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1、四年级上册英语教案Unit 1School Subjects一、 学习目标:(Teaching objectives)1、 Vocabulary: English, music, art, math, science,Chinese,P.E., subject.2、 Conversation: A. Do you like?Yes, I do.B. What subject do you like?I like二、 教学重点:(Teaching key points)A: Do you likeB: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.三、 教学难点:(Teaching key po

2、ints)A: What subject do you like?B: I like四、 教学手段:(Teaching medium)1、 各种书籍2、 录音带五、教学活动:(Teaching activity) Bingo 传口令练单词。 抛娃娃传问答。 调查表。 Dick game 胜利坐凳游戏。 Sing a song.六、教学课时:三课时七、教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)The first periodStep 1、RevisionRevise how to ask for thing: Whats that?Its a /an (使用学

3、过的物品) Step2、Presentation and drill1、师捧出一叠各科书本,引导生问:Whats that? 老师拿起一本书Say : Its my book. Its my science book.2、学习science, 示范、板书、带读、抽查、操练讲: Its my science book.3、师拿起另一本书问学生:Is it my science book? Yes or No.(引导学生回答)师Say: Its my English book.4、以同法学习 music, Chinese, art, P.E., math. 5、Play a game : Bing

4、o.传口令练单词。6、继上游戏最后一个单词,老师拿出该书讲:I like板书、示范、带读、分组练、个人抽查,师一边穿插问:What do you like?7、由最后一内容引出How to say: What do you like? 学习、操练,随意举书回答练习。8.师穿插引导讲: What subjects do you like? 操练。9.Play a game:使用布娃娃,随意抛,哪个学生接到,哪个回答 : What do you like? B: I like再由学生抛布娃娃到另一个同学,继续回答练习。 10.调查表(26 Activity1) hat do you like?St

5、ep3、Consolidation 1、听课文,自由读,抽查。2、做Student book: P25 Practice 13、做Workbook: P18Step4、 Homework:1、2、 熟读单词。 背课文新句型。I likeThe second periodStep1、Revision1. 师指学生桌上English book,ask: Whats that?answer(生): Its my English book. 师再指另一种物品继续进行问答(分组、男女、个人)2. 师举起各种书问:What do you like? 提问一学生回答:I like开火车问答练习。Step 2

6、、Presentation and drill1. 继上一练习,师接最后一学生内容引出讲:Do you like? 引导学生回答Yes/No.学习新句型,示范、带读,随意抽出各种书练习讲: Do you like? 师穿插回答Yes, I do.2. 教学生操练Yes, I do.师生练习分组问答,开火车操练。3. 由最后一组学生的操练内容引导问老师:Do you like? 师答:No, I dont Ilike板书,学习,操练。4. Play a game:Dick game(student book P27 Activity2)操练:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No,

7、 I dont. I like胜利坐凳游戏:甲学生找乙学生进行问答练习,甲学生会问就坐到乙学生座位,乙学生继续去找其他学生进行问答练习,操练。Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.22 板书: What do you like? / What subjects do you like?5、Sing a Song: I like science. (P26 Song)Step 3、 Consolidation.1.听课文录音一次。2.读课文中P23Conversation 、 and P24Target、.自由读、抽查。3. 做Workbook:P18 Step

8、4、Homework1. 熟读课文内容。2. 做Workbook: P15板书:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.The third periodStep 1、Revision1. Sing the song: I like science.2. 师问:What do you like?I like与一学生进行问答练习,分组、男女、个人抽查练习。3. Play a game: Three Cups Card Game4. 继上游戏最后一内容,师引出问该生:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.5. 开火车操练:Do you l

9、ike?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Step 2、Practice1.Workbook: P182、学习Studentbook : P28 Sounds and words, 先让学生听录音一次,再将读音分组出示。Science dance facefance dice mice师师范读,学生找规律,试说,师再小结。、Listen and chant (Studentbook : P28 )。4、Sing the song of I like science.Step 3、 Homewrok.熟读全文,背诵重点句型,默写单词。板书:What do you like?I lik

10、e Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Unit 2 School Activities教学目标:1Words:fish/shop/study/paint/run/write/ laugh/smile.2 Sentences: What are you doing?What is he/she doing?What are they doing?重点与难点:现在分词的用法与读音。教具:单词卡片、实物、投影仪、录音机。教学过程(分三课时)第一课时 Vocabulary and Target一、 复习:1、(通过老师指令,学生做动作)复习play/fly/danc

11、e/sleep/eat.2、 Play a game: Simon says.T: Simon says, play(全班做动作)Dance!(不能做动作,因为没有simon says)二、 新课:Step1,在黑板上贴Step2(叫几个同学做fly动作)T: What is he doing? Hes flying.What is she doing? Shes flying.What are they doing? Theyre flying.(老师问其中一个同学)T: What are you doing?(引导)S1: I am flying.Step3板书:What is he/sh

