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1、反复铿锵有力的反复(Repetition) 一、定义:顿挫有力蕴涵激扬;一唱三叹,情韵悠长修辞上的“反复”(“重复”Repetition)是英语中重要的修辞手法之一。反复的基本用法是连续或重复使用同一个单词、短语或句子,以增强语气和语势,强调表述的观点,抒发强烈的情感或深刻的道理,增强语言的节奏感。一般讲,作文应避免重复。因为简明才有力量。重复则往往罗嗦、冗繁。而修辞中的反复是有意识的行为,而言语失误中的反复都是无心所为。前者是为了加强语气,增强感染力,后者则令人生厌,当属一种语病。反复这一修辞格运用广泛,古今中外常常出现于诗歌、散文、小说、政论文中,在日常口语里也屡见不鲜、俯拾皆是。 为什么

2、?那是因为重复能反复以同一信号刺激读者、听众的官感,从而有效地表达作者的情感。如极度的痛苦、恼怒和喜悦、强烈的爱和恨,通过重复修辞来表达就显得格外畅快。在阅读前人的讲演时不难发现,讲演家常运用重复手法为自己的演讲造成宏大的气势。善辩的律师们常运用重复来使自己的辩词具有折服人的力量。诗歌、散文则运用重复将作者的感受深植于读者的心田。重复辞格的直接效果就是说服、激励、感染读者听众,引起他们的共鸣。 二、分类“反复”在英汉双语中均是一个重要的修辞格,因其重复的方式各异,可将之分为许多种。本文拟讨论其中的4种:(一) 首语重复法 (anaphora)Anaphora首语重复法,源于拉丁语。作为修辞格它

3、指的是: repetition of a word or words at the beginning of two or more successive verse,clause or sentences (连续的两个或两个以上的词、诗行、从句或句子中起始词语的重复)。首语重复法在结构上和排比格有些相似。只是首语重复更多地注重于音韵方面。有时首语重复法和排比格可以结合起来使用。举例如下:(1) The man of wisdom is never in two minds; theof benevolence never worries; theof carnage is never afr

4、aid.知者不惑,仁者不抚,勇者不惧。(本句源于孔夫子,在英译时,译者采用了首语重复法,重复使用了the man of使译文显得顿挫有力。)(2) Idleness is not doing nothing; idleness is being free to do anything. 闲不是什么也不干,而是有空去干任何享情。(3) I would rather have the affectionate regard of my fellow men than I would have heaps and mines of gold. 我宁可得到人们的深情挚爱,而不愿要黄金成堆。(4) Th

5、e more you study, the more youll find yourself ignorant. 愈学习,愈会发现自己无知。以上三例在汉译时均未移植首语重复,而只是译出原句的寓意。然而以类似首语重复法的句式来汉译,有时也是可能的。试看下例:(5) Change is inevitable. In progressive country, change is constant.变革是不可避免的。在一个进步的国家中,变革是永恒的。(6) He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool and he who dar

6、es not is a slave.不愿说理是固执;不会说理是傻瓜,不敢说理是奴隶。(在多数情况下,句式相似不是翻译者考虑的首要因素,他考虑的是准确地译出原文,译文符合汉语习惯。) (7) The Sovereign has under a constitutional monarch such as the three rights一the right to be consulted,the right to encourage,the right to warn.在像我们这样的君主立宪制国家里(指英国),君主有三个权利:咨询权、赞助权、警告权。(8) Young men are finer

7、 to invent than to judge, finer for execution than for counsel,fitter for new projects than settled business. 人善于发明,不善于判断;善于实行,不善于协商;喜欢实行新计划而不因循守旧。(9) Old wood best to burn; old wine best to drink,and old friends best to trust and old authors to read.老树最好烧,老酒最好喝,老朋友最好信赖,老书最好读。(译文和原句神形俱似,也算难得。)(10) S

8、tudies serve for delight, for armament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。(11) So many countries so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少风俗习惯。(12) The voice of the people, the voice of God. 人民之声即上帝之声。(13) Now is the time to forget everything in the past. Now is the time to get down to the business. Now is the ti

9、me to work hard for the future.(14) We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. (15) We are now living in a new era, and a new era of reform is always full o

10、f ventures and chances.(16) Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. (17) No great general ever arose out of a nation of cowards; no great statesman or philosopher out of a nation of fools; no grea

