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1、Module6应试能力培养应试能力培养.单项填空1I have lost one of my gloves.I _ it somewhere.Amust drop Bmust have droppedCmust be dropping Dmust have been dropped2With a good_of both Chinese and English,she was assigned the task of oral translation for the visiting American delegation.Areputation BimpressionCsituation D

2、contribution3Many students signed up for the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A800meterlong B800meterslongC800 meter length D800 meters long4When he became old,he was_with lung disease.Acovered BfacedCattacked Dtraded答案与解析:Cattack可用于指“(疾病等)袭击,侵袭”。be covered with“用覆盖”;be faced with“面

3、临;面对”;trade with“和作生意”,其主语通常是人。5We were in _ when we left that we forgot the plane tickets.Aa rush so anxiousBa such anxious rushCso an anxious rush Dsuch an anxious rush答案与解析:Dsuch后接名词(sucha/anadj.单数名词);so后接形容词(soadj.a/an单数名词)。题意:我们离开时太匆忙了,把飞机票都忘了。6The fire was _ somebody had dropped a lighted ciga

4、rette.Adue to that Bdue to becauseCdue to Ddue to the fact that答案与解析:Dthat引导的宾语从句一般不作介词的宾语,A项错误。 due to与because语义重复。B项错误。C项due to后直接接从句也不是正确结构。故选D项,that从句作同位语。7As the plane came down through the clouds,green fields and white houses came into _.Alight BsightCeyes Deffect答案与解析:Bcome into sight 进入视野/视线

5、,固定搭配。8You should have told me there was no class today.I_all the way here through the heavy rain.Amustnt have runBneednt have runCshouldnt have runDcant have run答案与解析:Bneednt have done表示没有必要做某事但是做了。没有mustnt have done的形式;shouldnt have done表示本来不应该做某事但是做了;cant have done表示对发生的事情进行否定的猜测,意为“一定没有/不”。9List

6、en attentively.This question is closely related_the one to be discussed.Awith BtoCat Don答案与解析:Bbe related to.常用词组,意为“与有关”。10The wild population of koalas is in danger of _.Adying away Bdying backCdying out Ddying down答案与解析:Cdie out 灭绝,绝迹;die away 减弱;die back(植物)叶凋而不死:die down 渐熄;逐渐消失。11Will $200_the

7、 cost of the damage?Im afraid not.I need at least 100 more.Ado BcoverCinclude Dafford答案与解析:Bcover此处意为“(指钱)够(某事物)之用”。do作“足够或能满足(某人/某事物的需要)”讲时,通常用于do for sb./sth.或do as sth.结构中;include“包括”强调隶属关系;afford“付得起”其主语通常是人,通常用于afford sth.或afford to do结构中。12Its eight oclock now and she is _ to come.Well have to

8、 begin the meeting without her.Aunlike Bimpossible Cunlikely Dlikely答案与解析:C据语境可知“她不大可能来了”,故选C项。unlike prep.不像;impossible不能用人作主语;likely可能的,不符合句意。13You had better not be always_with your money.Try to make ends meet.Ageneral BgenerousCgenius Dgentle答案与解析:B由“Try to make ends meet.”可知要节省开支,故用be generous

9、with“对大方”。general“总体的”;genius为名词,意为“天才”;gentle“绅士的”。14The learned scholar_the question raised by the audience how life began.Amade out Bthrew light onCspoke out Dcame to light答案与解析:Bthrow light on为固定搭配,意为“阐明;讲明”符合题意。make out“设法应付”;speak out“说出”;come to light“显露出来;出现”。15He_that he could finish the jo

10、b without help.Aclaimed BrequiredCdemanded Drequested答案与解析:A题意为:“他声称不需要帮助他就能完成这项工作”。claim 声称,宣称;require 要求;demand 要求,请求;request 请求。.完形填空A girl complained to her father about her hard life.She wanted to _16_ because she didnt know what she had to do.She felt _17_ for fighting and fighting.One _18_ ha

11、d been solved but another came. Her father,a cook,took her into the kitchen.He _19_ water into three pans.After boiling,in the first pan _20_ some carrots,the second some eggs and the last coffee.He waited without _21_. The girl closed her mouth and waited,_22_ by what her father did.After about twe

12、nty minutes,her father turned _23_ the stove and took out the carrots and eggs.After that the coffee was poured into cups. Turning back to his daughter,he asked,“What do you _24_?” “Carrots,eggs and coffee”,she answered. Her father suggested her _25_ the carrots.She did and felt the carrots were _26

13、_.Then he asked her to take the eggs and _27_ them.After peeling(剥皮)them,she got the eggs,cooked and hard._28_ he asked her to smell the coffee.She asked _29_,“Whats the meaning,Father?”He explained that _30_ had the same treatmentthe boiling water,but _31_ reactions.The strong and hard carrots beca

14、me soft and weak after _32_ in the water.The fragile eggs became hard after being cooked.Coffee was quite special,_33_ it could change water. “_34_ are you?”asked her father,“When calamity knocks on your door,what is your _35_?Are you carrots,eggs or coffee?”16A.catch up Bwear out Cgive up Drun out1