12、e doing?What are you/they doing?Step4(老师打篮球并说)T: Im playing basketball.(把球传给学生)T: What are you doing?S1:I am playing basketball.(再把球传给另外的同学,反复练习I am playing )Step5让学生挑出playing单词卡。Step6同样方法,引出其它贴在黑板上的单词。Step7. Read after the tape then repeat.Step8. Play games:1、任意抽走一张单词卡,让学生回忆是哪个单词。2、取下单词卡,拿出其中一个给一位学

13、生,让他做动作,其他同学猜单词。 Step9(叫一组同学上台做不同的动作,突然老师说:Stop!他们保持动作的停留,然后老师提问)T: What is he/she doing?What are they doing?S: He/She is writing.They are painting.Step10. Open the book at P44, read Target after the tape.Step11. Play a game: Leader.(叫一个同学走出门外,全班同学中产生一个Leader带领其他同学做动作,每做一个动作,老师问:What is she/he doing

14、?出去的同学回答,然后找出Leader)Step12. Pair work: What is he/she doing? What are they doing?Step13. Homework:Copy the new words.第二课时Conversation and Practice 1,2一、 复习What is he/she doing?What are they doing?二、 新课Step1(老师做钓鱼和游泳动作,让学生问)S: What are you doing?T: I am fishing. I am swimming.Step2 让学生做此动作,老师问:T: Wha

15、t are you doing?S1: I am fishing.T: What is he doing?(问其他同学)S2: He is fishing.Step3板书: fishingStep4设情景对话。(老师扮Gogo,看到其他同学在读书、钓鱼、睡觉、买东西、游泳) Gogo: What are you doing?What is he/she doing?Step5. Open the book at P43, listen and look at Conversation.(老师指着Picture 4)T: What are they doing?S: They are shopp

16、ing.Step5让学生练习再表演。Step6. Practice1.A:先读所有的句子,再玩游戏。(让学生抄下其中六句话,由老师念句子,六个都跟老师相同的就Gogo.)B: Listen to the tape and then circle the right answer.Step7. Practice 2.Play a game:叫几位同学站在一排同学的后面做动作,让其他同学猜。T: What is he doing? /What are they doing?S1: He is / They are S2: He is Step8完成句子。I_ _. (睡觉)What he ?HeW

17、hat_ they_?They are_.(跑步)第三课时Song/Activity 1.2. Sounds and words 1.2.一、1.2.二、 复习 单词:Playing Ask and answer: Whatdoing? 新课Step1. Song.(1)(2) Sing the song. Play a game:一边唱歌一边传递盒子(盒子装有单词的卡片)当老师时,盒子所在谁的手上,谁就抽出一张有单词的卡片,并作相应的动作。S1: What is he doing?S2: He isStep2. Sounds and words.(1)叫六位同学上台,同时做不同的动作,老师逐

18、一介绍。Hes flying./singing/drawing/crying/laughing/smiling.(2)板书以上单词。(3)Listen to the tape then repeat.(4) Play a game:老师把全班分为两组相对而站,当学生听到单词含有ing的读音时,做相应的动作,否则就不动,错的出局。两组比赛,保留人多的为获胜组。Step3.做练习:Listen, say and circle.Activity 1Step4. Activity 2(投影图片)Guess: Who is it?Step5.小结整个单元,讲有关现在进行时应注意的地方。Step6. Pl

19、ay a game:老鹰捉小鸡。老师扮老鹰,挑出8个同学扮小鸡,摆弄7张凳子为一个圈,8个同学站在圈外围着凳子跑,一边跑一边问老鹰:Eagle,eagle, what are you doing? Eagle: I am running.同学又继续问,老鹰不停地回答I am singing等等。当老鹰说Im catching you时,8个同学抢凳子坐,抢不到凳子的同学代替老师,然后拿走一张凳子再继续,最后一个坐到凳子的为获胜者。Step7.Home work:活动手册。Unit3 My WeekTeaching Target : What day is it today? Its Monda

20、y.What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.Teaching Key: New words:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sounds and words:/ju:/The first period:一、词汇1、教师把图画卡片挂在黑板上。T:(指着Sunday) Its Sunday. Repeat. Ss: Its SundayT: What day is it today? Its .( 引导学生答)用一周的其他几天继续进行活动

21、。T:All the days together make one week .(出示图画卡片)Week. Repeat.Ss: Week.2、 Look at the teachers mouth, then guess the words.3、 Read together and pair work.4、新课呈现T: Open your books to page 10.Listen to the tape and repeat, point to each day as you say it .播放录音,让学生跟读一周的每一天。至于week这个单词,可让学生在图片的月历上圈出一个礼拜T:

