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1、七年级英语下册Unit3Howdoyougettoschool第2课时SectionA1a2e教案人教新目标版Unit 3 How do you get to school? Section A (1a-2e)1语言功能: (Master different kinds of transportation and talk about how to get to places.(掌握各种交通工具并能够自由谈论出行方式。)2词汇与常用表达: 1.能正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words): train, bus, bike, subway, ride, kilometer, minu

2、te, eighty, ninety, hundred, new. 2.能正确使用下列常用表达(Useful expressions): get to school, take the subwaybustrain, ride amy bike, walk to school (get to school on foot), by bikebustrainsubway, every day. 3.能运用下列句型询问出行方式,所花费时间和两地之间的距离(How questions): A: How do you get to school? B: I ride my bike. A: How f

3、ar is it from your home to school? B: Its only two kilometers. A: How long does it take you to get to school? B: It takes about 15 minutes.3学习策略:1.Guide the students to master the speaking skills and communicative competence. (引导学生提高听力技巧,记录听力对话中的信息,根据词块记忆词汇。)2.利用多媒体感受语言,通过听和看图来描述人物的出行方式。四文化知识:了解因地域文

4、化差别所造成的出行方式的差异,并教育学生注意交通安全,加深对交通知识的了解。(设计意图:从目标引领,从知识和能力,听力技巧和情感习惯教育三方面来呈现本节课的学习目标。) Step1. Preview:Can you write down the following phrases?1. 到校_ 2.乘火车_3.乘公共汽车_ 4.乘地铁_5.骑自行车_ 6.一百零五_7.两百_ 8.多久_9.多远_ 10.你的新自行车_ 11.玩得开心_ 12.每天_13.你是怎样到校的?_ (通过预先检测,可以帮助他们巩固新学习的关于交通工具的词汇和含有how do / does 的句型。教师可以更有针对性地

5、教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)Step2. Warming-up and lead in:Task 1. Play a game.T: Hello,boys and girls.Lets play a game“listen and guess”,which transportation is it? (设计意图:通过听声音,让学生猜有哪些交通工具,能吸引学生的注意力,并很好的激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情。)Task2.T:I usually drive my car to school , but sometimes I take a bus.What about you ?Lets tal

6、k about your ways to school. Let some Ss stand up and say how they get to school.walk drive the car Task 3Look at the picture on page 13, write down how the students get to school in the morning. Match the words with the pictures.Step3. While- listening activities:Task 1Listening for the general ide

7、a of 1b:Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The general idea of the conversation is about _.A. Where they liveB. How they get to school.C. The distance (距离) from their homes to school Task 2 Listening for the specific ideas of 1b: 1b1.Listen and write the numbers next to the correct

8、students in the picture above.Task3. Listen and fill in the chart. (设计意图:本环节的内容虽然简单,却是引导学生学习、理解并掌握本课时最基础的功能语言的关键环节。)Step4. Post-listening Activities:Look at the picture in 1a.How do the students get to school? Make conversations with your partner.A: How does Mary get to school? B: She takes the subw

9、ay.(设计意图:本环节开始就所学内容展开初步的模仿式交流,并运用了第三人称单数的形式,让学生近一步理解和熟悉所学的新语言。)Step5. Presentation: Task1. Review and learn the numbers. (设计意图:通过趣味竞赛“比比反应能力”来学习数字的表达,为回答距离和时间作下铺垫,降低听力难度。)Task2. Show the key languages.(设计意图:运用PPT及示意图引导学生学习新的目标语言。形象直观,便于学生掌握。)Step6. Listening: Task1. Listening for the general idea of

10、 2a:The general idea of this part is about _A. some numbers.B. some ways to get to school.C. some places.Task2. Listen for the specific ideas.1.Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word. 2. Listen and complete the chart.How?How long? (minutes)How far?(kilometers)Tom Jane 3.Li

11、sten again and check the answers to 2c ,then the students go over the tape script and discuss any points they dont understand in pairs or in groups. (设计意图:熟悉句型之后,从听大意过渡到听细节,在充分训练的基础上,降低难度,能够增强学生的听力信心,能够加深学生对句型的理解和掌握。)Step7. Post-listening activities:Task1. Pair workThe students make conversations in

12、 pairs, using the information in 2b.One is Jane, the other is Tom. Then ask some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class. (设计意图:本环节为学生提供了真实的语言环境,让学生用英语处理生活中的实际问题。)Task2. Role-play:1. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.Q1. Who has a new bike? Q2. How does Lisa

13、get to school? Q3. How far is it from Lisas home to school?Q4. How long does it take Jane to go to school?Ss read the dialogue and underline the answers. Check their answers with their partners. 2.Read the conversation again and fill in the blanks.3. Read again and fill in the blanks.Lisa: Hey, Jane

14、. Is this your new _?Jane: Yes. I _it to school every day. How do you get to school?Lisa: I usually _.Jane: _ is it from your home to school?Lisa: Im not sure about 10 kilometers? The _ takes about 20 minutes. _ does it take you to get to school?Jane: About 15 minutes _ bike. Its good exercise.Lisa:

15、 Yeah. Well, _ at school.Jane: You, too.4. Ss read the dialogue again in pairs .Find out the points they dont understand. After students discussing , the teacher emphasizes some of them.【自主领悟】(1).take在此处作“花费”讲, 常用于下面句式结构: It takes+ + +to do sth. “做某事花费某人多长时间”。其中it为形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。eg: It takes

