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1、视听说听力原文lesson113Lesson 1 NapoleonToday, I m going to talk to you about one of the most important historical figures in European history: Napoleon Bonaparte. Let by talking about his early life. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only 10 years old, his father sent him to

2、military school in France. Napoleon was not a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and military science. When he was 16 years old,he joined the French army. In that year 1785,he began the military career that would bring him fame ,power,riches and finally defeat.

3、Napoleon became a general in the French army at the young age of 24. Napoleon had many victories on the battlefield but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804, at the age of 35,he became the first emperor of the France.Napoleon was many things. He was, first of all, a brilli

4、ant military leader. His soldiers were ready to die for him. As a result, N.won many military victories. At one time he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria fought fiercely against him. His defeat “ his end ” came when he decided to attack Russia. In

5、this military campaign against Russia, he lost most of his army.The great French conqueror died alone -deserted by his family and friends in 1821. Napole on was only 51 years old whe n he died.Less on 2 PompeiiThe lecture for this class is about the city of Pompeii. A n atural disaster occurred ther

6、e almost 2000 years ago.Today many rich people who live in large metropolitan areas such asBeiji ng, Paris and New York leave the city in the summer. They go to the mountains or to the seashore to escape the city no ise and heat.2,000 years ago, wealthy Roma ns did the same thin g.They left the city

7、 of Rome in the summer. Many of these wealthy Roma ns spe nt their summers in the city of Pompeii, a beautiful city, located on the Bay of Naples.In the summer of the year 79 C.E., a young Roma n boy who later became a very famous Roman historian was visiting his uncle in P. The boy n ame was Pli ny

8、 the Youn ger. One day Pli ny was look ing up at the sky.He saw a frighte ning sight. It was a very large dark cloud. This black cloud rose high into the sky. What Pliny saw was the eruption of the volca no called Mount Vesuvius.Rock and ash flew through the air. The city of P . was at the foot of M

9、t. V. When the volcano first erupted, manypeople were able to get out of the city and to escape death. In fact, 18,000 people escaped the terrible disaster. Unfortun ately, there was not eno ugh time for every one to escape. More tha n 2,000 people died. These uni ucky people were buried alive under

10、 the volcanic ash.The eruption lasted for about 3 days. When the eruption was over, P . was buried under 20 feet of volca nic rock and ash. The city of P . was forgotte n for almost 1,700 years.In the year of 1748 an Italian farmer was digging on his farm. As he was digg ing, he un covered a part of

11、 a wall of the an cie nt city of P. Soon archaeologists bega n to dig in the area. As time went by, much of the ancient city of P. was uncovered. Today tourists come from all over the world to see the ruins of the famous city of Pompeii.Lesson 4 Roller CoasterLets talk about the physics involved in

12、a ride on a roller coaster. Im sure many of you have take n a ride on a roller coaster. A simple roller coaster con sists of a frame with a track on it. The track is very much like a train track, this track goes over a series of hills and around curves. It follows a path that ends at the same place

13、it started. A train of carstravels around on this track, very fast. The cars have two sets of wheels. One set of wheels rolls on top of the track, and the others set of wheels rolls below the track. The wheels below the track keep the fast moving cars from coming off the track, roller coaster cars a

14、s you probably know dont have any motors or engines. Instead, a chain pulls the cars up the first, tallest and steepy staff hill, this is how the ride begins. Then, at the top of the hill the chain comes off the cars and gravity takes over. gravity pushes the cars down the other side of the hill. th

15、e taller and steeper the first hill is, the faster the ride will be. And the farther the cars will travel. as the cars rolled downhill they gained speed. the cars have enough speed and energy to send them up the next hill. as the cars near the top of the second hill they begin to slow down. but then

16、, the cars reached the top of that hill, and start down the other side. gravity again pushes them toward the ground. this process repeats on each hale. Okay, so lets go over this process again. first, the cars are pulled by a chain up the first highest hill. then they go down a very steep slope, at

17、this point, there is enough energy to pull the cars up and over the next hill. when they reached the bottom of that hill, there is enough energy to climb the next hill, the roller coaster cars lose energy as the ride continues. so, the hills have to be smaller toward the end of the track, finally we

