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1、听力教程第二版第二册Unit2答案Un it 2Section oneTactics for ListeningPart 1 Part 1 Phonetics-Stress, intonation and Accenta.Its on top of the bookcase.b.With milk, please.u At five past one.d At five past one,e. It*s or top of the bookcase. 仁 With milk, please*Exercise:l.f 2. c6.dPart 2 Liste ning and Note-tak i

2、ngRalph NaderRalph Nader is a man of few possessions. He owns very little and lives in a small apartment. He doesnt have a car or a TV set. He doesnt have many clothes and he doesnt care about money when he makes a lot of money he gives it away He doesnt smoke and he works from six in the morning un

3、til late at nighty seven days a week: he is paying back to America his debt a& a citizen.When he went to pallies os a young man, people complained that all he talked about was the dangers of cars, and how bad car design caused the deaths of so many people each year After he graduated from Harvard, h

4、e puhlished an article entitled *Lnsafe at Any Speed/ which was about a car called Corvair Later, he made a big attack on the car industry and showed how many deaths in car accidents were because of badly-made cars. He said new laws were needed to make cars safer In 1966, because of Naders work, a l

5、aw was passed to make car saferAfter this success, Nader became interested in something very different. This was the quality of meat and the amount of meat that is put into foods like sausages and hamburgers, A year later in 1967, again because of Naders work, a bw was passed to ensure that products

6、 like sausages and hamburgers contained the right amount of meat. In 1968, three more laws were passed because of Naders, efforts. The first was to ensure the safety of gas pipelines these are the pipes that take gas across the country from one town to another The second was to protcct people from r

7、adiation that is, the dangerous radiation which may leak from nuclear sources. The third was to ensure the proper standard of poultry that is, the chicken and turkey meat.Ralph Nader, now one of the most influential people in the United States, has set a wonderful example of what determined men and

8、women can do to improve the quality of life in their country. Exercise A:1 Ralph Nader is a man of few possessions.2. He is paying back to America his debt as a citizen.3 He said new Zaivswere needed to make cars safer.4. A law was passed to ensure that producis like sausages and hamburgers containe

9、d the right amount meat5. Ralph Nader has set a wonderful example of what determined men and women can do to improve the aualily of Jif in their country.Exercise B.Ralph NaderRalph Nader, a mar of few possessionsA. I le owns very Huie anti live a in a xm 创立则加曲止B He doesnt bive g car or uC” He doesnt

10、 have muny c/g苗鹽,D. He doesnt aife about 眦ney* Hb early etkirts to nuke car saler A.C”He talked atmuT the darters afcazand how had car desi ca 血甜 the deaths 妙 N ma眄恥期 Each VEQF 盯 parties.After he gradmttid ftom Harvard, he pM怪诚 颇 unit葩 咖M&i Pm吹 加-理划 摯 eetf-Later he made a big amck on ths euf i科dawtr

11、y and showed fiQw_Mgrty d创駅 加 t叱act:ld(iHa iMKfg bet:iiLiiit;试曲泓円站乜 zfq*D* Lu 1966, btJLEiuiie of adeis wurk, a law wa、paiSMKl to ttmkeiu s刖耳几IVJJTZEHis ititeiesb iuHuiLKtliit very dinCreiiLA_ Tlic quiiUty uf iicul aiid Uic dziiuuiit(?f Jiiciit 11 ml in put iiitu iuods Like sciusdcit and him burden:

12、B. In 196K.thventfirc fawn bMnusii of NadcfB cflforbktL The first was to firtgjjre Mi?铠抢h” 时dxm pipli/ib.The second was to grot鈕t jx心piJmtn mdiqjjtirkc.The third was to eftrt/g: the proper 瑙emdani 吋fwviffy*Ralph Nad*r one of the mou influent bl people in the United 畧A. Pe has set a wonderfiil exa/np

13、ie of what dtentiined men and women can do to rawE thp 脅口iiiy 或了粪 f/ipirifit.Section TwoListen! ngComp rehensionDialogue 1Give them tiiime to get tO know youFattier; Well, whose fault do you think i1 is, then?Daughter I dont know.Father: It couldnl be yours?Daughter: Whal? That I feel lonely oecause

14、 II havent any friends there?Father: No, that you havent got any friends.Daughter: But Ive told you! The/re not very triendly there. They never talk to me! They just leave me alone.Father: But why?Daughler: How should I know*Father: Isnt i1 possible its because youre not very friendly towards them?D

15、aughter: What do you mean?Father: Have you talked to them? Have you tried lo make canversalion?Daughter: rve told you! The/re not inlerested in talking to me.Father; How do you know?Daughter: Because for example . al lunch time, they aVll sit together in groups Father: Yes. but v4iy dont you sit wit

16、fi one of the groups?Daughter: Dont be silly. Ill couldnt. It would be awful!Facher: why?*Daughter: It jusl would Thais aJI.Father: How do you know?*Daughter: I jusi do!-Father: Well, youlll never make friends if you dont fry, will you? I mean, youVO got to moot thorn, too. at leasi half way* Daught

