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Roadadaptive algorithm design of halfcar active suspension system.docx

1、Roadadaptive algorithm design of halfcar active suspension systemuse of multi-attribute auctions has been consolidating as a powerful mechanism in procurement settings where multiple drivers affect the transaction outcome. This paper provides a project management approach for multi-attribute auction

2、 design for standardized engineering services procurement in the context of new product development in automotive industry. Two variables are taken into account in the bidding process: price and duration of the given engineering activity. From a theoretical viewpoint, we fully determine optimal supp

3、liers bidding strategies and expected outcomes, i.e. score/utility, price and duration, for the buyer under both first score sealed bid and second score sealed bid auctions. We show that this two schemes are equivalent in terms of score/utility even in presence of multi-dimensional suppliers private

4、 information. Therefore, they could be used interchangeably. Under a specific score function, we also perform a simulation showing that: (i) auction expected outcomes for the Main Contractor are very sensitive when duration reduction is a critical issue and (ii) number of bidders affects score and p

5、rice but not duration.Article Outline1. Introduction 1.1. Research motivation and questions2. The context of automotive engineering in new product development3. An overview on auctions and multi-attribute auctions literature4. The price and time procurement auction model 4.1. MC characterization4.2.

6、 Suppliers characterization4.3. Price and time based auction 4.3.1. Expected price under PbA 2SB scheme4.3.1.2. 1SB scheme4.3.2. Expected score, price, duration under PTbA 2SSB scheme4.3.2.2. 1SSB scheme4.3.3. Using a specific V(t) in the score function5. Numerical example6. Discus

7、sion, conclusion and further developmentsAcknowledgementsReferencesPurchase$ 39.9596Redesign of a component based on ecodesign practices: environmental impact and cost reduction achievementsOriginal Research ArticleJournal of Cleaner Production, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 49-57Miriam Bo

8、rchardt, Marcos H. Wendt, Giancarlo M. Pereira, Miguel A. SellittoClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences AbstractThis paper focuses on ecodesign and its application in the footwear industry aiming to iden

9、tify how the ecodesign can be applied to the redesign of a shoe component in order to minimize the environmental impact and simultaneously reduce costs of production and assembling. The factors that influence the use of ecodesign, the benefits and the difficulties were also investigated. A longitudi

10、nal case study was developed in a company that produces shoe stiffeners. The process of ecodesign implementation and the practices of ecodesign considered during the product redesign were analyzed. A cost reduction of about 10% was observed (in relation to the use of natural fibers and polymers in i

11、ts composition31% of biomass and 69% of fossil material). Toxic materials were completely eliminated and a reduction of energy consumption was also noticed (during the injection process). The main contributions of this study are: ecodesign constructs to be further researched the conjoint analysis of

12、 technological ability and market potential in a redesign project, and the requirements to gain managerial support for a redesign project.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Ecodesign framework 2.1. Implementation of ecodesign2.2. Tools for ecodesign2.3. Practices for ecodesign3. Methodology 3.1. Compa

13、ny selection3.2. Data collection and research variables4. The case: the report and results 4.1. The injected stiffener4.2. The integration of ecodesign in the company 4.2.1. The process of the implementation of ecodesign4.3. Redesigning the stiffener 4.3.1. Conventional injected stiffener4.3.2. Rede

14、signed injected stiffener4.3.3. Process for the application of the redesigned stiffener on the upper material5. Discussion6. Final remarks and further researchReferencesVitaePurchase$ 41.9597A demographic examination of societal views regarding corporate social responsibility in the US forest produc

15、ts industryOriginal Research ArticleForest Policy and Economics, Volume 12, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 121-128Rajat Panwar, Xiaoou Han, Eric HansenClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences AbstractAs corp

16、orate social responsibility (CSR) becomes an increasingly mainstream proposition for business organizations, it is becoming increasingly important to develop sector-specific knowledge as well as to explore different aspects of this concept. Adopting an issues management approach, we have discussed t

17、hat understanding perceptions and expectations of various demographic segments about business performance along relevant social and environmental issues is a research gap in the broader field of CSR. This is particularly true for forest products industry in the US where there is very little research

