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1、中西文化交际用语归纳总结与对比【交际用语】1. Agreeing & DisagreeingAgree1) I agree. Yes, I think so. So do I. Me too.2) Exactly. No problem. Sure. Certainly.3) Of course. All right. Youre right/correct.4) Good idea. I think thats a good idea.Disagree1) I dont think so. Neither do I.2) Thats not right. 3) No way. Of cour

2、se not.4) I disagree.5) Yes, but Im afraid not.6) Im sorry, but I dont agree.2. 请求对方重复所说内容1) Pardon? I beg your pardon?2) I dont understand. Sorry, I cant follow you.3) Can you speak that again please? Can you repeat that please?4) How do you spell that?5) Could you speak more slowly please?6) I fin

3、d it difficult to understand this point, can you explain it for me?3Wishes 祝福祝愿1) Best wished. Give my love/best wishes to2) Say hello to Write to me.3) Have fun. Have a nice/good time/trip.4) Take care. Good luck on your journey.4. Ask for and give opinions 询问和给出意见ASK for opinions1) What do you thi

4、nk of.?2) Whats your opinion?3) What are your ideas?4) Do you have any thoughts on that?5) How do you feel about that?6) Why do you think so?Give opinions1) Im with you.2) In my opinion.3) To my understanding,4) I (dont) think5) I (dont) believe that6) I (dont)feel that5. 如何询问 & 表达观点1) Do/Dont you t

5、hink that? Why/ why not?2) Do you have any ideas about?3) Would you consider?4) How do you know that?5) Are you sure that he/she was telling the truth?1) What do you think (of)?2) Whats your opinion/idea of?3) What would you say?4) How do you feel about?5) Who do you think was?6) What are your reaso

6、ns for saying that?7) What makes you thinks so?1) I (dont) think that2) Sorry. I (dont) agree with you.3) In my opinion,4) It can be proved.5) That cant be true.6) I dont believebecause7) I thinkis telling the truth because8) Since/As, I think6表达目的和意图目的purpose1) To do sth, sb should2) In order to/ S

7、o as to do sth,3) but to do sth, one should4) so that.意图intention1) I will2) Id like to 3) Im going to 4) Id rather not5) Im ready to do sth.6) I feel like doing sth7) I intend/ mean/ plan to do sth.7. 建议suggestions1) Lets do sth.2) Let me say that3) Maybe we could4) I think we should5) What/How abo

8、ut doing sth?6) Id like to suggest/advise that7) What do you think?8) Why dont we do sth?9) What if we?8. 如何预约how to make an appointment1) I suggest we meet on2) I may be able to see you at3) I would like to arrange4) Which day would you suit you best?5) What time would be most convenient?6) Where w

9、ould you like to meet?7) Please, can you tell me?8) That will/ wont be convenient because9) I can/ cant do that because10) I look forward to seeing you at 问候中西文化对比在日常交谈中,英国人彼此见面常常喜欢以“Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi.”打招呼;并且喜欢以谈论天气(Nice day, isnt it?) 作为交谈的开始;美国人见面常常问身体等;而中国人却常问“吃过饭了吗?”基本用语a.

10、 见面问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. b. 代向某人问候:Best wishes/regards to.=give ones regards to sb = give ones best wishes to sb = give ones best love to sb = give ones best regards to sb.c. 替某人向问好: say“Hi”/“Hello”to sb from sb = give ones regards to sb.Please remember me to. 回答用语: -I will. T

11、hanks. d. How do you do? (初次见面通常用语) -How do you do?How are you? (比较熟悉的人之间用语) -Fine, thank you, and you?/Very well, thank you.How are you getting along with.? (你近来.可好?) -Every is fine!How are you doing? (您工作还顺利吧?) - Im just great!How is everything? (一切还好吧?) -Very(quite)well,thank you!How is your vaca

12、tion/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend? (假期怎么样?) - Not bad!Whats up? (近来可忙?) -Couldnt be better, thank you!Whats going on? (近来可好?) - Just so so. (一般; 还可以)注意要点1. “Hello” 既可用于问候,有时也用于引起对方注意,打电话或叫人,多在熟人之间使用,而“Hi”的用法比“Hello”更随便,口语中多见。2. Hello!和Hi!是互相熟悉的人之间的招呼语,比较随便,一天中任何时候都可以用。有时,后面还可加上对方的名字,以示亲热。Good ev

