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1、春新人教英语七年级下册Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere教案Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?Learning Objectives一、Topics(话题): The neighborhood二、Functions (功能)Ask for and give directions on the street三、Structures (结构) 1. There be structure2. Where questions 3. Prepositions of place四、Target Language (目标语言)Is t

2、here a restaurant near your house?Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.Wheres the supermarket?Its next to the library.Where are the pay phones?Theyre in front of the post office.五、Vocabulary (词汇) post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, town, street, road, next to, across from,

3、 near, between, in front of, behind, turn, enjoy, spend turn left/right, go along, on your left, spend time, enjoy reading books六、Skills (技能) Listening for key information Scanning in reading 七、Recycling (复习巩固)Wheres ?Imperatives八、教材分析教学内容 1) 词汇:post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank,

4、supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue, clean, quiet, dirty, busy, left, right, next to, across from, in front of, near, between 2) 语言结构:A. Where questions B. Affirmative statements C. Prepositions of place D. There be structure2、教材的地位及其作用本单元的教学主要内容是:学习“问路指路”的常用表达方式 ,该话题与学生的日常生活紧密联系在一起,容易唤起学生的学习兴趣,这

5、对于提高学生的综合能力很有帮助,特别是说的能力。 本单元仍在继续学习一般现在时,这是一个生活中离不开的时态,也是最基本的一个时态。新课程标准要求学生重点掌握一般现在时,这在英语中使用频率很高,学好这一时态的用法对以后其他时态的学习和交际有很大的帮助。二、学生分析学生现有的能力与已掌握的知识:学生在上学期已经学过词汇:big, small, old, new,句型: Where is ? Its in/on/under/ 指路问路对地点特征描述都可以用到上述的词汇和句型。经过上半学期的学习学生已经积累了一定的词汇,掌握了一定的目标语,已经具备了一定的听说读写能力。 这几点设置了四个活动,利用多媒

6、体素材,以任务型的教学模式来完成整个教学。其中图片的展示能给学生更立体的感受,更加明确空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效果。九、教学目标语言知识 词汇:A. 重点掌握表示建筑物种类的名词, 如post office, hotel, bank, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue, B、掌握如下描绘性形容词及方位副词,如clean, quiet, dirty, busy, right, left, down, along,C、方位介词, 如next to, across from, in front of, near, b

7、etween, behindD、短语,如 turn right, turn left, go down, go on, walk along, go along重点句型:Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is a bank on Center Street. Wheres the supermarket? Its next to the library. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes, its on Bridge Street on the right. 2、 语言技能1) 能看着图片说话出

8、建筑物的名称;2) 能运用一般现在时询问街道上某一场所的位置;3) 能够运用所学语言为他人指明 某一场所的路线;4) 能够描述某一场所各建筑物之间的位置关系;5) 能够利用地图向他人介绍自己所居住的社区;3、学习策略1) 利用老师所提供的图片做出简单的判断,学习相关方位介词以及描绘性形容词。2) 通过与同学交流,学会使用问路指路,对地点特征做出简单描述的句型。4、情感态度1)通过各小组的对话练习培养学生的合作精神;2)通过学习本单元,教会学生礼貌待人,建立和睦的邻里关系;十、教学重难点:1. want的一般现在时的用法;2. want的一般现在时的疑问句,及其肯定,否定回答;3. 第三人称后动

9、词的变化十一、课时安排第一课时:完成Section A 1a2c 第二课时:完成Section A 2d3c 第三课时:完成Section B 1a1d第四课时:完成Section B 2aSelf Check The First Period (Section A, 1a2c)Teaching aims (教学目标) 1掌握表示地点的词汇;2掌握where引导的特殊疑问句;3能够简单地描述地点方位;4能够画出简单的示意图。Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇: post office, restaurant, library, supermarket, bank, park

10、, pay, street, center, near, bridge, across, between, in front of, behind 2. 句型: Is there a bank near here? Yes, it is./No, there isnt. Wheres the bank? Its on Center Street.Difficulties (教学难点) 1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句。 2. 肯定陈述。 3. 表示方向的介词。Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1)Daily gree

