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1、UNIT 1 COLOURS AND PLACESe.g. it is red in the evening.2.ask questionse.g.s: there are four. it is spring. i like .通过师生之间的交流,很自然的引出教学内容。(same tree at the different time)s: its a tree.利用学生熟知的内容,引导学生学习。learn: afternoon, evening培养学生的思维能力,让学生学会思考。3. do an experiment for the students:listen to the tape a

2、nd read after do it self.让学生动手操作,在做的过程中学习。assignment1. listen to the tape and read the text for several times.书设计look and readafternoon eveningin spring in the afternoon教学反思 developing aimss2: i am .they are read the phrases.s listen to the the text individual.问答的方式,引入学习的内容。对课文中关键词组的

3、学习,放手让学生自己学习。3.learn the sounds.-st /st/ listen to the tape.repeat.从课堂到生活中,让学生学会灵活运用所学内容。assignmentlisten to the tape and read the text for several times.板书设计look and read.sail his boat教学随笔developing aimss2: its on /in /under 复习旧知,为新授做铺垫。on, above4. ask: is the temple on the mountain? 利用图片的不同位置,区分on

4、, above的不同。at the top of, on listen and repeat.assignmentlisten to the tape and read the text for the several times.板书设计look and readat the top of under教学反思aims2.t asks questions.3.ask s listen.让学生整体感知故事。师生问答,引出新授内容。让学生发挥想象,扩充语言材料,提高口语表达能力。s: the bird the dog s: the bird the dog s: the bird 发挥学生的想象,

5、让学生自由的说。通过学生之间的讨论,培养学生的探究能力。让学生主动去发现问题、研究问题、探寻知识,培养学生的思维能力。激发学生的创新思维,寻求不同的结尾。ss say sth. about the story.加强学生的听说读写能力。用自己的语言编故事,增加语言输入,调动学生的积极性,提高口语表达能力。板书设计module 3 unit 1read a storyat the top offall教学反思module 3 unit 2 listen!the first period using the impersonal it to express time pre-task prepara

6、tionlearn the song itshalf past a quarter past past.guess:first listen to the tape .sing after the tape.listen and repeat. learn time.half past threea quarter past fourfirst listen to tape students listen and repeat it. grammar book page 33运用谜语形式容易激发学生的兴趣。指着钟请学生回答,形象易懂。培养学生的语言运用能力。 using the imperso

7、nal it to express time pre-task preparationhalf past a quarter past past.(five past one )invite pairs to say dialogue.get uphave breakfastgo home go to bed.itslearn:get uphave breakfastgo home go to bed.i have breakfast at half past six.look at your book and listen to the tape.then repeat it. invite

8、 pairs to read it.i get up at grammar book page 34 and 35通过复习,巩固时间的表达。分散难点教学。培养学生认真听说的好习惯。让学生运用所学知识进行会话。 the third period using nouns to identify events能听懂几种声音的表达法。pre-task preparationrevisionlearn the sound /th/moth bathtyphoonthunder/th/moth bathlisten to the tape a rhyme about a typhoon learn: ty

9、phoonlearn: thunderthe moth is in the bath.请学生模仿一下台风,雨的声音。培养学生的节奏感。 the fourth period能说出雨声.海浪声雷声汽车声鸟声猫声pre-task preparationassignment imitate the different noises.rain-pitter-pattrees-rustle-rustlehonksay a rhymedaily talk rain-pitter-pattrees -rustle-rustle 让学生通过动作、声音学习小诗。发挥学生的想象力和创造力。 sing a song.

10、利用儿歌歌曲活跃课堂氛围。pre-task preparationask questions.通过师生间的问答,建立良好的关系。复习季节,引入新授。1) ask s say sth. about spring.2. summer1)ask s listen and ask.s: its .s: its .让学生对春天的描述进而了解春天的天气。从听动物的声音让学生感知夏天。利用学生感兴趣的话题,增加语言的输入量。3.autumnno pain, no gain.s: i like 鼓励学生开发脑筋,发挥想象,有利于发散性思维的培养。适时的情感教育让学生懂得不劳而获的道理t: spring is

11、the best season.summer is the hottest season.autumn is the harvest season.s1s2用各种不同的方法激发学生的兴趣。锻炼学生听说能力,加强学生口头交际能力。1.guessing game3.t makes an listen.创设真实的生活场景,让学生扮演角色,使语言技能在有意义的场景中运用。板书设计module 3 things around ususing nouns to refer to seasons.developing aims2.ask questions.复习已经学习的知识,为更好地

12、学习新知识作准备,同时锻炼和提高听说能力3. ask questions.has she got a brother?5. ask s questions通过问答,帮助学生理解其中的内容ask s listen to the tape.fill in the blanks.listen and a survey.记录一周天气情况,将所学知识运用于实际生活season month of the yearsummerautumn教学反思using the simple present tense to express simple truth. e.g. it is summe

13、r.developing aims2.ask questions.sunday, monday, saturdaye.g. i like it has got .say a s.there are four.i like in spring, i like it has got 营造学习气氛以问答的形式提供学生听说的机会,了解学生对月份、星期的掌握情况铺垫3.ask questions.they are .依次出示故事中的图片,让学生自由表述,然后以问答形式帮助进一步理解listen and the story together.通过听录音、跟读加深对

14、故事的理解learn the sound.演绎故事,训练学生表达和表演的能力assignmentlisten to the tape and read the story for several times.板书设计read a storye.g. very good, kitty.developing aims2.ask questions.there are four.they are i like its 营造快乐的学习氛围检查本单元重点内容的掌握情况3.divide four groups ask questions.e.g. do you like ?s listen and rep

15、eat.从多个的角度与学生交流一年四季的有关信息听录音,了解本课对话的内容1.ask s listen to the tape.s: i like spring. its the first season of a year. assignmentlisten to the tape and read the text for several times.板书设计four seasons教学反思 module 3 revisiondeveloping aims2.ask questions.they are .活跃课堂气氛。问答的方式,加强师生之间的交流。listen and say.look

16、 and say.ask s questions.ask s to say about it.e.g. the triangle is _.s2: i have got .listen to the tape.yes, /no, the game.通过问答,让学生巩固所学知识。不同的形式复习巩固。在轻松的游戏中复习介词的用法。板书设计revision教学反思module 3 revision developing aimssay rhymes.创设环境,让学生轻松活跃。revision1.numbers2) ask s say the numbers 2150 one by on

17、e.4) ask questions.a. months4) ask s say out the month.ask some questions in pairs.its .say out the month.猜的游戏,复习数字。在自由的交谈中回忆学过的内容。ask questions.its sunny.s: its .板书设计revision21 - 50教学反思 module 3 revisiondeveloping aimspre-task preparation1.ask questions.retell the story of p9, p16, p22, p42.a. 直接加ingb. 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节,双写再加ing,1)say the rules.2.some phrasesrunningreadingmake some phrases.现在进行时的巩固和学习。让学生自己学会总结和整理知识。2) translate the phrases in english.ask questions.2)guess: e.g. the birds, fly主+ be+ 现在分词+其他is he/she?the birds are flying.游戏的形式让学生更好的记住所学的内容。

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