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1、NBA地道原句翻译West indicates hed like to stay with Pacers.韦斯特表示他愿意留在步行者队。LeBron seeks Finals revenge against Spurs。勒布朗要在对阵马刺的总决赛舞台上寻求复仇。Classic photos of tony Parker. 帕克的经典照片。Sometimes in life, you have to go to the great challengeskobes motto when he was in highschool. 生命的某些时候,你必须去迎接伟大的挑战 科比高中时期的座右铭。Spu

2、rs Leonard is ready to accept the challenge of LeBron.马刺球员莱昂纳德已经准备好迎接防守詹姆斯的挑战。No surprise,Heat survived,get to the finals. 没有意外,热火队生存下来,挺近总决赛 。Life would be perfect if every moment is just like the first glimpse.人生若只如初见。Dwyane Wade wants bigger role!韦德希望更多地参与到球队的进攻防守当中!Diamond cuts for diamond. 针锋相对

3、斗气场。Most relentless defense.最残酷无情的防守。The ghost on the court,no one can predict whats CP3 next move. 球场幽灵,没人能预测CP3下一步要做什么。Refuse the elimination.拒绝淘汰。Mackees five most awkward moment of the season. 麦基赛季五大最囧时刻。Heats Andersen accepts ban, wont change style. 鸟人安德森接受禁赛,但表示不会改变打球风格。Jalen Rose explains why

4、 they didnt double-team kobe.杰伦.罗斯解释他们当时为什么没有包夹科比。Share the happiness of a family union。共享天伦之乐。The man who shoulders all the burden on himself. 千斤重担一肩挑的男人。Melo wants Knicks to add another scorer.甜瓜希望尼克斯增加个得分手。NBA is reviewing the controversial calls from Game 4. NBA正在复查第四场比赛中有争议的判罚。Self-cultivation

5、for Actors. 演员的自我修养。LeBron fouled out as Indiana evened up the series at 2-2,what a dramatic outcome.勒布朗被罚出场,印第安纳将总比分打平,2比2,多么戏剧化的结果。Another Gasol brother swept by the San Antonio Spurs.又一个加索尔兄弟被马刺横扫了。LeBron sees flopping as effective strategy.勒布朗认为假摔是一种有效的策略。Gassol is really disappointed (frustrate

6、d) after losing the game.比赛输了,小加索尔非常失望。Parker propels Spurs back to Finals. 帕克驱动着马刺回到总决赛。Indianas Hibbert shows impact of true center.步行者希伯特展示真正中锋的影响力。Spurs on verge of another NBA Finals.马刺即将再一次打进NBA总决赛。Upgraded version of super adorable. 升级版的萌神。Beating the Heat is one way to get their attention.打败

7、热火才能让他们开始真正注意你。Lakers financial advantage may not be enough for Dwight Howard.多给点钱不见得有足够吸引力把霍华德留在洛杉矶。Trust me,dont ever piss them off. 相信我,千万别惹毛热火。Dinosaur coming. 波龙来袭。Report: Celtics likely will buy out Pierces contract.据报道:凯尔特人有可能买断皮尔斯的合同。Duncan as focused as ever.邓肯比以往任何时候都更专注。If you can only ch

8、oose one word to describe him,what would you choose?monster,beast or destroyer?只用一个词来形容他,你会选哪个?怪物,野兽或者毁灭者?Dwyane Wade and David West both threw elbows last night. Wades was to the head. There should be, and usually is, zero tolerance for that.大卫.韦斯特和韦德昨晚都挥肘了,韦德的肘子是冲头去的。一般来说,对这种行为是零容忍的。James extends

9、a hand, acknowledging the rapid rise of Paul George and the Pacers. 詹姆斯伸出手来,肯定保罗乔治和步行者所取得的快速成长。Your mind can be your worse enemy at times. Change the way youre thinking and your actions will change.一个人的思想有时候是个麻烦的敌人。改变思考的方式,然后行动也将改变。Ignore the gravity,only get 165cm high. 无视地心引力,身高只有1米65。Report: Dunc

10、an delayed the divorce until after the end of Spurs season.oh,no,wont believe love again.据报道,邓肯延迟离婚直到马刺赛季结束之后。oh,不,再也不相信爱情了。After a Game 2 win, the Pacers confidence is sky-high. And that could spell trouble for the defending champs.赢下第二场后,步行者的信心爆棚,这将给卫冕冠军带来麻烦。Vogel on Miami defense: They had a more

11、 intelligent plan against Roy Hibbert than New York did and weve got to adjust to it.Vogel 评价热火的防守:热火在对付希伯特方面比尼克斯有更多聪明的策略,我们必须去适应。Mike DAntoni passes on Team USA assistant position, report says.据报道,麦克.安东尼不再出任美国队助理教练。Pacers Hibbert accuses Battier of this dirty play.步行者希伯特指责巴蒂尔这次肮脏的进攻。I received the