11、tings to the Ss (2) Revision (复习)【教学设计说明】本单元主要话题是问路,因此从复习地点名词入手,进而自然的过渡到本单元的话题,这样以旧带新能帮助学生扩展思维。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)(1) Present the new wordsShow pictures of different places and help Ss to understand the new words. Explain prepositions of place to Ss using the pictures of the mouse and the ball.【

12、教学设计说明】图片教学法是呈现新知识最简单有效的方法之一,学生通过图片,能更价值观的理解新单词的含义。3. Work on 1a (完成1a) (1) Match the words with the places in the picture. (2) Talk about the picture with Ss using target languages. 【教学设计说明】通过1a的练习,使学生进一步学会运用新单词。和学生一起谈论图片,目的在于引导学生学会使用对地点提问的基本句型。4. Work on 1b (完成1b)Listen and circle the places in 1a

13、 you hear.【教学设计说明】此环节着重是听力训练。让学生在听对话的过程中抓住关键词汇,由于前面已做了一些训练,因此学生听起来比较容易,让他们都有一次成功的喜悦和感受,这样可以增强他们的学习自信心。5. Drill (练习) Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation and change the words used. (第一轮应提问成绩较好的学生,第二轮提问成绩较差的学生)【教学设计说明】此环节为机械操练,使不同层次学生初步掌握目标语言。机械操练是英语初始阶段教学必不可缺的部分,学生要先从模仿到初步掌握,最后才能熟练应用。机械操练时应注意着重提问成绩

14、较差的学生,由于机械操练比较简单,因此是激发后进生兴趣,培养后进生自信的一个很好的途径。6. Work on 1c (完成1c) (1)Have Ss get into pairs and practice the conversation with their partner. Then have them ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a. (2) Have some pairs present their conversations to the class. 【教学设计说明】此环节是让学生运用所学句型来进行操练,

15、有利于巩固所学句型。7. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)(1) Match the sentences with the pictures. Write each number in the box.(2) Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.【教学设计说明】此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的词汇和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。学生填表格,是检查学生能否听懂并拼写所学单词。8. Work on 2c (完成2c)Have Ss get into groups and ask and ans

16、wer questions about the places in 1a on page 43.Where is the hospital?Its next to the police station.【教学设计说明】此环节既能充分练习学生的目标语言,使学生学以致用,同时也能极大的调动学生们的课堂参与率,并且能为有绘画特长的孩子提供一个展示的空间。10. Homework (课后作业) Oral: 1. 朗读并熟记单词和句子。 2. Draw a map and then make a conversation. Written: 抄写单词和句子。The Second Period (Sect

17、ion A, 2d3c)Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 能在日常情境中为他人指路。 2. 能用所学内容解决实际问题。 3.句型 Where is the Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:across, front, behind, town, around, north 2. 句型:Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Yes, there is. Just go along and turn left. Its next to the supermarket.Difficulties (教学难点

18、) 1. 问路方法。 2. 指路方法。Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1) Check Ss homework. (2) Talk about some pictures.【教学设计说明】通过描述图片,达到复习与巩固的作用。同时增进同学之间的相互了解。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)Have Ss look at the maps and help them to understand the target language.【教学设计说明】通过展示图片的用法,既直观又有亲切感,为下一步理解对话扫清了障

19、碍。3. Work on 2d (完成2d)(1)Role-play the conversation in 2d.(2) Have Ss get into pairs and make conversations based on the example in 2d. (3) Read the conversation and answer the following questions.Q1. Where is the bank?Q2. Can Linda help Tony?【教学设计说明】学生通过回答问题能理解对话的内容,通过角色扮演能在情境中学会运用,通过自编对话能更好的让学生学以致

20、用。4. Grammar Focus(1) Read through the sentences.(2) Ask Ss to focus on the questions and answers.【教学设计说明】本部分为本单元的内容核心,不仅概括了本单元的重点,还将基本句型一 一呈现。通过句子的罗列,使学生关注人称的变化。因此不应小视,但由于是总结性内容,故要求学生朗读。可在课后将本部分列入听写内容。5. Work on 3a (完成3a)(1) Look at the map and answer the questions. (2) Check Ss answers.【教学设计说明】在进一

