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1、新目标英语八年级英语复习610单元 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 1. raise money for 筹钱 2. collect stamps 集邮 3. run out of 用尽 4. by the way 顺便说一下 5. on the way to 在的路上 6. be interested in 对感兴趣 7. more than = over 超过 8. fly kites 放风筝 9. start class 开始上课 10. start a snow globe collectors club开办雪球仪收集者

2、俱乐部 11. the most common (unusual, interesting) hobby 最普通的爱好 12. listen to music videos 听音乐碟片 13. organize a talent show to raise money for charity 为慈善机构捐钱而举办的才艺展示 14. extra English lessons 额外的英语课 15. have problems with the language 语言方面有问题 16. the capital of Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江的省会 17. an inter

3、esting city with a colorful history 一个有着丰富多彩历史文化的有趣的城市 18. three and a half years = three years and a half 三年半 19. a pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans 一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤 How much is a pair of skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans? = How much does a(this) pair of skates/ shoes/ g

4、lasses/ trousers/ jeans cost? How much are the skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans? = How much do the skates/ shoes/ glasses/ trousers/ jeans cost? 本单元目标句型: 1. How long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了? 2. Ive been skating since nine oclock/ since I was four years old. 我从九点一直滑到现在/我从四岁一直滑到现在。 3.

5、Ive been skating for five hours. 我一直滑了五小时 。 4. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 我对中国的历史了解得越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。 5. Was this your first skating marathon? No, I skated in a marathon last year. 6. When did you get your first pair of skates? 7. Alison was the first one t

6、o start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Alison 是第一个开始并且已经滑了整整5个小时。 8. Im talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. 9. For every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. 每滑一个小时,每位学生可为慈善事业筹集10元钱。 10. Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. I

7、n fact I think its probably my favorite. 谢谢你送我的怪物雪球仪。事实上,我想它可能是我的最爱。 11. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them. 妈妈说我必须停止了,因为我们已经没有地方来存放他们了。 12. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my twelfth birthday. 我得到的第一个雪球仪是我十二岁生日得到的生日蛋糕雪球仪。 13. I particul

8、arly love globes with animals. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me. 我特别喜欢动物雪球仪。如果你知道其他人收集他们的话,请告诉我们。 14. By the way, whats your hobby? 15. Im interested in the job as a writer. 16. The school newspaper needs a writer. We will give you different topics to choose from. To get the

9、 job, please answer these four questions. 校报需要一个撰稿人。我们会给你一些不同的话题来选择。要得到这份工作,请回答这样四个问题。 17. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? 你能想起多少中国朝代? 18. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list. 从其他国家历史中,你能记起一些著名人物吗?列个表。 19. In fact, the first Jews probably

10、came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago and were welcomed by the Song Emperor. 事实上,第一批犹太人可能在一千多年前就来到开封而且受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。 20. There is some European influence in the city, and some of the old buildings in the city are in Russian style. 这个城市有欧洲文化的影响,而且哈尔滨的一些老建筑还是俄罗斯风格的。 21. For a foreigner like me, t

11、he more I learn about Chinese culture, the more I enjoed living in China. 对于一个像我一样的外国人来说,我对中国文化了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。 22. And although I live quite far from Beijing, Im certain I will be here for the Olympik Games in 2008. 尽管我住得离北京很远,但我相信2008年奥运会我一定在这儿。 本单元语法讲解 现在完成进行时:表示从过去某时开始到现在这一段时间里一直在延续的动作。 现在完成进行式结构

12、:have / has +been+ doing 1. I have been writing the letter since then.从那时起我一直在写这封信。(动作从过去一直持续到现在还在继续) 2. I have been collecting stamps for ten years. 自从10年前我就收集邮票了(动作从过去一直现在还在收集)。 3. How long have you been living here? 你在这儿已经住了多长时间了。(“居住”动作从过去一直现在还在继续) 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别: 1. 现在完成进行时比现在完成时更强调动作的延续性; 2.

13、 如果没有时间强调,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行,现在完成 时 ,则表示动作已经结束, 3. 现在完成进行时一般不适用于表状态的动词,而现在完成时则可。 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 1. turn down/ turn up 关小声/调大声音(电器) 2. turn on/ turn off 打开/关闭(电器) 3. move the bike 移动自行车 4. in a minute/ right away/ in no time 立刻;马上 5. be late for school/ class = arrive late

14、 for school 上学/上课迟到 6. wait in line = stand in line 排队等候 7. cut in line = jump a queue 插队 8. get mad/ annoyed 变得生气 9. happen to sb. 发生在身上 10. half an hour 半小时 11. at first 首先 12. at last = in the end = finally 最后 13. allow sb. to do / not to do sth. 允许某人做/不做某事 14. be allowed to do / not to do sth. 某

15、人不被允许某人做/不做某事 15. in public 当众地;公开地;公然地 16. in public places 在公共场所 17. break the rule 不遵守规则 18. pick up 捡起 19. put out 熄灭 20. drop litter 扔垃圾 21. keep the voice down 控制声音 22. do the dishes 23. put on another pair of jeans 24. be at a meeting 25. help me in the kitchen 26. make some posters 27. cloth

16、ing store 28. follow around 29. want to be polite 30. stand in the subway door 31. cut in line 32. stand close to 33. have different ideas about 34. feel uncomfortable 35. in all situations 36. in public places 本单元目标句型: 1. Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗? 2. Not at all. Ill do it right away. 一点也不。我马上就扫。 3. Would you mind not playing baseball here. 你介意不要在这打棒球吗? 4. Would you mind giving me a smaller one? 5. Sorry, well go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打。 6. Could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗? 7. Thats no problem. 没问题。 8. Could you (please) not feed the dog? = Would

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