12、birthday wishes from my fans via HUPU today. Thank you my lovely fans, it is very touching. Hope I will have the championship ring when I see you guys in HUPUs tournament.我通过虎扑收到你们的祝福,真的很感动,希望下次在虎扑联赛见到你们能带来冠军戒指。LeBron James was a unanimous pick for the All-NBA team, and Kobe Bryant earned his record

13、-tying 11th first-team selection.詹姆斯全票入选第一阵容,科比第十一次入选第一阵容,平历史记录。Pauls performance today reminds me of Kobe.保罗.乔治今天的表现有点科比的影子。103-102,LeBron rescues Heat with OT winner layup.詹姆斯加时赛绝杀上篮,拯救球队。winner layup 绝杀上篮,致胜上篮Expedition,full of miracle.体验,世界充满奇迹。Knicks is uncertain about Stoudemires role next sea

14、son and there is no guarantee of a starting job for him.尼克斯对于斯塔德迈尔下个赛季在球队的定位不确定,而且不能保证他的先发位置If you ever go out playing basketball with girls,man,we get the responsibility to help them warm up first in case of anyone getting hurt.如果和女生们一块打球,为了避免受伤,男同胞们!咱有责任帮女同胞们先热热身啊!Clippers wont offer Del Negro new

15、 deal as coach.快船将不会给主教练提供新的合同。Become more firm as one grows old,lets show respect for the old man,TD! 老而弥坚,向老男孩致敬。蒂姆.邓肯!Phil Jackson is skeptical about that Dwight Howard has enough reason to return to Lakers.菲尔杰克逊怀疑霍华德有足够的理由回归湖人。They said this is one of kobe most beautiful double pump(bars layup)

16、in his career.据说这是科比职业生涯中最销魂的拉杆之一.。bars layup 也是拉杆的意思Mourning: Pippen said LeBron would have kicked Jordans butt.莫宁:皮蓬觉得詹姆斯能搞得过乔丹。 kick someones butt 打败,教训一顿Thousands of times as LA has hurt me, i still love it as i loved for the first time. 湖人伤我千百遍,我待湖人如初恋。Kobe responded to rumors about retirement:

17、 really?Me. Retire? Soon, but not yet! 科比回应关于退役的传闻:什么?我要退役了?快了,但还不到时候!J.R. Smith wants to retire as a Knick. JR.史密斯希望留在尼克斯直到退役。Paul led the NBA in steals per game (2.4) for the fifth time in six years.每场比赛2.4个抢断,保罗六年内五获抢断王。Lakers paid $129.5 million in salary, luxury taxes for early exit.工资加上奢侈税,湖人付

18、了1亿2900万美元只是为了早点去钓鱼。Parker continues to drive Spurs toward title.帕克继续驱动着马刺队往冠军的方向前进。Hes just really matured to the point he takes things personally if were not playing well, Popovich said about Paker.波波维奇谈到帕克:他已经成熟到一个阶段,当球队没打好时,他会自己扛起球队。Maloofs reach agreement to sell the Sacramento Kings to local o

19、wnership group.马鲁夫兄弟和本地财团就出售国王队达成协议。Hanging by a thread: Knicks face elimination.命悬一线,尼克斯年龄被淘汰。Which team has the best chance to win a series from the Heat? Indiana Pacers?Memphis Grizzlies? San Antonio Spurs?哪只球队最有希望打赢热火队?步行者,灰熊,还是马刺?The wests clash Of titans.西部巨人之间的碰撞。West finals: Its gonna get ug

20、ly.西部决赛:这将会是一场丑陋的对决。Spurs KO Warriors, head to West finals.马刺击败勇士,进入西部决赛。KO. knock out的缩写,意思是击倒,淘汰The best duo in the NBA. NBA最强二人组。Nash expected to retire after current contract expires.目前合同结束后,纳什可能选择退役。NBA rejects Kings proposal to relocate to Seattle.NBA否决国王搬迁去西雅图的提案。Jackson compares Kobe with M.

21、J in his new book.菲尔.杰克逊在他的新书里把科比和乔丹做了比较。Wade ignores pain when Heat need him most.当球队最需要他的时候,韦德不顾伤痛,全力以赴。Grizz D contains Durant.灰熊的防守限制了杜兰特。Ddefence的简化Wade saves the day as Heat advance.韦德拯救球队,热火晋级。saves the day 反败为胜,转危为安,化险为夷 Thunder at risk of elimination.雷霆面临被淘汰的危险。J.R. Smith: I take the blame

22、for this whole series. JR.史密斯:这个系列赛都怪我,没打好。109-91,Spurs took crucial game 5. 109比91,马刺拿下关键的第五场比赛(天王山之战)。Blazers point guard Lillard is the only unanimous selection for the 2012-13 NBA All-Rookie first team.开拓者控球后卫利拉德是12-13赛季新秀第一阵容中唯一的全票入选者.Should the knicks play less ISO,and play more rotation?尼克斯是不