13、ening! 一般用于晚上(通常是九点以前). 需要注意的是,不可用Good day来打招呼。Good morning!省略good 时,也可用来打招呼,但一般用于比较熟悉的人之间。3. “How are you?” 则用于询问对方身体情况答语可根据实际情况,如:“Fine/ Very well,thank you.” 注意: (very) good不能用来表示身体健康. 假如身体确实不太舒服并想让对方知道,不妨说Not too well, Im afraid.4. 对于不认识的人,想要他/她停下的说法:Hey, Sir/ Madam! Just a moment, Sir/ Madam. 5

14、. 与英美人见面寒暄时,不应问及他(她)的年龄、婚否、收入等个人隐私情况。 介绍基本用语a. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Comrade. May I introduce you to.? Id like you to meet. b. How do you do? Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you. Nice meeting youc. My name is. Im a(student/teacher, etc.). May I know your name? Margaret, can you introduce me to her? L

15、et me introduce you to others. Meet my sister Cathy. Bill, this is Tom. Hi, Im Susan, this is my calling card.注意要点“Nice to meet you.”与 “Nice to see you.” 有一点区别。前者的意思是初次见面(认识你很高兴)被人介绍相识后的寒暄用语。后者与前者在意思上相同,但是用于熟人之间(一段时间未见面后再次相遇)两者回答用语与问候语相同。Nice to meet you.主要表示初次见面时的问候,而Nice meeting you.则是初次见面分手时的用语。

16、告别 中西文化对比有聚总有散!客人要走, 中国人常常会极力留客; 留不住, 也会送客很远很远; 嘴里说: “慢走!”客人要走, 英美人决不留客, 通常一句“Good-bye!”了事, 出门一概不理! 对于客人的到访, 时常还要表示感谢: Thank you for coming.基本用语1. 直接的告别话语有:Good bye! (Bye bye! Bye!) See you (tomorrow)! See you later!So long! Farewell! Good night.2. 委婉的告别辞有: Id like to say goodbye to everyone. Im cal

17、ling to say goodbye.Im afraid I must be leaving/off now. I think its time for us to leave now. 3. 其他带有祝愿以及叮嘱等的告别辞有:Ill look forward to seeing you soon.Lets hope well meet again. Hope to see you again. Drop in anytime you like.注意要点a. Good night./Night!只限于晚上告别或上床睡觉时使用。b. Have a nice day!限于白天告别时用 (如早餐后

18、家人互相道别)。c. 告别前通常要说一两句客套话,如:Im afraid I must be off (going) now. 长久告别时,还可同时表达希望今后多联系 (Keep/Get in touch),要对方保重身体 (Take care),问候对方家人 (Please send my best wishes/regards to your family.)等。 二、邀请(约会) 中西文化对比西方人在发出“邀请”前常有一个引子,尤其在客气的场合,如可先这样问一下对方是否有空:Are you free this evening? 而Would you like to.和Id like to

19、 invite you to.的句式较为客气,带有商量、询问的口气,多用于不知对方能否接受邀请的场合。a. 接受他人邀请时通常还要表示一下感谢。常用: Yes, Id love to. Yes, its very kind/nice of you; Yes, with pleasure.b. 如果是稍有保留地接受,可这样说:I will if I can. Its very kind of you to invite me, but Im not sure if I can come. c. 拒绝他人的邀请一般不直接说No, 而要婉言谢绝(通常会说明理由),并要声明自己是愿意接受“邀请”的,但

20、因某种原因不能接受,并表示歉意或感谢。常用:Id like to, but Im too busy. / Im sorry I cant, butI really enjoy it, but Ive got to go now. I wish I could accept your invitation, but Im afraid I dont have time to go. Thank you for your kindness, but Ive got an appointment at that time.基本用语a. Will/ Would/ Can/ Could you come

21、 to.? Would you like to Id like to invite you to. b. Yes, Id love/ be glad/ happy to(.). Yes, Id like to. / Ill be glad to. Of course. Ill be glad to.Oh yes, thank you. Yes, its very kind/nice of you. OK. Thank you very much. Yes, great. Sure, why not? Sure. Thats a good idea. Yes, with pleasure. c.