18、 done in the field. For filling this gap, data was collected from the residents within the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. Results indicate that varying degrees of differences exist in different demographic categories (gender, education level, place of residence, and age). These re

19、sults have important implications for the US forest products sector, especially as companies formulate their socio-environmental strategy and communication.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Theoretical background 2.1. Stakeholder and issues management approaches2.2. Assessing CSR perceptions2.3. Gend

20、er2.4. Education2.5. Place of residence2.6. Age3. Methods 3.1. Sample frame3.2. Questionnaire development and analysis4. Results 4.1. Gender difference4.2. Differences among different education categories4.3. Difference among resident groups4.4. Difference in age groups5. Discussion6. Limitations an

21、d conclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesPurchase$ 19.9598tude des facteurs associs dans la survenue des accidents du travail dans une industrie textile en Rpublique dmocratique du CongoOriginal Research ArticleArchives des Maladies Professionnelles et de lEnvironnement, Volume 71, Issue 2, May 2010, P

22、ages 171-179J.P. Panda, C. de BrouwerClose preview| Related articles|Related reference work articles AbstractAbstract | Figures/TablesFigures/Tables | ReferencesReferences RsumObjectifCe travail vise dterminer dans le contexte de la Rpublique dmocratique du Congo (RDC), limpact des caractristiques i

23、ndividuelles, socioprofessionnelles et organisationnelles dans la survenue des accidents du travail (AT) au sein dune entreprise textile. Patients et mthodesNous avons procd une tude transversale vise exploratrice de deux populations au sein de lusine situe au nord-est (NE) de la RDC: Ouvriers (n=11

24、4) et cadres (n=96). Les donnes de notre chantillon global (n=210) ont t recueillies sur base dun questionnaire administr aux travailleurs et portant sur les modes opratoires, les expositions et les effets sur la sant. Les odds ratio (OR) et leur intervalle de confiance 95% ont t estims. Un modle de

25、 rgression logistique a t ralis en vue destimer les OR ajusts pour lassociation accident de travail et caractristiques individuelles et socio-organisationnelles. RsultatLtude a mis en vidence un nombre important dAT (60,5%) dans lchantillon tudi durant lanne 2007. Les variables tudies sont: lge (OR

26、2,3 2,8410,71) pour ge infrieur ou gal 38ans; lanciennet (OR 1,95 1,271,97). Lassociation entre la survenue de laccident et la consommation dalcool (55% de lchantillon) ainsi que la prise de cigarettes (28% de lchantillon) a t galement mise en vidence, les OR sont respectivement de 2,7 (1,574,99) et

27、 de 2,9 (1,477,38). Les caractristiques socio-organisationnelles prsentent un OR respectivement de 2,3 (1,766,02) pour le statut au travail, de 1,9 (1,649,40) pour les conditions de travail et de 1,7 (1,203,61) pour la satisfaction au travail. ConclusionLes frquences et les OR observs dans notre tud

28、e laissent ressortir une association significative entre les facteurs individuels et organisationnels et la survenue des AT au sein de lentreprise textile. Ces rsultats, les premiers dans ce domaine en RDC doivent cependant tre confronts avec ceux dautres tudes en sant au travail dans dautres milieu

29、x. Ainsi, nous recommandons une prise en charge globale par une action concerte entre les diffrents partenaires et la prise de mesures qui doivent tre organises conjointement sur le plan rglementaire, le plan technique et le plan mdical. SummaryObjectiveThis work aims at determining, in the context

30、of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the impact of the individual, socioprofessional and organizational characteristics in occupational accidents that occurred within a textile factory. Patients and methodsWe made a crosssectional study of two populations within the factory located in the NE o

31、f the DRC: Workmen (n=114) and executives (n=96). The data of our total sample (n=210) were collected on the basis of a questionnaire administered to the workers and concerning procedures, exposures and health effects. Odds ratios (OR) and their confidence intervals at 95% were estimated. A model of logistic regression was constructed in order to assess the adjusted Ors between industrial accidents and individual and socio-organizational characteristics. ResultThe study highlighted a large number of occupational accident (60

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