17、er: It just wouTdnl work!*Father: You know what I think. I think youVe just saying lhat because youVe impatient.Daughter: Impatient? Me?-Father: Yes, imp日tinL You always have been, ever since you were a child”If you donl get whiat you want immediately, you get depressed and you give up too easily!Da

18、ughter: Look, if you came with me some morning, youd understand *Father: Youve only been there tor four weeks. These things take time.-Daughter; I know, but I slill feel.*Father: Listen, give them time to gel to know you . and give your self lime get to know Ihem, and things willl charge. Believe me

19、!l.T+.T 5.TNumber 1Wornan:Man:Number!Man:You know, a nocT moving your head up and down means yes in most placcs but not everywhere. Did you know that in Greece a nod means no?It means 用no in Greece? Pm surprised.Woman:Man:Woman:Number 3Woman:I didnt know raised eyebrows* means yes” in Tonga It means

20、 something very different in Peru.Yeah? What does it mean there?Money Raised eyebrows is a gesture for money in Peru- llmm-Man:Woman:Man;Um, Alberto, you said that %apping your head means. *rm thinking in Argentina.Thats right.Youd better be carefiil about using that gesture here in Canada. It means

21、 someone is crazy.Ok it means 八crazy in Canada? I didnt know that. ILl be careful.Number 4Man:Woman:Man:Woman;NumbersWoman:You know, its interesting that in the Netherlands, tapping your elbow means you cant depend on someone. In Colombia, they use the same gesture, but it has a different meaning.Wh

22、at does it mean in Colombia?Well, it means someone is cheap. That person doesnt like to spend money-OhMan: Woman: Man: Woman:Man: Number 6 Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:Woman:Man:Heres an interesting one. You know how circling your head* means that a persons crazy?Yeah.Guess what it means

23、in the Netherlands-The Netherlands? I have no idea.It means someone is calling on the tele phone. You knew, like dialing a phone.Thafs interestin&So flicking your chin means go away in Italy, right Yes.Guess what h means in Brazil.In Brazil? 1 dont know.Thafs right.Huh?In Brazit flicking your chin*

24、means *I dont know. 叫 dont know代 is the meaning?Right.Number 7Woman:Man: Woman:Man:Woman:Welk everything is thumbs up” Ibr my trip to Nigeria. Pvc never been to Africa before, fm really looking forward to it,AK youd better be careiul with that expression in Nigeria. Huh?Thumbs up. In Nigeria, it mea

25、ns um well, it has a very bad meaning. Dont use that gesture. It will get you into a lot of trouble.Oh. thanks for telling me.Number 8Man;Woman;Man;Woman;You said tossing your head means come here for Germans?Thats right. But there axe some othci meanings, in Indku it means *yes./* But it has the op

26、poshe meaning in Italy In Italy it means no?*Hmm, yes代 in India, no* in Italy Isrit it interesting how the same thing can have suchdiHerent meanings?It sure is.GestureMeaningCounlryNod(Yes)Nod(No)Raised eyebrows Raised eyebrows(Yes (For money)Tapping your head Tapping your head(Tin thinking)(Crazy)T

27、ap ping your elbow(Can* t depend on someone)Tapping your elbow(That person doesnt like to spend money)Circling your head(Someone is calling on the telephone)Flicking your chin(Go away)Flicking your chin(I don* t know)Thumbs upTossing your head(It has very bad meaning (Come here)Tossing your head Tos

28、sing your head(Yes) (No)Most places ArgentinaIndiaItalyPeruTongaBrazil CanadaColombia GermanyGreeceNetherlandsNigeriaPart 2 P assageWhy Shouldn lYou Go By First Impressions?One s.liouldnt always go by* first impressions. Iri iny hometown there lived a giant of a man with huge hands and n manner so f

29、ierce and unfriendly that he nhvays sat alone in any public place Yet to those who Icnew him, he was a kind and generous friend, n the same way one sliouli never assuine* thnt somebody who ooks inottensive is atwrys going to behave in an ino-tfenive manner.Recently my young brother whe works for a -

30、fhmotis American girl in 片 was reiiiuided of this truth The pkine was overbooked and for once dl the passengers turned up. So mry brother had thedifficult task chnos-ing three paseiigerii mid informing die tn that they couldnt travel cn the flight in quesTtion*- qu弋或ion*丄knowing that the young are g

31、enerally impatient ind often aggressive, my brotkei chose three elderly travellers an English cntipl吐 and i little old American ladv.ri*The Enghh couple acceptrd the situation and went to have a drink while B皿tmg 1br the next flight Then rny brother approached the Araerican lady, whose name was Mrs PeppG with a sad sinile on his tacct Ms Pepper? May I have a few words? Tm altaid we have a problem/Aproblem? VrTiat

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