: Do you have any plan for your summer holiday?S:.Step II Learn the textListen to the

4、tape and finish exercise 1from“Lets Do It”Read the lesson and finish exercise 2 from “Lets Do It”Step II Grasp some important phrases and sentences of the text. Phraseshave plan for 为做计划be excited about 对感到兴奋read story books to children 给孩子们读故事go back to 回到keep doing 一直做某事Sentences1) Im really excit

5、ed about summerplans. 我对暑期计划真的感到很激动.be really excited about 确实对感兴趣例句:I am really excited about your drawings.2) Its going to be a fun summer. 会是一个很有趣的假期。fun n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏,嬉闹;有趣的事adj. 使人愉快的;xx心的例句:It was such a success and we had so much fun doing it. 它大获成功,而我们也从中得到了很多乐趣。It could be fun to watch them.

6、 看着他们就很有意思。You still have time to join in the fun. 现在加入其中享受快乐还来得及。3) I am going back to school! 我打算回到学校!go back to 回到例句:I will go back to my hometown when I graduate from my university.4) I want to keep learning. 我想继续学习。keep doing sth. 继续做某事例句:I want to keep sleeping.Step IIIDivide students into sev

7、eral groups and finish the task of Exercises 3 from “Lets Do It”Step IV Homework a. Finish the exercises in Activity book. b.Write a composition about your plan for summer. Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming Lesson 48 Li Mings Summer HolidayTeaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 掌握词汇及短语 organiz

8、e camp sharedo well in a special two-week summer camp at the same time write down share sth with sb. look forward to b. 句型 1) Our school organized a special two-week summer camp.2) I will experience a new life in another part of China.3) I am going to write down all of my experiences and share them

9、with you.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to know how to write an-email to their friends about their holiday.Enable students to be interested in English.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students to describe their dream summer holiday.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点 To talk

10、about their dream holidayTeaching methods教学方法 Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备 Audiotape. Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式 Step I Greeting and lead-in Review lesson 47 and lead in new lesson.T: If you were LiMing, what you will tell Jenny about your holiday?S: Step II Learn the text1. Li

11、sten to the tape and do the exercise 2 from “Lets Do It”2. Read the lesson and answer the questions.Finish the task of exercise 1 from “Lets Do It”3. Grasp some important phrases and sentences of the text. Phrases:do well in 擅长做某事a special two-week summer camp 一个为期两周的特别的夏令营at the same time 同时write d

12、own 写下,记下share sth with sb. 与某人分享某事look forward to 盼望,期望Sentences:1) Our school organized a special two-week summer camp. 我们的学校组织了一次为期两周的特别的夏令营。organize 组织例句:They organized a shipping company. 他们组织了一家船运公司。two-week summer camptwo weeks = 两个礼拜two-week = 两个礼拜(长)的 可以充当形容词。例句:He is in Shanghai for two we

13、eks. 他会在上海呆两个礼拜。He is in Shanghai for a two-week English course. 他在上海参加一个为期两个礼拜的英语课程。2) I will experience a new life in another part of China. 我将在中国的另一地方体验一种新的生活。experience n. 经验,体验;经历,阅历 当经历讲是可数名词,当经验讲是不可数名词。vt. 亲身参与,亲身经历;感受;发现例句:Moving had become a common experience for me.搬家对我而言已经成了常事。We had neve

14、r experienced this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect.我们以前从未有过这样的假期,不知道会怎么样。3) I am going to write down all of my experiences and share them with you. 我将写下所有的经历并和大家一起分享。write down 写下,记下例句:I will write down what I said.share 分享 share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物例句:I want to share my life

15、with you. 是的,我想和你共度一生。Finish the task of Exercises 3 from “Lets Do It”Step IIIDivide students into several groups and finish the task of Exercises 4 from “Lets Do It”Step IV Homework a. Finish the exercises in Activity book. b. Write a letter to your friend and tell him what you will do in your holi

16、day.Unit 1 Lesson 1 Computers text教学目标: Teachingobjectives:. Knowledge and skills:1. Students will be able to master some sentence pattern.2. Students will be able to talk about computers. .Progress and Methods:1. Students will be able to develop their abilities of learning independently, cooperatio

17、n with others and sharing with others.2. Students will be able to learn how to use the knowledge into practice.Emotions and values:1. Students will be able to arouse the interest of learning English.2. Students will be able to develop the communicative skills about how to use the new words and phras

18、es.3. Students will be able to realize the advantages and disadvantages of computers and have a right attitude to the computer.Language focus and difficult points: To talk about computers.Teaching procedures:.Pre-task:Warming-up: Tuning In(monitor, keyboard, main unit ,mouse)Key sentence structures:

