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1、高中英语Unit7TheSeaSectionLesson2Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.ban vt.禁止2.handle vt. 对付3.department n. 部,系,局,部门 n. 折扣,减价5.altogether adv. 完全.拓展词汇1.industrial adj.工业的industry n工业2.agricultural adj.农业的agriculture n农业3.chemical n化学物chemistry n化学chemist n化学家,药

2、剂师4.present vt.演示;讲演presentation n介绍;赠送5.solution n解决办法;答案solve vt.解决,处理6.pollute vt.使污染pollution n污染7.intelligent adj.有灵性的;聪明的intelligence n智力,理解力8.energetic adj.有活力的energy n精力,活力9.discovery n发现discover v发现10.educate vt.教育education n教育educational adj.有教育意义的11.attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引人的地方attracti

3、ve adj.诱人的12.measure vi. & vt.(长度、数量)为;测量measurement n测量;(某物的)尺寸13.length n长度,长long adj.长的lengthen v. (使)变长;延长1.handle vt.处理联想handle 的原意是“手柄”,引申为“处理”时,其内涵是管理和操纵。词块handle three languages 运用三种语言handle well 操作得很好handle easily 容易操作 n折扣记法dis(不)count(计算)不计算在内打折联想dis前缀单词荟萃disadvantage n不利因素disord

4、er n无秩序discover v发现 dislike n. & v不喜爱3.present vt.讲演,演示;授予;赠送;介绍 n. 礼物;目前 adj. 在场的;目前的图片记忆串记Id rather use a chart to present the present situation to the audience present.我愿意用图表向在场的观众呈现目前的形势。 4.energetic adj. 有活力的联想归纳tic结尾的形容词romantic adj.浪漫的realistic adj.实事求是的;现实的fantastic adj.极好的5.length n长度,长联想度量

5、名词知多少width 宽depth 深height 高二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.make a living谋生2take turns 轮流3every two hours 每两小时4watch out 注意,小心5on the one hand . on the other hand . 一方面另一方面6in length 在长度方面 with处理2make notes 做笔记3be responsible for 对负责4be interested in 对感兴趣5of high intelligence 智商高的6communicate with sb. 与某人

6、交流7the sooner the better 越早越好三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Well, they are animals of high intelligence and they can communicate.噢,它们是高智商的动物,并且它们可以交流。“of表示抽象意义的名词”结构在句中作定语。People of_different_age have different opinions on the book.不同年龄的人对这本书有不同的看法。2.Its three times as big underwater.它的水下部分是水上部分的三倍大。three times

7、as big为倍数表达法。This tree is three_times_as_tall_as that one.这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。3.You certainly wont find a noisier fish.你绝不会找到(比它们)更吵闹的鱼。比较级用在否定句中,表达最高级之意。How well Song Zuying sings! Ive never_heard_a_better_voice.宋祖英唱得多好啊!这是我听到过的最美的歌声。4.Some fish attract other fish with a light on their body and then eat th

8、em!有些鱼用它们身体上的一种光吸引其他的鱼然后吃掉它们!“with宾语介词短语”结构在句中作状语。With_the_children_at_school,we cant take our vacation when we want to.由于孩子们在上学,所以当我们想度假时却不能去。1(教材P10)ban vt.禁止n.禁止,禁令(1)ban doing sth.禁止做某事ban sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事(2)a ban on sth. 关于的禁令The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.政府已经禁

9、止使用化学武器。The government has banned smoking (smoke) on public transport.政府正在考虑禁止在公交车上吸烟。He was banned from driving for three years.他被禁驾三年。Most people are for the ban on smoking in public buildings.多数人赞成在公共场所吸烟的禁令。 2(教材P11)solution n答案;解决办法a/the solution to sth. 的解决方法solve v. 解决;解答What is the solution

10、to the radiation found in the vegetables?解决蔬菜里发现的放射性物质的办法是什么?It took me an hour to find the solution to the problem.解决这个问题花了我一个小时。The little boy helped his father to_solve_the_mystery.小男孩帮他父亲解开了谜团。名师点津solution后接介词to,表示“的解决方法”,类似的名词还有key, answer, entrance, attitude(态度)等。Whats your attitude to student

