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最新高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕20素材 精品.docx

1、最新高中英语 生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕20素材 精品生活大爆炸第4季中英字幕20200:18:20,420 - 00:18:24,400300:18:24,410 - 00:18:28,410翻译:MADD 小蛮腰 Joanna YY400:18:24,410 - 00:18:28,410500:18:28,410 - 00:18:32,410后期:孤帆 时间轴:小e600:18:28,410 - 00:18:32,410700:18:32,410 - 00:18:36,410校对:Joanna YY 总监:YY800:18:32,410 - 00:18:36,410900:18:38,510

2、 - 00:18:41,210生活大爆炸 第四季第二十集1000:00:01,310 - 00:00:18,930我的新书隐藏的真相讨论了一个很大的问题My new book The Hidden Reality takes on a grand question:1100:00:18,930 - 00:00:18,190我们的宇宙是唯一的吗Is our universe the only universe?1200:00:18,190 - 00:00:12,420越来越多像我这样的科学家相信You see, theres a growing belief among scientists l

3、ike me1300:00:12,420 - 00:00:15,920我们也许只是茫茫空间里众多宇宙中的that ours may only be one among many universes1400:00:15,920 - 00:00:18,550其中一个populating a gigantic cosmos.1500:00:18,550 - 00:00:20,780在隐藏的真相中 我在不涉及In The Hidden Reality, I explore this possibility1600:00:20,780 - 00:00:24,140任何数学和物理知识的情况下without

4、 presuming any knowledge of mathematics or physics1700:00:24,140 - 00:00:25,550向读者阐释了这一可能on the part of the reader.1800:00:25,930 - 00:00:27,820可笑至极Hysterical.1900:00:29,000 - 00:00:30,870很高兴你说服我来这里Im glad you talked me into this.2000:00:30,870 - 00:00:33,210咱们平时太辛苦了 有时候偷个闲We work so hard, sometimes

5、, its nice to goof off2100:00:33,210 - 00:00:35,920-干点儿蠢事儿也挺好的 -没错- and do something silly. - Agreed.2200:00:35,920 - 00:00:39,390你等着听他跟大家胡扯沃纳海森堡吧Wait till you hear how he dumbs down Werner Heisenberg for the crowd.2300:00:39,390 - 00:00:42,140你都会觉得自己是在德云社听相声You may actually believe youre in a comed

6、y club.2400:00:42,800 - 00:00:45,590你可以觉得海森堡的不确定性原理You can think about Heisenbergs uncertainty principle2500:00:45,590 - 00:00:47,750就像是在某些中国餐馆里的much like the special order menu2600:00:47,750 - 00:00:50,170每日特供菜单 你会发现有些菜that you find in certain Chinese restaurants, where you have2700:00:50,170 - 00:

7、00:52,920在A栏里 有些菜在B栏里dishes in column A and other dishes in column B,2800:00:52,920 - 00:00:54,480如果你点了A栏里的第一道菜and if you order the first dish in column A,2900:00:54,480 - 00:00:57,490你就不能点B栏里的第一道菜了you cant order the corresponding dish in column B.3000:00:57,490 - 00:01:00,700这就有点像不确定性原理Thats sort o

8、f like the uncertainly principle.3100:01:00,700 - 00:01:18,750当里个当Ba-dum-bump.3200:01:18,160 - 00:01:18,820说起来 我听说了霍华德和Say, I heard an interesting tidbit3300:01:18,820 - 00:01:18,510伯纳黛特的一件趣事儿about Howard and Bernadette.3400:01:18,510 - 00:01:10,660你开玩笑吧 艾米 跟我聊八卦Really, Amy? Gossip?3500:01:10,660 -

9、00:01:11,970我对你失望了Im disappointed in you.3600:01:11,970 - 00:01:13,220别急啊No, now.3700:01:13,220 - 00:01:16,380进化生物学家罗宾邓巴把八卦定义为Evolutionary biologist Robin Dunbar has identified gossip3800:01:16,380 - 00:01:19,170一种有助于在大群体内维系感情的手段as an aid to social bonding in large groups.3900:01:19,170 - 00:01:22,3

10、60恕我直言 全是扯淡Forgive my language, but poppycock.4000:01:22,920 - 00:01:23,750万一不是呢What if hes right?4100:01:23,750 - 00:01:25,660如果没有八卦And by not participating in gossip,4200:01:25,660 - 00:01:26,960社会就会分裂成为society breaks down into4300:01:26,960 - 00:01:29,360一个个纹身摩托车手组成的野蛮小帮派small feral bands of tatt