18、 roll to a stop on ground level right where we began.Lesson 5 Language: How Children Acquire TheirsWhat I lie to talk to you about today is the topic of child Ian guage development. I know that you all are trying to develop a secondIanguage, but for a moment, let s think about a related topic, and t

19、hat is:How childre n develop their first Ian guageWhat do we know about how babies develop their Ianguage and com muni cati on ability? Well, we know babies are able to com muni cate as soon as they are born,even before they learn to speak their firstIan guage. At first, they com muni cate by crying

20、. This crying lets thei parents know when they are hungry, or unhappy, or uncomfortable. However, they soon begi n the process of acquiri ng their Ian guage. The first state of Ianguage acquisition begins just a few weeks after birth. At this stage, babies start to make cooing no ises whe n they are

21、 happy. Then, around four mon ths of age they beg in to babble. Babies all over the world beg in to babble around the same age, and they all beg in to make the same kinds of babbli ng no ises. Now, by the time they are ten mon ths old, however, the babbling of babies from different Ianguage backgro

22、unds sounds differe nt. For example, the babbli ng of a baby in a Chin ese-speak ing home sounds differe nt from the babbli ng of a baby in an English-speaking home. Babies begin a new stage of Ianguage developme nt when they beg in to speak their first words. At first, they invent their own words f

23、or things. For example, a baby in an English-speaking home may say baba II for the word bottle II or kiki II for cat. I In the n ext few mon ths, babies will acquire a lot of words. These words are usually the names of things that are in the babys en vir onment, words for food or toys, for example.

24、They will begi n to use these words to com muni cate with others. For example, if a baby holds up an empty juice bottle and then says juice, I to his father the baby seems to be saying, I want more juice, Daddy II or May I have more juice, Daddy? I This word juice II is really a one-word senten ce.N

25、ow, the n ext stage of Ian guage acquisiti on begi ns around the age of 18 mon ths, whe n the babies begi n to say two-word senten ces. They begi n to use a kind of grammar to put these words together. The speech they produce is called telegraphic I speech because the babies omit al but the most ess

26、ential words. An English-speaking child might say something like Daddy, up II which actually could mean Daddy, pick me up, please.I Then, betwee n two and three years of age, young childre n beg in to lear n more and more grammar. For example, they begi n to use the past tense of verbs. The childre

27、n beg in to say things such as I walked home II and I kissed Mommy. II They also beg in to overgeneralize this new grammar rule and make a log of grammar mistakes. For example, children often say such thins as I goed to bed II in stead of I went to bed, I or I eated ice cream II in stead of I ate ic

28、e cream. I In other words, the children have learned the past tense rule for regular verbs such as walk II and kiss, I but they haven t learned that they cannot use this rule for all verbs. Some verbs like eat II are irregular, and the past tense forms for irregular verbs must be lear ned in dividua

29、lly. Any way, these mistakes are no rmal, and the childre n will soon lear n to use the past tense for regular and irregular verbs correctly. The children then continue to learn other grammatical structures in the same way.If we stop to think about it, actually it s quite amazing how quickly ba and

30、childre n all over the world lear n their Ian guage and how similar the process is for babies all over the world.Do you remember any thi ng about how you lear ned your first Ian guageduring the early years of your life? Think about the process for a minuteWhat was your first word? Was it mama II or

31、maybe papa I ?Now think also about the process of learning English as a secondIanguage. Can you remember the first word you learned in English? I doubt that it was mama. II Now, think about some of the similarities and differences invoIved in the processes of child and adult Ianguage learning. We ll

32、 talk about some similarities and differences in the first and sec ond Ian guage lear ning processes tomorrow. See you the n.Lesson 7 RobotsWhe n people thi nk about a robot, they ofte n picture a machi ne that look s something like a human being. However, tha not always the case. Mo st robots do not look much like a human being at all, they look like machi nes becausethat what most of them are- in dustrial machi nes.Today, moing to talk mostly about in dustrial robots used in in dustry.These are robots that do work that for huma ns would be physically dema nd

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