11、t artist out of a nation of materialists; no great dramatist except when the drama was the passion of the people. (18) Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go hack to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities knowing that

12、 someday this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. (Martin Luther King; I Have a Drearn)回到密西西比去吧; 回到阿拉巴马去吧;回到南卡罗来纳去吧;回到佐治亚州去吧;回到露易斯安那去吧;回到我们北方城市中的贫民窟和黑人居住区去吧。要知道,这种情况能够而且将会改变。我们切不要在绝望的深渊里沉沦。(马丁路德金(1922-1968),美国著名律师和黑人民权运动领袖。1963年他领导了有25万人参加的大游行,进军华盛顿,为黑人争取自由

13、平等和就业。马丁路德金在游行集会发表了题为我有个梦想的著名演说。他被誉为百年来最具有说服力的演讲家之一。马丁路德金在这段演说中运用首语重复,连续六次使用“go back to,仿佛看到三军统帅向官兵发出战斗号令,语意层层推进,气势磅礴,大有排山倒海之势,充分表达了他为黑人争取自由平等的决心。)(19) We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with Gods help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and

14、 liberated its peoples from his yoke. (Winston Churchill: Speech on Hitlers Invasion o f the U. S. S. R ) 我们将对他实施地面打击,我们将对他实施海上打击,我们将对他实施空中打击,直到在主的帮助下,将他的魔影从地球上消灭,将纳粹统治下的人民从他的枷锁中解放出来。(在就希特勒入侵苏联发表的讲话中,丘吉尔运用温斯顿运用首语重复,情绪激昂,用语流畅,气壮山河,强调他将从海陆空三方面打击纳粹德国的坚强决心,使人感到丘吉尔温斯顿从容迎敌的大无畏气概。) (20) Tell zeal it wants

15、devotion; Tell love it is but lust; Tell time it is but motion; Tell flesh it is but dust. (Ralegh:The lie ) 告诉热忱它需要奉行; 告诉爱情它不过是性欲; 告诉时间它不过是运动; 告诉肉体它不过是尘土。(诗人在诗中通过对tell的连续重复,体现了中心思想,抒发强烈的感情。他从不同的视角对“热忱”,“爱情”,“时间”和“肉体”进行了精辟的分析。Devotion和motion与lust和dust是半谐音。诗歌中重复和半谐音并用,使诗的语言具有音韵美和节奏美。)(21) Yesterday t

16、he Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway I

17、sland. Japan has therefore undertaken a surprise offensive extending through out the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the Unites States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

18、 (Franklin Roosevelt: For a Declaration of War against Japan) 昨夜,日本政府已发动了对马来西亚的进攻。 昨夜,日本军队进攻了香港。 昨夜,日本军队进攻了菲律宾群岛。 昨夜,日本人进攻了威克岛。 今晨,日本人进攻了中途岛。 因此,日本在整个太平洋区域采取了突然的攻势。昨天和今天的事实不言自明。合众国的人民已经形成了自己的见解,并且十分清楚这关系到我国的安全和生命的本身。(1941年12月7日,由于美国政府态度暖昧,姑息养奸,日本偷袭珍珠港成功,太平洋战争以此为标志爆发。罗斯福在获得消息后不到24小时就驱车赶赴国会,向参众两院两席会议发

19、表了这篇著名的演讲:揭露日军不宣而战的罪行;表明当时面临的紧急状况和决心反击的意志;要求国会宣布美国和日本之间处于战争状态。罗斯福采用重复(repetition)和排比(parallelism)重叠使用的手法,用简短的五句话就准确地交代了事实的真相,有力地证明了“突然和蓄谋”的定性分析,揭露了日本政府的罪行,激起听众的义愤。“昨天一昨夜一今晨”的排比句式和连续四次“昨夜”的重复句式,形成危险迅速逼近的气氛,燃起听众们的复仇火焰。)(22) My hearts in the Highlands, my heart is not here; My hearts in the Highlands,

20、a-chasing the deer, A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe, My hearts in the Highlands wherever I go. (Robert Burns: My Hearts in the Highlands)我的心呀在高原,这儿没有我的心,我的心呀在高原,追赶着鹿群,追赶着鹿群,跟踪着小鹿,我的心呀在高原,别处没有我的心口。(苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯在我的心儿在高原(My Hearts in the Highlands)一诗中表达对美好事物的无比热爱和向往,以至一而再,再而三地申述自己的心意,感情步步升