11、ooed motorcycle riders4400:01:29,360 - 00:01:32,290为了最后几罐金枪鱼罐头打得死去活来fighting to the death over the last few cans of tuna fish.4500:01:32,290 - 00:01:33,000好吧Fine.4600:01:33,000 - 00:01:35,410用城市音乐黑人音乐的术语来说In the parlance of the urban music scene,4700:01:35,410 - 00:01:37,400你想跟我说啥whats the 4-1-1?480

12、0:01:35,410 - 00:01:37,400411为美国查号台 这里代指信息的意思4900:01:38,840 - 00:01:42,180伯纳黛特想和霍华德分手Bernadette is thinking about breaking up with Howard.5000:01:42,180 - 00:01:45,180我觉得咱国家的金枪鱼罐头还是安全的I believe our nations tuna cans are safe.5100:01:45,180 - 00:01:48,330抱歉等下聊 格林博士 我能提问吗Excuse me. Dr. Greene, questio

13、n?5200:01:48,330 - 00:01:49,270请讲Yes?5300:01:49,270 - 00:01:51,180您一直致力于Youve dedicated your lifes work5400:01:51,180 - 00:01:53,120向公众宣传灌输一些to educating the general populace5500:01:53,120 - 00:01:55,610复杂的科学理念about complex scientific ideas.5600:01:55,610 - 00:01:56,870对 差不多Yes, in part.5700:01:56,8

14、70 - 00:01:58,010您有没有考虑过Have you ever considered5800:01:58,010 - 00:18:00,420干点儿更有意义的事儿呢trying to do something useful?5900:18:18,790 - 00:18:18,490比如 给老人念书Perhaps, reading to the elderly?6000:18:18,200 - 00:18:18,850你说什么Excuse me?6100:18:18,850 - 00:18:10,930嗯 不过别念你的书 念点儿他们喜欢的Yeah, but not your book

15、s; something they might enjoy.6200:18:12,140 - 00:18:14,720当然咯 我开玩笑啦 支持你哦I kid, of course. Big fan.6300:18:47,670 - 00:18:49,820-射得好 -多谢- Nice shot. - Thank you.6400:18:50,820 - 00:18:53,840我父亲从小就在训练我射箭了My father taught me archery as a child.6500:18:59,180 - 00:18:00,380真没想到这项运动居然能唤起Its odd how the

16、activity6600:18:00,380 - 00:18:18,680印象中凯马特波旁酒的醇香他父亲酗酒brings back the smell of Kmart bourbon.6700:18:18,770 - 00:18:18,620-漂亮 -我知道- Perfect. - I know.6800:18:18,790 - 00:18:18,980我肯定能当个出色的精灵What an elf I would have made.6900:18:12,980 - 00:18:14,420你觉得你在干嘛呢What do you think youre doing?7000:18:14,42

17、0 - 00:18:15,610冲着靶子射箭啊Shooting at a target?7100:18:15,610 - 00:18:16,950拿什么射With what?7200:18:16,950 - 00:18:18,540-箭啊 -你开玩笑吧- An arrow. - Really?7300:18:18,540 - 00:18:20,860我都没看见你从箭筒里取箭I didnt see you draw one from your quiver.7400:18:22,000 - 00:18:23,430我不会这么傻的 谢尔顿Im not going to do that, Sheld

18、on.7500:18:23,430 - 00:18:26,770莱纳德 任天堂的人在重现真实的Leonard, the people at Nintendo can only go so far7600:18:26,770 - 00:18:30,610竞技体验这方面只能做到这份儿上了in helping us recreate an actual athletic experience.7700:18:30,610 - 00:18:32,400剩下的得靠我们自己We have to do our part, too.7800:18:39,830 - 00:18:41,970虽然比较出乎意料 但

19、是That was uncalled for, but.7900:18:41,970 - 00:18:44,550我还是配合一下吧 痛Ill play along. Ow.8000:18:48,230 - 00:18:51,380我昨晚和艾米有一次非凡的体验I had an unusual experience with Amy last night.8100:18:51,380 - 00:18:54,110真的吗 你怎么感觉出来的Really? How could you tell?8200:18:56,180 - 00:18:59,350她想和我聊八卦She was attempting

