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1、NO331 Stress is experienced when an individual feelsthat the - of the environment - thatindividuals resources for handling them.A circumstances. intensifyB details. excludeC demands. exceedD facets. implyE benefits. reveal2 To compensate for the substantial decline inthe availability of fossil fuels

2、 in future years,we will have to provide at least - alternativeenergy source.A an anticipatedB an officialC an equivalentD a derivativeE a redundant3 Students of the Great Crash of 1929 have neverunderstood why even the most informedobservers did not recognize and heed the -economic danger signals t

3、hat in - seem soapparent.A obvious. combinationB early. conclusionC direct. applicationD future. potentialE prior. retrospect4 While admitting that the risks incurred by useof the insecticide were not -, themanufacturers spokesperson argued thateffective - were simply not available.A inconsequential

4、. substitutesB unusual. alternativesC increasing. proceduresD indeterminable. safeguardsE proven. antidotes5 Because time in India is conceived staticallyrather than dynamically, Indian languagesemphasize nouns rather than verbs, since nounsexpress the more - aspects of a thing.A paradoxicalB preval

5、entC temporalD successiveE stable.6 The essence of belief is the establishment of -;different beliefs are distinguishable by thedifferent modes of action to which they giverise.A loveB practiceC trustD commitmentsE allegiances7 The simplicity of the theoryits main attractionis also its - , for only

6、by - the assumptionsof the theory is it possible to explain the mostrecent observations made by researchers.A liability. acceptingB virtue. qualifyingC downfall. consideringD glory. rejectingE undoing. supplementing8 CATCH: FISH:A vineyard: wineB drove: sheepC herd: elkD harvest: grainE gaggle: gees

7、e9 CURATORS: PAINTINGS:A writers: playsB teachers: schoolsC clergy: churchesD librarians: booksE police: neighborhoods10 METEOROLOGY: WEATHER:A astronomy: physicsB gerontology: heredityC pedagogy: textbooksD pathology: diseaseE anthropology: fossils11 PUN: JOKE:A owner: petB termite: insectC child:

8、adultD pint: quartE sand: beach12 PLAIN: AUSTERE:A neutral: indifferentB clean: sterileC alone: gloomyD arid: barrenE fluent: talkative13 PROTOCOL: BLUNDER:A diagnosis: preventionB etiquette: behaviorC bumper: damageD bandage: accidentE audit: verification14 ASTROLABE: NAUTICAL:A colander: culinaryB

9、 compass: mechanicalC formula: chemicalD timbre: musicalE strategy: military15 ALACRITY: APATHETIC:A temerity: timidB tenacity: eagerC candor: bunglingD compliance: deftE despotism: arrogant16 FLOUT: DISREGARD:A taunt: challengeB protest: overruleC revolt: secedeD clamor: argueE harass: badgerAlthou

10、gh pathogenic organismsconstantly alight on the skin, theyfind it a very unfavorable environmentand, in the absence of injury, have (5) great difficulty colonizing it. Thisself-sterilizing capacity of theskin results from the tendency ofall well-developed ecosystems towardhomeostasis, or the mainten

11、ance of the(10) status quo.Species that typically live in soilwater, and elsewhere rarely multiplyon the skin. Undamaged skin is alsounfavorable to most human pathogens.(15) The skin is too acid and too arid forsome species. The constant sheddingof the surface skin layers furtherhinders the establis

12、hment of invaders.The most interesting defense(20) mechanism, however, results from themetabolic activities of the residentflora .Unsaturated fatty acids, animportant component of the lipidsin sebum collected from the skin(25) surface inhibit the growth of severalbacterial and fungal cutaneouspathog

13、ens. These acids are a metabolicproduct of certain gram-positivemembers of the cutaneous community,(30) which break down the more complexlipids in freshly secreted sebum.17 The primary purpose of the passageis toA offer an analysis of metabolic processesB detail the ways in which bacteria andfungi c

14、an be inhibitedC describe mechanisms by which the skinprotects itself against pathogensD analyze the methods whereby biologicalsystems maintain the status quoE provide a specific example of the skinsbasic defense against pathogens18 The resident flora mentioned inlines 21-22 refer toA Unsaturated fa

15、tty acids (line 22)B sebum collected from the skin surface(lines 24-25)C bacterial and fungal cutaneous pathogens(lines 26-27)D certain gram-positive members of thecutaneous community (lines 28-29)E more complex lipids (lines 30-31)19 Among the natural defense of theskin against pathogenic organisms