21、华,抒发对故土的无限眷恋.)(23) Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow! Farewell to the straits and green valleys below! Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods! Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods. 再见了,积雪皑皑的高山! 再见了,脚下的溪壑绿谷! 再见了,森林和原始垂悬的树木! 再见了,急流和奔腾轰鸣的洪水!(罗伯特彭斯在我的心儿在高原)(My Hearts i

22、n the Highlands)一诗中通过首语反复手法,把诗情一浪一浪推向高潮,淋漓尽致地抒发了诗人对故乡的眷恋之情,感情真挚,表达有力。)(24) And she forgot the stars, the moon, and the sun, And she forgot the blue above the trees, And she forgot the dells where waters run, And she forgot the chilly autumn breeze. (J. Keats: Isabella) 她忘记了星星、月亮、太阳, 她忘记了树颠上空的蓝天, 她忘记


24、一株罗勒花。从此,她不分昼夜、不分季节地守护着这盆罗勒花,而罗勒花则生长得异常茂盛。两个哥哥感到异样,就偷了那个罗勒花盆,在认出洛伦佐的脸后匆匆流亡异乡。而失去了罗勒花盆的伊莎贝拉,却“日渐憔悴,凄凉地死去,到死还哀求着还给她罗勒花盆”)(25) The voice of the people is the voice of God.人民之声即上帝之声。 (26) Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得早,烂得快。(27) Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。(28) Nothing venture, nothing gain.不入虎穴,肴得虎子。(

25、二) 尾语反复(Epiphora) 尾语反复(Epiphora)(figure of speech in which several successive sentences or clauses end with the same word or phrase)。是在连续的几个分句、句子或诗行的末尾重复同一个词或短语。句末是整个信息机构的末端焦点(end-focus),是整个句子的语义的重心,往往为新信息所占据,成为听众或读者注意的中心,因此,尾语反复可以收到特殊的强调效果。尾语重复法常借助音韵的力量来增加乐感和语势,从而增加感染力和说服力。 (1) And will you. will y

26、ou, I will marry you. ( William Shakespeare) 不管你愿意不愿意,我是娶定了你。(莎士比亚运用尾语反复手法,表达一种非你莫娶的强烈情感。)(2) I am exactly the man to be placed in a superior position, in such a case as that. I am above the rest of mankind, in such a case as that. I can act with philosophy, in such a case as that. (Dickens: Bleak H

27、ouse)在那种情况下,我是一个处于绝对优势地位的人;在那种情况下,我是个卓越超群的人;在那种情况下,我能运用哲学思想来指导我的行为。(在句中,尾语反复的连续运用把主人公那种自命不凡的德行暴露无遗。)(3) If women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work, their families will flourish. (Hilla

28、ry Rodham Clinton) 假如妇女身体健康,就会幸福安康。 希拉里罗德姆克林顿迫切性和重要性。(4) This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into

29、 a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream)这是我们的希望。这是我将带回南方去的信念。有了这个信念,我们就能从绝望之山开采出

30、希望之石。有了这个信念,我们就能把这个国家的嘈杂刺耳的争吵声,变成充满手足之情的悦耳交响曲。有了这个信念,我们就能一起工作,一同祈祷,一同斗争,一同入狱,一同维护自由,因为我们知道,我们终于有一天会获得自由。(马丁路德金在这段话中同时运用了首语反复(Anaphora)和尾语反复(Epiphora)在句中with this faith连续重复了三次和together连续重复了五次,结构整齐、意语突出、语势强烈、音律铿锵,极大地抒发了感情,表明了为争取自由平等而斗争的决心和勇气,表达了“我们终于有一天会获得自由”的坚强信念。)(5) It is rather for us to be here d

31、edicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion一that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of

32、freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.(Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address)我们应该在此献身于我们面前所留存的伟大工作由于他们的光荣牺牲,我们要坚定地致力于他们曾作最后全部贡献的那个事业一我们在此立志誓言,不能让他们自白死去要使这个国家在上帝庇护之下,得到新生的自由一要使那民有、民治、民享的政府不致从地球上消失。(林肯在他演讲中巧妙地运用尾语反复,在of, by和for三个不同介词之后重复the people,这种使用方式赋予演讲以强烈的节奏感,铿锵有力,从而强调了新政权

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