16、 me two hours to read my English everymorning.(2). 【用法辨析】how far/how long/how many/how much的区别5. Let Ss practice the conversation to the class. Then Ask some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. 6.Work in groups and make a survey. (设计意图:通过先听整体感知,回答问题。细节阅读完成表格,通过实际调查,进行小组活动,让学生们对自

17、己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,训练学生综合运用本节课所学的目标语言,并在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。)Step8. Inquiry into knowledge by translation:I- How do you get to school ? _ -I ride my bike. _1.特殊疑问词How表示“_” 2.get to表示“_”。相当于_ . 注意:get to + 名词,必须有“to”,因为“get”是_动词,如get to Beijing。 另外:get to后如果跟“there , here , home”这三个_时,不加“to”。get there/

18、here/home 到达那里/这里/家。arrive也表示到达,后面要加介词或.如:He arrived in London at 3 p.m. 他下午三点到达伦敦。此外:(同“get to”一样,后跟副词“there , here , home”时介词“in”或“at”不出现。)3. take /ride/ + the/a +交通工具=_ +交通工具,用来表示“乘/骑.”.如:我通常骑自行车上班。I usually ride a bike to work.=I usually go to work _ _.II. How far is it from your home to school?

19、 _? 1.本句中it指代的是_. far 意为_,用于询问两地间的距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。如: 从你家到图书馆有多远?_ _ is it _your home _ the library?III. How long does it take you to get to school ? long 意为_,用来询问某个动作所持续的时间。2.“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”是固定用法,意为“_”.it 是形式主语,不定式_是真正的主语。如果对时间宾语提问,要用_引导的特殊疑问句。(1)我的爸爸每天早晨锻炼半个小时。 It _

20、my father half an hour _ _ every morning.(2)It takes me about 15 minutes to get to the school.(对划线部分提问) _ _does it _ you _get to school?(设计意图:帮助学生观察英语句子,归纳总结语言规律.形成自己的解题思路.教师只在学生有疑惑的地方解答.让学生真正成为课堂的主人.)Step9. Summary : What do you get from this lesson?1. How do/does + 某人 + get to 某地? 某人怎么去某地? how是疑问副

21、词, 本句中用来提问出行方式。2. 回答方式有两种: A: 某人 + take(s) + the 交通工具+ to 某地。B: 某人 + get(s) to 某地 + by交通工具3. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为:某事花费某人.时间.4. 如果对时间段提问的话,就用 How long + does it take sb. to do sth.5. 对两地间的距离提问下列句型:How far+ is it from某地 to某地?(设计意图:再现本课的教学重点,让学生谈一下自己的收获 以便获取成功的喜悦。)Teacher s words :Pleas

22、e care for life and cherish your time at school.请关爱生命,珍惜在学校的时光。Step10. The end-of class test:必做题:一、根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.I usually (骑)my bike to go shopping. 2.Is there a (地铁)station near here. 3.It is about 100 (千米)from this city to South Korea.4. How (远的)is it from your home to the station?5.It is five

23、 m (五分钟的)walk from here to my school. 二、单句改错。1.He ride the train to work on weekdays. A B C 2.Sallys father by a car to work. A B C 3.They go to the farm by their bikes. A B C 4.His friend usually go to Shanghai by plane. A B C5. Some of us go to school on feet. A B C 选做题:(Have a interview with your

24、 classmates)If you are a reporter, ask your classmates “How do they get to Tianjin from Beijing?” A model: A reporter: Hi, may I ask you some questions? S1: Sure. A reporter: How do you get to Tianjin form Beijing? S1:I A reporter: How far is it from Beijin to Tianjin? S1:ItsA reporter:How long does

25、 it take? S1: Its about(设计意图:当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,题型新颖,紧扣重点,多角度训练学生。这样既能使学生巩固所学知识,又能让老师了解到学生本堂课真实的学习情况,并对错误较多的知识点进行巩固强化。设置必做题与选做题,可以更好的进行分层教学,让一些有余力的同学能够拔高一些,更上一层。)Homework: You must: Master the words and phrases of this class , recite 2e. If you can:Interviw some friends about:How does she get t

26、o school/work?How long does it take? How far is it fromto? namehowhow longhow farJackbus40 minutes3 kilometersLindabike15 minutes1 kilometerI(设计意图:利用已学的知识,深入学生的实际情况,通过分层布置作业,进一步巩固所学内容,同时为写作也奠定了基础。)教后小结:本单元的话题是“谈论如何去某地”,与学生的实际生活密切相关,利用多媒体,环环相扣地输入和输出所学的目标语言,在完成听说的活动任务的基础上,综合评价学生,达到预期的教学效果。本节课的亮点:1.本课的


28、组竞争中充分让学生积极的展示自己。英语教学的目的不仅要培养学生良好的语言能力,而且要求学生掌握英语语言所体现的文化内涵,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。Answers:(Preview)1. get to school 2.take the train 3.take the bus 4.take the subway 5.ride a bike hundred and five 7. two hundred long far10. your new bike 11.have a good day 12.every day13. How do you get to school? Answers:Step3 (while-listening activities)Task1.B Task3 NameMeans of transportationsBobtakes the trainMarytakes the subwayJohntakes the busPaulwalksYang LanwalksJimrides his bike Step6. Task1 ATask2:Answers:(Inquiry into knowledge by translation)I.你是怎样到校的? 我骑我的自行车.

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