16、are all of the following EXCEPT theA dryness of the skinB acidity of the skinC tendency of the pathogens towardhomeostasisD shedding of surface layers of theskinE metabolic breakdown of lipids20 The author presents her material inwhich of the following ways?A Stating a problem and then supplyinga so

17、lutionB Presenting a phenomenon and thenanalyzing reasons for itC Providing information and then drawinga conclusion from itD Making a general statement and thenarguing by analogyE Making an inference and then developingit by illustrationMasterpieces are dumb. wroteFlaubert. They have a tranquil asp

18、ectlike the very products of nature, likelarge animals and mountains. He might (5) have been thinking of War and Peace,that vast, silent work, unfathomableand simple, provoking endlessquestions through the majesty of itsbeing. Tolstois simplicity is(10) overpowering, says the criticBayley. disconcer

19、ting because itcomes from his casual assumption thatthe world is as he sees it Like othernineteenth-century Russian writers he(15) is impressive because the meanswhat he says. but he stands apartfrom all others and from most Westernwriters in his identity with life,which is so complete as to make us

20、(20) forget he is an artist. He is thecenter of his work, but hisegocentricity is of a special kind,Goethe, for example, says Bayley,cared for nothing but himself.(25) Tolstoi was nothing but himself.For all his varied modes of writingand the multiplicity of characters inhis fiction, Tolstoi and his

21、 work areof a piece. The famous conversion(30) of his middle years, movinglyrecounted in his Confession, was aculmination of his early spirituallife, not a departure from it. Theapparently fundamental changes that(35) led from epic narrative to dogmaticparable, from a joyous, buoyantattitude toward

22、life to pessimism andcynicism, from War and Peace to TheKreuler Sonata, came from the same(40) restless, impressionable depths of anindependent spirit yearning to get atthe truth of its experience. Truthis my hero, wrote Tolstoi in hisyouth, reporting the fighting in(45) Sebastopol. Truth remained h

23、isherohis own, not others truth.Others were awed by Napoleon,believed that a single man couldchange the destinies of nations,(50) adhered to meaningless rituals,formed their tastes on establishedcannons of art. Tolstoi reversedall preconceptions; and in everyreversal he overthrew the system,(55) the

24、 machine, the externallyordained belief, the conventionalbehavior in favor of unsystematic,impulsive life, of inward motivationand the solutions of independent(60) thought.In his work the artificial and thegenuine are always exhibited indramatic opposition the supposedlygreat Napoleon and the truly

25、great,(65) unregarded little Captain Tushin, orNicholas Rostovs actual experiencein battle and his later account of it.The simple is always pitted againstthe elaborate, knowledge gained from(70) observation against assertions ofborrowed faiths. Tolstois magicalsimplicity is a product of thesetension

26、s his work is a record of thequestions he put to himself and of(75) the answers he found in his search.The greatest characters of his fictionexemplify this search, and theirhappiness depends on the measureof their answers. Tolstoi wanted(80) happiness, but only hard-wonhappiness, that emotional fulf

27、illmentand intellectual clarity which couldcome only as the prize of all-consuming effort. He scorned(85) lesser satisfactions.21 Which of the following bestcharacterizes the authors attitudetoward Tolstoi?A She deprecates the cynicism ofhis later works.B She finds his theatricality artificial.C She

28、 admires his wholehearted sincerity.D She thinks his inconsistency disturbing.E She respects his devotion to orthodoxy.22 Which of the following best paraphrasesFlauberts statement quoted in lines 1-4?A Masterpieces seem ordinary andunremarkable from the perspectiveof a later age.B Great works of ar

29、t do not explainthemselves to us any more thannatural objects do.C Important works of art take theirplace in the pageant of historybecause of their uniquenessD The most important aspects of goodart are the orderliness and tranquilityit reflects.E Masterpieces which are of enduringvalue represent the

30、 forces of nature.23 The author quotes from Bayley (lines 9-25)to show thatA although Tolstoi observes and interpretslife, he maintains no self-consciousdistance from his experienceB the realism of Tolstois work gives theillusion that his novels are reports ofactual eventsC unfortunately, Tolstoi is unaware ofhis own limitations, though he issincere in his attempt to d

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