23、是该少点拉开单打,多点整体运转配合?ISO isolation缩写,篮球场场上指拉开空间,一对一。Rotation,篮球场上指整体球队运转,传切。Wade gets knee treatment, may miss Game 5.韦德膝盖进行治疗,可能缺席第五场比赛。Cuban wants fans to provide their ideas for the teams new uniforms.库班希望球迷为球队的新球服设计献言献策。The Bucks are seriously considering hiring Hall of Famer Jerry Sloan as their n

24、ext coach.雄鹿队认真考虑聘请名人堂教练杰里.斯隆作为他们的下一任主教练。Allen, James lead NBA All-Defensive team.托尼.阿伦和詹姆斯领衔NBA最佳防守阵容。Heat is feeling more comfortable in how to attack Bulls.热火感觉更加适应如何进攻公牛。J.R. Smith, Kenyon Martin missed Knicks practice due to illness.JR史密斯和肯扬.马丁因生病没参加球队训练。Warriors Dominate In OT To Even Series.勇

25、士统治加时赛,将系列赛比分打平。Bulls Thibodeau fined $35K for criticizing referees.公牛锡伯杜因批评裁判被罚3万5千美元。Indiana is a legit contender now that its former All-Stars Roy Hibbert confidence is restored.随着前全明星球员希伯特重拾信心,印第安纳步行者现在是一支有竞争力的球队。Pacers protect home court, beat Knicks 82-71.步行者保护主场,82比71击败尼克斯。Thunder getting des

26、perate to provide Durant help.雷霆急切需要给杜兰特提供援助。Small figure, great taste. Robinson Denies James.小身材,大味道。罗宾逊大冒詹姆斯。deny ,篮球场上指盖冒。Knicks eager to get Stoudemire back vs. Pacers. 尼克斯迫切希望斯塔达迈尔在下一场对阵步行者的比赛中复出。Cleveland Cavaliers Rumors: LeBron James Return Still Possible. 克利夫兰骑士队传闻:詹姆斯仍可能回到骑士队。Bulls Mohamme

27、d ejected for shoving LeBron. 公牛队穆罕穆德因为推詹姆斯被驱逐出场。LeBron: Heat must adjust to the physical series。 勒布朗:热火必须要调整以适应这个充满身体对抗的系列赛。Is Warriors run sustainable?勇士的状态能够持续吗?LBJ:They came in and took our home court its our turn to go to Chicago and get it back.勒布朗:他们夺走我们的主场优势,现在轮到我们去芝加哥把它夺回来。Kob

28、e: Mom wasnt permitted to sell mementos. 科比:母亲出售纪念品没征得我的许可。Who get the best hesitation move in the NBA? 谁是现今NBA突破节奏掌控最好的人?hesitation move 在篮球场上指的是运球急起急停、节奏变化Kobe tweets about recovery: Foot on the ground! 科比推特发布伤势恢复情况:能站起来了。Lakers Gasol will have procedure on knees. 湖人加索尔将进行膝盖手术。LeBron may guard 5-9

29、 Nate.Robinson in Game 2. 勒布朗第二场可能防守五尺九高的内特.罗宾逊。Michael Beasley is under investigation for sexual assault.迈克尔.比斯利因性侵接受调查。Anthony drives baseline past David West and finishes at the rim with two-handed dunk.安东尼底线突破过掉韦斯特,双手暴扣。Drive,篮球赛场上意指突破。LeBron James said the Miami Heat need to focus more on an at

30、titude adjustment than any strategic adjustment .詹姆斯表示,相比战略调整,热火队应把注意力更多放在态度的转变上。Fisher is the Thunders playoff secret weapon.小鱼是雷霆这次季后赛的秘密武器。The star of the playoffs second round by far,the crazy potato Rate Robinson and the spur adorable Curry.到目前为止季后赛第二轮的当红炸子鸡,疯狂土豆内特.罗宾逊和萌神库里。Score 22 point in on

31、e quarter,Curry is really in the zone!单节砍下22分,库里已经完全进入状态!in the zone 来状态了,找到节奏了,有感觉了Milwaukee plans to interview McMillan, Sampson. 密尔沃基雄鹿队计划面试麦克米兰和桑普森。One game in the books,Bulls steal Game 1, top Heat 93-86.一场经典比赛,公牛偷走第一场胜利,93比86战胜热火。Fourth MVP shows the degree of improvement. 4届MVP体现进步的程度。Lakers

32、need to improve a lot, but their options are limited.湖人的阵容有很多地方需要提高补强,但是他们的选择却是有限的。LeBron collects fourth MVP award.勒布朗获得第四座MVP奖杯。brotherhood兄弟情Durant pulled up and connected on a jumper with 11.1 seconds , lifting the Thunder to a victory over the Grizzlies.比赛还剩11.1秒,杜兰特干拔,跳投命中,帮助雷霆赢下灰熊。pull up干拔 93比91,Thunder knocks off Grizzlies in Game 1. 雷霆击败灰熊,拿下第一场。knock off. 击倒,中断James became the youngest pl

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