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1、香港新闻工作者从业词典 香港新闻工作者从业词典香港新闻工作者从业词典香港新闻工作者从业词典香港新闻工作者从业词典 华人学者scholars of chinese descent 乡村学校a rural school 开办无牌补习学校running unregistered schools 伤害儿童的自尊心undermine the self-esteem of children 爱国学校patriotic schools 新入职幼儿园教师newly appointed kindergarten teachers 会继续投资教育would continue to invest in educat

2、ion 禁止体罚儿童prohibiting corporal punishment of child/ban child corporal punishment 补充练习supplementary exercise books 补习老师/家教private tutor 补习社tutorial school 资助学校subvented schools 资优学生gifted students 跨文化环境cross-cultural environment 违反政府指引have flouted government guidelines 隔音玻璃窗double-glazed windows 预科ma

3、triculation 实用中学practical school 实行博雅教育的大学a liberal arts college 对本地教育制度存有偏见have some prejudice against the local education system 荣休教授emeritus professor/professor emeritus 精英班elite students class 维持课堂秩序,课室共有四十名学生上课maintaining discipline in a class of 40 制作教材套develop teaching kits 厨艺学校、烹饪学校culinary

4、schools 广泛教育liberal education 数学、物理和商业都是自学/无师自通self-taught in math, physics and business 毅进计划project springboard 确保不会有青少年因贫穷而失学ensure that no young person will be deprived of education for lack of financial means 学友社收到最少五十个求助电话,大部分求助同学都因为成绩不理想而感到苦恼。 hok yau club, which operates a help line for stude

5、nts, has received at least 50 calls with most expressing distress over disappointing results. 学生代表student representatives 学生可完全自主筹办活动。 students will be given full autonomy to organise activities. 学生愈高班愈怕数学interest in maths fades as pupils age 学生会student union 学生整体表现和去年相若。 student performance on the

6、whole was similar to last years. 学者academics 学校小食部school tuck shop 学校教育school education 学校教师school-teacher 学院院长、系主任、训导长、教务长dean 学童school kids 兴趣班interest classes 办学团体圣公会sheng kung hui school sponsoring group 联署反对薪酬和公务员脱钩signed a joint statement opposing the delinking of their pay scale with civil se

7、rvants 讲座教授chair professors 扩阔国际视野widen their international perspective 旧教科书used textbooks 转为直资学校switched to the subsidy scheme 转校change school 读名校attended an elite school 体罚corporal punishment 一个既快乐又富正义感的人a happy person with a sense of righteousness 工业社会an industrial society 公民教育civic education 切合成

8、长过程correspond to their needs at different developmental stages 引起学生学习的兴趣motivate students interest in learning 以死记硬背为主的学习方法rote-based learning 加快儿童智力成长/加快儿童智力发展enhances a childs intellectual growth/prod childrens intellectual growth 加强人才培训encourage life-long learning 全人发展all-round development 全面的学历认

9、可机制a comprehensive mechanism for qualifications 再培训retraining 因材施教cater to students individual needs 在不同的人生阶段里持续进修pursue continuing education at different stages of life 在德、智、体、群、美各方面/在德智体群美五方面in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains 在职进修on-the-job training 自我反省sole-searchi

10、ng 改变不考不学的观念rectify the concept of learning only what is to be examined 身心及智力发展physical, psychological and intellectual development 儿童发展先导计划a head start programme on child development 具备国际视野possess a global outlook 知识型社会a knowledge-based economy/society 知识面广possess a broad spectrum of knowledge 建立自信

11、及健康的自我观念develop self-confidence and a healthy self-concept 建立新的教育制度,以全民都终生学习和作出通才发展为目标building an education system conducive to lifelong learning and the all-round development of every individual 持续进修/持续教育continuing education 持续进修院校in-service continuing education institutions 研究制定学历认可机制和课程标准study th

12、e implications of establishing a qualifications framework and programme standards 香港正续渐演变成知识型社会。 hong kong evolves into an increasingly knowledge-based economy. 家长教育parent education 培育人才cultivate the talents 培育年青人独立思考技巧cultivate critical thinking skills in young minds 培育社会领袖grooms community leaders

13、培养良好品格fostering traits 培养学生自学能力cultivate students ability to learn on their own 培养学生建立积极的态度和正面的价值观foster in them positive attitude and values 培养独立思考和批判思考develop independent and critical thinking 专业训练professional training 教学方法teaching method 启发学生创意trigger off students creativity 终身学习life-long learnin

14、g 终身学习中心life-long learning centers 终身学习阶梯a life-long learning ladder 逐步灌输instill (something into somebody) 富启发性stimulating 提升青少年的竞争力enhance the competitiveness of young people 提供多种学习途径和不同类型的学习模式offers various channels and different modes of learining 提高学生学习质素、保证学生基本水平enhance the quality of students

15、learning and to ensure basic standards 经常探索新事物和新知识always sought out new experiences and knowledge 装备所有市民,务求他们适应知识型经济prepare each one of us for the advent of the knowledge-based economy 信息社会an information society 跳出思想框框think outside the box 过渡至知识型社会migrate to a knowledge-based economy 鼓励员工持续进修并给予他们时间

