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1、新概念第三册分课答案8Lesson 8 A famous monasteryListening comprehension1 Introduce the storyT: Today well talk about mountain rescue.2 Understand the situationT: What do you think is happening in the picture ?3 Listening objectiveT: Listen to the passage (or read it silently ) and see if youcan answer this qu

2、estion:What are St. Bernard dogs used for?4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for thestudents to finish reading silently5 Answer the questionAfter the reading, ask the question again: What are St.Bernard dogs used for?Train the students not to shout out the answer. Instead, askone student, the

3、n ask the others to agree disagree with a showof hands.Answer: Theyre used to rescue travellers who get intodifficulties in the mountains.6 Intensive readingPlay the tape or read the text again, pausing after everysentence to check the students understandObtain brief explanations to difficulties in

4、the text fromthe students themselves. Only use Chinese it a confirmatorytranslation is necessary.7 Play the tape or read the story again8 Reading aloudAsk one or two students to read the text aloud.Comprehension questions1 Which two countries are connected by the Great St. BernardPass? (Switzerland

5、and Italy. )2 How high is the pass?(2,473 metres.)3 How does it compare in height with other mountain passesin Europe? (Its the highest.)4 Who founded the famous monastery near the Pass? (St.Bernard.)5 When? (In the eleventh century. )6 What have St. Bernard dogs done for hundreds of years?(Saved th

6、e lives of travellers crossing the dangerous pass.)7 Where did these dogs originally come from? (Asia.)8 Why is the Pass less d angerous these days? (Because a tunnelhas been built through the mountains.)9 What do some travellers still try to do?(Attempt to crossthe Pass on foot.)10 Are the dogs sti

7、ll used for rescues? (Yes, they are.)11 Why is the monastery very busy during the summer months?(Because it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Passin cars.)12 Why do the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure inthe summer? (Because there are so many people about.)13 How low does th

8、e temperature fall in winter? (-30.)14 Are there few travellers in winter? (Yes, there are.)15 Why do the monks prefer winter to summer? (Because theyhave more privacy.)16 What about the dogs? (They have more freedom, too.)17 Who are the regular visitors in winter? (Parties of skiersat Christmas and

9、 Easter.)18 How are these skiers received at St. Bernards monastery?(With a warm welcome.)Asking questions: Ask me ifT: Ask me if the Great St. Bernards Pass connects twocountries.S: Does the Great St. Bernards Pass connect two countries?T: Which two countries ?S: Which two countries does the Great

10、St. Bernards Passconnect?1 the Great St. Bernards Pass connects twocountries.(Which two countries)2 it is the highest pass in Europe. (Which)3 the monastery was founded in the eleventh century. (When)4 St. Bernards dogs have saved the lives of travellers forhundreds of years. (How long)5 the dogs we

11、re brought from Asia. (Where)6 the Pass is less dangerous now. (Why)7 the monastery is visited by thousands of people. (When)8 the temperature drops to -30 in winter. ( How low )9 very few people cross the Pass in winter.(Why)10 the monks prefer winter to summer. (Why)Tell us about life at St. Berna

12、rds in summer and winter1 Summer months-monastery very busy- thousands ofpeople-Pass-cars2 So many people about-dogs-special enclosure3 Winter-life-monastery-quite different4 Temperature-30-few people5 Monks prefer winter-more privacy6 Dogs greater freedom, too- wander outside enclosure7 Only regula

13、r visitors-skiers-Christmas, Easter8 Young people-peace of the mountains-receive warmwelcomeTopics for discussion1 Tell us what you know about the life of peoplewho live in the mountains.2 Tell us any story of mountain rescue(or any other kind ofrescue) you know about.3 Dogs make good pets, but how

14、can they servehuman beings usefully?Key to Summary writingPoints1 St. Bernards Pass- visited- thousands ofpeople-summer2 People cross Pass in cars3 Dogs-special enclosure-so many people about4 Temperature in winter -305 Few visitors6 Monks prefer winter season7 Dogs free to wander- outside enclosure

15、8 Young skiers regularly visit monastery in winter9 Christmas and Easter10 Warmly welcomedSummaryThe St. Bernards Pass is visited by thousands of people insummer, who cross the Pass in cars. Because there are so manypeople about, the dogs are kept in a special enclosure. As thetemperature in winter