22、(指着Saturday ) Is it Wednesday? Ss :No, it isnt . Its Saturday.(指着Monday )Is it Monday ?Ss: Yes, it is教师必要时做示范。指着一周的其他几天,问类似的问题。对话二、对话的学习:1、教师带一本大的月历和一些体育器材,如:一个篮球,一个乒乓球拍等,进入教室。Review the words .(做练习)T:What day is it today?(指着月历上一周的每一天,然后指着当天的日子)oh, its (Tuesday).教师举起一个篮球。T:I play basketball on(Tuesd

23、ay). (再指着月历)2、把球传给不同的学生,让他们重复句子 I play basketball on(Tuesday)教师拿起其他的体育器材,如乒乓球,假装打乒乓球。T:I play ping-pong on Sunday.(指着月历上的Sunday)把球拍传给其他学生,示范句子,让他们重复。3、新课呈现T:Open your books. Lets listen to the tape.教师播放录音,同时指着每一幅图片。T:Lets listen again and repent播放录音,每句后停顿,让学生跟读。把学生分成四个小组,让他们分别扮演Gogo, Jenny, Tony及Mrs

24、.Green(Tony和Jenny的妈妈)鼓励每组加上动作,如:在对话中假装玩某一项体育活动。教学后记:星期几这七个单词比较难掌握,需要不断的强化。The second period:一、指着词汇部分的图片。T:What day is it today ?(Ss: Its (Thursday)指着图片中物品T :Whats this ? Ss: Its a (piano)T: What do you do on Monday?S1:I(play the piano )on(Monday)二、播放录音,每句后暂停,让学生跟读教师指着某一位学生说:What day is it today?SI:I

25、(play the piano )on (Thursday).三、新课呈现播放录音:每句后暂停,让学生跟着读。T:(指着某位同学问)What day is it today ?SI: Its (Wednesday)T: (指着另一位同学问)What do you on (Wednesday),S2:I(play soccer )on ( Wednesday) 与几个学生重复此项活动。四、 Exercise 1指着每组的三张图片进行谈论。T:(指着第一组中的Monday)What day is it today ?Ss: Its Monday .T: (指着第3组中的Friday) How ab

26、out this one ? what day is it today ?Ss: Its Friday .What do you do on Friday ?Ss: I play soccer on Friday.新课呈现T:Lets listen to the tape .播放第1组图片的录音,然后暂停。T:Which day of the week is it ?Do you know ? Is it this one ?(指着Monday ) 在学生回答时,作一个画圈动作,圈住Its Wednesday.这个句子。T: Number I is its Wednesday .继续练习其他几

27、组,每组后暂停,让学生重复每一句。Exercise 2:教师把图片挂在黑板上。T:What day is it today ?Ss: Its (Wednesday ?)Ss: I (play basketball )on (Wednesday ).重复问题,让学生提供不同的答案。新课呈现T:Now, lets read the questions.让学生大声读出问题。把学生分成两人一组或小组方式互回答。教学后记:What day is it today ? Its句型掌握理想。The third period:一、Sing a song展示一幅大的月历,指着不同的日期。开始谈论学生的生日日期,

28、帮他们找到自己的生日在今年的星期几。新课呈现T: Lets sing a song !Lets listen first .播放录音,唱到哪,就用手指到哪。把学生分成两组。一组唱问题,一组唱回答。二、活动T: What do you do on Saturday ?Repeat .Ss: What do you do on Saturday ?T:I swim on Saturday .(指着一个学生问) What do you do on Monday ?Ss: I (cook) on Monday .用一周的不同周日对数名同学重复提问。要几个学生提出问题让其余的学生回答。新课呈现教师让学生

29、结对把调查表抄在黑板上,教师示范做一次调查。问某一学生:What do you do on Sunday ?Ss: I (play soccer )on Sunday 把soccer写进相应的方格里。若时间允许,让几组学生与全班同学分享答案。活动2教师把第2册图画卡片挂在黑板上,在每张图画卡片下,打乱顺序写下图片的单词让一些自愿的学生把单词和相应的图片配对。让那些自愿的学生用粉笔/水彩笔把正确的单词写在图片下面问全班学生是否同意该学生的拼写新课呈现T: Open your books Look at these scrambled words . What are they ?引导学生说:Da

30、ys或Days of the week指着图片中不同的桌子,问学生它们是星期几。让学生结对,把一周内几天的拼写复原并写在下面的空白处三、语音和单词教师把字母U写在黑板上,T: Whats this letter?Ss:UT :Yes Todays sound is same sound as the letter u .Lets practice the sound /ju:/.Look at my mouth and repeat .T:/ju/.Ss:/ju/新课呈现教师让学生看着该页上的单词。T: Lets listen to the tape .播放录音,让学生指着每一个读出的单词T: Lets listen again and this time ,repeat播放录音,让学生跟读经过充分练习后,教师任意指着不同的图片,让学生说出该单词。让学生看着歌谣旁边的图片T:(指着气球)What are these ?Ss: Theyre balloons.T: (

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