16、上的方便encourage their staff to continue their learning and to allow them time for it 鼓励学生作全面发展fostering the all-round development of students 实践终身学习undertake life-long learning 遥距教学distance learning/on-line classes 增益课程enrichment courses 德、智、体、群、美五育并重/德智体群美五育并重possess a balanced development in the dom

17、ains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics 德才兼备possess intelligence and virtue 乐于学习enjoy learning 养育儿童raise the children 学习面对和解决问题learn to face up to problems and find solutions 融合教育integrated education 应用新知识、新技术和新思维apply new knowledge, technologies and innovative thinking 职业教

18、育vocational training 转危为机turning crisis into opportunities 一些和小班教学有关的海外研究some overseas studies on small class teaching 一条龙办学模式 through-train model 小班教学small-class teaching 小班教学的成效the effectiveness of small-class teaching 干预大学自主his interference with university autonomy 不应该再分文理班screaming into arts and

19、 sciences should be scrapped 今年的33,800名考生是首批受(母语教学)政策影响的考生。 the 33,800 exam candidates this year were the first batch to be affected by the policy. 支持小班教学supported small-class teaching 他表示实施合并时会先礼后兵 he would be a gentleman first and a soldier later in its implementation 加快推行全日制小学speeding up the proc

20、ess of whole-day schooling 加强院校合作increased collaboration between institutions 加速小学全日制的步伐expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling 可以在沙田试行小班教学。 small-class teaching could be implemented in sha tin on a trial basis. 四年制大学是国际间的主流。 four-year university degrees are an international norm.

21、 必须创造配套条件requires the creation of the necessary complementary conditions 白老鼠guinea pigs 全面检讨香港的教育制度conduct a comprehensive review of our education system 共同教学理念a mutually compatible education philosophy 合并之权在政府the power to merge the institutions rested with the government 在2001年制定新的数学课程finalise a ne

22、w maths curriculum in 2001 在小学逐步实行全日制implement whole-day primary schooling progressively 有关中大和科大的合并事宜现阶段不宜再作探讨。 a merger of chinese university and the hong kong university of science and technology (hkust) should not be explored for now. 我们去年就三三四学制改革建议咨询市民。 last year we consulted the public on the 3

23、+3+4 academic structure reform proposal. 我们要累积经验。 we have to accumulate more experience. 把八所政府资助的大专院校分为研究型和教学型streaming the eight government-funded tertiary institutions into research or teaching entities 把大学分为研究型和教学型split university into research and teaching-oriented institutions 改革方案reform propos

24、als 改革初期难免引起社会上的不同反应。 they are bound to evoke different responses from the community in the early stages of implementation. 改革课程reform the school curriculum 改革议程agenda of reform 改善中学和大专教育的衔接improve the transition from secondary school to post-secondary education 改善基础教育的质素improve the quality of basic

25、 education 改善教学成效facilitate improvements in the effectiveness of teaching 李国章提议可把每班学生人数由40人减少至35人。 professor li suggested the number of students per class could be cut from about 40 to 35. 使用活动教学using the activity teaching approach 延长一般学位课程至四年extending the usual length of degree programmes to four y

26、ears 争取小班教学demand smaller school classes/demand smaller class sizes 长期社会投资long-term social investment 政府已在37间学校进行小班教学研究。 the government had also been undertaking a study on small-class teaching in 37 schools. 政府定下目标,于二零零七至二零零八学年全面推行全日制小学。 the government has set the target for full implementation of

27、whole-day primary schooling for 2007/2008. 活动教学adopted the activity-teaching approach 要求政府在所有中小学实行小班教学demanded that the government implement small-class teaching for all primary and secondary schools 订定各家院校户角色分工/规管各家院校角色envisaging specific roles for each university 修改数学课程a revamp of the maths curric

28、ulum 师生比例会较低the teacher-to-class ratio will be higher 校本课程剪裁计划school-based curriculum tailoring scheme 院校间互通的学分制a transferable credit unit system/a credit-transfer system 高中新学制new academic structure of senior secondary schools 基本纲领guiding principle 专科教学specialised schooling/specialised teaching 专业水平

29、professional standards 强行在三年后合并中大和科大push through the merger of the chinese university and university of science and technology in three years 推动大学学制改革push ahead with reforms to our university system *信息科技教育promote information technology in education 教育目标aims of education 教育改革education reform 教育改革是长远

30、政策,需循序渐进实施。 educational reforms was a long-term undertaking and must be implemented step by step. 教育制度/教育体制education system 教育政策关注社主席张民炳mervyn cheung man-ping, chairman of the hong kong education policy concern organisation 教育界人士对是项建议意见不一。 the proposals have drawn a mixed reaction from educators. 教育

31、蓝图education blueprint 教协支持专科教学政策。 the union supports the specialised teaching policy. 教学质素teaching quality/the quality of education 通识科将会列为中学的必修科。 liberal studies would be phased in as a compulsory secondary subject. 提升技能upgrade their skills 提升教师士气和教育质素boost teacher morale and the quality of education 提高师资enhance/upgrade the quality of teachers 提议废除可怕的学能测验propose the abolition of the dreaded academic aptitude test 减少教师工作量reduce teachers workloads 结成一条龙学校form through-train 视察当地小班教学的运作examine the operation of small-class teaching there 评核机制assessment mecha

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