21、步练习本单元核心内容。6. Work on 3b (完成3b)(1) Look at the map in 3a and write three sentences. (2) Have Ss check their answers in groups and then report their answers to the class.【教学设计说明】巩固3a内容。7. Homework (课后作业)1. Dictate the new words, then write them out. 2. Recite 2d, then write the conversation from memo

22、ry once. 3. Draw a map and then make up a conversation. The Third Period (Section B, 1a1d)Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 学会交通标志。 2. 能熟练指路。 3. 学会怎样表达位置。 4. 理解听力材料。Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:along, turn, right, left, crossing, neighborhood, 2. 句型:Is there a Yes, there is. Just go Difficulties (教学难点) 准确表达位置。

23、 Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)Go through the pictures and explain the signs to the Ss.【教学设计说明】1.复习了走路方法。2. 呈现本节重点。3。充分达到热身目的,提高了参与率。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)(1)Show pictures and talk about them.2. Work on 1a. Match the words with the signs.3. Check Ss answers.【教学设计说明】通过对每幅图片的描述

24、,引导学生由使用旧知识过渡到自主使用新知识,达到了自然呈现的目的。3. Pairwork Have Ss make conversation based on the pictures in 1a.Get some pairs to present their conversation to the class.【教学设计说明】 通过对话练习使学生进一步掌握问路指路的单词,以及表述方法,并能够更直观的理解并记忆新单词。4. Work on 1b (完成1b)Listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture.【教学

25、设计说明】培养学生的观察力,通过简单的造句提高课堂参与率。5. Listening practice (听力练习)(1)Work on 1c. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. (2) Work on 1d. Imagine you and your partner are the two people in the picture in 1b. Ask and answer questions about the places.(3) Role-play. Ask some pairs to perform their conversation to the

26、 class.【教学设计说明】本部分听力练习旨在锻炼学生提取细节信息的能力。角色扮演的设置主要是将孩子带入情境。6. Homework1. Translate the sentences into English. 1) 邮局在哪里?在超市旁边。 2) 这附近有图书馆吗?有, 在第五大街上。 3) 银行在哪里?在旅馆和电子游戏中心。 4) 附近有公园吗?有, 在学校对面。 5) 电话亭在哪里?在邮局旁边。2. Write how you get to school from your home.The Fourth Period (Section B, 2aSelf Check)Teachin

27、g aims (教学目标) 1. 能用所学知识区描述周边环境。 2. 能理解文章大意。 3. 能够汲取有用知识点。 4. 能用所学知识写出精美文章。Language points (语言点) 1. 词汇:spend, climb, road, often, air, sunshine, free, enjoy, easily, money 2. 句型:There be I live Walk out/ along the street Difficulties (教学难点) 1. 理解较长文章及文章中的知识点。 2. 用所学知识写出完整的文章。 Teaching steps (教学步骤)1.

28、Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) Check Ss homework. Ask some Ss to talk about their neighborhood.【教学设计说明】通过对生活实际的描述,激发学生学习兴趣。复习描述问路的词汇。为完成2a做好铺垫。2. Work on 2aCheck the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are. 【教学设计说明】通过更多单词的学习帮助学生减少困难,并能帮助学生形成知识网络。2. Presentation (呈现新知识)(1) Work on 2b.

29、Read the passages. Match each passage with a map. Then read the passages carefully and answer the questions. Q1. How does Anna get to the zoo?Q2. Where is the park?Q3. Where is the post office?Q4. Where is the library? (2) Work on 2c. Read again and answer the questions.1. What does Anna like doing

30、in the zoo?2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?3. What does John like to do at the park?4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so? 5. How does Lisa get to the library from her home?【教学设计说明】阅读文章应先略读在细读。因此第一个问题的设置要求学生略读找到关键词语进行推测。接下来的4个问题能够帮助学生对文章有整体理解。2c的设计能够帮助学生更好

31、的理解文章,读懂细节。3. Work on 3aLook at the map of Cindys neighborhood and fill in the blanks.【教学设计说明】本部分旨在帮助学生学会用正确的语言进行写作,并帮助学生积累语言。为完成本单元的写作部分进行铺垫。4. Work on 3b & Self Check.Have Ss write a composition about their neighborhood, using the questions below to guide them.My neighborhood 1. Where do you live?2. What is your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why?3. How do you get there from your home?Help Ss

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