16、falls to -30, there are few visitors, sothe monks prefer this season. The dogs are also free to wanderoutside their enclosure. Parties of young skiers regularly visitthe monastery in winter, during Christmas and Easter when they arewarmly welcomed.(80 words )Key to VocabularyA possible answerfamous(

17、1.2) wellknownfounded(1.3) establishedlies(1.4) isnow that(1.7) since, becauserashly attempt(11.910) unthinkingly tryquite(1.13) entirelydrops(1.13) fallsKey to CompositionA possible answerRescueOne very cold morning, a monk took two St. Bernards dogsout for exercise. He immediately noticed that the

18、 dogs were veryrestless. Suspecting a traveller might be in difficulty, the monkreturned to the monastery to organize a search party.The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of themonks pulled a sledge behind them, in case they needed it.There had been very high winds the previous night, bu

19、t noweverything was still and visibility was bad because there wasa heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had fallen to -20.The dogsled the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got near, theyheard cries in the distance. The dogs soon found a man who wastrapped under the snow and immediately dragge

20、d him out. The manwas alive, but frozen stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledgeand took him back to the monastery.The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warmatmosphere of the monastery where he was given plenty of hotdrinks and food. When the traveller was able to speak, the monks

21、listened with interest as he told them what had happened theprevious night. (200 words)Key to Letter writingA possible answer(body of letter only)I hear youll be taking a holiday in the Alps, whichIm sure youll enjoy!I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high inthe mountains not far fr

22、om Zermatt. The hotel has fine viewsacross the valley and I warmly recommend it. Youll lovethe healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort atmoderate prices. Im going there again this year.I look forward to hearing all about your holiday whenyou get back. (79 words)Key structures: verb forms: revie

23、wRemember, the simple present tells us about actions thatusually or always happen; the simple past tells us aboutcompletdd actions in the past; the past perfect describes theearlier of two actions in the past: 1KS83I always get up late on Sundays.(simple present)I got up very late last Sunday. (simp

24、le past)When the doctor arrived, the patient had already died. (pastperfect)Key to KS Exercisespossible answersA See text.B 1 I first met Harry fourteen years ago.2 I once stayed in Zurich for six months when I was a student.3 When I got home, I found an urgent message on my answeringmachine.4 I hav

25、ent seen Harry since 1988.Special difficulties: ever for emphasisWe can addever for emphasis to:-conjunctions when joining sentences: Do what you like. Do whatever you like.(more emphatic)-questionwords: How did you manage to miss the train?However did you manage to miss the train?Key to SD Exercise

26、s1 what ever 2 When ever 3 WhoeverRepetition drillThe present perfect, continuous and simpleChorus, group or individual repetitionTo elicit contrasting statements involving the use of thepresent perfect, continuous and simple.T: Drill 8. Listen. Do not speak.(1) T: Is he still working?S: Yes, hes be

27、en working all afternoon and he still hasntfinished.(2) T: Are you still doing your homework?S: Yes, Ive been doing my homework all afternoon and I stillhavent finished .(3) T: Are they still playing tennis?S: Yes,theyve been playing tennis all afternoon and theystill havent finished.T: Now you ask

28、questions in the same way. Ready?1 As in(1)above.2 As in(2) above.3 As in(3) above.4 T: Are you still writing letters?S: Yes, Ive been writing letters all afternoon and Istill havent finished.5 T: Are they still arguing?S: Yes, theyve been arguing all afternoon and they stillhavent finished.6 T: Is

29、she still doing the housework ?S: Yes, shes been doing the housework all afternoon and shestill hasnt finished.7 T: Are they still cleaning the car?S: Yes, theyve been cleaning the car all afternoon and theystill havent finished.8 T: Are you still cutting the grass?S: Yes, Ive been cutting the grass

30、 all afternoon and I stillhavent finished.9 T: Is she still reading?S: Yes, shes been reading all afternoon and she still hasntfinished.10 T: Are they still talking about politics?S: Yes, theyve been talking about politics all afternoon andthey still havent finished.11 T: Are they still decorating t

31、he room?S: Yes, theyve been decorating the room all afternoon andthey still havent finished.12 T: Are you still painting the fence?S: Yes, Ive been painting the fence all afternoon and I s tillhavent finished.13 T: Are you still practising the piano?S: Yes, Ive been practising the piano all afternoon and I stillhavent finished.14 T: Is she still making cakes?S: Yes, shes been making cakes a

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