22、 Id love to, but. Im sorry, but I cant. 约会:基本用语a. Are you/Will you be free this afternoon/tomorrow?How about tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at.? b. Yes, thats all right. Yes, Ill be free then. c. No, I wont be free then. But Ill be free. d. All right. See you then.交际例句1.-

23、Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you?- Yes, Id like to.2.- When shall we meet, today or tomorrow? - I dont mind. Either time is OK.3.- Are you free later today? - Sorry, Im free every day except today.4.- Are you free this afternoon? - Oh no. Will this evening be

24、all right?5.- Would you like to join us? (喜欢和我们一起吗?) Shall we dance?(我们可以跳个舞吗?) 三、感谢和应答:中西文化对比1. 在英语文化中人们常常通过赞扬来鼓励某些合乎自己心意的行为,像You did a good job! Well done, everyone. You look nice. Thats a beautiful shirt youre wearing. You are very clever. 而对他人的赞美,最普通、常用的答语是“Thank you.”而在中国的文化中,人们面对夸奖,常说“您过奖了”、 “

25、哪里,哪里。”(“Where, where?”)以表示谦逊。2. 英国人收到礼物时,通常都会当着送礼人的面打开礼物,同时会说一些喜欢或赞美的话以表示谢意,送礼人此时常常附和说: “Im glad you like it.” 而中国人往往说一些谦让的话“您太客气了。”“您这样做太破费了。”等。若用此表达方式对待英国人,对方肯定会觉得你不喜欢或对他的礼物不屑一顾。3. 在西方, 别人给你做事、帮忙,别人向你问候或祝贺,别人给你鼓励或赞扬时, 不能直接说 No,而应该说Thank you。4. 当别人问你要不要喝茶或吃点什么东西时,你若要喝或吃应说Yes, please,若你不想吃或喝应说 No,t

26、hank you或 No,thanks5. 没得到或不需要对方的帮助可以说:Thank you all/just the same. Thank you anyway。基本用语a. Thank you (very much)./ Thanks (a lot)./ Many thanks. /Thanks for. Its very kind of you to.b. Not at all. / Thats all right. / Youre welcome. /Thats OK / Its a pleasure/(Its) My pleasure。 Dont mention it. Im g

27、lad you like it. Its really nothing at all. 祝愿、祝贺和应答:中西文化对比A. 对于他人的祝愿、祝贺,英美人表示感谢(Thanks)。B. 和大家同庆同欢乐, 回答用: The same to you / You, too.C. Im glad to hear that. 用于向对方主动告知的喜事表示祝贺或“附和”.D. 西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful!/ Beautiful!/ What a nice present! / How nice a gift!并表示感谢! E. 允许去玩乐说: Have a nice/go

28、od/pleasant/ wonderful time. / Have fun! 玩得开心点! 尽情去玩吧! F. 为人送行用: Have a good trip. / Have a pleasant journey. / Good luck with your trip! Good trip to you! Nice journey to you! 祝旅途愉快!祝一路顺风!基本用语1. Best wishes to you! I wish you good health. Good luck and success to you! Wish you success! May you succ

29、ess/ succeed!2. Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you! / Happy New Year!3. Congratulations (on)! Well done! Good luck with/ Good luck to you!4. Enjoy your vacation! Enjoy your stay in China.道歉、遗憾和应答(责备和抱怨; 提醒)中西文化对比中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。

30、如一定要向对方道歉,说声 sorry 即可,一般不用 very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。对于不能去做或已经发生的不幸的事情, 西方人表示遗憾说: What a pity/ shame! 表示同情说: Im sorry to hear that. Bad luck!基本用语1. (Im)Sorry./ Im sorry for/about/ Im sorry to do sth. / Im sorry to have done sth 2. Excuse/ Pardon me ( for ) 3. Please forgive me for. (请原谅)4. sb. be afraid that 5. What a pity/shame! / Its a pity that A. It is not important. Thats OK. Thats all right. Its quite all right. Never mind.It doesnt matter (at all). Not at all. Its nothing. /Thats nothing. (没关系

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