11、s using cell phones at school?你对学生在校使用手机持什么态度?3(教材P11)They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs so there are less people trying to make a living from fishing.他们还尽力帮助人们找到一些其他的工作,这样就会有更少的人再试图靠捕鱼谋生了。 make a living谋生make a/ones living 谋生earn a/ones living 谋生make a . life 过的生活She took it fo

12、r granted that it was easier to make a living in the cities.她想当然地认为在城市谋生容易些。I wonder how he can make/earn_his/a_living with both his hands missing.我不知道没有了双手他如何生存。We make a living by what we get, but we make_a_life by what we give.谚语我们靠所得来谋生,但靠给予来创造生活。4(教材P11)How will you present your project?你将如何演示你

13、的计划? present (1)vt.讲演,演示;授予;赠送;介绍;引见present sth. to sb. 向某人提交某物present sb. with sth. present sth. to sb. 给某人颁奖,向某人赠送某物present sb. to sb. 向某人介绍/引见某人After making careful preparations, I presented the report to the manager.详细准备之后,我把报告交给了经理。The children presented flowers to the teachers.The children pre

14、sented the teachers with flowers.孩子们向老师赠送鲜花。Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you.请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。 (2)n.礼物;赠品;现在;目前at present 现在;目前for the present 暂时Personally, I think the best present is not necessarily the most expensive one.就我个人而言,我认为最好的礼物不一定是最昂贵的礼物。He is at_present away on his holidays.目前他去休假了。 (3

15、)adj.在场的,出席的;现在的,目前的be present at 出席be absent from 缺席Something must be done about the present situation.关于目前的状况必须采取某种措施。People present_at_the_meeting were mostly scientists from different parts of the world.出席会议的主要是来自世界各地的科学家。名师点津present表示“出席的,在场的”时,常作表语或后置定语;当表示“目前的”时,常作前置定语。5(教材P12)There are fanta

16、stic shows every two hours.每两个小时就有一场精彩的表演。 every two hours每两小时(1)every序数词单数名词,意为“每,第”。He comes to see his uncle every third Sunday every month.他每月第三个星期天来看他的叔叔。(2)every基数词复数名词every序数词单数名词,意为“每(多少)”。She waters the flowers every_two_days/every_second_day to keep it grow well.她每两天给花浇一次水,以便它们长得好。(3)every

17、 other单数名词,意思是“每隔一”。He goes to town every_other_day to buy things.他每隔一天进一次城买东西。(4)every few复数名词,意思是“每隔几”。He stopped and turned around every_few_metres.他每走几米就停下来向四周看一看。6(教材P12)Our most uptodate attraction.(这是)我们最新式的引人入胜之处。 uptodate adj.最新的;现代的(1)up to date 最新的out of date 过时的to dateup to now/so far 到目

18、前为止(常与现在完成时连用)(2)date back to/date from 追溯到We can get the uptodate information around the world through the Internet.通过互联网我们可以获得世界各地的最新资讯。Much of the information in that book is_now_out_of_date.那本书的材料中有许多现在已经过时了。The college dates_back_to medieval times.这所学院创办于中世纪。名师点津date back to/date from常用一般现在时,无被

19、动形式;作定语时,常用现在分词形式。 attraction n. C吸引人的地方U吸引,吸引力(1)attract vt. 吸引(2)attractive adj. 有吸引力的be attractive to 对有吸引力The Tower of London is a great attraction to tourists.伦敦塔对游客有很大的吸引力。The tourist attraction is so attractive that it attracts a great many visitors every year.(attract)这个旅游胜地如此吸引人,以至于每年都吸引很多的

20、游客。Actually, the three columns are equally attractive to us students.实际上,这三个栏目对我们学生有同样的吸引力。7(教材P12)Watch out!小心!watch out for . 当心/小心watch over 保护,照看某人watch it (口)当心Watch out!There is a car coming!小心,有车!Watch_out_for cars when you cross the road.过马路时要当心车辆。There must have been an angel watching over

