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1、430#商务英语阅读1 练习题2、3的部分题目参考答案见练习题1 Business English Extensive Reading (1) 商务英语阅读(1) . Reading ComprehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the correspondi

2、ng leter for each item on Answer Sheet. Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada Arthur Wiesenberger, who carries the tit

3、le Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North AmericaAs a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed dailyEven then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best“My dog could tell the difference between bottled

4、and tap water,”he says But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11In fact, New Yorks municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and puritySimilarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leadin

5、g brands of bottled water Nevertheless,soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market shareAs diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink companies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profitsA restaurants typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottl

6、ed water its often 300 to 500 percent As a result some restaurants are selling bottled waterAccording to an article in The Wall Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring b

7、ottled water without even asking the diners if they want itRegardless of how its sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。1.What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage? C A)、It is a kind of iced water B)It is just plain tap water C) It is a kin

8、d of bottled water D)It is a kind of mineral water2. By saying“My dog could teii the difference between bottled and tap water”(Lines 3-4,Para2), Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that _ B A) plain tap water is not certainly suitable for drinking B) bottled water is clearly superior to tap wat

9、er C) bottled water often appeals more to dogs taste D) dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste 3. The “leading brands”(Line 3,Para3)refers toDA) water from the Thames River B)famous wines not sold in ordinary stores C)PepsiCos Aquafma and Coca-Colas Dasani D)most polular bottled water 4.

10、Why do some restaurants sell bottled water? A A)Bottled water brings in huge profits B)Competition from the wine industry is intense C)Most diners find bottled water affordable D)Bottled water satisfies diners desire to be fashionable5According to the passage,why is bottled water so popular? B A)It

11、is much cheaper than wine B)It is considered healthier C)It appeals to more cultivated people D)It is more widely promoted in the marketPassage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passageIs there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保护区) (ANWR) to help secure Americas

12、 energy future ? President Bush certainly thinks so. He has argued that drilling ANWRs oil would help ease Californias electricity crisis and provide the countrys energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth with the last government survey, c

13、onducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.The oil industry goes with the high end of the range-16 billion barrels, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for

14、the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall(意外之财)in tax revenues, royalties(开采权使用费)and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Gove

15、rnment. Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would be insignificant . “Weve never had a document case of oil rig chasing deer out onto the pack ice.” says Alaska State Representative Scott Ogan .Not so fast, say environmentalists. Sticking to the low end of government es

16、timates-3 billion barrels, environmentalists says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease Americas energy problems. And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any ben

17、efits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review. As for ANWRs impact on the California power crisis, environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden States electricity output and just 3% of the nati

18、ons.6. What does President Bush think of drilling oil in ANWR? CA) It will exhaust the nations oil reserves.B) It will help secure the future of ANWR.C) It will help reduce the nations oil imports D) It will increase Americas energy consumption 7. We learn from the second paragraph that the American

19、 oil industry _ DA) believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high output B) tends to exaggerate Americas reliance on foreign oilC) shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR D) expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia 8. Environmentalists argue that _ BA) it can cause serious damag

20、e to the environment B) it can do little to solve U.S. energy problems C) it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan region D) it will not have much commercial value 9. What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line 1, Para .3)? C A) Oil exploitation takes a short time C) Dont b

21、e too optimisticB) The oil drilling should not be delayed D) Dont expect lot of benefits.10. It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWRs frozen earth _.A A) remains an unsettled problem C) involves a lot of technological problemsB) is expected to get under way soon D) will

22、 enable the U.S. to be oil independentPart Two : Directions:In this part,you will have 1 5 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet For questions 17,markY(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N(for NO)if the statement contr

23、adicts the information given in the passage:For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passagePassportsIf youve ever traveled outside the United States,one of the most important tasks you had to complete before your trip was applying for a passportA copy of your orig

24、inal birth certificate may suffice for short trips to Mexico or the Caribbean,say on a cruise (乘船游览)But,generally speaking,want to see the world,you have to have a passportthe only universally accepted form of identificationWhat Exactly Is a Passport and How Long Has It Been Around?Passports have be

25、en around in some form for hundreds of yearsGovernments learned long ago that an official document or certificationone that identified a traveler as a citizen or national with a right to protection while abroad and a right to return to the country of his citizenship is a necessityPassports,letters o

26、f transit and similar documents were used for centuries to allow individuals to travel safely in foreign lands,but the adoption of the passport by all nations is a development of the 19th and,20th centuriesAccording to State Department historians,except for brief periods-during wartime,passports wer

27、e not generally required for travel abroad and few obstacles were presented by foreign states passport requirements until after1914An executive order made on Dec15,1915,required every person entering or leaving the United States to have a valid passportIn the United States,passports are issued upon

28、application to UScitizens by the State Department and its 13 passport agencies in major cities,by the clerks of federal and certain state courts,certain designated (指定的)post offices and by USconsular authorities abroadThe passport is required for both departure from and re-entry to the United States

29、It is valid for 10years for adults and five years for people under 18A USpassport cannot simply be renewed but must be completely replaced when it expiresApplying for a Passport You can find passport applications at any regional passport agency or at designated post offices or clerk of court offices

30、Today,you can even download and print your own passport applicationsHowever,you still have to go in person to apply for your first passportYou should apply for your passport several months in advance of your planned departure,making sure you fill in the dates of your upcoming trip in the appropriate

31、 place on the applicationIf youll need visas from foreign embassies,allow more timeAs a rule,it takes about 25 business days to process your passport application and get the document sent to youSomething to think about:Lines are longest at passport agencies from January to July,resulting in longer w

32、aiting times for applicantsYou might want to avoid the crowds by applying through a nearby clerk of court or post office that accepts passport applicationsThe passport agency processes expedited (加快)passports within three working days from receipt of the applicationIf you choose not to pay for overnight mail,you should receive your passport in 710 business daysYou can also expedite passport ren

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