19、Q1: What s the use of monitor/ keyboard,/main unit /mouse?Q2: What can you do with them?.While-task:1. Listen to the tape and then finish the table twice.2. Read after the tape and then correct the table with desk mate3. Play a role to read the text4. Underline some important phrases and sentences i

20、n the text.5. Notes of the text. Notes: 1. have their first computer lesson 2. how to do sth 怎样做某事how to use the computer 怎样用电脑how to study hard怎样努力学习3. Do you mean? 你指的是 (用于要求对方进一步澄清说过的话)= What do you mean by? 你说的是意思?4. all the computers electronics 5. correct= Thats right. Youve got a correct answ

21、er.= Youve answered correctly. 6. What does do? = What can you do with.?你能用.干什么?= Whats the use of.?.的作用是什么?7. use-for doing -= use - to do-用- 来做-1) 我们用树来建造房子2) 我们用机器人来做危险的工作8. surf the Internet上网, send e-mails发送邮件, listen to music听音乐, watch videos看录像9. listen and watch carefully 仔细听,仔细看.Post-task:H

22、omework1.Review Text .2.Preview ReadingUnit 1 Lesson 1 computers words 1教学目标: Teaching objectives:1. Talk about computers and the Internet2. Express ability with be able to3. Express obligation with ought to4. Use modal verbs5. Master the new words (part one)Language focus:Key words and expressions:

23、ought to get familiar with control type in order book enableStructures:be able to -ought to-Topic:ComputersThe InternetFunctions 1. Talking about computers2. Expressing ability3. Expressing obligationTime allocation: Five PeriodsFirst periodPre-task :.Warming-up: What did you do during the summer ho

24、liday?Plan for the new termWhile-task:.Read new words after tape . Who has golden eyes?I say Chinese and students say English (to make sure that student can read all these new words).Show some pictures and learn new words and expressions.1. main a. (无比较级和最高级) 主要的,重要的 mainly adv.主要地 = chief tif = chi

25、eflythe four main parts of the computer 计算机的四个主要部分the main points 要点,重点note down/write down the main points 写下重点,要点2.unit(s)单元,(机械等的)部件 main unit 主机 .3.monitor n. 显示器the monitor of the computer on the screen monitor 屏幕监视器,显示器班长 /skrin/monitor of Class Onemonitress女班长(host-hostess, actor-actress)

26、use/ / 老鼠(pl.) mice鼠标(pl.) mousse5.electronic n. 电子器件adj. 电子的;电子学的All the computers electronics are in the main unit. an electronic dictionary 电子字典electronic mail (e-mail) 电子邮件electric a. 有电的(由电驱动的),有电产生的,带电的an electric light电灯 an electric fan 电风扇electrical a.与电学有关的(人或物)electrical energy 电能electrica

27、l engineer 电气工程师 electrical appliances 家用电器electricity un. 电,电流6.type in 输入 ,键入You need to type in the information about yourself with the keyboard.type in your password .输入你的密码7.processv. 加工,处理 processing n. 加工,处理do word processing 进行文字处理We can do word processing on the computer.Can you show me how

28、 to do word processing on computer?n. 过程,步骤;程序 in the process of 在期间= during8.control vt. 控制;支配;操作(controlled; controlled; controlling)Now we canuse computers to control public transport.Can we use the keyboard to control the computer?control ones angern. 控制lose control of 失去对控制He got very angry and

29、 lost control of himself.under control 处于控制之下,被控制住9.ought to do sth=should更正式 应该,(无人称和时态的变化,)后接动词原型否定形式oughtnt to 疑问形式: Ought he to go?-Yes, he ought (to)1)我们应该努力学习2)当我们长大,我们应该去周游世界 be/get familiar with sth 某人对某事/某物很熟悉 sth be familiar to sb某物/某事为某人所熟悉1)我们对西湖很熟悉 西湖为我们所熟悉2)我对你的工作很熟悉 你的工作对我来说很熟悉3)

30、我们对罗泾中学很熟悉 罗泾中学为我们所熟悉 a. 有能力的,能干的 (the ablest)unable Tom is the ablest man Ive ever met. 是我所见过的最有能力的人be able to do sth能够做某事=can1)我能把这道题做出来2)我们能把英语学好enable v.使能够enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做1)The Internet enables us to get more information.2)The computer enables us to do a better job.ability n. 能

31、力 learning/ reading abilitybe able to do sth 和can的区别:表示“能力”时,差别不大+do,可以互换1)be able to do sth它具有现在,过去和将来等多种时态,can只有can和过去时could. am/is /are able to do , was/were able to do , will be able to do2)be able to 不单纯表示能力,而是把能力和成功(完成)这两层意思结合起来,相当于manage to do sth.表示经过一番努力,终于能够完成某事。强调“使之能干,得以”e.g. He studied very hard, and

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