15、7A.tired Bworried Chappy Dpromised18A.matter Bbusiness Cquestion Dproblem19A.made Bpoured Cchanged Dflew20A.were added Bwere put Cremained Dincreased21A.breath Bpraising Cspeaking Dmoving22A.judged Bfrightened Cdisappointed Bup Cdown Daway24A.mean Bsee Csuggest Dexplain25A.touching B

16、eating Cobserving Dkeeping26A.bad Bhard Csoft Bpeel Csmell Dfeel28A.Besides BThus CStill DLastly29A.impatiently Bshyly Cregretfully Dbravely30A.nothing Banything Ceach item Dsomething31A.different Bcertain Cmore Dunequal32A.cold Bboiled Cboiling Dchangeable33A.or Bif Cthough Das34A.Ho

17、w BWho CWhen DWhere35A.agreement Bwish Copinion Dreaction答案与解析:16C从前面的“hard life”和后面的“fighting and fighting”可知她是想放弃。17A感到疲倦。18D显然是解决一个个的问题。19Bpour.into.是习惯表达,意为“把倒入”。20B此句是个倒装句,正常语序应该是Some carrots were put in the first pan.。21C从文意知是没说话。22D女孩对父亲的举动不解(puzzled)。23A指关掉炉子。24B问她看到了什么。25A指用手去摸。26C煮熟了就变软了。2

18、7B从后面的peel提示可知。28D从前文知这里表示顺序,意为最后。29A女孩对父亲的行为不解,父亲又不解释,因此,她“不耐心地问”是最恰当的。30C因为有carrot,egg和coffee三种物品,故应该是每种物品。31A煮熟后三种东西的反应不同。32Bboiled指“被煮”。33Das在这里表示原因。34B从文章意思知应该是问:你是谁?35D从上文知应该是reaction才符合语境要求。.阅读理解AEvery people have its own way of saying things with its own special expressions.Some of these exp

19、ressions are easy to understand.“As Easy as Falling off a Log”is one such expression.It describes a job that does not take much effort.If you ever tried to walk on a falling tree log,you understand what the expression means.It is easier to fall off the log than to stay on it.There are several other

20、expressions that mean the same thing.And their meaning is as easy to understand as falling off a log.One is“Easy as Pie”Nothing is easier than eating a piece of sweet juicy pie,unless it is a piece of cake.“A Piece of Cake”is another expression that means something is extremely easy to do.Another ex

21、pression is“As Easy as Shooting Fish in a Barrel(桶)”Clearly,fish in a barrel will be much easier to shoot than fish in a stream(小溪)In fact,it would be as easy as falling off a log.Sometimes,things that come to as easily also leave us just as easily.In fact,there is an expression“Easy Come Easy Go”An

22、other easy expression is“To Go Easy on a Person”It means to treat a person kindly or gently,especially in a situation where you might be expected to be angry with him.A wife might ask her husband to go easy on their son,because the boy did not mean to destroy the car.If it is necessary to borrow som

23、e money to fix the car,you should look for a friend who is an“Easy Touch”An easy touch or a soft touch is someone who is kind and helpful.And one last expression,one that means do not worry,or work too hard.Try to keep away from difficult situations.“Take it easy”,until we meet again.36How many expr

24、essions about the word“easy”does the passage list?A5. B6.C7. D8.答案与解析:C数字计算题。文章共提到了七个习语。37Which of the following expressions has different meanings from the other three?AAs Easy as Falling off a Log.BA Piece of Cake.CEasy as Pie.DEasy Touch.答案与解析:D推理判断题。根据文章第四段可知,Easy Touch是指一个人友好、乐于助人,与其他三个意思不同。38A

25、 friend might tell you that his new job was _.Aeasy to come easy to goBas easy as shooting fish in a barrelCto take it easyDto go easy on a person答案与解析:B推理判断题。第二个答案的意思是非常容易,与题干意思最为接近。39Which of the following expressions is as easy as falling off a log?AShooting fish in a barrel.BWalking on a falling

26、 tree log.CStaying on a log.DShooting fish in a stream.答案与解析:A推理判断题。as easy as falling off a log和Shooting fish in a barrel都是指非常容易,因此答案是A。40Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThat he goes easy on me means that he is kind to me.BHe is always helping others,so he is an easy to

27、uch.CWhen her bike is broken,I say,“A piece of cake,I can help repair it.”DWhen a gril was lost way,I say,“Take it easy,I will send you home.”答案与解析:C细节判断题。第三个答案的A piece of cake 不合语境。BCalcutta,India Mar 24,2006(AP)One of the worlds oldest creatures,a giant tortoise believed to have been about 250 yea

28、rs old,has died in the Calcutta zoo where it spent more than half its long life. Addwaita,which means“the one and only”in the local Bengali language,was one of four Aldabra tortoises brought to India by British sailors in the 18th century.Zoo officials say he was a gift for Lord Robert Clive of the

29、East India Company,who was instrumental in establishing British colonial(殖民的)rule in India,before he returned to England in 1767.Long after the other three tortoises died,Addwaita continued to thrive(茁壮成长),living in Clives garden before being moved to the zoo in 1875. “According to records in the zo

30、o,the age of the giant tortoise,Addwaita,who died on Wednesday,would be about 250 years,”said zoo director Subir Chowdhury.That would have made him much older than the worlds oldest documented(备有证明文件的)living animal:Harriet,a 176yearold Galapagos tortoise who lives at the Australia Zoo north of Brisbane,ac

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