20、to engage me in gossip.8300:18:59,350 - 00:18:00,940-你肯定不干 -对- Mm. You dont say. - Yes.8400:18:00,940 - 00:18:18,610我觉得跟佩妮混时间长了I think prolonged exposure to Penny8500:18:18,610 - 00:18:18,250她也变得有点儿女孩子气了has turned her into a bit of a Gabby Gertie.8600:18:18,180 - 00:18:18,430什么八卦啊So, whats the gossi

21、p?8700:18:18,430 - 00:18:18,600拜托 我都说了Oh, please, I was just pointing it out.8800:18:18,600 - 00:18:11,990我对这种东西完全没兴趣I have no desire to engage in the activity.8900:18:11,990 - 00:18:13,520好吧 那就别跟我说了Fine, dont tell me.9000:18:14,970 - 00:18:16,530好吧 听着All right, get this.9100:18:18,270 - 00:18:21,60

22、0伯纳黛特想和霍华德分手Bernadette is thinking about breaking up with Howard.9200:18:22,720 - 00:18:24,730真糟糕 出什么事儿了啊Thats too bad. I wonder what happened.9300:18:24,730 - 00:18:26,830不好说 我只能推测一下Mm, its hard to say. I can only speculate9400:18:26,830 - 00:18:28,280根据我观察我父母的婚姻分崩离析based on the data I collected950

23、0:18:28,280 - 00:18:30,800所得到的数据watching my parents marriage implode.9600:18:30,800 - 00:18:33,510在我们家 我妈一头扎进了宗教的海洋In that case, the woman dives into religion,9700:18:33,510 - 00:18:36,630而我爸则一头扎进了金发女酒保的怀抱while the man dives into a bottle-blonde bartender9800:18:36,630 - 00:18:39,340那女人还想用超级英雄的玩具收买我

24、呢who tries to buy my love with action figures.9900:18:40,710 - 00:18:42,580啊哦 没箭了Oop! Out of arrows.10000:18:53,950 - 00:18:56,620天啊 你这游戏买的真是太值了Boy, you sure get your moneys worth out of these games.10100:18:59,740 - 00:18:18,300-普丽娅 我能进来吗 -进吧- Priya, can I come in? - Sure.11800:18:18,950 - 00:18:18

25、,560天啊Oh, God.11800:18:18,250 - 00:18:18,650-怎么了 -没事- What? - Its okay.11800:18:18,650 - 00:18:18,320你不知道罢了 我来处理吧You didnt know. Ill take care of it.11800:18:11,100 - 00:18:12,320我 我做错什么了What-what did I do?11800:18:12,320 - 00:18:13,860谢尔顿禁止在离镜子Sheldon doesnt allow flossing11800:18:13,860 - 00:18:15

26、,550这么近的地方用牙线that close to the mirror.11800:18:15,550 - 00:18:16,920你开玩笑吧Youre kidding.11800:18:16,920 - 00:18:18,560会溅上去的Its a splatter thing.11000:18:18,560 - 00:18:19,870地板上贴了一小段胶带Theres a little piece of tape on the floor11100:18:19,870 - 00:18:21,490你得站在胶带后面youre supposed to stand behind.11200:

27、18:22,360 - 00:18:24,270-太雷人了 -我知道- Thats madness. - I know.11300:18:24,270 - 00:18:26,250照做吧 待会儿会有大检查Just do it. Theres a big inspection coming up,11400:18:26,250 - 00:18:28,680我可不想失去看电视的特权and I dont want to lose my TV privileges.11500:18:30,100 - 00:18:31,310你迟早得让我看一眼You really need to let me take

28、 a look11600:18:31,310 - 00:18:33,370那个室友协议at that roommate agreement, one of these days.11700:18:33,370 - 00:18:34,860有这必要吗Mm, I dont know.11800:18:34,860 - 00:18:36,730我俩各自请律师对簿公堂吗I get a lawyer, he gets a lawyer.11900:18:36,730 - 00:18:38,840还是老老实实站黄线后算了Its just easier to stand behind the tape.12

29、000:18:39,760 - 00:18:41,430对了 我一个同事说Oh, by the way, a fellow at work said12100:18:41,430 - 00:18:43,190要给我周末道奇队比赛的门票I could use his Dodger tickets this weekend.12200:18:43,190 - 00:18:45,430-应该很好玩吧 -那是- Does that sound like fun? - Yeah!12300:18:45,840 - 00:18:47,740道奇是棒球队 对吧Dodgers are baseball, right?12

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