21、me that day.那天一定是有天使在保佑我。名师点津英语中表示“当心”的短语还有:be careful, look out等。8(教材P13)Bigger dolphins can measure four metres in length but common dolphins are usually less than two metres long.大一些的海豚可达4 米长,但一般的海豚通常不到两米长。 measure vt.测定;测量;评估vi.(长度、数量)为n.尺寸;措施make . to ones measure 按照某人的尺寸做(衣服等)take measures to

22、do sth. 采取措施做某事The manager measured the importance of the accident and decided to send the worker away.经理估量了一下事故的重要性,决定把那个工人打发走。My mother made me a pair of trousers to my measure.我妈妈按照我的尺寸给我做了一条裤子。The government must take measures to_protect (protect) the wild animals.政府应该采取措施来保护野生动物。名师点津measure表示“某

23、物有长(宽/高等)”时,为不及物动词,后接表示数量单位的内容,不用于被动语态和进行时;表示“措施”,常用复数形式。1Well, they are animals of high intelligence and they can communicate.噢,它们是高智商的动物,并且它们可以交流。句中of high intelligence为“of(修饰词)表示抽象意义的名词”结构,常在句中充当表语、定语或宾语补足语,指某物/某人属于或具有某种特征、情感、品质等。(1)有的抽象名词可转化为其同根形容词,如help, importance, use, value, interest, benefi

24、t等。抽象名词前可以加much, great, little, some, any, no等表示程度。Theory without practice is of little help.没有实践的理论是没有什么帮助的。We all think his words of great importance (important)我们都认为他的话非常重要。(2)“of名词”结构中的名词还可以是表示度量、种类、形状、颜色等的名词,如size, length, height, width, colour, weight, age, kind等。名词前可以加a, an, the same,表示不同的人或物

25、的共同特征。The two children are of_the_same_age,_but of_different_heights.这两个孩子年龄相同,但身高不同。(3)“of名词”结构还可以表示主语的根源关系,此时的名词多是表示亲属、血统、种族、国籍及出处的名词,常用的有family, blood, race, origin等。The Americans are of_almost_all_colours_and_races.美国人几乎包括各种各样的肤色及种族。2Some fish attract other fish with a light on their body and th

26、en eat them!有些鱼用它们身体上的一种光吸引其他的鱼然后吃掉它们!本句是一个含有with的复合结构的并列句,with a light on their body是with的复合结构,其结构为“withn.介词短语”,在句中作状语。with的复合结构还有以下几种形式:With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat moon cakes and fruit, sharing our stories.美丽的月亮高挂在天空,我们坐在一块吃月饼、吃水果并且分享我们的故事。 He is used to sleeping

27、 with_the_windows_open.他习惯于开着窗户睡觉。He left the room with_all_the_lights_on.灯全亮着他就离开了房间。With their homework finished (finish),they went home happily.做完作业,他们高高兴兴地回家了。The young woman, with a baby sleeping (sleep) in her arms, was wandering in the street.那位年轻的妇女,抱着一个熟睡的婴儿,漫步在大街上。With so many essays to_wr

28、ite (write), he wont have time to go shopping this morning.有那么多文章要写,他今天早上没有时间去买东西。.单句语法填空1With so much work to_do (do), I have no time for a holiday.2What you said is of no interest to me.3This is an temple dating (date) back to the Tang Dynasty.4An earthquake measuring (measure) 9.0 struck the nort

29、heast coast of the country on March 11,2014.5How many people were present at the meeting?6No country should be banned from joining the UN.完成句子1How do people here make_a_living?这里的人们怎么谋生呢?2Sound travels in the water nearly five_times_as_fast_as in the air.声音在水中的传播速度差不多是在空气中传播速度的五倍。3The government dep

30、artment is trying to find_a_solution_to the problem of pollution.政府部门正在试图找到解决污染问题的方法。4She is_watching_over_her_sick_child day and night.她在日夜照料自己生病的孩子。5From 2013 on,my husband and I visited the country every other year/every two years/every second year until my retirement.从2013年起直到我退休,我和我的丈夫每隔一年都来这个国家。 6.Shanghai Disneyland Park has been a_great_attraction_to_tourists since i

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