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1、职称英语中的常见篇章StageFright Fall down as you come onstage. Thats an oddtrick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he wasa teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich trippedhim purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,2Mr. Feltsmansaid, “ All my fr

2、ight was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”Today, music schools are addressing the problem ofanxiety in classes that deal with performance techniques and careerpreparation. There are a variety of strategies that musicians can learn tofight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers, shak

3、y limbs, racing heart,blank mind.3Teachers and psychologists offer wide-rangingadvice, from basics like learning pieces inside out,4to mentaldiscipline, such as visualizing a performance and taking steps to relax. Dontdeny that youre jittery,they urge; some excitement is natural, even necessary for

4、dynamicplaying. And play in public often, simply for the experience.Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests somestrategies for the moments before performance, “Take two deep abdominalbreaths, open up your shoulders, then smile, she says. “And not one of theseplease dont kill me smiles. Then choose th

5、ree friendly faces in theaudience, people you would communicate with and make music to, and make eyecontact with them.” She doesnt want performers to think of the audience as ajudge.Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often atthe root of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin tea

6、cher. She tells otherteachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve.When Lynn Harrell was 20,he became the principal cellist ofthe Cleverland Orchestra, and he suffered extreme stage fright. “There weretimes when I got so nervous I was sure the audience could see my chestresponding

7、to the throbbing. It was just total panic. I came to a point where Ithought, If I have to go through this to play music, I think Im going to lookfor another job.”5Recovery, he said, involved developinghumility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible,and that an imperfect concert wasnot

8、 a disaster.6It is not only young artists who suffer, ofcourse. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitzs nerves were famous. The greattenor Franco Corelli is another example. “They had to push him on stage,”Soprano Renata Scotto recalled.Actually,success can make things worse. “In the beginning of y

9、our career,when youre scared to death, nobody knows who you are, and they dont have anyexpectations,” Soprano June Anderson said. “Theres less to lose. Later on, whenyoure known, people are coming to see you, and they have certain expectations.You have a lot to lose.”Anderson added,“I never stop bei

10、ng nervous until Ive sung my last note.”如何避免怯场上台就跌倒。这是个奇特的办法!但不推荐。可它确实拯救了钢琴家弗拉基米尔菲兹曼,那个时候他才十几岁,正在莫斯科表演。资深大提琴手米提斯拉夫罗斯特罗波维奇故意在他上台前将他绊倒,帮助他摆脱上台前的恐慌。菲兹曼先生说:“所有的害怕都烟消云散类。我已经摔倒了,还有比这更糟糕的吗?”如今,音乐学校都在课堂中强调焦虑问题,因为这是讲授表演技巧和打好表演基础的课程。怯场有很多表现,比如手指冰冷、四肢发抖、心跳加速、大脑一片空白,音乐家们可以学着用许多多应变策略应对这些问题。教师和心理学家给出了许多建议,从基础的做法,










20、震引发的海啸吞噬了亚历山大市和尼罗河三角洲,造成工上千万人死亡。Image Martian Dust ParticlesNASAs Phoenix Mars Landerhas taken its first-ever picture of a single particle of rusty Martian dust with one of its microscopes. The dust particles of dust was shown at a higher magnification than anything outside of Earth that has been im

21、aged before. The rounded particle measured only about one micrometer, or one millionth of a meter, across. “Taking this image requiried the highest resolution microscope operated off Earthand a specially designed device to hold the Martian dust,” said Tom Pike, a Phoenix science team member from Imp

22、erial College London. “We always knew it was going to be technically very challenging to image particles this small.” The device that imaged the dust speck is called an atomic force microscope, which maps the shape of particles in three dimensions by scanning them with a sharp tip at the end of a sp

23、ring. The atomic force microscope can detail the shapes of particles as small as about 100 nanometers. And this wont be the last dust particle that Phoenix will image. “After this first success, were now working on building up a portrait galleryof the dust on Mars,” Pike said. Dust exists everywhere

24、 on Mars, coating the surface and giving it its rusty red color. Dust particles also color the Martian sky pink and feed storms that regularly envelope the planet. The ultra-finedust is the medium that actively links gases in the Martian atmosphere to processes in Martian soil, so it is critically i

25、mportant to understanding Mars environment, the researchers said. The $420-million Phoenix mission is analyzing the dust and subsurface ice layers of Mars arctic regions to look for signs of potential past habitability. The particle seen in the atomic force microscope image was part of a sample scoo

26、ped by the robotic arm from the “Snow White” trench and delivered to Phoenixs microscope station in early July.探视火星尘粒 美国国家航空航天局的凤凰号火星登陆器通过其携带的望远镜观测到了迄今为止第一幅火星微粒的照片。这次微粒的图像比以往任何拍摄地球以外的物质使用的放大率都要高。据测成原形的微粒直径只有一微米,也就是百万分之一米。 “此次观测需要清晰度最高的望远镜,同时要专门设计能够握持火星尘粒的设备。”Pike说道,他是伦敦帝国学院凤凰号科学小组的成员之一。“我们过去一直认为观察体积

27、如此小的微粒是具有很髙的挑战性的。” 这次用于观测微粒的设备叫作原子力望远镜,它能够通过位于弹簧末端的尖端来扫描这些微粒并在三维空间中绘制下它们的形状。这种望远镜能够以小到100纳米来呈现出这些微粒。而且这不会是凤凰号扫描的最后的尘粒,科学家将会收集更多的火星微粒进行扫描。“这次成功以后,我们正在努力创建一座火星尘粒图像陈列馆。” Pike说道。 火星上到处都存在着尘粒,这些尘粒覆盖着火星表面,使其呈现出锈迹斑斑的红色。这些尘粒把火星的天空染成了粉色,而且经常会引起覆盖行星的尘暴。而超小的尘粒又是连接大气层中的空气与火星中的土壤的媒介物,所以研究者称火星尘粒对于了解火星环境是极端重要的。 这次




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